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Seasons are a branch of seasonal events lasting for 4-7 months each with E.G.O and Identities tied to that particular season. Each season has an associated story chapter, Limbus Pass, Intervallos, Refraction Railway, and events.


At the start of each month of a new Season, several new update and content will be added in the Battle Pass. These includes the following:

  • E.G.O tied to this season
  • Identities tied to (and usually related to) this season
  • Story Content (New Canto) and at some point, side stories (New Intervallo) as part of the seasonal event on that season
  • a Mirror Dungeon update, the Hard Mode of which usually requires the completion of the preceding Canto (not the one introduced in that season)
  • a Refraction Railway tied to the season, usually released in the middle of the season.

New seasons usually last 4-5 months, but this is subject to change and season end dates have been extended before.


At the end of a season, the ways in which identities and E.G.O. can be unlocked will change.

Identities introduced as part of that Season will be unavailable via the dispenser, and may only be obtained via extractions. Moreover, any identities that were part of that season’s event (i.e. an Intervallo is introduced) will become unobtainable through both the dispenser and extractions, rendering them completely unattainable for the next season.
E.G.O. that was found in the previous season’s Limbus Pass will be immediately attainable via the Dispenser. E.G.O. introduced in that season will be available via extractions, but will not be attainable via the dispenser. Moreover, any event E.G.O. will become unattainable for the next season.
The above do not apply to any Identities or E.G.O. that are listed as ‘Standard Fare’, a.k.a. Season 0, regardless of when they were introduced.
Furthermore, Identities and E.G.O. (including event-related ones) from two seasons ago will be added to the dispenser at the start of a new season.

Thus, the current available E.G.O. and Identities from both methods are as follows:


  • Standard Fare Identities and E.G.O
  • Identities and E.G.O. (not event-related) from all prior seasons
  • Current Season Identities and E.G.O (including event-related)

Note that for Sinner target extractions, all event-related Identities and E.G.O. will be attainable, so long as they are not from the immediately preceding season.


  • Standard Fare Identities and E.G.O
  • Current season Identities & E.G.O (including event-related)
  • Identities and E.G.O. (including event-related) from at least 2 seasons prior (currently season 2)
  • E.G.O from prior Limbus Passes

Limbus' own guides to what is available from both extractions and the dispenser respectively are below.



These adjustments will not affect the status or usability of a player's owned Identities or E.G.O.


At the start of a new season, any leftover Egoshard and Egoshard Crates will be split into halves. One half will be brought forward to the next season, whereas the other half will be converted into Thread and Thread Boxes respectively.

At any point however, any season of Egoshard can be used to craft available Identities and E.G.O, including the ones from Season 0.

It is almost always better to open Egoshard crates from the previous season instead of simply letting them carry over. Egoshard crates will on average give 2 Egoshards per crate, leaving 1 Egoshard and 1 thread when carring over, as opposed to merely 1 thread.



Site-logo.pngWiki Navigation
Mechanics Battles - Battle Announcers - E.G.O - Identities - Items - Luxcavation - Mirror Dungeon - Story Dungeon - Theater
Seasonal Event Seasons - Limbus Pass - Refraction Railway - Dante's Notes - Walpurgis Night
Characters Dante - Vergilius - Charon

Yi Sang Icon.png #1 Yi Sang - Faust Icon.png #2 Faust - Don Quixote Icon.png #3 Don Quixote - Ryoshu Icon.png #4 Ryōshū - Meursault Icon.png #5 Meursault - Hong Lu Icon.png #6 Hong Lu
Heathcliff Icon.png #7 Heathcliff Ishmael Icon.png #8 Ishmael - Rodion Icon.png #9 Rodion - Site-logo.png#10 Dante - Emil Sinclair Icon.png #11 Sinclair - Outis Icon.png #12 Outis - Gregor Icon.png #13 Gregor

Locations The City (Districts (NestsBackstreets)) - Outskirts - The Great Lake - Mephistopheles
Lore Abnormalities - E.G.O - Distortion - The Sign - Smoke War - Singularity - Golden Bough
Factions Limbus Company - Fixers (OfficesAssociations) - Syndicates (Five Fingers) - Wings
Songs "In Hell We Live, Lament" - "Between Two Worlds" - "Fly, My Wings" - "Compass" - "Through Patches of Violet" - "Pass On"
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library Of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company (Game)