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For detailed information on individual E.G.O Skills, see List of E.G.O.

E.G.Os are a type of special skill to be used in battle, usually with unique benefits and high clashes. They can be attained either through the Battle Pass, Gacha, or Egoshard Exchange.

Limbus Company Sinners make use of Abnormality-extracted E.G.O. This is not Lobotomy E.G.O specifically, but rather E.G.O sourced and provided by the company. According to Faust, what they use is not as refined as what L Corp. used to.

Limbus Company E.G.O


Much like Abnormalities, E.G.O is graded into five categories depending on its power: ZAYIN.pngZAYIN, TETH.pngTETH, HE.pngHE, WAW.pngWAW, and ALEPH.pngALEPH. The grade of an E.G.O does not necessarily correlate to the Risk Level of its source Abnormality, and the same E.G.O may have a different grade when used by different Sinners.

Ishmael's base ZAYIN E.G.O, Snagharpoon.

Each Sinner is capable of equipping only one E.G.O of each grade at a time. In combat, a Sinner's resistances and weaknesses to sin affinities are sourced from the E.G.O last used. At the start of combat, ZAYIN-grade's E.G.O. resistances and weaknesses are applied.

All twelve Sinners possess their own unique ZAYIN-grade E.G.O which are stable enough to avoid Corrosion. As of Season 4: Clear All Cathy, the highest grade E.G.O available to the Sinners is WAW.


Utilizing E.G.O requires using the Sin Resources that have been accumulated during the battle or dungeon. Each individual E.G.O has its own requirements for the number and type of Sin Resources needed to be used.

To use E.G.O, hold down on the portrait of the Sinner and select the desired E.G.O (if the sin requirements are not met, it will be grayed out). Once used, the E.G.O will replace the lower skill of the Sinner. If selected again, the E.G.O skill will be canceled and the resources will be refunded. The same E.G.O cannot be used twice on the same turn, even if sufficient E.G.O resources are available (save for E.G.O Corrosion or external effects). However, a Sinner can still use multiple different E.G.O on the same turn.

After using an E.G.O skill, the sin resistances of the Sinner will be replaced by the E.G.O's resistances and the E.G.O. passive will activate if unlocked. Multiple E.G.O. passives can be activated by using different grade E.G.Os on the same Sinner.

Awakening & Corrosion

All E.G.O cost Sanity.pngSanity (SP) to use. When E.G.O is used without falling to -45 SP, its intended Awakening skill will be used. Awakening skills are stabilized and can be freely directed to the desired target (with some exceptions).

Sinclair's "Impending Day" E.G.O with a 75% chance of corroding.

Using E.G.O without the required amount of Sanity has a chance of leading to the Awakening skill being replaced by its Corrosion variant. This happens automatically when the amount of Sanity depleted by using the E.G.O brings the Sinners SP to -45 or lower. For example, using an E.G.O with a cost of 20 Sanity while the Sinner is at -35 SP will always cause them to corrode. However, Sinners will have a chance of corroding whenever their Sanity is in the negatives, not just at -45 SP. This chance is listed as a percentage beneath the Sanity requirement.

Corrosion skills are often stronger than their Awakening counterpart but cannot be directed, and are indiscriminate. This means a Sinner using a Corroded E.G.O skill will attack at random and may potentially target their own allies.

Moreover, if a Sinner has very low Sanity and Abnormality E.G.O equipped, they may undergo E.G.O Corrosion and "fuse" with the Abnormality's E.G.O. While in this Corroded state, all of the Sinner's skills are replaced by either Corrosion skills or Panic blocks which prompt no action. The Corroded Sinner will automatically select their skills and indiscriminately select the target(s) (save for a few specific ones). They cannot be canceled or redirected. Certain Corrosion skills may also prioritize units based on their health.


Overclocking provides a relatively safe way for Sinner to utilize their Corrosion skills without endangering each other. By spending 1.5x the amount of E.G.O resources and sanity, a Stable Overclocked E.G.O skill can be generated. This carries the same effects and power of the Corrosion skill and, while the specific target cannot be selected, will not target allies.

However, Overclocking with insufficient E.G.O resources for meeting the heightened requirements will instead lead to the generation of an Unstable Overclocked E.G.O. The E.G.O resources will still be deducted, entering the negatives. Unstable overclocked skills act in the same way as regular Corrosion skills, targeting enemy and ally indiscriminately. However, unlike regular Corrosion, Unstable Overclocked E.G.O can be canceled.


All E.G.O initially starts at Threadspin Tier 1. By using Thread, E.G.O can be Threadspun to increase its power. Upgrading E.G.O to Threadspin Tier 2 unlocks its passive ability, while Threadspin Tier 3 and 4 upgrades both the Awakening and Corrosion skills. Additionally, reaching Threadspin Tier 3 will cause the battle background to be replaced by the Abnormality's during the E.G.O attack animation. The cost of Threadspinning depends on both the Threadspin Tier, as well as the grade of the E.G.O.

Until Tier 3, the unique ZAYIN-grade E.G.O belonging to each Sinner cannot be manually Threadspun. Instead, the Threadspin Tier is tied to story progression, and usually increases when clearing a story dungeon for the first time. Upon reaching Tier 3, the unique E.G.O must then be manually Threadspun in the same manner as other E.G.O.

ZAYIN (ZAYIN.png) TETH (TETH.png) HE (HE.png) WAW (WAW.png) ALEPH (ALEPH.png)
Tier 2 20 Thread 25 Thread 30 Thread 35 Thread ? Thread
Tier 3 60 Thread 70 Thread 80 Thread 90 Thread ? Thread
Tier 4 110 Thread + 80 Sinner Egoshards 130 Thread + 90 Sinner Egoshards 150 Thread + 100 Sinner Egoshards 170 Thread + 150 Sinner Egoshards ? Thread + ? Sinner Egoshards

See Also


Site-logo.pngWiki Navigation
Mechanics Battles - Battle Announcers - E.G.O - Identities - Items - Luxcavation - Mirror Dungeon - Story Dungeon - Theater
Seasonal Event Seasons - Limbus Pass - Refraction Railway - Dante's Notes - Walpurgis Night
Characters Dante - Vergilius - Charon

Yi Sang Icon.png #1 Yi Sang - Faust Icon.png #2 Faust - Don Quixote Icon.png #3 Don Quixote - Ryoshu Icon.png #4 Ryōshū - Meursault Icon.png #5 Meursault - Hong Lu Icon.png #6 Hong Lu
Heathcliff Icon.png #7 Heathcliff Ishmael Icon.png #8 Ishmael - Rodion Icon.png #9 Rodion - Site-logo.png#10 Dante - Emil Sinclair Icon.png #11 Sinclair - Outis Icon.png #12 Outis - Gregor Icon.png #13 Gregor

Locations The City (Districts (NestsBackstreets)) - Outskirts - The Great Lake - Mephistopheles
Lore Abnormalities - E.G.O - Distortion - The Sign - Smoke War - Singularity - Golden Bough
Factions Limbus Company - Fixers (OfficesAssociations) - Syndicates (Five Fingers) - Wings
Songs "In Hell We Live, Lament" - "Between Two Worlds" - "Fly, My Wings" - "Compass" - "Through Patches of Violet" - "Pass On"
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library Of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company (Game)
Unique E.G.O
Sinner's E.G.O Yi Sang Icon.png Crow's Eye View - Faust Icon.png Representation Emitter - Don Quixote Icon.png La Sangre de Sancho - Ryoshu Icon.png Forest For the Flames - Meursault Icon.png Chains of Others - Hong Lu Icon.png Land of Illusion
Heathcliff Icon.png Bodysack - Ishmael Icon.png Snagharpoon - Rodion Icon.png What is Cast - Emil Sinclair Icon.png Branch of Knowledge - Outis Icon.png To Páthos Máthos - Gregor Icon.png Suddenly, One Day
Other E.G.O Spicebush (Dongbaek) - Farmwatch (Dongrang) - GasHarpoon (Ahab)
Abnormality E.G.O
Season 0 Wishing Cairn (Pagoda Veneration) - Hex Nail (Hurting Teddy Bear) - Pursuance (Heavenly Executor's Scribe) - Ya Śūnyatā Tad Rūpam (My Form Empties) - Lantern (Faelantern) - Ardor Blossom Star (Ardor Blossom Moth) - Dimension Shredder (Wayward Passenger) - Red Eyes (Spider Bud) - Cavernous Wailing (Blubbering Toad) - Fell Bullet (Der Fluchschütze)
Season 1 4th Match Flame (Scorched Girl) - Telepole (Alleyway Watchdog) - Fluid Sac (Headless Ichthys) - Ebony Stem (Ebony Queen's Apple) - Roseate Desire (Pink Shoes) - Impending Day (Doomsday Calendar) - Rime Shank (Baba Yaga) - Legerdemain (Golden Apple) - Screwloose Wallop (You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?) (Have You Become Strong?)
Season 2 Capote (Brazen Bull) - AEDD (Shock Centipede) - Sunshower (Drifting Fox) - Sloshing (Fairy Gentleman) - Red Sheet (So That No One Will Cry)
Season 3 Effervescent Corrosion (Ambling Pearl) - 9:2 (Skin Prophet) - Blind Obsession (Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent) - Garden of Thorns (Sign of Roses)
Season 4 Bygone Days (Portrait of a Certain Day) - Electric Screaming (Dreaming Electric Sheep) - Binds (The King in Binds) - Contempt, Awe (Spiral of Contempt)
Event-exclusive E.G.O Lifetime Stew (Hell's Chicken) (Basilisoup, Season 1) - Soda (The Magic Hellbus) (Opened Can of WellCheers, Season 2) - Holiday (Miracle in District 20) (Sandolph, Season 3)
Everlasting (Timekilling Time) (Time Duck, Season 4)
Walpurgis Night E.G.O Regret (Forsaken Murderer) - Lantern (Meat Lantern) - Magic Bullet (Der Freischütz) - Wingbeat (Fairy Festival) - Sanguine Desire (Red Shoes) - Solemn Lament (Funeral of the Dead Butterflies)