Edgar Family Butler Ishmael/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Edgar Family Butler Ishmael Full.png
The Edgar Manor, wreathed in the ambient sunlight, is full of sounds of brooms and Butler boots moving about its premises.
Butlers of the Edgar Family are busy with their last-minute deep cleaning of the manor before the wolven hunt.
Brooms brushing against the floor. Dishes clattering against one another. Loud, bustling footsteps.
The child is quietly and impassively dusting the window frames amidst that clamor.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Come on, let's try not to neglect these out-of-the-way corners.
The child would normally have quietly taken care of it herself without telling anyone, but…
… now that they're all busily preparing for the hunt, she decided to give them a warning to avoid drawing the ire of her Master or the Chief Butler.
It may have sounded a tad nosy, but… it was her own way of caring for the other Butlers.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Even a pinch of dust particles could be dangerous for our Master, you know.
Other Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Butler Colleague
S-sorry. I'll be more careful from now on.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
C'mon. The hunt's coming up, so let's keep ourselves in tip-top shape, alright?
Of course, she wasn't just worried for her fellow Butlers.
It was clear from the way she spoke that she cared terribly for her Master.
Perhaps that was an obvious outcome.
The child used to be a Fixer drifting through the Backstreets. And she wandered for a long, long time, unable to find her purpose in life.
The Edgar Family took her in, gave her a roof over her head, and gave her a definite purpose to live for.
Perhaps that is why…
… the child does not tell the Chief Butler whenever the other child—her Master—indulges in alcoholic drinks.
That is why the child does not even dare open the window when her Master is home—for fear of letting chill winds into the manor.
Her devotion to her Master almost appears like a blind obsession.
Other Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Butler Colleague
Do you think Master would've been… less ill, had he not been hunting for the wolf?
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
I doubt it. Master had already lost his arm and Miss Isabella even before the hunt started.
Other Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Butler Colleague
Yeah, but…
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Besides, it doesn't matter whether our Master gives up his hunt or not. Because that wolf won't.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
… He won't stop until he's taken everything that our Master has.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
... Oh, speaking of which, didn't that wolf love... uh, um...
Other Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Butler Colleague
Huh? Love? What are you talking about?
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
… Uh, what was it again…? Haah, it's nothing. Sorry, I have no idea where that came from.
There was a large hole where that child once stood. The child who was likely the cause of all this misery.
This child grew puzzled as she suddenly felt the fog of memory from this casual conversation.
But she ignored this odd sense of déjà-vu.
It would be much more reasonable for her to focus on the hunt rather than to get hung up on such details.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Is it already time…?
The sun hangs over the horizon.
The terrible wailings of those pulled from the other side begin to echo from nearby.
The great rumbling begins to intensify within the halls of the manor.
Past the window were the forces of the dead, wreathed under the orange light of the eventide, swarming up toward the manor.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Even as I remain awake does that endless nightmare seek to claim me…
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
They're nothing but weaklings. An advance party… I see. The wolf caught wind of our hunt, I suppose.
The other child—her Master—draws his sabre and readies himself. But the child shakes her head.
Edgar Family Butler Ishmael Full Uptied.png
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Master. Lady Ryōshū. Leave them to me.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
D.B.S.[1] Me and this fool of a Master can take them out in the blink of an eye.
The child waits until the warm light of the eventide, the color of her hair, reflects off the floorboards of the manor's hallway. She looks into the eyes of the Chief Butler and her Master.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
The two of you have a wolf to hunt.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Don't let the dead waste your energy.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Perhaps the two believed that this child's words had merit.
Her Master lowers his sabre. The Chief Butler grumbles for a moment before sheathing her knives and crossing her arms.
Only then does the child pull an oddly engraved broom and a sharp knife from the dimensional attache case issued to Butlers.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
… Hunting cutlery's at the ready.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
… Tsk. Don't get yourself killed like an idiot.
The child lives up to her confidence.
The well-sharpened knife cuts through the army of the dead like butter…
… and the generations-old broom of the Edgar Family Butlers keeps her enemies at bay.
She routed the forces of the dead with every knife throw and broom swing, handily knocking them down like she was dusting a particularly stubborn corner.
The advance force that assailed the manor is already looking rather thin; the intense light of the sunset shines through the windows still.
Doesn't seem like housekeeping will cause them to run late to the hunt.
  1. "Don't Be Stupid."

World of Wuthering Heights Icon.png World of Wuthering Heights Identity Stories
Wuthering Heights Chief Butler Outis Profile.png Dead Rabbits Boss Meursault Profile.png Edgar Family Heir Gregor Profile.png Wuthering Heights Butler Faust Profile.png Edgar Family Chief Butler Ryōshū Profile.png Edgar Family Butler Ishmael Profile.png Wild Hunt Heathcliff Profile.png