R.B. Chef de Cuisine Ryōshū/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
R.B. Chef de Cuisine Ryōshū Full.png
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
District 23 Backstreets
Oh, you’re up.
The child speaks plainly.
If it weren’t for the visceral scenery, it could easily be mistaken for a cordial greeting to someone who just woke up from a sweet slumber.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
District 23 Backstreets
Good thing you got up in time. If the work’s done while the heartbeat’s too slow, it impacts the taste.
The child watches someone laid on the floor with a light cackle.
The pitiful fellow writhes and struggles on the floor, unable to accept the situation.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
District 23 Backstreets
Hey, don't move too much. Tsk, I told that sous-chef to sap enough wind out of the meat.
The child slapped the poor fellow’s cheek, her words heartless.
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District 23 Backstreets
Can’t stand when the subject material tried to take the center of the art on its own. Keep still if you don’t want your L.B.
Even though there was no way for the victim to know that it stood for “limbs broken”…
They noticed quickly enough that remaining still was the only way to prolong their life.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
District 23 Backstreets
Here’s your reward for being such an O.P.
The child inserted a syringe she’d been fiddling with into the victim.
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District 23 Backstreets
It’s an injection of anesthetics mixed with a variety of flavoring agents. A pricy concoction that will make you the greatest work in the Backstreets, a delicacy… and art.
The child’s constant rambling about art and such can be a bit confusing…
One thing to note is that the Backstreets of District 23 are known as the streets of flavor.
That’s right, the Backstreets located around the Nest where W Corp. is.
Its culture revolves around gastronomy, the people seek good eating and derive beauty from it.
Those closely related to culinary art—such as the Eight Chefs and the Dochelin Guides—also originate from this place.
This child wants to join the ranks of the prestigious Eight. She uses humans, often called the flowering pinnacles of artistic cuisine, as her main ingredient.
To that end, the child set up an establishment here and named it R.B… Such acronyms must be the child’s adamant preference.
As one could guess, the child makes meat pies. They have been earning a certain kind of reputation among gourmets.
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Ryoshu Story Icon.png
District 23 Backstreets
Now… You can feel your senses numbing, yes?
The child delightfully watched her victim as she examined her blade.
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District 23 Backstreets
You’d better be good material. I’m starting to run out of patience with that dull, bungling, inexperienced assistant Gregor.
Clicking her tongue, she began to grumble.
Going on about how she dislikes her assistant’s sluggish pace, his tendency to bring her bad ingredients, his dull cleaver damaging the goods, and so on…
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District 23 Backstreets
Well, whatever. I’ll fire him the moment I rise as one of the Eight Chefs.
While the child complains, the victim’s eyelids begin to drift shut.
Why is she so annoyed, what will become of them… Their thoughts blur away, and their consciousness dims.
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District 23 Backstreets
Hmpfh, back to work for now.
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District 23 Backstreets
Now… Smile. You’re about to be at the center of an art piece.
Looking at the victim, the child raises her knife.
Was it a coincidence that the stains of blood on her knife resembled a grin?
…Seeing her face, it looks like there is no need to wonder after all.

World of the District 23 Backstreets Icon.png World of the District 23 Backstreets Identity Stories
R.B. Sous-chef Gregor Profile.png R.B. Chef de Cuisine Ryōshū Profile.png