Öufi Association

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The Öufi Association is one of the twelve Associations of the City, made up of Fixers specialized in overseeing business deals and contracts.


The Öufi Association specializes in overseeing contracts, sending out Fixers to read over and get verbal or written agreement from involved parties upon request. These contracts go into effect from the moment they are submitted to the Association and any breach of contract will result in the execution of the involved parties. If someone violates a contract signed under the Öufi Association, they will continuously send Association Fixers to execute the violator.

The Association has a large number of affiliated Offices located in J Corp, notably including Jeong's Office.


Members of the Öufi Association wear black-and-silver striped uniform with a short cape with frilled edges, Turkish trousers, low-heeled shoes, and a hat with an upturned brim featuring a purple bowtie. They fight with halberds bearing rectangular blades that are designed for amputating the limbs of the enemy.

Sinner Identities

The World of the Öufi Association Southern Branch Identities were added in the Standard Extractions as Standard Identities and can be obtained through the Dispenser.
World of the Öufi Association Southern Branch Icon.png World of the Öufi Association Southern Branch
South Section 3
Öufi Assoc. South Section 3 Heathcliff Icon.png
Association Fixer


  • Following the naming pattern of the Associations, Öufi is Swiss German for the number eleven.
  • The Association's logo features a fancy coat of arms with a purple "11" within its design hidden within the bladed weapons Öufi Fixers use in combat.
  • The attire for this Association is based on the uniform of the Papal Swiss Guard.
Wings Extant Wings A Corp. - B Corp. - C Corp.
D Corp. - E Corp. - F Corp. - G Corp. - H Corp. - I Corp. Logo.png I Corp. - J Corp. - Kcorp.png K Corp. - M Corp. Logo.png M Corp. - Ncorp.png N Corp. - O Corp. -
P Corp. Logo.png P Corp. - Q Corp. - Rcorp.png R Corp. - S Corp. Logo.png S Corp. - TCorp.png T Corp. - U corp logo.png U Corp. - V Corp. - Wcorp.png W Corp. - X Corp. - Y Corp.
Collapsed Wings Old G Corp. - Lcorp.png Lobotomy Corporation
Fixer Organizations Associations HanaLogo.pngHana - ZweiAssociationIcon.pngZwei - Tres - ShiAssociationIcon.pngShi - Cinq Logo.webpCinq - LiuAssociationIcon.png Liu - Seven Logo.webpSeven - Eight - Devyat - Dieci Logo.webpDieci - Oufi Logo.webpÖufi
Fixer Offices Rosespanner Workshop Logo.png Rosespanner Workshop - Molar Office Logo.png Molar Boatworks/Molar Office - Wuthering Heights Logo.png Wuthering Heights - Edgar Family - MultiCrack Office
Syndicates Five Fingers The Thumb Logo.png The Thumb - The Index Logo.png The Index - TheMiddleLogo.png The Middle - The Ring Icon.webp The Ring - The Pinky
Other Syndicates Yurodiviye - Tingtang Gang - Los Mariachis - Tieqiu Crew - Twinhook Pirates - Blade Lineage Logo.png Blade Lineage - KurokumoClanIcon.png Kurokumo Clan - Dead Rabbits
Other Factions Hooligans - Casino Security(Casino Slaves) - N Corp. Inquisition(Corroded Inquisitors) - Technology Liberation Alliance - Pequod Town - T Corp. Gangsters - The Wild Hunt
Monsters Trash Crabs - Mermaids(Pallid Mermaids - Pallidified Things) - Gnomes - Bloodfiends