General Information
The City (도시, Dosi) is the setting of all of Project Moon's games, inspired by the Cyberpunk genre. The City is often depicted as an extremely brutal place with exceptions often being put in disastrous situations after a few moments. Within Limbus Company, Project Moon plans to explore many parts of The City rather being confined to single place as in Library of Ruina and Lobotomy Corporation.
Manual Overview
These entries are taken from the Limbus Company website
Our massive City is divided into 26 Districts, each unique in its technological advancements and culture. No two Districts are alike! For example, in whatever Nest you (our wonderful new manager) may be staying, it might be considered common courtesy to make sure no food is wasted. However, the Nest right next to yours could just so happen to believe that it is a virtuous act to throw leftovers at the poor, as to let the destitute enjoy some sort of feast. When traveling, it's recommended that you read up on the customs and taboos of each Nest before visiting.
Nests are what we call the 26 provinces of the City. And every Nest is cared for in the swaddling of its Wings. The Wings are a collective term we use to refer to the 26 biggest conglomerates in the City. Under the jurisdiction of a Wing, the citizens of each Nest enjoy comfortable and safe lives. But don't let yourself get too comfy! The moment a Wing is snapped or plucked of its feathers, no one can guarantee your safety in its Nest, Executive Manager; the same goes for the sinners working under you.
Unlike the Nests, these are dangerous regions where your safety cannot be guaranteed. (Although the Nests also come with their own risks.) The Backstreets are spread in, out, and around the Nests like veins throughout the City, though the boundary between the Nest and the Backstreets is clearly drawn. While these areas may seem like lawless lands at first glance, each district of the Backstreets has its own list of taboos, and you can find a rich and diverse set of cultures. Sometimes, denizens of the City form organizations of varying size and scope, commonly referred to as Syndicates. Furthermore... please ensure you remember this next part. No assistance can be provided to the Executive Manager between 3:13 AM and 4:34 AM, colloquially known as the Night in the Backstreets. Nothing can be done, even for the most urgent of requests.
Fixers are the all-around handymen of the City, handling their clients' various cases and incidents. Most of the time, in order to contract a Fixer officially, one must rap on the door of an Office authorized by the Associations or visit one of the Associations in person. As a pro tip, if you need someone to handle work that most would consider "unreasonable", make sure to bring loads of cash and go directly to an Association. Most Fixers working at the Associations are obedient little dogs who can't refuse their missions!
LOBOTOMY CORPORATION : Located in Nest L, Lobotomy Corporation was an energy company that produced an ample supply of power through the exploitation of monsters called 'Abnormalities'. Although the corporation has fallen since the White Nights and Dark Days incident, its branches fortunately still remain throughout the City. As the Executive Manager, your mission is to guide your sinners through the branch facilities and salvage valuable goods. Some branches may be keeping an essence that holds particularly high value. Be careful, though; other parties with the same goal (such as the aforementioned Syndicates, Fixers... or even other corporations) could interfere at any moment.
THE GOLDEN BOUGH : An ultimate essence left behind in Lobotomy Corporation's wake. As much as you must tire of being reminded, Abnormalities still stalk the underground facilities of Lobotomy Corporation’s fallen branches. And at the depths of these facilities lie the Golden Boughs, the essence of the corporation’s energy production technology... or what's left of it, anyway. Your objective is to travel about the City on our bus and obtain the Golden Boughs found somewhere in the ruins of Lobotomy Corporation’s branch facilities. Of course, a most kind and hospitable guide carefully selected by our staff will accompany you during the journey.
Lobotomy Corporation used to produce energy using creatures they called 'Abnormalities'. After the Wing's unexpected and swift collapse, those poor creatures got trapped in the facilities, alongside the even poorer employees.
While offering condolences or compensation for the families of the imprisoned employees is none of our concern, the Abnormalities are. They still prowl the sealed facilities, snacking on any unfortunate survivors in their way. Don't forget that retrieving Enkephalin is one of your objectives. (It should hardly be a surprise to you by now, but Abnormalities were the source of the famous Enkephalin fuel cells all along!)
[WARNING]: Abnormality codices are not provided by our company. In fact, the staff on-site―meaning you and your employees―are expected to write detailed reports based on their experiences and submit them to us. Please also note that the heinous act of pocketing the Enkephalin for yourself without our permission will be met with severe punishment.
Lobotomy Corporation also possessed technology allowing them to extract weapons and armor from the Abnormalities. They say that even those with no experience in combat instantly knew how to wield the equipment right when they held it, and that there was profound potential just waiting to be tapped. (Rumor has it that the once-famed Fixer, the [REDACTED], made use of E.G.O, but... it's only an old wives' tale, surely.) Unfortunately, all E.G.O stored in the Lobotomy Corporation headquarters was lost, but it's since been confirmed that there's still E.G.O to be salvaged from the branches. We can't in our good conscience let those weapons of potential mass destruction carelessly collect dust, can we? Of course, our highly trained staff will recover the E.G.O once you locate them.
[WARNING]: For your own safety, don't let your sinners lay even a fingernail on the E.G.O in their overzealousness to act for the benefit of our company.
Have you ever felt that your sinners are underperforming, unreliable, or useless? Maybe even all three? Not sure how you're supposed to proceed with such hopeless combatants? Well, we now have something to proudly present: the technology of borrowing an "identity" from somewhere in the countless alternate realities. (Credit for this tech goes to the self-proclaimed third smartest person in the City.) A puny sinner from our City who can barely stand their ground in battle might be a renowned hero in a City not of our own. You never say never to infinite possibility.
[SIDE EFFECTS MAY INCLUDE]: Mild hallucinations and/or expression of statements that clearly contradict grounded fact.
External Links
Project Moon Universe
- The City - Library of Ruina wiki