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Fixer Associations or Associations (협회, Hyeobhoe) are large organizations of Fixers. There are twelve Associations in the City, with each having its own specialized area of expertise.


Made up of Fixers, the Associations act as the major collective that controls the flow of particular fields of Fixer work. Fixer Offices can work alongside Associations, taking their particular methodologies in mind as representatives. These Association function on a much greater scale than the typical Fixer Office, being able to take jobs from wherever they need to within the City, provided that the work is in their respective field of interest.


Associations are composed of several branches split among the City, with the Southern branch being the ones most focused on during the plot of Limbus Company's Sinner Identities. Branches are further divided into Sections ranked from 6 to 1, with the lower number Sections staffed by more competent and higher grade Fixers, while higher number Sections are less prestigious. The lower sections handle more dangerous contracts and thus demand greater pay. Each Association has a President, each branch has a Branch Manager, and each section has a Director.

Every Association abides to the collective structure, though each has their own niches, uniforms, and rules. These create the variety which allows for hirers to choose which faction will be chosen for work with guidelines clearly and properly defined by the Hana Association, which act as the primary head for the groups.

List of Known Associations

Currently 11 of the 12 total Associations have been mentioned across Project Moon's works.

HanaLogo.pngHana Association The head of the Associations. Oversees official Fixer related business, such as Fixer Grades and Fixer Offices.
Zwei Logo.webpZwei Association Specializes in civil protection and peacekeeping.
Tres Association Oversees Workshops and Workshop created weapons.
Shi Logo.webpShi Association Specializes in assassinations.
Cinq Logo.webpCinq Association Specializes in duels and single person combat. Due to the infrequent amount of jobs they receive, they are in charge of holding joint conferences and events with the other Associations.
LiuAssociationIcon.pngLiu Association Specializes in group combat that puts them at a severe number disadvantage.
Seven Logo.webpSeven Association Specializes in information gathering and investigations. In addition to solving the cases they take with general detective work, they also can be hired to resolve the source of the problem.
Eight Association Unknown specialization.
Devyat Association Specializes in delivery and transportation.
Dieci Logo.webpDieci Association Specializes in acquiring knowledge and research. Known as the "Association of Charity" due to the orphanage run by the Association.
Oufi Logo.webpÖufi Association Specializes in overseeing deals and trades amongst other factions.

Hana Association

Logo of the Hana Association.

The Hana Association is made up of high grade Fixers who specializing in information gathering. They act as the leader of the associations, responsible for grading Fixers and granting Color Fixers their titles. They appear in Library of Ruina as the first reception of Impuritas Civitatis. It is currently the only one of the remaining associations to have an appearance in another title in the franchise, but not yet appear in Limbus Company.


  • The Associations take their names of numbers 1 through 12 in multiple different languages; those numbers and languages matching the designations and authorial nationalities of the Sinners, respectively.
    • 1 - ‘Hana’ (Korean: 하나, “one”)
    • 2 - ‘Zwei’ (German: “two”)
      • Section 2 and 4 both use zweihanders (two-hander), a long German sword meant to be wielded in two hands.
    • 3 - ‘Tres’ (Spanish: “three”)
    • 4 - ‘Shi’ (Japanese: “four”)
      • The Japanese word for ‘four’, or ‘shi’ (), is homophonous with the Japanese word for ‘death’ (, shi). This is true among other East Asian languages, with the death association and tetraphobia inspiring the assassination niche of the Shi Association.
    • 5 - ‘Cinq’ (French: “five”)
    • 6 - ‘Liu’ (Chinese: “six”)
      • 'Liù' (六) is Chinese for the number six, but may also refer to 'Liú' (Traditional: 劉, Simplified: 刘), an obsolete Chinese character meaning "to kill/to slaughter" or "to conquer/to overcome" and the surname of the Han dynasty's ruling family. The connection to the Han dynasty may explain the red and gold coloration of their outfits.
    • 7 - ‘Seven’ (British English)
    • 8 - ‘Eight’ (American English)
      • Seven and Eight are the only Associations that are based on the same language where there is no major difference in spelling or pronunciation between dialects. This is in contrast to the Zwei and Öufi Associations, as the latter uses the Swiss dialect of German, which is distinct from the German word for eleven, ‘elf’.
    • 9 - ‘Devyat’ (Russian: девять, “nine”)
    • 10 - ‘Dieci’ (Italian: “ten”). The Dieci Association represents their logo as the Roman numeral for 10, ‘X’—matching the heavy Roman influence of Dante Alighieri’s Italian upbringing.
      • The Dieci are the only known Association represented by a Roman numeral, rather than a Arabic numeral.
      • The letter ‘X’ is often an informal shorthand for Christ, as an orthographic borrowing of ‘chi’ (Χ), from Χριστός (Khristós, “Christ”). Additionally, ‘X’ is the mathematical designation for an unknown amount or value, and by extension, is used as a placeholder for an unknown or hypothetical name.
      • The aforementioned are the reason why the protagonist of Lobotomy Corporation, X, is given the designation. Additionally, Dante, similarly is a unvoiced protagonist like X, along with having their namesake in the Divine Comedy being a Christ-like figure in the narrative of the work.
    • 11 - ‘Öufi’ (Swiss German: “eleven”).
      • Hermann Hesse, the author of Demian, was of German-Swiss citizenship, emigrating to Switzerland at age 4. The Swiss municipality of Solothurn holds the number 11 as spiritually significant, being a common motif in the local architecture such as the St. Ursus Cathedral.
    • Following this naming scheme, it can be presumed that the 12th and final Association would be named the ‘Dodeka’ (Ancient Greek: δώδεκα, “twelve”) Association—corresponding with Ancient Greek poet, Homer.
    • In the scrapped ending of Library of Ruina, the Purple Tear proposes the formation of a 13th Association consisting of E.G.O users known as “EGOISTS”. While (currently) non-canon, the new branch could possibly be named either: ‘Sh'losha asar ’(Hebrew: שלושה עשר), ‘Třináct’ (Czech), or ‘Draytsn’ (Yiddish: דרײַצן), considering Franz Kafka's national and ethnic backgrounds.

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Site-logo.pngWiki Navigation
Mechanics Battles - Battle Announcers - E.G.O - Identities - Items - Luxcavation - Mirror Dungeon - Story Dungeon - Theater
Seasonal Event Seasons - Limbus Pass - Refraction Railway - Dante's Notes - Walpurgis Night
Characters Dante - Vergilius - Charon

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Locations The City (Districts (NestsBackstreets)) - Outskirts - The Great Lake - Mephistopheles
Lore Abnormalities - E.G.O - Distortion - The Sign - Smoke War - Singularity - Golden Bough
Factions Limbus Company - Fixers (OfficesAssociations) - Syndicates (Five Fingers) - Wings
Songs "In Hell We Live, Lament" - "Between Two Worlds" - "Fly, My Wings" - "Compass" - "Through Patches of Violet" - "Pass On"
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library Of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company (Game)
Wings Extant Wings A Corp. - B Corp. - C Corp.
D Corp. - E Corp. - F Corp. - G Corp. - H Corp. - I Corp. Logo.png I Corp. - J Corp. - Kcorp.png K Corp. - M Corp. Logo.png M Corp. - Ncorp.png N Corp. - O Corp. -
P Corp. Logo.png P Corp. - Q Corp. - Rcorp.png R Corp. - S Corp. Logo.png S Corp. - TCorp.png T Corp. - U corp logo.png U Corp. - V Corp. - Wcorp.png W Corp. - X Corp. - Y Corp.
Collapsed Wings Old G Corp. - Lcorp.png Lobotomy Corporation
Fixer Organizations Associations HanaLogo.pngHana - ZweiAssociationIcon.pngZwei - Tres - ShiAssociationIcon.pngShi - Cinq Logo.webpCinq - LiuAssociationIcon.png Liu - Seven Logo.webpSeven - Eight - Devyat - Dieci Logo.webpDieci - Oufi Logo.webpÖufi
Fixer Offices Rosespanner Workshop Logo.png Rosespanner Workshop - Molar Office Logo.png Molar Boatworks/Molar Office - Wuthering Heights Logo.png Wuthering Heights - Edgar Family - MultiCrack Office
Syndicates Five Fingers The Thumb Logo.png The Thumb - The Index Logo.png The Index - TheMiddleLogo.png The Middle - The Ring Icon.webp The Ring - The Pinky
Other Syndicates Yurodiviye - Tingtang Gang - Los Mariachis - Tieqiu Crew - Twinhook Pirates - Blade Lineage Logo.png Blade Lineage - KurokumoClanIcon.png Kurokumo Clan - Dead Rabbits
Other Factions Hooligans - Casino Security(Casino Slaves) - N Corp. Inquisition(Corroded Inquisitors) - Technology Liberation Alliance - Pequod Town - T Corp. Gangsters - The Wild Hunt
Monsters Trash Crabs - Mermaids(Pallid Mermaids - Pallidified Things) - Gnomes - Bloodfiends