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Distortions (Hangul: 뒤틀림, Dwiteullim) are powerful, monstrous entities in the City. They are former humans who have been overcome by their emotions, typically haven given into the lulling words of a charming voice heard by no one but them. The process by which humans distort is referred to as the Distortion Phenomenon.

No official announcement regarding Distortions has been offered to the general public, and the average City denizen has a subpar understanding of how they work.

As revealed in Intervallo III: Yield My Flesh to Claim Their Bones, the Distortion Phenomenon is even recently becoming a niche business venture, as it is made clear that a secondary goal of Limbus Company is to procure and research distorted individuals with their LCD department, partnered with the Distortion Detective team.


The Distortion Phenomenon came to be as a result of the White Nights and Dark Days, an attempt at spreading Light across the City which was ultimately cut short. The plan– known as the Seed of Light project– a project lead by Carmen, and later Ayin, to cure the "Sickness of the Mind". It is heavily implied in Leviathan within the conversation between Carmen and Vergilius that Carmen's ultimate goal of the aforementioned project was to let people reveal their true selves, unswayed by the worlds judgment, yet her assistant Ayin held the belief that such a concept would instead be best in moderation and with consideration of others, similiarly to how E.G.O holders function with clear intent opposed to the animalistic emotion of a Distortion. The implied relations between Ayin and E.G.O, let alone any connection to Distortion itself besides continuing the Seed of Light project is currently unclear and not elaborated within Limbus Company.

Despite the intended seven days needed for the Seed of Light project's fruition, the spread of Light was stopped only three days in by the main L-Corp facility's Secretary, Angela. With this limited spread of Light, the Distortion Phenomenon came to be. Causing the ability for City residents to manifest E.G.O or Distort upon reaching a significant mental impasse, and decided from the usually resulting conversation with Carmen to convince them to Distort, and instead manifesting E.G.O should they refuse and stay steadfast in their beliefs.

The two people at the forefront of the Seed of Light project, Carmen and Ayin, had both become one with the Light before the White Nights and Dark Days as part of the Seed of Light project. Carmen's position in the Light would allow her to watch over the City (and all versions of it across different Mirror Worlds) and reside over both the E.G.O and Distortion phenomena.

As such, Carmen would use her power within the Light to instigate Distortions. She preyed upon people at their lowest, in a conversation where she can only be seen and heard by them, and even causing others to be pushed away during the resulting conversation[1]. Although Angela would return the vast majority of the Light to the City at the end of Library of Ruina (close to the entire seven days' worth), this would not mitigate the Distortion Phenomenon, as Carmen would continue to make deliberate attempts to distort the members of the City, causing Angela to swear to stop her and the Phenomenon at the end of Library of Ruina as long as she is alive. Carmen's actions still effect the City to the present day of the setting.

Details of the Distortion Phenomenon

Distortion Requirements

Anyone in the City can end up a target of the Distortion, regardless of status or location. Rather, Cityfolk are targeted based on their state of mind.

To be susceptible to distorting, one must experience the complete breakdown of a firmly-held belief in a massive personal shock. In this state of exceptionally heightened emotion, the mind "crumbles". For example, victims of the Distortion are frequently shown to have been working for a goal meaningful to them before realizing it cannot be carried out in a sudden and dramatic event.

Distortion Process

The Voice of the Distortion.

To be targeted by the Distortion is to be spoken to by Carmen herself. Someone undergoing the Distortion process will hear a warm, alluring voice unable to be heard by anyone else. The voice will speak to the target about their present situation and prod them into giving into their heightened feelings, using specific words meant to make them focus on their negative emotions.

If the target chooses to embrace these feelings, agreeing with Carmen's discernment of their life, they "consent" and therefore Distort. Distorting includes transforming into a being which reflects the person's ultimate feelings and desires.

Distortions come in all shapes and sizes, tending to appear animalistic or otherworldly, and rarely containing any visual traces of the distorter's human form. Once someone has distorted, they are consumed by the negative emotions which had been so thoroughly heightened, more or less embodying those feelings. As a result, many Distortions are violent, operating on feelings like rage or despair.

Although some Distortions are unable to be reasoned with, that is not the case for many of them. Depending on the cause for Distortion, many Distortions are capable of acting calmly or participating in regular conversation. They simply prioritize acting on the feelings that had spun them into distorting.

Distinction from Effloresced E.G.O

Not to be confused with the E.G.O extracted from Abnormalities.

Vergilius' manifested E.G.O.

Following the White Nights and Dark Days, E.G.O became intrinsically linked to the Distortion Phenomenon. Both phenomena require the same set up: a world-shattering event leading to intense emotion, and a visit from Carmen. However, while Distortions are formed by the target agreeing with Carmen's words, E.G.O is instead manifested by denying them. As such, the line between distorting and manifesting E.G.O is a thin one, similar to walking a tightrope. Still, it is not equally easy to end up on either side. The outcome is considerably rigged in favor of the target distorting, considering they would be both in a very fragile state of mind and being talked into it by Carmen. It is not an easy feat to reject Carmen's comforting words and manifest one's own E.G.O.

While Distortions are primarily associated with "evil thoughts" and E.G.O with "good thoughts", there is no such rule of thumb. Dongrang, for example, would manifest E.G.O on the basis of killing Yi Sang and destroying everything weighing him to the past. What mattered was that Carmen was telling him it was hopeless, and Dongrang disagreed with that.

Additionally, Distortions are complete transformations from one's human self, while E.G.O takes the form of something separate. Most frequently this is some kind of armor and/or weapon to be brandished by the person.

Once someone has managed to manifest E.G.O, they gain an immunity to the Distortion Phenomenon. However, only managing to manifest an incomplete or Volatile E.G.O will still leave the user susceptible to distorting.

Distinction from Abnormalities

Ebony Queen's Apple, an Abnormality.

While very similar to Abnormalities, and repeatedly referred to being similar within Library of Ruina whether correct or not, a key distinction between the two is that Distortions are ultimately willingly manifested from their original form's desires (or letting their emotion get the better of their desire), while Abnormalities are in large part created through artificial means. Lobotomy Corporation formed Abnormalities through the use of the Well, Bucket, and Cogito without any conscious agreement from the person involved. On the other hand, Distortions come to be through adverse effects of the Light allowing an agreement between the individual and Carmen.

Distortions are also capable of being permanently killed, and do not temporarily revert to an ovate form like Abnormalities. It is also important to note that that Abnormalities themselves are only fragments of the mind extracted from living subjects, unlike Distortions which are the entirety of the person now corrupted by their beliefs.

It is possible for a Distortion to cause the formation of an Abnormality; this occurs when the distorted person has their worldview shattered for a second time, and the strain of undergoing what would be a second Distortion instead results in their distorted form serving as an egg from which an Abnormality emerges. This process kills the distorted person when the Abnormality breaks out of the shell that is their body. This phenomena has currently only been observed in Jumsoon, whose distorted form spawned Schadenfreude within Leviathan, and is otherwise unexplained. Interestingly, as seen with Jumsoon, this process results in the creation of a second copy of a preexisting Abnormality instead of a unique one, and contradicts the established notion that all Abnormalities are one of a kind.

Peccatulum Irae, representing the first of six types of Peccatula.

Distinction from Peccatula

Like Abnormalities, Peccatula are very similar to Distortions, but still a different kind of entity. They are even closer to beasts than Distortions, and show much higher levels of aggression and antagonism than them. Peccatula also come in a seven different types, unlike Distortions, which are unique and individualized to the person who had distorted.

Dante believes that they might come from the same source, and that people who fail to become Distortions become Peccatula instead.

Breaking the Distortion

Heathcliff falling out of his state of Distortion.

Distortions are not a permanent state of being. In order to bring a Distortion back to their status of humanity, one must appeal to the reason why they distorted in the first place. Faust describes the process as tearing down the wall they have constructed around their heart using methods the Distortion would approve of. The method should in some way convince them "otherwise" in the face of the reality which caused them to distort.

A human who has broken free from the Distortion does not gain immunity to it. Instead, people are capable of distorting and undistorting an infinite number of times. However, having once distorted also does not mean gaining an immunity to manifesting E.G.O. It is entirely possible to distort, undistort, and then manifest E.G.O.

Assessment Levels

Observation Levels

Similar to Abnormalities, Distortions have their own Observation Level, albeit only between 0 to III (with majority of them only present at I). The Observation Level increases by one every time the Distortion is defeated a number of times equal to the next Observation Level. There are, however, cases where certain actions or occurrences need to take place for the Observation to increase. Like with Abnormalities, doing so will unlock more of its story logs.

If a Distortion is suppressed by a status effect, gift, other enemy, or event, the Observation Level will not increase. Forfeiting or losing a fight usually preserves kills from failed effects, with Refraction Railway's "Retry" option being a notable exception.

Risk Levels

Limbus Company Distortions were previously given Risk Level classifications. These were redacted so that the higher ups at Limbus Company could rework the classification system to differ from how the old Lobotomy Corporation classified their Abnormalities and be more accurate to the Sinners' experiences. This occurred within the April 11th, 2024 "Risk Levels & Classifications" update.

As of Season 4, Distortion Risk Levels are instead indiscriminately labeled as Undef Label.png (Undefined).

List of Distortions

Icon Name Distortee First Encountered
The Dreamer of Human Wholeness Portrait.png The Dreamer of Human Wholeness Kromer Canto III
Papa Bongy StoryLog.png Papa Bongy Eunbong’s Bar & Fryers Owner Intervallo I
Who Denies All Portrait.png Who Denies All Dongrang Canto IV
Rim StoryLog.png Rim Rim Canto V
Bamboo-hatted Kim StoryLog.png Distorted Bamboo-hatted Kim Bamboo-hatted Kim Intervallo III
The Reaved Lamenter Portrait.png The Reaved Lamenter Hindley Canto VI
The Heartbroken Portrait.png The Heartbroken Heathcliff Canto VI
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png The Time Ripper Unnamed Ex-District 20 Yurodivy Member, possibly other T-Corp residents as Multi-Distortion Intervallo IV

Notable Distortion Attempts by Carmen

Library of Ruina

  • The Pianist (successful; Pianist died a Distortion)
  • Philip (was originally rejected, however not entirely– ultimately successful; Philip died a Distortion)
  • Xiao (unsuccessful; Xiao manifested E.G.O)
  • Yan (successful)
  • Roland (temporarily successful; Roland returned to normalcy)
  • The Reverberation Ensemble (successful; Ensemble members died Distortions)

The Distortion Detective

  • Moses (unsuccessful; Moses manifested E.G.O)
  • Ezra (temporarily successful under the influence of a black box; Ezra returned to normalcy)
  • YuRia (unsuccessful; YuRia manifested E.G.O)
  • Fei (temporarily successful; Fei returned to normalcy)
  • The Photographer (temporarily successful; The Photographer returned to normalcy)
  • The Mock Exam (successful; mass Distortion found in a high school on N Corp. Nest)
  • Laundry of Dreams (successful; was suppressed by Moses, Ezra and Vespa Cabro)
  • The Human Thunderbolt (successful; was suppressed by Moses, Ezra and Vespa Cabro)
  • Marksman of the Mist (successful; The Marksman died a Distortion)


  • Garnet (successful; currently under LCB care)
  • Vergilius (unsuccessful; Vergilius manifested E.G.O)
  • Jumsoon (successful; Jumsoon died a Distortion)

Limbus Company

  • Kromer (successful; Kromer died a Distortion)
  • Eunbong’s Bar & Fryers Owner (temporarily successful; the owner returned to normalcy)
  • Dongbaek (unsuccessful; Dongbaek manifested E.G.O)
  • Dongrang (temporarily successful; Dongrang manifested E.G.O)
  • Ahab (unsuccessful; Ahab manifested E.G.O)
  • Bamboo-hatted Kim (temporarily successful under Monolith influence; Kim returned to normalcy)
  • Aeng-du (unsuccessful under Monolith influence)
  • Hindley (successful; Hindley died a Distortion)
  • Heathcliff (temporarily successful; Heathcliff returned to normalcy)
  • The Time Ripper and possible other T-Corp residents (successful, status unclear under LCD care)


  • Despite existence of Volatile E.G.O, there are currently no known examples of a Volatile Distortion, but it is likely due to the reversible nature of Distortion that all Distortions could be considered Volatile.
  • Within the Library, there is a phenomenon very similar to Distortions in where especially emotional guests or librarians[2] subconsciously shape the surrounding area to their thoughts, likely caused by The Library's unique connection to the Light within the guests and librarians within, but the exact connection between it and the Distortion Phenomenon are unknown, but important to note due to the connections between Angela and Carmen themselves.



Site-logo.pngWiki Navigation
Mechanics Battles - Battle Announcers - E.G.O - Identities - Items - Luxcavation - Mirror Dungeon - Story Dungeon - Theater
Seasonal Event Seasons - Limbus Pass - Refraction Railway - Dante's Notes - Walpurgis Night
Characters Dante - Vergilius - Charon

Yi Sang Icon.png #1 Yi Sang - Faust Icon.png #2 Faust - Don Quixote Icon.png #3 Don Quixote - Ryoshu Icon.png #4 Ryōshū - Meursault Icon.png #5 Meursault - Hong Lu Icon.png #6 Hong Lu
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Locations The City (Districts (NestsBackstreets)) - Outskirts - The Great Lake - Mephistopheles
Lore Abnormalities - E.G.O - Distortion - The Sign - Smoke War - Singularity - Golden Bough
Factions Limbus Company - Fixers (OfficesAssociations) - Syndicates (Five Fingers) - Wings
Songs "In Hell We Live, Lament" - "Between Two Worlds" - "Fly, My Wings" - "Compass" - "Through Patches of Violet" - "Pass On"
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library Of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company (Game)