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This sinner is relatively easy to handle in terms of personality. However, an upsurge of emotion or a sudden change of environment may cause parts or the whole of his body to transform into insectile (notably akin to a carapace, resembling that of the _________) tissues. If you do not wish to be a rude manager (not that you're obligated to be nice), we recommend keeping your facial expression in check so that your disgust is not visible to him. He sometimes uses cynical language, but he can still be reasoned with, and you can get around him without much difficulty as long as you learn the knack of it.

Gregor Icon.png
"Als ich aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, hatte ich mich in ein ungeheures Ungeziefer verwandelt."
"As I awoke from unsettling dreams, I had transformed into some hideous pest."[2]

Gregor (Hangul: 그레고르, Geuregoreu) is designated Sinner #13 of Limbus Company's LCB department.

Gregor is a good-humored and composed man with a bit of a competitive side. He was previously affiliated with the Smoke War, having fought for the Old G Corp. alongside other bug-augmented test subjects prior to joining Limbus Company.

He is the focus character of Canto I: The Outcast.


Gregor is a man slightly below average height, with golden-brown eyes, dark brown hair tied back in a ponytail, and a 5 o'clock shadow. He wears half-rimmed black glasses In most appearances, Gregor is shown with a cigarette in his mouth.

He wears the standard Limbus Company uniform, consisting of a white collared shirt, black vest, red tie, black pants, and an ID card, as well as a long coat, which he does not typically wear. His sleeves are both rolled up to his elbows, and a tattoo reading the word "UNGEZIEFER" is visible on his left forearm. His most notable feature is his right arm, a segmented limb that terminates in a massive, claw-like appendage.

Much like the protagonist of The Metamorphosis which he is based on, Gregor's right arm is never attributed to a single particular insect, but instead combines the characteristics of multiple different insects, though he is most frequently associated with cockroaches.


Gregor is a friendly, easygoing Sinner with a casual manner of speaking. Compared to many of his coworkers, Gregor is considerably amicable, and tends to maintain a cursory attitude. In place of a proper title, he refers to Dante as "Manager Bud", and is not averse to the number of teasing nicknames Rodya refers to him as, indicating that he is happy to maintain cordial, nonchalant relationships even in a professional setting. He is not strict nor hostile to those around him, and Dante looks to Gregor as someone who would willingly uplift the group's mood in dour situations.

Gregor also possesses a "cutesy" side to his personality, usually poking through when he is embarrassed. Both Canto II and III see him acting out a bit and failing miserably, leading to him growing flustered and sheepish. He also has a tendency to use phrases uncommon for someone his age, such as "bugger", "shoot", and "whoop". However, in all such cases that lead to some embarrassment for him, Gregor proves himself to be a good sport.

Still, in situations that affect Gregor negatively on a personal level, his demeanor noticeably changes. During these times, Gregor grows silent and distant even to the rest of the Sinners, as if he is contemplating something. When faced with an unexpected reunion with his mother, Hermann, whose actions determined his entire future, he does not grow aggressive or angry, but rather silently downcast. He reacts to adverse treatment from Old G Corp. soldiers and Yuri's death in the same manner. He shows a tendency to swallow his emotions and just take it when treated particularly poorly, rather than firing back or expressing frustration. For example, Gregor is often frustrated by the other Sinners making jokes at his expense about his verminous arm or general relation to bugs, yet doesn't stand up for himself much. Still, he gives them more attitude for it than he does to those mistreating him in more serious situations. Gregor's tendency to react more outspokenly to things that bother him on a surface level yet go quiet when it comes to those that affect him deeply often acts as an indicator about how strongly he feels about certain affairs.

Mirror Worlds

  • World of the Former G Corp.
    • In this world, Gregor was once a Manager Corporal of Old G Corp. during the Smoke War. Having never deserted from G Corp. like the Gregor of the main story, in this world he went through additional augmentation surgeries to get wings and have his left arm replaced with an insectile arm to match his right one. He wears a standard G Corp. uniform and in the base art has his hair cut short and he fights with his augmented arms in battle. He can be seen in his G Corp. Identity.
  • World of K Corp.
    • In this world, Gregor is a Fixer of the Rosespanner Workshop. Alongside taking Fixer Contracts involving combat, he also designs machines of his own and hopes to one day open a Workshop of his own. He wears a standard Rosespanner uniform, with the jacket taken off in the base art, and has a chainsaw-like attachment for his prosthetic arm that he wields in combat. He can be seen in his Rosespanner Workshop Identity.
  • World of U Corp.
    • In this world, Gregor is the First Mate of the Twinhook Pirates Syndicate. He is a confident, well respected leader who is good at managing the business ventures of the Syndicate. He wears a typical outfit for a Twinhook Pirate, with a red coat and hat, dark pants, and red boots. He wields a golden blunderbuss and has a golden hook attachment for his prosthetic arm that he also uses in battle. This Identity mirrors Smee in the main story. He can be seen in his Twinhook Pirates Identity.
  • World of the Kurokumo Clan and Blade Lineage
    • In this world, Gregor is a Captain of the Kurokumo Clan. Despite being drunk near constantly, Gregor is still a high ranked member of the Kurokumo Clan. He wears a standard Kurokumo Clan uniform, notably including an eye patch, and has many tattoos covering his body. He wields a katana in battle. This Identity mirrors Jun in the main story. He can be seen in his Kurokumo Clan Identity.
  • World of Wuthering Heights
    • In this world, Gregor is the heir of the Edgar Family. After losing his sister, he became depressed and suffered constant nightmares, and has joined the "hunt for the wolf" to defeat the one who destroyed his family. In his base art, he wears a night robe and has his hair down. In his Uptied art and combat sprite, he wears a black overcoat and vest, a white shirt, and black pants, and wields a sabre. This Identity mirrors Linton in the main story. He can be seen in his Edgar Family Heir Identity and appears in Ishmael's Edgar Family Butler Identity Story.
  • World of the District 23 Backstreets
    • In this world, Gregor is a sous-chef working at R.B. (Ryōshū's Bistro). Working as Ryōshū's assistant, Gregor makes cannibalistic meals out of unfortunate Backstreets residents and even had his own arm made into a culinary dish. He wears a white chef outfit with a grey apron over it and matching grey gloves, dark pants, and wields a cleaver. This Identity mirrors Jack from Library of Ruina. He can be seen in his R.B. Sous-chef Identity and is mentioned in Ryōshū's R.B. Chef de Cuisine Identity Story.
  • World of the Liu Association Southern Branch
    • In this world, Gregor is a Fixer of Liu Association's South Section 6 branch. He wears the standard Liu Association uniform and wields a flame-enhanced prosthetic arm and uses martial arts techniques in battle. He can be seen in his Liu Association Identity.
  • World of the Zwei Association Southern Branch
    • In this world, Gregor is a Fixer of the Zwei Association's South Section 4 branch. In his base art, he wears a blue jacket, a dark vest and white shirt, and sunglasses, as well as a black glove on his right hand, but not his left, to hide his prosthetic arm. In his Uptied art and combat sprite, he wears the standard Zwei Association uniform and wields a Zweihänder. He can be seen in his Zwei Association Identity.
  • World of R Corp.
    • In this world, Gregor is a member of the Rhino Team of R Corp's Fourth Pack. He wears the standard R Corp. uniform that is worn under their armor, and appears to not wear his glasses. He appears in Ishmael's R Corp. 4th Pack Reindeer Identity art and in promotional material made before the game's release.


  • Gregor's character icon represents an insectoid claw holding onto three dog tags, of which one has a bullethole in the center. These reference Gregor's traumas as seen in Canto I, that of his arm surgery and that of the Smoke War.
  • Gregor is represented by the 🪲 emoji[3].
    • However, in non-official material it is quite common to find him represented by the 🪳 emoji.
Gregor's original promo poster design, with the full name "Gregor Samsa" written in the Metamorphosis quote in the bottom left corner.
  • Gregor's particulars are listed as "repulsive" and "spontaneously metamorphic".
  • Gregor's character is based off the eponymous Gregor Samsa of Franz Kafka’s novella The Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung). In The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa is a traveling salesman, who wakes up one day transformed into a giant insect. Throughout the novella, Gregor and his family struggle to adapt to his sudden transformation, with Gregor attempting to hang on to his humanity before accepting the reality of his fate.
    • Based on the intial version of his promotional poster, Gregor was possibly supposed to have the full name "Gregor Samsa" just like his book counterpart. However, due to changes later made to the design done to avoid potential copyright issues, it is unknown whether he still shares this last name as of the game's official release.
    • At the end of Canto I, Gregor mentions having had a younger sister, referencing his literary counterpart. In The Metamorphosis, Gregor's sister Grete attempts to take care of him during the early days following his transformation. As time goes on, Grete ends up being the first to get tired of the family's new situation, suggesting to her parents that they should get rid of Gregor.
  • Gregor's subtitle, "UNGEZIEFER" is the specific term Kafka uses to describe Gregor Samsa's appearance upon waking up in the opening sentence of the novella's original German text. The term is famously known for having a wide multitude of varying English translations; the English subtitles for Gregor's promo trailer translate the word as "hideous pest".
  • The associated book quote from his initial character teaser post on Twitter ("מטמורפוזה ungeheueren Ungeziefer")[4] is partially written in Hebrew (despite the novella being originally written in German), likely as both a nod to Kafka's Czech Jewish family origins, and to distinguish him from Sinclair and Faust whose source materials Demian and Faust are also written in German.
  • Originally, Gregor's subtitle was supposed to be "גרגור" (grgvr), the Hebrew transcription of his given name.
    • Due to accusations of plagiarism made by Jack Jung on Twitter over Yi Sang's original promo poster design, the promo posters which had been uploaded at that point (belonging to Gregor, Rodion, Sinclair and Yi Sang) were deleted and edited to remove the quotes derived from their source books to avoid potential copyright issues.
  • Gregor has a cockroach on his shoulder which is also present in almost all of his Identity art.

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Yi Sang Icon.png #1 Yi Sang - Faust Icon.png #2 Faust - Don Quixote Icon.png #3 Don Quixote - Ryoshu Icon.png #4 Ryōshū - Meursault Icon.png #5 Meursault - Hong Lu Icon.png #6 Hong Lu
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Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library Of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company (Game)
Identities LCB Sinner Gregor Profile.png Liu Assoc. South Section 6 Gregor Profile.png R.B. Sous-chef Gregor Profile.png Rosespanner Workshop Fixer Gregor Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Captain Gregor Profile.png G Corp. Manager Corporal Gregor Profile.png Zwei Assoc. South Section 4 Gregor Profile.png Twinhook Pirates First Mate Gregor Profile.png Edgar Family Heir Gregor Profile.png 
E.G.O Suddenly, One Day Gregor Icon.png Legerdemain Gregor Icon.png Lantern Gregor Icon.png Bygone Days Gregor Icon.png AEDD Gregor Icon.png Solemn Lament Gregor Icon.png Garden of Thorns Gregor Icon.png 
LCB Sinner Yi Sang.png LCB Sinner Faust.png LCB Sinner Don Quixote.png LCB Sinner Ryōshū.png LCB Sinner Meursault.png LCB Sinner Hong Lu.png LCB Sinner Heathcliff.png LCB Sinner Ishmael.png LCB Sinner Rodion.png LCB Sinner Sinclair.png LCB Sinner Outis.png 
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