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The unfortunate traits of being Backstreets-born are apparent in this Sinner. She loves money, gambling, and betting—so it is advised to pay close attention to her as the manager. She tends to deflect orders with an unimpressive wink or a silly joke; we recommend taking a stern stance at times to remind her that you are her superior. Her mood may be down at irregular intervals. There is nothing you can do to aid her in that state, so we recommend waiting for it to pass.

Rodion Icon.png
"Если бы она могла совсем забыться и начать всё сызнова."
"If she could forget everything, and begin afresh."[1]

Rodion (Hangul: 로지온, Rojion) is designated Sinner #9 of Limbus Company's LCB department.

More frequently known as Rodya (Hangul: 로쟈, Rojya), she is a lighthearted and nonchalant woman with a preference for informal conversation. She was previously affiliated with Yurodiviye, having worked to overturn the injustices of the District 25 Backstreets prior to joining Limbus Company.

She is the focus character of Canto II: The Unloving.


Rodion is a tall and well-built woman with a pale complexion. She has straight, hip-length brown hair and deep blue eyes, and a beauty mark under her right eye. She is always shown wearing orange eyeshadow and light pink lipstick. On her left breast is a tattoo of what appears to be an anatomically correct heart split by an axe.

She wears the standard Limbus Company uniform, a white dress shirt, black slacks, vest and a coat marked with 'RODYA' and NO.9', though she forgoes the tie and leaves her collar hanging loosely. Rodion also dons a thin black choker.

Rodion wields an axe with 'РАСКО́Л' spelled out on the head.


More than any of her fellow Sinners, Rodion tries to be on friendly terms with her coworkers, by presenting herself as a fun-loving, laid-back woman, preferring casual speech and often giving others cute nicknames. Rodion always makes an effort to be talkative and keep the mood up both on the bus and during missions, being one of the Sinners Dante looks to when needing to break the ice in stressful situations. Even if her cheeky remarks and teasing at times comes off as babying or insulting to other members of the group, her nature makes it clear she isn't acting out of ill will.

Rodion openly admits to loving both money and gambling, viewing the world as a place where wealth is the sole deciding factor for one's quality of life, which is reflected in her often complaining about a lack of high-quality food or the group's heavy workload. Rodion is also shown to be easily bored, with her talkativeness and energetic ways being heavily motivated by a dislike for wasting time, instead preferring to indulge in fun antics and lively interactions.

Rodion seems to put up this easygoing side to avoid confronting many of her deeper feelings. Rodion's demeanor changes heavily when discussing or being reminded of her own past, and she shows herself extremely sensitive to the possibility of being looked down upon. This, together with her behavior during Intervallo IV, in which she joined the investigation as a way to prove herself, show Rodion to be deeply insecure, requiring recognition from others to reassure her of her worth.

When in such a mindset Rodion also tends to let her emotions get the best of her and becomes very impulsive, as best exemplified by her murder of the pawnbroker. Driven by her desire to bring change to her village and her unwillingness to keep waiting as Sonya had suggested, Rodion wanted to be the one to truly take the matter into her own hands, resulting in her acting without considering the consequences her crime would have on everyone. Likely because of this, Rodion claims to have decided to "forget all about the past and focus on what's in front". When this becomes impossible, with her past being brought up or her abilities being called into question, Rodion grows visibly distressed and uncomfortable, and unable to keep up her relaxed and friendly facade.

In her past, she often appeared as an individual with a strong commitment to her morals, to the point of cutting off an old friend out of disgust for his inability to act on the ideals he preached. Similarly, when faced with Sonya's claims that the main motivation for her actions was a desire to feel special, she denied them. Despite all this, Rodion is still shown to have a hard time letting go of the guilts and regrets of her past, craving validation to clear her doubts, but preferring to avoid having to confront them altogether.

Mirror Worlds

  • World of the LCCB
    • In this world, Rodion is an Assistant Manager of the Limbus Company Clearance Department Before Team, whose work is to assist the 12 Sinners aboard Mephistopheles, as well as Vergilius and Dante. She wears the standard LCCB uniform and wields an electric baton. This Identity mirrors Effie from the main story. She can be seen in her LCCB Assistant Manager Identity.
  • World of N Corp.
    • In this world, Rodion is a Mittelhammer of the N Corp. Inquisition, with an inquisitive and sadistic personality. She wears the Mittelhammer uniform and wields the standard Inquisition hammer and nail. This Identity mirrors the middle class N Corp. Inquisitors from the main story. She can be seen in her N Corp. Mittelhammer Identity.
  • World of K Corp.
  • World of La Manchaland
  • World of Zwei Association Southern Branch
    • In this world, Rodion is a Fixer of the Zwei Association's South Section 5 Branch. She dons two outfits: in her base art, she appears in civilian clothing, wearing a white shirt under a black leather vest, a long black jacket and white slacks; in her Uptied art and combat sprite, she wears the Zwei Association uniform, and wields a stun baton in her right hand. She can be seen in her Zwei Association South Identity.
  • World of the Kurokumo Clan and Blade Lineage
  • World of Dieci Association Southern Branch
  • World of Liu Association Southern Branch
    • In this world, Rodion is a Director of the Liu Association's South Section 4 Branch. She dons two outfits: in her base art, she appears in that looks to be a training outfit, wearing a dark shirt and a Liu Association hoodie; in her Uptied art and combat sprite, she wears the Liu Association uniform, including a red coat and dark gloves, and she fights with Liu Association's traditional fire-enhanced hand to hand combat. She can be seen in her Liu Association South Identity.
  • World of T Corp.
    • In this world, Rodion is a Class 2 Collector at T Corp. She wears the standard Class 2 Collection Staff uniform, and utilizes gauntlets in combat. She can be seen in her T Corp. Collection Staff Identity.
  • World of Devyat' Association Northern Branch
    • In this world, Rodion is a Fixer of the Devyat' Association's North Section 3 Branch. She wears the Devyat' uniform, consisting of a green parka over a white coat and black pants, and dons a pair of goggles. She fights with the Devyat-issued Poludnitsa courier trunk. She can be seen in her Devyat' Association North Identity.
  • World of W Corp.


  • Rodion's character icon represents an axe cleaving through a human heart. The image reprises the tattoo Rodion has over the left side of her breast.
  • Rodion is represented by the 🪓 emoji[2].
  • Rodion's particulars are listed as "materialistic" and "engrossed gambler".
  • Rodion is based on the protagonist of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel Crime and Punishment.
    • In Crime and Punishment, Rodion is a former law student belonging to Russian aristocracy and now impoverished, who, hoping to restart his life, kills a corrupt pawnbroker, as well as the pawnbroker's sister, who had witnessed the murder. Rodion, who initially believed himself a special individual with a right to step over moral boundaries, soon finds himself tormented by his crime and its consequences, eventually confessing to Sonya, a friend of the pawnbroker's sister, and later to the authorities.
    • Rodion's physical appearance is heavily based on her literary counterpart, who is noted to have "beautiful dark brown hair" and be "above average in height, and well built".
    • Rodion's weapon of choice is an axe, РАСКО́Л, referencing the one used by her literary counterpart in carrying out the murder of the pawnbroker.
    • "РАСКО́Л" (RASKOL) means "split" or "division" in Russian; it makes up the first half of the literary Rodion's last name, Raskol'nikov (Раскольников).
    • LCB Sinner Rodion's Identity acquisition line mentions that she has "a longer name, but that makes things look cold". She might share this full name with her literary counterpart, Rodion Romanovich Raskol'nikov.
      • Rodion herself likes to be called by her diminutive, Rodya, which most of the Sinners tend to use, with the exceptions being Yi Sang, Faust and Vergilius, who always refer to her as Rodion.
  • Rodion's introduction quote is taken from one of the early chapters of the novel. After attempting to save a young girl being harrassed by an older man, and paying for a taxi in an attempt to send her back home, Rodion is overtaken by a feeling of hopelessness and starts to believe his actions aren't enough to help anyone, and he has done nothing more than waste money; reflecting on such thoughts, he wishes he could wake up again and forget about everything. The theme of Rodion struggling to concile his attempt to do good with the reality of the world around him is reprised by Rodion's story in Limbus Company.
    • The introduction quote presents a discrepancy between translations: the Russian subtitles read "If she could forget herself, and begin afresh", whereas the English subtitles read "If she could forget everything, and begin afresh". The original quote from Crime and Punishment reads "He wished he could forget himself completely, forget everything, to wake up and begin afresh."
  • Like all of the Sinners, Rodion voiced a "Document Excerpt" Youtube short.
  • Rodion is noted to be particularly strong even among the Sinners, with her being able to easily overpower both Heathcliff and Ishmael.
  • Rodion's voice actress, Yoon A-young, previously voiced Dalloc, Elena, Gloria, and Xiao in Library of Ruina.
  • Though she does not use them exclusively, Rodya has a habit of giving others nicknames, including:
Character Nickname(s)
Faust "Fau"
Don Quixote "Chiquita", "Donqui", "Kiddo"
Ryōshū "Shū"
Heathcliff "Heath"
Ishmael "Ishy" ("Ish" in the Korean script)
Sinclair "Kid", "Kiddo", "Kiddie"
Outis "Outie"
Gregor "Greg", "Gregor babe"
Vergilius "Vergie" ("Ver" in the Korean script), "Verg", "Mr. Guide"

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Seasonal Events Seasons - Limbus Pass - Refraction Railway - Dante's Notes - Walpurgis Night
Characters Dante - Vergilius - Charon

Yi Sang Icon.png #1 Yi Sang - Faust Icon.png #2 Faust - Don Quixote Icon.png #3 Don Quixote - Ryoshu Icon.png #4 Ryōshū - Meursault Icon.png #5 Meursault - Hong Lu Icon.png #6 Hong Lu
Heathcliff Icon.png #7 Heathcliff Ishmael Icon.png #8 Ishmael - Rodion Icon.png #9 Rodion - Site-logo.png#10 Dante - Sinclair Icon.png #11 Sinclair - Outis Icon.png #12 Outis - Gregor Icon.png #13 Gregor

Locations The City (Districts (NestsBackstreets)) - Outskirts - The Great Lake - Mephistopheles
Lore Abnormalities - E.G.O - Distortion - The Sign - Smoke War - Singularity - Golden Bough
Factions Limbus Company - Fixers (OfficesAssociations) - Syndicates (Five Fingers) - Wings
Songs "In Hell We Live, Lament" - "Between Two Worlds" - "Fly, My Wings" - "Compass" - "Through Patches of Violet" - "Hero" - "Pass On"
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company (Game)
Identities LCB Sinner Rodion Profile.png LCCB Assistant Manager Rodion Profile.png N Corp. Mittelhammer Rodion Profile.png Zwei Assoc. South Section 5 Rodion Profile.png T Corp. Class 2 Collection Staff Rodion Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Rodion Profile.png Rosespanner Workshop Rep. Rodion Profile.png Dieci Assoc. South Section 4 Rodion Profile.png Liu Assoc. South Section 4 Director Rodion Profile.png Devyat' Assoc. North Section 3 Rodion Profile.png The Princess of La Manchaland Rodion Profile.png 
E.G.O What is Cast Rodion Icon.png Rime Shank Rodion Icon.png Effervescent Corrosion Rodion Icon.png 4th Match Flame Rodion Icon.png Pursuance Rodion Icon.png Hex Nail Rodion Icon.png Sanguine Desire Rodion Icon.png 
LCB Sinner Yi Sang.png LCB Sinner Faust.png LCB Sinner Don Quixote.png LCB Sinner Ryōshū.png LCB Sinner Meursault.png LCB Sinner Hong Lu.png LCB Sinner Heathcliff.png LCB Sinner Ishmael.png LCB Sinner Sinclair.png LCB Sinner Outis.png LCB Sinner Gregor.png 
Vergilius StoryLog.png Charon StoryLog.png Saude StoryLog.png Effie StoryLog.png Pilot StoryLog.png Caiman StoryLog.png Moses StoryLog.png Ezra StoryLog.png Hermann StoryLog.png Gubo StoryLog.png Jia Huan StoryLog.png Aseah StoryLog.png Demian StoryLog.png Rim StoryLog.png Sansón StoryLog.png Panther StoryLog.png Lion StoryLog.png Wolf StoryLog.png Yuri StoryLog.png Aya StoryLog.png Hopkins StoryLog.png Old G Corp. Head Manager StoryLog.png Tomah StoryLog.png Alex StoryLog.png Sonya StoryLog.png Tingtang Boss StoryLog.png Aida StoryLog.png Tieqiu Boss StoryLog.png Kromer StoryLog.png Guido StoryLog.png Siegfried StoryLog.png Eunbong’s Bar & Fryers Owner StoryLog.png Bodhisattva Chicken's Manager StoryLog.png Dongrang StoryLog.png Samjo StoryLog.png Shrenne StoryLog.png Alfonso StoryLog.png Stephanette StoryLog.png Dongbaek StoryLog.png Marile StoryLog.png Ran StoryLog.png Niko StoryLog.png Olga StoryLog.png Rain StoryLog.png Mika StoryLog.png Ahab StoryLog.png Queequeg StoryLog.png Starbuck StoryLog.png Pip StoryLog.png Stubb StoryLog.png Smee StoryLog.png Ricardo StoryLog.png Indigo Elder StoryLog.png Santata StoryLog.png Dodoru StoryLog.png Crayon StoryLog.png Domino StoryLog.png Bamboo-hatted Kim StoryLog.png Aeng-du StoryLog.png Jun StoryLog.png Catherine StoryLog.png Nelly StoryLog.png Hindley StoryLog.png Josephine StoryLog.png Mr. Earnshaw StoryLog.png Erlking Heathcliff StoryLog.png Every Catherine StoryLog.png Linton StoryLog.png Öufi Assoc. Director StoryLog.png Hubert StoryLog.png The Time Ripper StoryLog.png Bumble StoryLog.png Mai StoryLog.png District 20 Yurodiviye Captain StoryLog.png Cassetti StoryLog.png Sasha StoryLog.png La Manchaland's Don Quixote StoryLog.png The Barber StoryLog.png The Priest StoryLog.png Dulcinea StoryLog.png Bari StoryLog.png Cesara StoryLog.png Alessio StoryLog.png Han-ul StoryLog.png Camille StoryLog.png Paula StoryLog.png Romero StoryLog.png Hugo StoryLog.png Jia Xichun StoryLog.png Wei StoryLog.png