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Fairy-Long-Legs (F-01-11-15) is a TETH-class Abnormality that can be battled on Wednesdays in Thread Luxcavation, encountered in the Mirror Dungeon through Abnormality events and as a potential boss, and on Station 7 of Line 2: Möbius (from the 5th Cycle onwards).

It is related to Fairy Festival from Lobotomy Corporation and Fairy Gentleman.


Fairy-Long-Legs appears as a tall, slim and lanky green humanoid with two sets of small fairy wings on its back. Its legs are exceedingly long, making up more than half of its height. It has a large protruding chin as well as a long pointy pair of ears and nose. It carries a sinister smile on its face. Its body appears to be made of a jelly-like substance and it can be seen inflating its hand during some of its attacks.

The Abnormality also sports a bowler hat and black tie. It carries a giant four-leaf clover in its right hand that acts as an umbrella. Its right arm is drastically longer than its left arm, being even longer than its body. It is seen using this arm to wound its targets, grab their flesh, and feed it into the vertical maw on its chest. Its forearm is sticky with blood.

During combat, Fairy-Long-Legs is able to sprout a tall, thick clover from the ground. It uses this clover to shield its targets from the rain in order to keep the taste of their meat fresh.


Log Writer: Ishmael

It...was like a green, semi-transparent jelly.

It's not my first time seeing things like these... So when I peeped at observation logs, those things were all called fairies. In that case, I bet this thing is a fairy, too. It even has the unusually small wings.

Well, whatever it's called, I guess it's nothing more than an Abnormality at the end of the day.

Anyway... Its left arm was like a long paddle, if I can call it that... Right, it was also like those sticky tapes you sometimes see at Backstreets restaurants.

And on the other hand...it held a giant leaf. A four-leaf clover, was it? It was putting it up like an umbrella.

Huh... An umbrella.

That's right. It looked like it rained in that area all the time.

The rain was unpleasant... It felt muddy and damp. It was like being splashed with the sea water from a breaking wave.

It didn't feel too strong. Well, I'll figure out more as we fight.

Ugh... It sure is an Abnormality. The "fairy" title gave me a bit of fantastical preconception, I'll admit. I was frankly expecting the battle to be more normal than what happened.

Haah... That sticky sundew-like arm stretched out and brushed against us. I didn't think it'd stretch that long, so I couldn't think to block it.

What it did after was just as difficult to respond to. Before I could make any decisions, it retracted its arm. At the tip of that arm...was bits of our flesh.

It shoved those flesh bits into the mouth (not sure if it's the right way to call it, but I can't think of anything else) on its torso and chewed it up like they were tasty cuts of a steak.

Seems like that'show it heals itself up. We should try and stop it from taking our flesh...

But the attack is quick, so we'll want to plan out our course of action.

It would occasionally make this giant clover...tree thing?

Come to think of it, we were rarely hit by the rain while standing under it. And...the fairy seemed like it was doing it on purpose.

The clover it was holding sometimes got torn during battle; when that happened, it looked pretty displeased judging from its reaction. What's more...it seemed to get slower.

"The relish is lost"...? I think it said something along the lines of that. The glare it gave us was intense for sure.

The rain might have actual effects on combat other than just feeling awful to be in.


If that's the case, the reason it makes the clover tree to grow...is to keep us from being hit by the harmful rain so that gains more benefits when eating our flesh?

To...make its meals tastier.

Ugh, I really think that thing doesn't deserve to be called a fairy.

Mirror Dungeon Event

Mirror Dungeon Event
MD Fairy-Long-Legs.png

Damp and slippery, this is the emerald forest.

A green rain was pouring down, seeming quite sticky.

You see someone next to you holding a large piece of grass like an umbrella.

'Oh dear, I'd advise against being hit by this rain.'

'Come on, get under this umbrella, all of you.'

'If you stand in the rain, you might melt down head first.'

Go under the umbrella and wait until the rain stops.
Win the battle to earn 2 Poise E.G.O Gifts
'What do you say, it's so cozy under this umbrella, isn't it?'

'This damn rain robs me of all my food every time.'

'I'm glad you could be kept savory at least.'

'Oh, you're concerned that the rain melts things? Hahaha, of course not. The rain would heal you, rather.'

'Then why did I say that it does, you ask?'

'I mean, if you were exposed to that rain... I'd have to go through the extra trouble of peeling off the silky smooth integument with my own hands.'

'But thankfully... This spares me the bother.'

It finished talking, making a wide smile for its happiest occasion.

The rain was letting up.

Combat Encounter!

Win the battle to gain E.G.O Gifts "Four-leaf Clover" & "Emerald Elytra"
Weather the rain and leave the place.
Gluttony & Gloom Advantage check. Pass to gain a Poise E.G.O Gift.
What will you do?

LcbSinGluttony.png Gluttony / LcbSinGloom.png Gloom Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 14
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 28

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

Declining the offer, we pressed on in the rain.

While running, you noticed something in your hand.

Perhaps it's the serendipity of staying out of that umbrella.

E.G.O Gift Four-leaf Clover Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

'Oh dear... They're being spoiled...'

The tall fairy runs at us with jovial motions, holding the umbrella still.

It reveals a concealed arm stained with blood. It was running in a hurry, and the long arm is stretched toward us, trying to snatch us by the neck.

All Allies lost 30 SP!


Four-leaf Clover Gift.png

Tier: III
Cost: MD Cost.png 260
Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).

Four-leaf Clover
When an ally with Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
at Combat Start Critical Hits an enemy, gain 5 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Potency and +2 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Count at the next Turn Start. (Once per turn)

If the Skill's Affinity was Gluttony, gain 7 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Potency and +3 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Count instead at the next Turn Start.
Emerald Elytra Gift.png

Tier: I
Cost: MD Cost.png 160
Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).

Emerald Elytra
First Turn Start of a Wave: 1 fastest ally gains 3 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Potency and 2 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).

If the ally has Envy Affinity Attack Skills, gain 4 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Potency and 3 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Count instead.



  • Its name is a pun on 'Very Long Legs' and the colloquial for the Pholcidae family of spiders, 'Daddy-Long-Legs'.
  • Like other fairy Abnormalities, Fairy-Long-Legs' acts of kindness have an ulterior motive. While it uses giant clovers to shield others from the rain, it does so to ensure their meat doesn't get spoiled.
  • It shares a lot of similarities with Fairy Gentleman, another TETH-class Abnormality with ties to Fairy Festival. Both sport similar attire, and have green goopy bodies with a maw in their abdomen.
    • Both Abnormalities can also be fought together in Line 2: Möbius.
    • Wonderlab introduced an Aberration of Fairy Festival called Titania [1], though it does not display similar traits to Fairy-Long-Legs or Fairy Gentleman.
  • When fought in the Mirror Dungeon, it is erroneously named "Fairy Longlegs".
ZAYIN Blubbering Toad - Fairy Festival
TETH (Doomsday Clay Doll, Burning Clay Doll) - (Become Strong? Genuinely?, Grown Powerful! For Realsies?, You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?) - Clippity-cloppity? Tap Away! - (Pink Shoes Enchantee, Pink Shoes Possessee) - (Slumber-broken Neighbor, Rearisen Neighbor) - (Freezing Miner Slave, Shivering Miner Slave) - Brazen Bull - Fairy Gentleman - So That No One Will Cry - Fairy-Long-Legs - Faelantern - Skin Prophet - Drenched Gossypium - Portrait of a Certain Day
HE Doomsday Calendar - (Golden Apple, False Apple) - Headless Ichthys - Alleyway Watchdog - kqe-1j-23 - Drifting Fox - Shock Centipede - Steam Transport Machine - Wayward Passenger - Ardor Blossom Moth - Dreaming Electric Sheep
WAW Ebony Queen's Apple - My Form Empties - Sign of Roses - Ambling Pearl - Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent - Spiral of Contempt - The King in Binds
UNDEFINED Have You Become Strong - Pink Shoes - Baba Yaga
Stage 1 LcbSinWrath.png Irae - LcbSinLust.png Luxuriae - LcbSinSloth.png Pigritiae -LcbSinGluttony.png Gulae - LcbSinGloom.png Morositatis - LcbSinPride.png Superbiae - LcbSinEnvy.png Invidiae
Stage 2 LcbSinWrath.png Irae? - LcbSinSloth.png Pigritiae? -LcbSinGluttony.png Gulae? - LcbSinGloom.png Morositatis? - LcbSinEnvy.png Invidiae?
Stage 3 LcbSinWrath.png Irae??
Distortion & E.G.O Corrosion
E.G.O Corrosion (Four-Legged Beast, Crawling Inquisitor) - (Proceeding Inquisitor, Everything There of an Inquisitor) - (Wriggling Beast, Slithering Inquisitor)
Distortion The Dreamer of Human Wholeness (Kromer) - Papa Bongy (Eunbong’s Bar & Fryers Owner), Headchicken a.k.a. Bongy - Who Denies All (Dongrang) - Distorting/Distorted Bamboo-hatted Kim - The Reaved Lamenter (Hindley) - The Heartbroken (Heathcliff) - The Time Ripper (Ex-Yurodivy Memeber)

Fairy-Long-Legs BG.png