Dongbaek/Enemy/Dongbaek E.G.O::Spicebush

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I've always wished to be a bud, soon to burst into bloom. Shrouded in scent all over the body... Even if this is my own heart-wrenching path, understood by no one... I'll still leave behind a morrow, strong and fertile like fallen petals.

–Dongbaek, Dongbaek E.G.O::Spicebush

Dongbaek E.G.O::Spicebush

LcbSinSloth.pngDongbaek E.G.O::Spicebush
Dongbaek E.G.O Spicebush Idle Sprite.png
Risk Level ??? Label.png Code ??-??-??-??
Core HP.png 1735 Traits Technology Liberation Alliance
Sanity.png Panic Type
Name Low Morale Panic
Unstable Panic.png

Turn Start: Gain 2 Attack Power Up.pngAttack Power Up and 3 Bind.pngBind.

Turn Start: Become staggered.


Abno Part Body.png Status
HP.png 1735 SPEED.png 1-3 Defense.png 44
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Body.png Body
Scattering Fragrance Dongbaek Spicebush.png
4 Slash.png + 2
Scattering Fragrance  
SkillAttack.png 34 (35-1) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Rupture.pngRupture
[On Hit] Inflict 1 Blooming.pngBlooming
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Rupture.pngRupture
[On Hit] Inflict 1 Blooming.pngBlooming
Abno Part Body.png Body
Pungent Fragrance Dongbaek Spicebush.png
7 Blunt.png + 1
Pungent Fragrance  
SkillAttack.png 37 (35+2) Atk Weight ⯀⯀⯀
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Blooming.pngBlooming
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Blooming.pngBlooming
Abno Part Body.png Body
Flowering Buds Dongbaek Spicebush.png
7 Pierce.png + 5
Flowering Buds  
SkillAttack.png 35 (35+0) Atk Weight ⯀
Spawn 2 flowers next turn
If there are 4 flowers present, instead raise the level of a lowest-level flower by 1
[On Hit] Inflict +3 Rupture.pngRupture Count
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Blooming.pngBlooming
Abno Part Body.png Body
Like Flowers in Full Bloom... Dongbaek Spicebush.png
8 Pierce.png + 1
Like Flowers in Full Bloom...  
SkillAttack.png 37 (35+2) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Inflict 3 Blooming.pngBlooming
[On Hit] Inflict 1 Blooming.pngBlooming
[On Hit] Inflict 1 Blooming.pngBlooming
Abno Part Body.png Body
Magnificent Spring Breeze Dongbaek Spicebush.png
16 Blunt.png + 4
Magnificent Spring Breeze  
SkillAttack.png 32 (35-3) Atk Weight ⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀
Gain +5 Final Power for each living Soon-to-bloom Flower
[After Attack] Remove all Soon-to-bloom Flowers
[On Hit] Target loses 15 SP
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Blooming.pngBlooming
Abno Part Body.png Body
Must Cover With Dirt Dongbaek Spicebush.png
5 Slash.png + 6
Must Cover With Dirt  
SkillAttack.png 34 (35-1) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Inflict Dueling.pngDueling next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
Withering Flower Dongbaek Spicebush.png
8 Slash.png + 1
Withering Flower  
SkillAttack.png 32 (35-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[Combat Start] Gain 10 Protection.pngProtection
[Clash Lose] Gain 3 Scattering Petals.pngScattering Petals
Abno Part Body.png Body
Culminating Fragrance Dongbaek Spicebush.png
20 Blunt.png + 5
Culminating Fragrance  
SkillAttack.png 42 (35+7) Atk Weight ⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀
If target is Fully Bloomed.pngFully Bloomed, deal +100% damage
[On Hit] If target is Fully Bloomed.pngFully Bloomed, stagger them and remove the effect
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Fragile.pngFragile
[On Hit] Inflict 5 Rupture.pngRupture
[On Hit] Inflict +5 Rupture.pngRupture Count
Abno Part Body.png Body
Piquant Scent Dongbaek Spicebush.png
6 Evade.png + 2
Piquant Scent  
SkillDefense.png 35 (35+0) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Evade] Inflict 1 Blooming.pngBlooming
Abno Part Body.png Body
Awaiting the Moment Dongbaek Spicebush.png
20 Guard.png + 10
Awaiting the Moment  
SkillDefense.png 35 (35+0) Atk Weight ⯀
[Combat Start] Gain 5 Protection.pngProtection
Cost of Blooming  
If 'Magnificent Spring Breeze' loses in a clash, lose 10 SP
Into Full Bloom  
At the start of Turn 5, spawn 4 Soon-to-bloom Flowers with 3 Growing.pngGrowing
Flowering Mind  
When HP drops to 50%, proceeds to the next phase. HP does not go below 50% until the phase changes.
When HP falls below 50%, uses a special skill to target 1 unit, then becomes immune to Stagger and Panic for the next 2 turns.
If Yi Sang has 'Dueling', Dongbaek gains 1 Attack Power Up.pngAttack Power Up.
If Yi Sang wins the duel, all allies gain 3 Damage Up.pngDamage Up next turn.
If Dongbaek wins the duel, Dongbaek fully heals SP.
Fixed Panic  
This unit's Panic Type does not change when inflicted with an effect that changes Panic Types. Instead, this unit is inflicted with an effect that is inflicted against targets without SP.


One core mechanic of this battle is the Blooming.pngBlooming status effect. Upon any sinner reaching 5 stacks of this debuff, a Fully Bloomed Flower will spawn, and the Sinner will be trapped within it, untargetable by all.

If all sinners are trapped in a Fully Bloomed Flower or Dead and Dongbaek is staggered, nobody will be capable of inputting any actions that turn. Because of this, the game will register it as a Defeat and end the battle. This is important to keep in mind for the turns where Dongbaek uses Magnificent Spring Breeze in phase 1, as if she is staggered on the following turn yet all the sinner

If Dongbaek is staggered while any sinners are trapped within the flowers, they will be freed from the flowers. However, if she is staggered the turn that a sinner will be put into the flower (such as from landing Magnificent Spring Breeze), then any sinners placed into flowers on the turn she is staggered will remain in the flowers.

If a sinner has 5 stacks of Blooming, but is slain by the end of turn, an empty Fully Bloomed Flower will spawn instead, using the same sprite as the Soon-to-bloom flowers.

Attack Pattern

Spicebush Dongbaek can be broken up into 2 phases.

Phase 1

This initial patterns consists of the first two turns of the battle. Dongbaek will use the following skills over these two turns, no matter what.
- Pungent Fragrance, Pungent Fragrance, Scattering Fragrance, Piquant Scent
- Pungent Fragrance, Like Flowers in Full Bloom..., Scattering Fragrance, Piquant Scent

At the start of turn 3, an animation will play as Dongbaek transforms the arena to one that matches her EGO. She also spawns up to 4 Soon-to-bloom Flower based on the number of Fully Bloomed Flower on the field. For example, if 2 sinners are trapped in Fully Bloomed Flower, then she will only spawn 2 Soon-to-bloom Flower. Following this, Dongbaek will repeat the following pattern until the next phase of the battle (which starts when she reaches 50% HP):
- Scattering Fragrance, Flowering Buds, Flowering Buds, Piquant Scent
- Pungent Fragrance, Like Flowers in Full Bloom..., Like Flowers in Full Bloom..., Piquant Scent
- Awaiting the Moment, Awaiting the Moment, Awaiting the Moment
- Magnificent Spring Breeze, Magnificent Spring Breeze, Pungent Fragrance, Piquant Scent
- On that final turn after using Magnificent Spring Breeze, Dongbaek staggers herself. Then she repeats this loop from the beginning.

If all sinners are in Fully Bloomed Flowers, and Dongbaek is not staggered, she will use the following skill:
- Culminating Fragrance

Phase 2

Phase 2 can also be broken down into two parts. The first part is the default pattern that lasts until Dongbaek loses 10% of her health. In this part, Dongbaek will use the following rotation:
- Magnificent Spring Breeze, Scattering Fragrance, Scattering Fragrance, Piquant Scent
- Scattering Fragrance, Flowering Buds, Flowering Buds, Piquant Scent
- Pungent Fragrance, Like Flowers in Full Bloom..., Like Flowers in Full Bloom..., Piquant Scent
- Magnificent Spring Breeze, Flowering Buds, Flowering Buds, Piquant Scent

Once Dongbaek has taken enough damage in phase 2, she will enter the dueling phase. She will use the following skill set first:
- Must Cover With Dirt, Awaiting the Moment, Awaiting the Moment, Awaiting the Moment
Then she will use the following skill for the next two turns.
- Withering Flower
After the duel phase ends, Dongbaek will go back to the above default pattern until the end of the battle.

If all sinners are in Fully Bloomed Flowers (including those who are still in flowers after Dongbaek wins the duel), and Dongbaek is not staggered, she will use the following skill:
- Culminating Fragrance


Like most abnormality encounters with human enemies, Dongbaek is made up of just the body part, making the additional parts mechanic a formality. The part will never break as it shares a health pool with Dongbaek herself. It is notable that at the start of phase 2, the body will regenerate to full health. This is largely irrelevant as Spicebush does not have stagger thresholds.
