Line 2: Möbius

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Line 2: Möbius is the second line of Refraction Railway introduced in Season 2: Reminiscence. It is unlocked by completing Canto III.

Line 2 consists of a total of 9 different stations. However only 3 stations are unlocked at the beginning. After completing all available stations, the player can return to the first station, increasing their Cycle Count and unlocking more stations. After completing the first Cycle, the Terminus Station is unlocked which can be entered at any point during the run. The Terminus Station serves as the final battle, and upon entering it, the player will be unable to leave. Completing the Terminus Station will end the run.

The rank of a run is determined by the Cycle Count. Runs with the same Cycle Count are ranked according to the total number of turns taken.


  • September 14th 2023 12:00 - February 1st 2024 12:00 (KST time)
  • Requires clearance of Canto III 3-22



  • Basic - Obtained by clearing Line 2 with 3 or more Cycle Counts
  • Decorated - Obtained by clearing Line 2 with 5 or more Cycle Counts
  • Embellished - Obtained by clearing Line 2 with 5 or more Cycle Counts and under 200 Total Turns
  • Special Basic - Obtained by clearing Line 2 with 3 or more Cycle Counts before the end of Season 2
  • Special Decorated - Obtained by clearing Line 2 with 5 or more Cycle Counts before the end of Season 2
  • Special Embellished - Obtained by clearing Line 2 with 5 or more Cycle Counts and under 200 Total Turns before the end of Season 2
  • Special Distinguished - Obtained by clearing Line 2 with 5 or more Cycle Counts and under 150 Total Turns before the end of Season 2 (Must be a record made after 2023.9.15 20:15(KST))

Business Card Decorations

  • Line 2 - Obtained by clearing Line 2 with 5 or more Cycle Counts
  • Line 2: Möbius - Obtained by clearing Line 2 with 5 or more Cycle Counts and under 200 turns before the end of Season 2
  • Line 2: Möbius II - Obtained by clearing Line 2 with 5 or more Cycle Counts and under 150 Total Turns before the end of Season 2 (Must be a record made after 2023.9.15 20:15(KST))


One Ally Buff and one Enemy Buff has to be chosen for each Cycle that is cleared. Ally buffs heals Sinners, buffs attacks of a certain damage type or sin affinity, or grants extra status effect potency to allies or enemies every turn. Enemy buffs provide for a larger range or enhancements.

All buffs are stackable; that is, choosing a buff multiple times will increase its strength by the number of times that it has been chosen.

Ally Buffs

There are 19 ally buffs to choose from. The ally buff that has been chosen for any given Cycle may not be chosen again for the Cycle directly after it, but may be chosen again after 2 Cycles.

Line 2 Ally Buffs.png Ally Buffs
Name Icon Effect (Per Stack)
Heal Selected Icon Heal One Line 2.png Fully heal selected Identity
Heal All Icon Heal All Line 2.png All Identities heal 25% HP
Damage Type Boost
Slash Boost Icon Type Slash Boost.png +10% to Slash damage dealt
Pierce Boost Icon Type Pierce Boost.png +10% to Pierce damage dealt
Blunt Boost Icon Type Blunt Boost.png +10% to Blunt damage dealt
Sin Affinity Boost
Wrath Boost Icon Sin Wrath Boost.png +20% to Wrath damage dealt
Lust Boost Icon Sin Lust Boost.png +20% to Lust damage dealt
Sloth Boost Icon Sin Sloth Boost.png +20% to Sloth damage dealt
Gluttony Boost Icon Sin Glut Boost.png +20% to Glut. damage dealt
Gloom Boost Icon Sin Gloom Boost.png +20% to Gloom damage dealt
Pride Boost Icon Sin Pride Boost.png +20% to Pride damage dealt
Envy Boost Icon Sin Envy Boost.png +20% to Envy damage dealt
Status Effect Boost
Burn Boost Icon Burn Boost.png At the start of the turn, apply 1 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
to all enemies and apply +1 more Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Count to all enemies with Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Bleed Boost Icon Bleed Boost.png At the start of the turn, apply 1 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
to all enemies and apply +1 more Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Count to all enemies with Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Tremor Boost Icon Tremor Boost.png At the start of the turn, apply 1 Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
to all enemies and apply +1 more Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
Count to all enemies with Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
Rupture Boost Icon Rupture Boost.png At the start of the turn, apply 1 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
to all enemies and apply +1 more Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Count to all enemies with Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Sinking Boost Icon Sinking Boost.png At the start of the turn, apply 1 Sinking.pngSinkingSinking.png Sinking
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed SP damage. (Units with no Sanity take Gloom damage.)
to all enemies and apply +1 more Sinking.pngSinkingSinking.png Sinking
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed SP damage. (Units with no Sanity take Gloom damage.)
Count to all enemies with Sinking.pngSinkingSinking.png Sinking
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed SP damage. (Units with no Sanity take Gloom damage.)
Poise Boost Icon Poise Boost.png At the start of the turn, apply 2 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
to all allies and apply +2 more Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Count to allies with Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Charge Boost Icon Charge Boost.png At the start of the turn, apply +2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count to all allies

Enemy Buffs

There are 5 Enemy Buffs to choose from; the Icon Cycle.png Cycle Enemy Buff is automatically applied once every Cycle. Each of the choosable Enemy Buffs can only be chosen once, and will not be able to be chosen again until all other Enemy Buffs have been chosen.

Line 2 Enemy Buffs.png Enemy Buffs
Name Icon Effect (Per Stack)
Mandatory per Cycle
Cycle Icon Cycle.png +10% to damage dealt
Offense Level +1, Defense Level +1
Other Enemy Buffs
Opportunistic Icon Oppertunistic.png Offense Level +3 if user took no HP damage for a turn
(Shield damage ≠ HP damage)
Hardening Icon Hardening.png Max HP +15%
Slot Weight +1
Accelerating Icon Accelerating.png Max Speed +1
Inhaling Icon Inhaling.png HP Healed from Skill Effects +30%
Heal +8% of Damage dealt
Thirsting Icon Thirsting.png +1 to amount of E.G.O resources consumed by Sinners when using E.G.O Skills

Stage List

Line 2: Möbius
Station Image Abnormality/Faction First-Clear Reward Cycle Count Description
First Stop: Curse Refracted So That No One Will Cry
Identity Training Ticket III.png
Identity Training Ticket III x15

Here we go again.
Memories of painful battles we've endured,
the odd feeling of refraction pierces through my body.

I wonder if we can adapt once more.
Station #2: Servitude Refracted Steam Transport Machine
Thread x15

It was working ceaselessly.
The machine has never stopped working since
its pressurized, scalding hot steam turned its first gears.
We must break the cycle in which it has long been
trapped to continue on our path.
Station #3: Rainfall Refracted Drifting Fox
Random Egoshard Crate.png
Random Egoshard Crate x20

The fox cries, sometimes.
We know not if it cries for sorrow or rain.
We know, however, that the umbrellas piercing
its body are not there for the rain.
For the fox has not once opened them for itself.
Station #4: Arrears Refracted T Corp. Class 3 Collector x2 (x4 on Cycle 3+)
Identity Training Ticket III.png
Identity Training Ticket III x20

You know what they say: time is money.
I've once heard the tale of a miser who amasses a hoard of
gold deep within his basement.
Amassing time as one does gold is not so different,

...Their clocks are giving me a headache for some reason.
Station #5:
The Lure
Refracted Faelantern
Nominable Egoshard Crate.png
Nominable Egoshard Crate x20

The refraction rate rises steeply in this train.
Every single Station feels like a mountain to climb.
I think we can take a short rest by the stocky tree stump and the forest with blue lights...
The teal-colored light atop the branch dances from side to side, beckoning us...
Station #6: Exploitation Refracted Shock Centipede
Identity Training Ticket III.png
Identity Training Ticket III x25

We must sometimes become selfish things,
full of animosity if it means our survival.
Sometimes, we make others suffer so that we may not.
For a moment, I hesitate before the two buttons in front of the Station.
Am I doing the right thing...?
Station #7:
Odd Stench

Refracted Fairy Gentleman
Refracted Fairy-Long-Legs (Cycle 5)
Decaextraction Ticket.png
Decaextraction Ticket x1

'Come here, come all! Take a swig!'
I can smell the unpleasant stench of alcohol even before the Train door opens.
'Hurry along, all! A big swill, and you'll feel swell!
...It doesn't even look remotely potable. One of the Sinners begins to retch violently. Guess I'm not alone in thinking that.
Station #8: Cycle Refracted Wayward Passenger
-Season 2- 3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Ticket.png
[Season 2] 3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Ticket x1

The train awaits our choice.
The refraction rate is at its limits. Breach past it, or...
Ricochet and start a new Cycle?
Whichever it is, we must choose carefully.
We want to avoid falling off into a wayward path like that...thing outside the Station.
The Garden
Refracted Sign of Roses Cycle 1:
Level Boost Ticket III.png
Level Boost Ticket III x1

Cycle 2:
Thread x125

Cycle 3:
Nominable Egoshard Crate.png
Nominable Egoshard Crate x40

Cycle 4:
Decaextraction Ticket.png
Decaextraction Ticket x2

Cycle 5:
Line 2 Business Card Deco.png
Line 2: Möbius Business Card Decoration

The true Terminus.

This is an adequate place to get off this train without
getting lost.
The refraction rate is already off the charts.
For the first time since we embarked on this journey...
I see a signpost.
Maybe, this is where this railway line ends.
Or maybe...this is where we meet our ends.

Encounter Details

Line 2: Möbius
Station Number Enemy Cycle Change
1 No change throughout the cycles
2 Gains Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
for every turn taken across the whole Railway.
3 Gains Protection Umbrella.pngProtection UmbrellaProtection Umbrella.png Protection Umbrella
All parts gain Protection equal to X
When using Waiting Skill, Summon X Old Umbrella
1 Spent every time an Umbrella is broken.
per cycle count.
4 Becomes a 2 wave encounter starting on Cycle 3. The two waves are identical.
5 1 more target is Charmed.pngCharmedCharmed.png Charmed
- All damage dealt to Fairy reduced to 0.
- Expires when Fairy dies.
per cycle count.
6 Gains more starting Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
per cycle count.

Becomes a double battle starting on Cycle 5.

8 No change in additional cycles
9 Gains more HP but deals less damage per cycle count.

New Enemies

Line 2



Line 2 PV
