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Basilisoup is a non-fightable Abnormality.

While it does not make an actual appearance in-game, it is featured in its E.G.O Lifetime Stew.


Basilisoup has the appearance of a basilisk, or cockatrice. Its white skin, which appears to lack any feathers, is seen to be tearing at places, seeping out soup.

It has a long neck which connects to a bronze cauldron that serves as its head, complete with a comb and wattle. The bottom of the cauldron is split open, giving it the appearance of a beak. The cauldron is filled with the same soup from its body, spilling out from its mouth.

Basilisoup also possesses a pair of large dragon wings, and what appears to be a long reptilian tail.


The Lifetime Stew E.G.O is extracted from Basilisoup.

Don Quixote and Sinclair's E.G.O were added as part of the Hell's Chicken Event during Season 1, Don Quixote's available through Event Rewards and Sinclair's through Extraction. Both E.G.O are obtainable through both the Dispenser and the Sinner's Target Extractions from Season 3 onward.

Lifetime Stew E.G.O
Lifetime Stew Don Quixote Skill.png
TETH Label.png
Don Quixote
Lifetime Stew Sinclair Skill.png
TETH Label.png



  • Basilisoup is based on the story of Stone Soup. In the story, a group of travelers place a stone into a pot of water, claiming to make a 'stone soup'. Villagers decide to add their own ingredients to the soup to improve its taste. Finally, the travelers remove the stone and share the finished soup with the village.
    • The story is also reflected in its E.G.O. Sinclair's shares the idea of communally sharing the stew among everyone due to the Indiscriminate nature of its Awakening skill, while Don Quixote's quote is one directly inspired by the story.

Lifetime Stew Sinclair BG.png