Drifting Fox

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Drifting Fox (T-02-11-03) is a HE-class Abnormality encountered during Canto IV. It was contained in its ovate form by the Technology Liberation Alliance who were able to extract E.G.O equipment from it. It later escaped and is battled in the Reminisced League of Nine Dungeon.

It can also be battled on Mondays in Thread Luxcavation, encountered in the Mirror Dungeon through Abnormality events and as a potential boss, and on Station 3 of Line 2: Möbius.

It is the source of the E.G.O Sunshower.


Drifting Fox is a large fox with brown, shaggy fur and bright, yellow eyes. Four open umbrellas have been stabbed into the fox's back, while another closed umbrella is held in its mouth which it uses to attack opponents. The umbrellas are green in color, and have a rusted and tattered appearance.


Log Writer: Sinclair

Hmm... How do I put it…

My first impression of it was, pitiful... and poor.

It looked like a huge wolf... no, fox, actually. It looked at us and growled.

On its body... old umbrellas were stuck on it. Not one, several of them.

It doesn't look like they were left by someone trying to attack it... If that were the case, the sharp parts would've been lodged into its body first.

I wonder why the handles of the umbrellas were stuck in it.

It seemed to be extremely wary of us. Not like there were a lot of Abnormalities that didn't show animosity, but... I don't think many of them stayed 'watchful' like this one.

...Mm, I'll stop here for now...

The more umbrellas opened, the fiercer the fox seems to get.

In particular... it sometimes does nothing and waits, but the attack that comes after was especially powerful.


The fox... sometimes cries.

Looking at the sky, howling for long... as if it's laying bare some kind of sorrow into the sky.

It's not like I've talked to it, or learned anything about its past, but... every time I hear that sound, my heart aches so much.

It gets even worse when I break one of the umbrellas on its body... Like my own heart is breaking…

That's how it feels.

→ Sinclair, what you're experiencing is simple loss of sanity during battle. Do not let the Abnormality influence you. (Faust)

→ But... the fox feels different from the Abnormalities we've fought... I'm sure it wasn't always hostile… (Sinclair)

→ Do not refer to it as a fox or a dog. It's nothing more than an Abnormality. You mustn't confuse it for an animal you can find in the City. (Faust)

→ Get over it, you think that fake fairy with a fat jelly bod was any easier to deal with? All we gotta do is fight and sleep as we're told. You'll end up dead trying to care about nonsense! (Heathcliff)

Ah... I finally realized it.

The fox was mad at those who only give it meaningless attention before leaving.

Looking at the poor, abandoned thing on the street and giving it nothing but an umbrella…

People who gave it such meager care and think themselves as gracious benefactors for it, feeding their own ego…

That's what the fox was sad and angry about.

I, I see where it's coming from.

We have to take away the worn umbrellas on that poor child, and embrace it ourselves. We-

→ Didn't have a choice here. Seemed like something he could only snap out of after dying. (Trails of blood can be seen on the log.) (Heathcliff)

→ Although the method was rather extreme... It most certainly wasn't a condition that could be resolved in a short time otherwise. (Faust)

Mirror Dungeon Event

Mirror Dungeon Event
MD Drifting Fox.png

An alleyway garbage dump.
Its atmosphere is stuffy and unpleasant thanks to the humidity from the rain.

A pile of old and torn umbrellas sits in a corner.

The umbrellas jiggled.
Looking closer, there’s a large fox underneath.

The umbrellas’ rusted iron blades have firmly rooted themselves in its back.

Pull out the umbrellas.
Those umbrellas seem to be causing it pain.

When you pull them out with force, bits of its flesh come off with them.

The fox yelped sharply and gave us a glare.

Then, it smacked you with the umbrella in its mouth.

It seemed to reprimand your attitude of pursuing resolution without forethought.

All Allies took 10 HP Damage!
Pet the fox.
Lust & Sloth & Pride Advantage check. Pass to gain a Keywordless E.G.O Gift.
Who should do it?

LcbSinSloth.png Sloth / LcbSinLust.png Lust / LcbSinPride.png Pride Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 10
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 20

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

Its growl recedes.

You stroke it once more,
and it closes its eyes, pleased.

You stroke it once more,
and it settles on the ground, comforted.

You stroke it once more,
and it shrinks to become a statue.

E.G.O Gift Sunshower Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

When you reach out to pet it,
it growls louder.

When your finger touched its bristled fur,
it jumped, yelping violently.

You try to approach it as it gives you a fierce glare,
but it runs off without turning back.

What else should you have done?

The Sinner who failed the check takes 15 SP damage!

Take the gathered umbrellas.
Win the battle to earn a Keywordless E.G.O Gift and a Rupture E.G.O Gift
There is a pile of weathered and torn umbrellas. They can no longer stop the falling rain.

There is no way to know why the fox remained buried under the umbrellas, but perhaps removing them all will inspire it to a move to a different spot.

The fox gently holds the old and worn umbrella in its mouth and yips at us, as though it did not want us to take it away.

After a long consideration, we bring back a worn umbrella to the fox's mouth in hopes of letting it bite onto it.

Combat Encounter!

Win the battle to gain E.G.O Gifts "Sunshower" & "Ragged Umbrella"


Sunshower Gift.png

Tier: III
Cost: MD Cost.png 252

When activating Sloth Absolute Resonance or using a Skill with 2+ Atk Weight:

All allies gain +2 Skill Power at Combat Start.
Ragged Umbrella Gift.png

Tier: II
Cost: MD Cost.png 211
Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.

Ragged Umbrella
[Effects apply only to #1, #2 Deployed Identities]

When winning a Clash using a Skill that inflicts Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Potency or Count, inflict +2 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Count against the target (once per turn per Identity)

If the target doesn't have Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
, inflict 3 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Potency and +2 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Count instead.


The Sunshower E.G.O is extracted from Drifting Fox. It is seen during the events of Canto IV, where Dongbaek utilizes the Lobotomy E.G.O in battle against the Sinners.

Yi Sang and Outis' E.G.O were added in the Season 2 Battle Pass and are obtainable through the Dispenser from Season 3 onward.

Heathcliff's Lobotomy E.G.O Identity was added in the Season 2 Target Extractions as a Seasonal Identity and can be obtained through the Dispenser from Season 4 onward.

Sunshower E.G.O
Sunshower Yi Sang Skill.png
WAW Label.png
Yi Sang
Sunshower Outis Skill.png
HE Label.png
Lobotomy E.G.O::Sunshower
Lobotomy E.G.O Sunshower Heathcliff Icon.png



  • Drifting Fox's E.G.O, Sunshower, appears to be inspired by the Korean folktale that sunshowers, or "fox rain" (여우비, yeoubi) occurs when a tiger marries a fox or fox spirit. A cloud, that fell in love with the fox, weeps upon seeing the wedding causing it to rain due to its unrequited love.
  • The umbrellas stabbed into its back are implied to have come from people attempting to show kindness. The fact that they are rusted and tattered further implies that their kindness was feigned.
    • The Sunshower E.G.O Gift in the Mirror Dungeon can be seen as the Abnormality's way of thanking the Sinners for showing genuine kindness.
  • Sunshower is the first name to both have the meaning of E.G.O and E.G.O Gift.
  • Its combat event previously called it "Wandering Fox".
ZAYIN Blubbering Toad - Fairy Festival
TETH (Doomsday Clay Doll, Burning Clay Doll) - (Become Strong? Genuinely?, Grown Powerful! For Realsies?, You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?) - Clippity-cloppity? Tap Away! - (Pink Shoes Enchantee, Pink Shoes Possessee) - (Slumber-broken Neighbor, Rearisen Neighbor) - (Freezing Miner Slave, Shivering Miner Slave) - Brazen Bull - Fairy Gentleman - So That No One Will Cry - Fairy-Long-Legs - Faelantern - Skin Prophet - Drenched Gossypium - Portrait of a Certain Day
HE Doomsday Calendar - (Golden Apple, False Apple) - Headless Ichthys - Alleyway Watchdog - kqe-1j-23 - Drifting Fox - Shock Centipede - Steam Transport Machine - Wayward Passenger - Ardor Blossom Moth - Dreaming Electric Sheep
WAW Ebony Queen's Apple - My Form Empties - Sign of Roses - Ambling Pearl - Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent - Spiral of Contempt - The King in Binds
UNDEFINED Have You Become Strong - Pink Shoes - Baba Yaga
Stage 1 LcbSinWrath.png Irae - LcbSinLust.png Luxuriae - LcbSinSloth.png Pigritiae -LcbSinGluttony.png Gulae - LcbSinGloom.png Morositatis - LcbSinPride.png Superbiae - LcbSinEnvy.png Invidiae
Stage 2 LcbSinWrath.png Irae? - LcbSinSloth.png Pigritiae? -LcbSinGluttony.png Gulae? - LcbSinGloom.png Morositatis? - LcbSinEnvy.png Invidiae?
Stage 3 LcbSinWrath.png Irae??
Distortion & E.G.O Corrosion
E.G.O Corrosion (Four-Legged Beast, Crawling Inquisitor) - (Proceeding Inquisitor, Everything There of an Inquisitor) - (Wriggling Beast, Slithering Inquisitor)
Distortion The Dreamer of Human Wholeness (Kromer) - Papa Bongy (Eunbong’s Bar & Fryers Owner), Headchicken a.k.a. Bongy - Who Denies All (Dongrang) - Distorting/Distorted Bamboo-hatted Kim - The Reaved Lamenter (Hindley) - The Heartbroken (Heathcliff) - The Time Ripper (Ex-Yurodivy Memeber)

Drifting Fox BG.png