Skin Prophet

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Skin Prophet (T-03-21-09) is a TETH-class Abnormality encountered during Canto V. It was previously contained in the L Corp. branch in U Corp. before the whole facility was swallowed by the Pallid Whale.

It can also be encountered in the Mirror Dungeon through Abnormality events and as a potential boss, and on Station 6 of Line 3: MirrorClock OrangeRoad.

It is related to Skin Prophecy from Lobotomy Corporation, and is the source of the E.G.O 9:2.


Skin Prophet has the appearance of an emaciated humanoid with maroon-colored skin. Its body appears bony with an elongated spine connecting its upper body to its lower body. It lacks legs, instead having a lumpy mound for a base.

The Abnormality possesses three heads, each sprouting from a separate elongated neck. Each head has a singular large, orange, glowing eye with a red vertical slit pupil.

It has a pair of arms with clawed hands that are seen holding up a large book. A third arm, sprouting from the center of its chest, holds a fiery quill. The cover of the book appears to made of the same skin as the Abnormality's body. Skin Prophet is seen constantly scrawling in the book using its quill. The contents are illegible, made up of unknown glyphs, though they are described as prophecies of the future.


Log Writer: Outis

Performing the post-mortem report as ordered by the Executive Manager.

The entity was encountered around 1600 hours today… But we failed to immediately recognize its presence as we were in a low-light environment.

Thus, it can be said that our first real encounter was around 1610 hours today.

The entity was positioned next to candles and was furiously writing something down on a large book. It held what looked like a flaming quill pen in its hands.

It was quite dark in there without the properly lit candles, that… we had some trouble recognizing its shape.

I am unsure how it managed to write in that dark or how it continued to write, but… maybe its three eyeballs and the flaming quill pen worked as sort of reading lamps.

I surmise that it would exhibit attack patterns using lights. It would be best that we refrain from going on the offense until we can observe further and identify meaningful behavioral patterns of the entity.

Please consult this guide in your future commands.

Thank You.

→ … How long were we going to ‘refrain from going on the offense’ huh? (Heathcliff)

→ It has been determined that attacking the entity before lighting the candles around it was a fruitless effort. Our long standby appears to have been meaningless. (Faust)

→ Misjudgements are common occurrences in battles. I have taken responsibility for my mistake by taking the candles’ attacks. (Some of the letters glisten with what appears to be wax drippings.) (Outis)

Though the battle progressed in a much different manner than I had initially expected, I will continue to write this report according to my findings.

We engaged with the entity in a meaningful capacity around 2215 hours today.

Its strategies are quite elementary. In a way, it announces its attacks from a mile away—not the most sound strategy in modern warfare, in my opinion.

After some time, or after the Sinners lit the Candles, it will recognize that it is under attack. That is when the entity will engage in a full frontal attack against its enemies.

This means that we have plenty of time to strategize before it shows its full force.

There could be multiple strategies to fight it, yes. But… since we have the numerical advantage, and since the formerly aggressive Candles will no longer be hostile, all we need to do is to not let our guards down.

If it trumps our ally in a contest of strength due to their incompetence, however, it will trigger the entity to commence a wide-ranging attack that could strike all of us at once.

The flames will constantly flicker on and off, so it would be important to keep a close eye on them as we battle.

Concluding the report.

Thank you.

Additional intel has come to light, so I will add an addendum to the report.

I have devised a plan to minimize our losses against this enemy.

Remember, the entity can recognize our presence only when the Candles are lit. Therefore, snuffing out the Candles as the entity was preparing to attack us has proven quite effective.

Once darkness descended, it had much trouble directing its attacks toward us… eventually destroying itself with its own attacks. Foolish.

Oh, and there is an additional addendum I must add to this report.

The book the entity was holding does not seem to be a normal book. Although it did not occur every time, a single glimpse of the book was enough to cause intense headaches and confusion in the Sinners.

Please consult the above information in your future commands.

Concluding the report.

Thank you.

Mirror Dungeon Event

Mirror Dungeon Event
MD Skin Prophet.png

Candles quietly burn away.
Scribbling sounds are all that fill the air.

A trio of eyes takes turns glaring
into a grand tome, bound in skin.

You can’t tell what it’s referencing,
or if there is any deliberation in its writing;
hands are busy nonetheless.

Yearning for destruction and doom,
it writes and writes and writes.

You feel the passages it’s writing may be prophecies for someplace and sometime.

Snuff out the candles.
Select to gain a Burn E.G.O Gift
You hushed the candles, one by one.

The space grew darker,
but its hands won’t stop.

The only light left
was on the quill it held.

Even that was snuffed by our breaths.

Then, the whole place went dark.

All that’s left
is the pen in its hand.

E.G.O Gift Fiery Down Earned!
Skill Final Power -1 at the start of the combat phase.
Peek at the book.

@$*@)$ ?
@#$!!@#* !

Identities without Lust Affinity Attack Skill take 20 SP damage!
Cost 60 gained
Gather the candles together.
Win the battle to earn 2 Burn E.G.O Gifts
You gathered the scattered candles to a single spot.
The flames suddenly rise high when a gust of wind whooshes past the gathered candles.
As soon as the pillar of flame touches the book, the three eyes all whip around to glare at the Sinners.

Combat Encounter!

Win the battle to gain E.G.O Gifts "Fiery Down" & "Melted Paraffin"


Fiery Down Gift.png

Tier: II
Cost: MD Cost.png 203
Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).

Fiery Down
When hitting an enemy with a Lust Affinity Skill or a Skill that inflicts Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency or 'Unique Burn', inflict 3 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).

Turn Start: If the enemy has 20+ Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency, (Current Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency on enemy) x2
Melted Paraffin Gift.png

Tier: I
Cost: MD Cost.png 150
Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).

Melted Paraffin
When winning a Clash with a Skill that inflicts Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency, Count, or 'Unique Burn', inflict (# of remaining Coins/2) Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency on the target.


The 9:2 E.G.O is extracted from Skin Prophet.

Faust and Sinclair's E.G.O were added in the Season 3 Battle Pass and are obtainable through the Dispenser from Season 4 onward.

9:2 E.G.O
9-2 Faust Skill.png
TETH Label.png
9-2 Sinclair Skill.png
HE Label.png



  • Both the book's appearance as well as its contents resemble the Tool Abnormality, Skin Prophecy.
  • Its E.G.O, 9:2, may refer to the Bible verse Isaiah 9:2 which reads as follows:
    The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
    • Similarly, one of its Skills named 6:5 may refer to Isaiah 6:5, which reads:
      “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.”
  • Despite having a sprite for having its Body broken, it is not possible for this to be seen in-game as the Body has the same amount of HP as the Core.
ZAYIN Blubbering Toad - Fairy Festival
TETH (Doomsday Clay Doll, Burning Clay Doll) - (Become Strong? Genuinely?, Grown Powerful! For Realsies?, You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?) - Clippity-cloppity? Tap Away! - (Pink Shoes Enchantee, Pink Shoes Possessee) - (Slumber-broken Neighbor, Rearisen Neighbor) - (Freezing Miner Slave, Shivering Miner Slave) - Brazen Bull - Fairy Gentleman - So That No One Will Cry - Fairy-Long-Legs - Faelantern - Skin Prophet - Drenched Gossypium - Portrait of a Certain Day
HE Doomsday Calendar - (Golden Apple, False Apple) - Headless Ichthys - Alleyway Watchdog - kqe-1j-23 - Drifting Fox - Shock Centipede - Steam Transport Machine - Wayward Passenger - Ardor Blossom Moth - Dreaming Electric Sheep
WAW Ebony Queen's Apple - My Form Empties - Sign of Roses - Ambling Pearl - Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent - Spiral of Contempt - The King in Binds
UNDEFINED Have You Become Strong - Pink Shoes - Baba Yaga
Stage 1 LcbSinWrath.png Irae - LcbSinLust.png Luxuriae - LcbSinSloth.png Pigritiae -LcbSinGluttony.png Gulae - LcbSinGloom.png Morositatis - LcbSinPride.png Superbiae - LcbSinEnvy.png Invidiae
Stage 2 LcbSinWrath.png Irae? - LcbSinSloth.png Pigritiae? -LcbSinGluttony.png Gulae? - LcbSinGloom.png Morositatis? - LcbSinEnvy.png Invidiae?
Stage 3 LcbSinWrath.png Irae??
Distortion & E.G.O Corrosion
E.G.O Corrosion (Four-Legged Beast, Crawling Inquisitor) - (Proceeding Inquisitor, Everything There of an Inquisitor) - (Wriggling Beast, Slithering Inquisitor)
Distortion The Dreamer of Human Wholeness (Kromer) - Papa Bongy (Eunbong’s Bar & Fryers Owner), Headchicken a.k.a. Bongy - Who Denies All (Dongrang) - Distorting/Distorted Bamboo-hatted Kim - The Reaved Lamenter (Hindley) - The Heartbroken (Heathcliff) - The Time Ripper (Ex-Yurodivy Memeber)

Skin Prophet BG.png