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Mirror Dungeon V3

{{#tag:poem| This dark place might be a factory. A sharp mechanical noise zips through the air. Illuminating eyes are fixed on you. A robot slowly approaches. It appears to be incomplete, as suggested by the bare wires protruding with each movement. Is that leakage antifreeze, or blood? While you were wondering, the terminal on its chest flashed to life. Looks like you can write something. }} {|style="width:100%; margin:auto;" |<div class="mw-customtoggle-choice1" style="display:inline-block;background:#7e6100;color:white;padding:5px;border-radius:4px;outline:none;user-select:none;font-weight:bold;">Write [Hello].</div> |- |<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-choice1"> <div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="padding:5px;"> {{#tag:poem|The robot lifts both arms with some struggle. The terminal prints out its words: <Welcome, Dear Guest. Have you enjoyed the town tour? We’d like you to have a souvenir. :-)> A smile is displayed on the terminal, but in the robot's gestures, you feel a plea for help. '''E.G.O Gift Pinpoint Logic Circuit Earned!'''}} {| |<div class="mw-customtoggle-choice1.1" style="display:inline-block;background:#7e6100;color:white;padding:5px;border-radius:4px;outline:none;user-select:none;font-weight:bold;">Ask for an explanation of the "town."</div> |- |<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-choice1.1"> <div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="#810000;padding:5px;"> {{#tag:poem|<Failed to parse question.> The robot tilted its head. While unable to lift and tilt its head in the other direction, it displays a question on the screen. <Did you not take a tour of the town, Dear Guest?> It seems to want an answer.}} {| |<div class="mw-customtoggle-choice1.1.1" style="display:inline-block;background:#7e6100;color:white;padding:5px;border-radius:4px;outline:none;user-select:none;font-weight:bold;">Confess the truth.</div> |- |<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-choice1.1.1"> <div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="padding:5px;"> {{#tag:poem|<Then you may not have a souvenier!> The terminal suddenly opened upward, and a mechanical arm popped out , trying to snatch something from you. <Please cooperate with confiscation! Lying is bad behaviour.> As you duck and twist out of the arm's way, it gradually grew faster. <Please cooperate, or you may be punished according to Rule #A62GBFE1!> You hurriedly made your escape, fleeing the robot's unending rampage. '''Speed +2 for this battle.'''}} </div></div> |} {| |<div class="mw-customtoggle-choice1.1.2" style="display:inline-block;background:#7e6100;color:white;padding:5px;border-radius:4px;outline:none;user-select:none;font-weight:bold;">Tell it that you took a tour.</div> |- |<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-choice1.1.2"> <div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="padding:5px;"> {{#tag:poem|<There must have been an issue with the tour program.> After printing those words, the robot stood still for a while. Just when you started to wonder if it was broken, the terminal flashed. <No response after multiple requests to the Administrator.> <System Error. System Error.> <Rebooting...> After that, it kept throwing up complicated words on a blue screen. '''Event: Sinner Power-up!'''}} </div></div> |} {| |<div class="mw-customtoggle-choice1.1.3" style="display:inline-block;background:#7e6100;color:white;padding:5px;border-radius:4px;outline:none;user-select:none;font-weight:bold;">Leave without answering.</div> |- |<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-choice1.1.3"> <div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="padding:5px;"> {{#tag:poem|Nothing happened.}} </div></div> |} </div></div> |- |<div class="mw-customtoggle-choice1.2" style="display:inline-block;background:#7e6100;color:white;padding:5px;border-radius:4px;outline:none;user-select:none;font-weight:bold;">Take the souvenir and leave.</div> |- |<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-choice1.2"> <div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="padding:5px;"> {{#tag:poem|Nothing happened.}} |} </div></div> |} {|style="width:100%; margin:auto;" |<div class="mw-customtoggle-choice2" style="display:inline-block;background:#7e6100;color:white;padding:5px;border-radius:4px;outline:none;user-select:none;font-weight:bold;">Write [Goodbye].</div> |- |<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-choice2"> <div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="padding:5px;"> {{#tag:poem|The terminal’s light goes red, and warnings start to blare. The robot shakes intensely as if in pain. <Farewell. Farewell, FarewellFarewellFarewellFarewell FarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewell> A single word filled the whole screen moments before the robot exploded into bits of metal and gore before your eyes. '''Identities without Envy Affinity take 15 HP damage and 15 SP damage!'''}}</div></div> |}

DPL Enemies

There are currently 219 enemies listed.

Icon Name Location Faction
[[File:|60px|link=Lured Guido]] Lured Guido
[[File:|60px|link=Fiery Veteran]] Fiery Veteran
[[File:|60px|link=Everything There of an Inquisitor]] Everything There of an Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Heathcliff, The Heartbroken]] Heathcliff, The Heartbroken
[[File:|60px|link=Gagged Pequod Town Villager]] Gagged Pequod Town Villager
[[File:|60px|link=Bayonet Artillery Crab]] Bayonet Artillery Crab
[[File:|60px|link=Mariachi Vivaz]] Mariachi Vivaz
[[File:|60px|link=Tense Kurokumo Henchman]] Tense Kurokumo Henchman
[[File:|60px|link=Swamped K Corp. Checkpoint Security]] Swamped K Corp. Checkpoint Security
[[File:|60px|link=Pallidified Thing-Club]] Pallidified Thing-Club
[[File:|60px|link=Hardened Veteran]] Hardened Veteran
[[File:|60px|link=Doomsday Calendar/Enemy]] Doomsday Calendar/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Recollected Wallowing Soldier]] Recollected Wallowing Soldier
[[File:|60px|link=Sturdy Little Brother of the Middle]] Sturdy Little Brother of the Middle
[[File:|60px|link=Bizarre Dead Rabbits Henchman]] Bizarre Dead Rabbits Henchman
[[File:|60px|link=Josephine/Enemy]] Josephine/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Whale of the Porous Hand Mermaid]] Whale of the Porous Hand Mermaid
[[File:|60px|link=Tree of Vanity]] Tree of Vanity
[[File:|60px|link=K Corp. Filming Drone]] K Corp. Filming Drone
[[File:|60px|link=Twinhook Pirates First Mate Smee]] Twinhook Pirates First Mate Smee
[[File:|60px|link=The Reaved Lamenter of the Wild Hunt]] The Reaved Lamenter of the Wild Hunt
[[File:|60px|link=Starbuck/Enemy]] Starbuck/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Ricardo/Enemy]] Ricardo/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Joyous N Corp. Inquisitor]] Joyous N Corp. Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Lured Aida]] Lured Aida
[[File:|60px|link=Vulgar Veteran]] Vulgar Veteran
[[File:|60px|link=Tough Twinhooks Pirate]] Tough Twinhooks Pirate
[[File:|60px|link=Erlking Heathcliff/Enemy]] Erlking Heathcliff/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Stern Little Brother of the Middle]] Stern Little Brother of the Middle
[[File:|60px|link=Manager Gnome]] Manager Gnome
[[File:|60px|link=Imagined T Corp. Class 3 Collector]] Imagined T Corp. Class 3 Collector
[[File:|60px|link=Famished Hooligan]] Famished Hooligan
[[File:|60px|link=Recollected Overtaken Soldier]] Recollected Overtaken Soldier
[[File:|60px|link=Crude Wrecking Ball Bot]] Crude Wrecking Ball Bot
[[File:|60px|link=Fully Bloomed Flower]] Fully Bloomed Flower
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Morositatis]] Peccatulum Morositatis
[[File:|60px|link=K Corp. Class 3 Staff]] K Corp. Class 3 Staff
[[File:|60px|link=Dongbaek/Enemy/Lobotomy E.G.O::Sunshower - Dongbaek]] Dongbaek/Enemy/Lobotomy E.G.O::Sunshower - Dongbaek
[[File:|60px|link=Prideful Rosespanner Workshop Fixer]] Prideful Rosespanner Workshop Fixer
[[File:|60px|link=Stern K Corp. Checkpoint Security]] Stern K Corp. Checkpoint Security
[[File:|60px|link=Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Sheet - Marile]] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Sheet - Marile
[[File:|60px|link=Ebony Queen’s Apple/Enemy]] Ebony Queen’s Apple/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Whale of the Thousand Strands Mermaid]] Whale of the Thousand Strands Mermaid
[[File:|60px|link=Trained Edgar Family Butler]] Trained Edgar Family Butler
[[File:|60px|link=Pallid and Blue Mermaid]] Pallid and Blue Mermaid
[[File:|60px|link=Hindley, The Reaved Lamenter]] Hindley, The Reaved Lamenter
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Pigritiae]] Peccatulum Pigritiae
[[File:|60px|link=Rosespanner Workshop Rep Niko]] Rosespanner Workshop Rep Niko
[[File:|60px|link=Confused K Corp. Checkpoint Security]] Confused K Corp. Checkpoint Security
[[File:|60px|link=Wriggling Beast]] Wriggling Beast
[[File:|60px|link=Urgent T Corp. Gangster]] Urgent T Corp. Gangster
[[File:|60px|link=Öufi Assoc. Director/Enemy]] Öufi Assoc. Director/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Recollected Festered G Corp. H. Manager]] Recollected Festered G Corp. H. Manager
[[File:|60px|link=Chest-puffing Tingtanger]] Chest-puffing Tingtanger
[[File:|60px|link=Number-nuts Hooligan]] Number-nuts Hooligan
[[File:|60px|link=Ahab/Enemy]] Ahab/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Hindley of the Wild Hunt]] Hindley of the Wild Hunt
[[File:|60px|link=K Corp. Arrest Drone]] K Corp. Arrest Drone
[[File:|60px|link=Rigid Casino Security]] Rigid Casino Security
[[File:|60px|link=Proceeding Inquisitor]] Proceeding Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Pallidified Thing-Hook]] Pallidified Thing-Hook
[[File:|60px|link=Pointy Trash Crab]] Pointy Trash Crab
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Pigritiae?]] Peccatulum Pigritiae?
[[File:|60px|link=Recollected Awry Soldier]] Recollected Awry Soldier
[[File:|60px|link=Threatening Tieqiu Crewman]] Threatening Tieqiu Crewman
[[File:|60px|link=Dead Rabbits Boss/Enemy]] Dead Rabbits Boss/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Gulae]] Peccatulum Gulae
[[File:|60px|link=K Corp. Class 3 Empowered Staff]] K Corp. Class 3 Empowered Staff
[[File:|60px|link=Shadowy Gnome]] Shadowy Gnome
[[File:|60px|link=Scared T Corp. Gangster]] Scared T Corp. Gangster
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Irae]] Peccatulum Irae
[[File:|60px|link=Revived K Corp. Security (Baton)]] Revived K Corp. Security (Baton)
[[File:|60px|link=Hazed K Corp. Checkpoint Security]] Hazed K Corp. Checkpoint Security
[[File:|60px|link=Mariachi Alegre]] Mariachi Alegre
[[File:|60px|link=Kurokumo Clan Captain Jun]] Kurokumo Clan Captain Jun
[[File:|60px|link=Interrogative N Corp. Inquisitor]] Interrogative N Corp. Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Confident Rosespanner Workshop Fixer]] Confident Rosespanner Workshop Fixer
[[File:|60px|link=Dawn of Green - Doubt - α]] Dawn of Green - Doubt - α
[[File:|60px|link=Papa Bongy/Enemy]] Papa Bongy/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Shifty Edgar Family Butler]] Shifty Edgar Family Butler
[[File:|60px|link=Kromer/Enemy/Kromer the Dreamer of Human Wholeness]] Kromer/Enemy/Kromer the Dreamer of Human Wholeness
[[File:|60px|link=Dawn of Green - Doubt - β]] Dawn of Green - Doubt - β
[[File:|60px|link=Linton of the Wild Hunt]] Linton of the Wild Hunt
[[File:|60px|link=Old G Corp. Head Manager/Enemy]] Old G Corp. Head Manager/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Worshipping N Corp. Inquisitor]] Worshipping N Corp. Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Veteran Edgar Family Butler (Female)]] Veteran Edgar Family Butler (Female)
[[File:|60px|link=Sadistic N Corp. Inquisitor]] Sadistic N Corp. Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Slow Dead Rabbits Henchman]] Slow Dead Rabbits Henchman
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Superbiae]] Peccatulum Superbiae
[[File:|60px|link=Reliable K Corp. Checkpoint Security]] Reliable K Corp. Checkpoint Security
[[File:|60px|link=Sharp Hooligan]] Sharp Hooligan
[[File:|60px|link=Dongrang/Enemy/Dongrang, Who Denies All]] Dongrang/Enemy/Dongrang, Who Denies All
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Irae?]] Peccatulum Irae?
[[File:|60px|link=Veiled Dead Rabbits Henchman]] Veiled Dead Rabbits Henchman
[[File:|60px|link=Refracted T Corp. Class 3 Collector]] Refracted T Corp. Class 3 Collector
[[File:|60px|link=Complete Wrecking Ball Bot]] Complete Wrecking Ball Bot
[[File:|60px|link=Veteran Edgar Family Butler (Male)]] Veteran Edgar Family Butler (Male)
[[File:|60px|link=Main Story Encounter 6-48]] Main Story Encounter 6-48
[[File:|60px|link=Guido the Persistent]] Guido the Persistent
[[File:|60px|link=Headchicken a.k.a. Bongy/Enemy]] Headchicken a.k.a. Bongy/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Pallid Blue Mermaid]] Pallid Blue Mermaid
[[File:|60px|link=Dodoru/Enemy]] Dodoru/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Kromer/Enemy/Kromer]] Kromer/Enemy/Kromer
[[File:|60px|link=Pallid White Mermaid]] Pallid White Mermaid
[[File:|60px|link=Hacked K Corp. Regen Drone]] Hacked K Corp. Regen Drone
[[File:|60px|link=Threatened K Corp. Class 1 Staff]] Threatened K Corp. Class 1 Staff
[[File:|60px|link=Sharp Dead Rabbits Henchman]] Sharp Dead Rabbits Henchman
[[File:|60px|link=Hindley/Enemy]] Hindley/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Luxuriae]] Peccatulum Luxuriae
[[File:|60px|link=Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Sheet]] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Sheet
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Gulae?]] Peccatulum Gulae?
[[File:|60px|link=Aida/Enemy]] Aida/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Leafy Gnome]] Leafy Gnome
[[File:|60px|link=Four-Legged Beast]] Four-Legged Beast
[[File:|60px|link=Crude Sawblade Bot]] Crude Sawblade Bot
[[File:|60px|link=Tired Kurokumo Henchman]] Tired Kurokumo Henchman
[[File:|60px|link=Absorbing Tree]] Absorbing Tree
[[File:|60px|link=Swift Edgar Family Butler]] Swift Edgar Family Butler
[[File:|60px|link=Sharp Trash Crab]] Sharp Trash Crab
[[File:|60px|link=Scourging N Corp. Inquisitor]] Scourging N Corp. Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Razor-sharp Veteran]] Razor-sharp Veteran
[[File:|60px|link=Servile N Corp. Inquisitor]] Servile N Corp. Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Head Hooligan]] Head Hooligan
[[File:|60px|link=Grasp]] Grasp
[[File:|60px|link=Calm K Corp. Checkpoint Security]] Calm K Corp. Checkpoint Security
[[File:|60px|link=Cherry Gnome]] Cherry Gnome
[[File:|60px|link=Pallidified Thing-Pirate]] Pallidified Thing-Pirate
[[File:|60px|link=Lobotomy E.G.O::Sloshing]] Lobotomy E.G.O::Sloshing
[[File:|60px|link=Blinded Pequod Town Villager]] Blinded Pequod Town Villager
[[File:|60px|link=Agile Twinhooks Pirate]] Agile Twinhooks Pirate
[[File:|60px|link=Soon-to-bloom Flower]] Soon-to-bloom Flower
[[File:|60px|link=Confident Casino Security]] Confident Casino Security
[[File:|60px|link=Slithering Inquisitor]] Slithering Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Shaking Rosespanner Workshop Fixer]] Shaking Rosespanner Workshop Fixer
[[File:|60px|link=Flotsam]] Flotsam
[[File:|60px|link=Fearless N Corp. Inquisitor]] Fearless N Corp. Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Crawling Inquisitor]] Crawling Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Lured Festered G Corp. H. Manager]] Lured Festered G Corp. H. Manager
[[File:|60px|link=Pallidified Thing-Shield]] Pallidified Thing-Shield
[[File:|60px|link=Dawn of Green - Doubt - γ]] Dawn of Green - Doubt - γ
[[File:|60px|link=Tree of Desires]] Tree of Desires
[[File:|60px|link=Whale of the Porous Hand Soldier Mermaid]] Whale of the Porous Hand Soldier Mermaid
[[File:|60px|link=King Trash Crab]] King Trash Crab
[[File:|60px|link=Collected Casino Security]] Collected Casino Security
[[File:|60px|link=Josephine of the Wild Hunt]] Josephine of the Wild Hunt
[[File:|60px|link=Obsessive N Corp. Inquisitor]] Obsessive N Corp. Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Fierce Dead Rabbits Henchman]] Fierce Dead Rabbits Henchman
[[File:|60px|link=Revived K Corp. Security (Shield)]] Revived K Corp. Security (Shield)
[[File:|60px|link=Hefty Dead Rabbits Henchman]] Hefty Dead Rabbits Henchman
[[File:|60px|link=Puzzled Veteran]] Puzzled Veteran
[[File:|60px|link=Queequeg/Enemy]] Queequeg/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Cannoneer Crab]] Cannoneer Crab
[[File:|60px|link=Effloresced E.G.O::GasHarpoon]] Effloresced E.G.O::GasHarpoon
[[File:|60px|link=Fast Edgar Family Butler]] Fast Edgar Family Butler
[[File:|60px|link=Hostile Wuthering Heights Butler]] Hostile Wuthering Heights Butler
[[File:|60px|link=Santata/Enemy]] Santata/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Candle]] Candle
[[File:|60px|link=Bandana-wearing Twinhooks Pirate]] Bandana-wearing Twinhooks Pirate
[[File:|60px|link=Tingtang Boss/Enemy]] Tingtang Boss/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Dawn of Green - Doubt - δ]] Dawn of Green - Doubt - δ
[[File:|60px|link=Compliant N Corp. Inquisitor]] Compliant N Corp. Inquisitor
[[File:|60px|link=Nelly/Enemy]] Nelly/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Enamored Researcher of the Ring?]] Enamored Researcher of the Ring?
[[File:|60px|link=Slave]] Slave
[[File:|60px|link=Quiet K Corp. Checkpoint Security]] Quiet K Corp. Checkpoint Security
[[File:|60px|link=Resentful Tree]] Resentful Tree
[[File:|60px|link=Determined Kurokumo Henchman]] Determined Kurokumo Henchman
[[File:|60px|link=Downcast Veteran]] Downcast Veteran
[[File:|60px|link=Stunned K Corp. Checkpoint Security]] Stunned K Corp. Checkpoint Security
[[File:|60px|link=Bean-hating Tingtanger]] Bean-hating Tingtanger
[[File:|60px|link=Dongrang/Enemy/Effloresced E.G.O::Farmwatch]] Dongrang/Enemy/Effloresced E.G.O::Farmwatch
[[File:|60px|link=Mad Researcher of the Ring?]] Mad Researcher of the Ring?
[[File:|60px|link=Scruffy Veteran]] Scruffy Veteran
[[File:|60px|link=Trained Wuthering Heights Butler]] Trained Wuthering Heights Butler
[[File:|60px|link=Adept Kurokumo Henchman]] Adept Kurokumo Henchman
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Morositatis?]] Peccatulum Morositatis?
[[File:|60px|link=Flexing Tieqiu Crewman]] Flexing Tieqiu Crewman
[[File:|60px|link=Moustachioed Twinhooks Pirate]] Moustachioed Twinhooks Pirate
[[File:|60px|link=Distorted Bamboo-hatted Kim]] Distorted Bamboo-hatted Kim
[[File:|60px|link=Hard Trash Crab]] Hard Trash Crab
[[File:|60px|link=Category:Enemy Factions]]
[[File:|60px|link=Category:Boss Enemy]]
[[File:|60px|link=T Corp. Class 2 Collection Staff]] T Corp. Class 2 Collection Staff
[[File:|60px|link=T Corp. Class 3 Collector - Neutralize]] T Corp. Class 3 Collector - Neutralize
[[File:|60px|link=T Corp. Class 3 Collector - Suppress]] T Corp. Class 3 Collector - Suppress
[[File:|60px|link=Aggressive Yurodivy]] Aggressive Yurodivy
[[File:|60px|link=Quick-witted Yurodivy]] Quick-witted Yurodivy
[[File:|60px|link=District 20 Yurodiviye Captain/Enemy]] District 20 Yurodiviye Captain/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Unfolded Time Rippers]] Unfolded Time Rippers
[[File:|60px|link=The Time Ripper/Enemy]] The Time Ripper/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Portrait]] Portrait
[[File:|60px|link=Generator]] Generator
[[File:|60px|link=Line 4: Masquerade/Station 5: Chiseling]] Line 4: Masquerade/Station 5: Chiseling
[[File:|60px|link=Line 4: Masquerade/Station 7: Boneflesh]] Line 4: Masquerade/Station 7: Boneflesh
[[File:|60px|link=Line 4: Masquerade/Station 9: Forgery]] Line 4: Masquerade/Station 9: Forgery
[[File:|60px|link=Peccatulum Irae??]] Peccatulum Irae??
[[File:|60px|link=Crooked Veteran]] Crooked Veteran
[[File:|60px|link=Embittered Veteran]] Embittered Veteran
[[File:|60px|link=Pallid Entwined Mermaid]] Pallid Entwined Mermaid
[[File:|60px|link=Casino Security Chief]] Casino Security Chief
[[File:|60px|link=Dongbaek/Enemy/Dongbaek E.G.O::Spicebush]] Dongbaek/Enemy/Dongbaek E.G.O::Spicebush
[[File:|60px|link=Solid Combined Bot]] Solid Combined Bot
[[File:|60px|link=Complete Sawblade Bot]] Complete Sawblade Bot
[[File:|60px|link=Rustic-sounding Tingtanger]] Rustic-sounding Tingtanger
[[File:|60px|link=Green Slime]] Green Slime
[[File:|60px|link=Unnerved K Corp. Class 1 Staff]] Unnerved K Corp. Class 1 Staff
[[File:|60px|link=Line 4: Masquerade/Station 12: Adamantine Wall]] Line 4: Masquerade/Station 12: Adamantine Wall
[[File:|60px|link=Craving Bloodbag Passenger]] Craving Bloodbag Passenger
[[File:|60px|link=Violent Bloodbag Passenger]] Violent Bloodbag Passenger
[[File:|60px|link=Aggressive Bloodbag Passenger]] Aggressive Bloodbag Passenger
[[File:|60px|link=Merciless Bloodbag Cleanup Agent]] Merciless Bloodbag Cleanup Agent
[[File:|60px|link=Feral Bloodbag Cleanup Agent]] Feral Bloodbag Cleanup Agent
[[File:|60px|link=Hungering Bloodbag Cleanup Agent]] Hungering Bloodbag Cleanup Agent
[[File:|60px|link=Bloodbag Prosthetic Fixer]] Bloodbag Prosthetic Fixer
[[File:|60px|link=Sasha/Enemy]] Sasha/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Cassetti/Enemy]] Cassetti/Enemy
[[File:|60px|link=Category:Enemies by Trait Keyword]]
[[File:|60px|link=Grant Us Love]] Grant Us Love
[[File:|60px|link=Fruit of Understanding]] Fruit of Understanding

Mirror Dungeon Event

MD kqe-1j-23.png

This dark place might be a factory.
A sharp mechanical noise zips through the air. Illuminating eyes are fixed on you.
A robot slowly approaches.
It appears to be incomplete, as suggested by the bare wires protruding with each movement.
Is that leakage antifreeze, or blood?
While you were wondering, the terminal on its chest flashed to life.
Looks like you can write something.

Write [Hello]. Write [Goodbye].

The robot lifts both arms with some struggle.
The terminal prints out its words:
<Welcome, Dear Guest. Have you enjoyed the town tour? We’d like you to have a souvenir. :-)>
A smile is displayed on the terminal, but in the robot's gestures, you feel a plea for help.

The terminal’s light goes red, and warnings start to blare.

The robot shakes intensely as if in pain.
<Farewell. Farewell, FarewellFarewellFarewellFarewell
A single word filled the whole screen moments before the robot exploded into bits of metal and gore before your eyes.

E.G.O Gift Pinpoint Logic Circuit Earned! ???
Ask for an explanation of the "town". Take the souvenir and leave. Leave without answering.

<Failed to parse question.>

The robot tilted its head.
While unable to lift and tilt its head in the other direction, it displays a question on the screen.
<Did you not take a tour of the town, Dear Guest?>
It seems to want an answer.

<There must have been an issue with the tour program.>

After printing those words, the robot stood still for a while.
Just when you started to wonder if it was broken, the terminal flashed.
<No response after multiple requests to the Administrator.>
<System Error. System Error.>
After that, it kept throwing up complicated words on a blue screen.

Speed +2 for this battle! Event: Sinner Power-up! ???

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<mainpage-leftcolumn-start /> {|width="100%" style="border:2px solid #810000; border-radius:4px" ! style="background:#810000; border-radius:3.25px" align="center"|<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:20px">Welcome to the Limbus Company Wiki!</div> |- | border-radius:3.25px; align=center|<span style="color:#880808">'''''" ALL HOPE ABANDON YE WHO ENTER HERE " ——'''''</span>[[File:Main_Page.png|link=|x350px|center]] Greetings, Dear Manager.<br>'''Welcome to the unofficial Fandom wiki for Limbus Company.'''<br>We currently have [[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} articles, {{NUMBEROFEDITS}} edits made, & {{NUMBEROFFILES}} images]].<br>Please be aware this wiki contains spoilers, some unmarked. <span style="color:#880808">''It is currently under construction, with much of the content you see about as new as the game.''<br>'''If you would like to help out, please message the [[w:User:CerebralPink|Admin]].'''</span> |} {|width="100%" style="border:2px solid #810000; border-radius:4px" ! style="background:#810000; border-radius:3.25px;" align="center"|<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:18px">About the Game</div> |- | style="border-radius:3.25px; padding:10px" align=center|{{#ev:youtube|HTRQgFYCXHY|Official Promotion Video|center}} Developed and published by <u>'''[ Project Moon]'''</u>, [ '''Limbus Company (LCB)'''] is a turn-based RPG gacha game set in the same universe as [ Lobotomy Corporation] and [ Library of Ruina]. Lore-wise, the game takes place following events from both titles, and expands on the established backdrop of The City, its 26 Districts, and its inhabitants. '''Official Description:''' "As the Executive Manager of Limbus Company, lead your group of twelve Sinners, venture into the buried facilities of Lobotomy Corporation, and lay claim on the Golden Boughs." <div style="text-align:center"><span style="color:#b88d00">'''Official Platforms'''</span><br>[[File:steamwhitebutton.png|link=|Steam Page]] [[File:Googleplaybutton.png|link=|Google Play Page]][[File:Appstorebutton.png|link=|App Store Page]]</div><br> |} {| width="100%" style="border:2px solid #810000; border-radius:4px; text-align:center" ! colspan="4" style="background:#810000; border-radius:3.25px"|<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:18px">Quick Links</div> |- | style="width: 33%" |[[File:main_identities.png|link=List of Identities|100px]]<br>[[List of Identities|Identities]] | style="width: 33%" |[[File:main_ego.png|link=List of E.G.O|100px]]<br>[[List of E.G.O|E.G.O]] | style="width: 33%" |[[File:main_statuseffects.png|link=Status Effects|100px]]<br>[[Status Effects]] |- |[[File:main_enemies.png|link=List of Enemies|100px]]<br>[[List of Enemies|Enemies]] |[[File:main_abnormalities.png|link=Abnormalities|100px]]<br>[[Abnormalities]] |[[File:main_s1pass.png|link=Season 1:Orientation|100px]]<br>[[Season 1: Orientation]] |} {{NewNav}} {| width="100%" style="border:2px solid #810000; border-radius:4px; text-align:center" ! colspan="4" style="background:#810000; border-radius:3.25px" |<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:18px">Other Wikis</div> |- style="vertical-align:center" | style="width: 50%; padding:8px" |[[File:Logo_lobcorpwiki.png|link=|100px]] |[[File:Logo_lorwiki.png|link=|100px]] |- |[ Lobotomy Corporation Wiki] |[ Library of Ruina Wiki] |} <mainpage-endcolumn /> <mainpage-rightcolumn-start /> <div style="border:2px solid #810000; border-radius:4px" align="center"> <div style="background:#810000; color:##FFFFFF; border-radius:3.25px">'''Official Twitter'''</div><twitter screen-name="LimbusCompany_B" theme="dark" width="295" height="500" /></div> <div style="border:2px solid #810000; border-radius:4px" align="center">{{Character Nav}} </div> <div style="border:2px solid #810000; border-radius:4px" align="center"> {{Event Nav}} </div> <mainpage-endcolumn />