Line 3: MirrorClock OrangeRoad

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Line 3: MirrorClock OrangeRoad is the third line of Refraction Railway introduced in Season 3: Bon Voyage. It is unlocked by completing Canto V.

Line 3 is composed of 13 total Stations. Ten of these Stations offer highly difficult encounters based on enemies encountered in Canto V, as well as 3 new Abnormalities previously only encounterable in Mirror Dungeon events.

There are also three non-combat Stations intermittently placed in the Line which act as rest points. Here, Identities can be healed or revived. Any Identities with negative SP will have their SP reset to 0. The Identity and E.G.O loadout can also be modified at these Stations.

Unlike in previous Refraction Railway Lines, any changes made to an Identity or E.G.O's level or Uptie/Threadspin Tier after stating a run is reflected on the active team in the Railway.

The rank of a run is determined by the total turns taken to complete the Railway.


  • February 1st, 2024 12:00 - July 4th, 2024 12:00 (KST time)
  • Requires clearance of Canto V 5-36



  • Basic - Obtained by clearing the Terminus of Refraction Railway Line 3
  • Decorated - Obtained by clearing the Terminus of Line 3 with 100 Turns or less Total Turns before Season 3: Bon Voyage ends

Business Card Decorations

  • Line 3 - Obtained by clearing the Terminus of Refraction Railway Line 3
  • Line 3: MirrorClock OrangeRoad - Obtained by clearing the Terminus of Line 3 with 100 or less Total Turns before Season 3: Bon Voyage ends

Stage List

Line 3: MirrorClock OrangeRoad
Station Number Image Abnormality/Faction First-Clear Reward Description
First Stop: Cogwheel Refracted Whale of the Porous Hand Mermaids
Identity Training Ticket III.png
Identity Training Ticket III x15

Identity Training Ticket IV.png
Identity Training Ticket IV x10
[Refraction Rate: 0%]

I can hear the metal cogwheels turning and creaking.
Something heavy and massive seems to be taking a step with every teeth that click into each other.
Station #2: Waves Refracted Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent
Level Boost Ticket IV.png
Level Boost Ticket IV x1
[Refraction Rate: 14%]

An opaque, shimmering wave crashes unto us.
Perhaps its countless emotions, all of it lodged into its back, is reminiscent of that shimmering.
Silently yet ponderously, it crashes unto us.
Station #3: Nostalgia Refracted Drenched Gossypium
Thread x75
[Refraction Rate: 28%]

A nostalgic sight appears before us.
The scene seems to beckon us—perhaps it brings out in us a faint remembrance of the past.
Some Sinners appear rather distraught…
This time, we’ll have to approach it with our weapons drawn.
Station #4: Interlude REST STOP [Refraction Rate: ??%]

A heavy noise echoes once.
The teeth on the cogwheel click into one another—tick, tock, then it comes to a stop with a heavy grating noise.
The cogs will begin to turn again as soon as we exit this place.
Let’s prepare ourselves before moving to the next stop.
Station #5: Drudgery Refracted Ambling Pearl
Thread x125
[Refraction Rate: 39%]

We’ve gone through this salty scent of the sea before.
The one who painfully bears the multitude of filth, salt, and other similar things within it awaits us there.
Station #6: Truth Refracted Skin Prophet
Decaextraction Ticket.png
Decaextraction Ticket x1
[Refraction Rate: 51%]

An odd, miasmatic scent of a burning candle fills this place.
In it is the one who seeks the truth. Its massive eyes roll about to capture every little detail and knowledge.
It would be best that we stop it from consuming more knowledge before the flames of truth begin burning.
Station #7: Eclosion Refracted Ardor Blossom Moth
Random Egoshard Crate.png
Random Egoshard Crate x20

Nominable Egoshard Crate.png
Nominable Egoshard Crate x20
[Refraction Rate: 66%]

The heat from the flaming sunset can be felt all the way from here.
A mere brush against its flames will burn everything to ashes, but its fiery embrace may be a warmth that cannot be found anywhere else.
The potential, born again from the flames, gently beckons us.
Station #8: Interlude REST STOP [Refraction Rate: ??%]

A heavy noise echoes once.
The teeth on the cogwheel click into one another—tick, tock, then it comes to a stop with a heavy grating noise.
The cogs will begin to turn again as soon as we exit this place.
Let’s prepare ourselves before moving to the next stop.
Station #9: Pallidification Refracted Pallid Mermaids
Nominable Egoshard Crate.png
Nominable Egoshard Crate x40
[Refraction Rate: 75%]

They crawl down and appear before us, those whose hearts were painted over.
They are pallid, whiter than white.
What were their colors before something painted over them and turned them into empty canvases?
Station #10: Brainwash Refracted Ahab
Decaextraction Ticket.png
Decaextraction Ticket x2
[Refraction Rate: 83%]

If there are those whose hearts are painted, then there is one who paints hearts.
When the train comes to a stop, I can see from a distance a confident figure. She is flanked by her followers.
She stands as though to greet us, to paint over our hearts as well.
Then we will meet her with our weapons drawn.
Station #11: Gaslight Refracted Effloresced E.G.O::GasHarpoon
(Season 3) 3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Ticket.png
[Season 3] 3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Ticket x1
[Refraction Rate: 89%]

I thought we had defeated her in the previous Station, but…
The one who paints hearts had only grown even more hideous.
She is no longer flanked by her followers, yet… it feels as though they are now within her.
We mustn’t let ourselves be distracted by the flickering, dancing flames on her weapon arm.
Focus on her instead.
Station #12: Interlude REST STOP [Refraction Rate: ??%]

A heavy noise echoes once.
The teeth on the cogwheel click into one another—tick, tock, then it comes to a stop with a heavy grating noise.
The cogs will begin to turn again as soon as we exit this place.
Let’s prepare ourselves before moving to the next stop.
Terminus: Spiral Refracted Spiral of Contempt
Line 3 Business Card Deco.png
Line 3 Profile Decoration

Line 3 MirrorClock OrangeRoad Business Card Deco.png
Line 3: MirrorClock Orangeroad Profile Decoration
[Refraction Rate: 99%]

We emerge from the long tunnel and arrive at the Terminus; there lies the land of gold.
I can hear an odd, metallic noise echoing from the distance.
It’s not the kind of metallic noise that makes one shudder, but the sound digs deep under our skin.
We have to finish this fight before this twisted and formless sensation scrambles our brains.

Encounter Details

Line 3: MirrorClock OrangeRoad
Station Number Note Enemies
First Stop: Cogwheel
Wave 1
Wave 2
Station #2: Waves
Wave 1
Wave 2

Periodically summons

Station #3: Nostalgia
Wave 1
Station #5: Drudgery
Wave 1

Periodically summons

Station #6: Truth
Wave 1

Station #7: Eclosion
Wave 1
Station #9: Pallidification
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Station #10: Brainwash
Wave 1
Wave 2
Station #11: Gaslight
Wave 1
Terminus: Spiral
Wave 1

New Enemies

Line 3



Line 3 PV