District 14 (Nagel und Hammer)

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Nagel und Hammer... The Wing that values experience above all else.


Nagel und Hammer (German: lit. Nail and Hammer), otherwise known as N Corp., is one of the 26 Wings of the City, overseeing District 14. They are infamous for their draconian Taboos and violent enforcement system, that reaches even to other Wings.


District 14, led by N Corp., is known for its prestigious universities and peculiar townscape, made up of completely white buildings, as if they are covered in snow.

The culture of the Corporation sees experience as its highest value. Within the Wing, many have made criticisms of prosthetic use in humans, considering pain to be a necessary component of the human experience. However, this ideology is not held equally within the Wing, leading to multiple factions forming. In the extreme, the Wing's beliefs have manifested in the formation of an Inquisition that carries a great hatred for those with prosthetics, leading to its employees raiding towns to "purge" them of the presence of prosthetics. While overall N Corp. is comparable to the other Wings, except with somewhat more "rigidness", it appears the Inquisition has grown in recent years.

N Corp. is divided into two major factions, "Nail" and "Hammer"[1], and is managed by a Board of Directors, whom Hermann is a member of.

The Wing is notorious for particularly harsh enforcement of its Taboos, even sending specialized Fixers to swiftly kill those outside their District for breaking them.


The abilities of N Corp.'s Singularity are unknown, but the Corporation is responsible for manufacturing "Canned Experience", which grants anyone who consumes them experience of certain things, even if they had none prior. Once such Canned Experience, widely available across Nest N in vending machines, allows the consumer to experience suicide without actually committing said act. N Corp. Großhammer Meursault and N Corp. Mittelhammer Don Quixote's Identity Stories imply that these canned goods can be used for indoctrination, as the Inquisition utilizes them to keep some of their employees obedient.

N Corp., particularly Director Hermann's group, has also been developing a technology based on Yi Sang's Mirror. Through this technology, Kromer was able to view different Mirror Worlds and witnessed another reality where Sinclair became her subsidiary.

Notable Groups

Golden Bough Expedition

The group led by Director Hermann, an expedition team working to locate the Golden Boughs for their leader's plans to create a primordial human and destroy every Mirror World. Their members all have their own prior relations to the Sinners.

League of Nine Littérateurs

After the fall of the League of Nine Littérateurs, Hermann formed a new League of Nine within N Corp., with the purpose of continuing her Mirror World experiments. Gubo, Aseah and Yi Sang joined the group, although the latter would later leave the group and flee N Corp.


The N Corp. Inquisition is a subdivision of Nagel und Hammer. It consists of fanatic employees who carry extremist beliefs over the purity of the human flesh, who bear an immense hatred for those with prosthetics. These fanatics carry out what they define "purification", meaning the murder and torture of people with prosthetics, particularly through the use of hammers and nails. Part of the members of this group are made to take Canned Experience that reinforces their belief in the need of purification.

This subdivision is run under a ranked hierarchy:

  • The One who Grips: the highest ranking among the group, and their leader. Gives orders to other Inquisitors, who follow them unconditionally with religious zeal;
  • The Großhammer: the second-in-command inquisitor, personally ordered by The One who Grips themselves to deliver justice upon those they deemed heretics;
  • Mittelhammers: the third-in-command inquisitor;
  • Kleinhammers: the second lowest pawn for an inquisitor.

Taboo Hunters

There are a total of 14 Taboos in N Corp.'s District. If any one of these Taboos are violated, a Taboo Hunter will be dispatched to kill all offenders. These Fixers are incredibly powerful and can easily kill even experienced combatants. So far, the only known Taboo out of the 14 is "no visual recording", which led to the annihilation of Vergilius's Office and to Moses confronting a Taboo Hunter named Vespa Crabro.

Known Citizens

This includes the Limbus Company residents and personnel of N Corp.
Ncorp.png Nagel und Hammer
Hermann's Group
Hermann Story Icon.png Gubo Story Icon.png Aseah Story Icon.png
N Corp. director
Meursault Story Icon.png
Formerly employed
Sinclair Icon.png Canto III: The Unconfronting
Kromer Story Icon.png Guido Story Icon.png
The One Who Grips

Sinner Identities

The World of N Corp. Identities were added in the Season 1 Target Extractions as Seasonal Identities and can be obtained through the Dispenser from Season 3 onward.
World of N Corp. Icon.png World of N Corp.
The One Who Grips Faust Icon.png The One Who Shall Grip Sinclair Icon.png N Corp. Großhammer Meursault Icon.png N Corp. Mittelhammer Rodion Icon.png N Corp. Kleinhammer Heathcliff Icon.png N Corp. Mittelhammer Don Quixote Icon.png
The One Who Grips
The One Who Shall Grip
Don Quixote


  • Other N Corp. citizens seen in additional Project Moon media include:
    • Moses (Distortion Detective, Limbus Company) - Owner of an N Corp. Office, member of LCD
    • Ezra (Distortion Detective, Limbus Company) - Moses' employee, member of LCD
    • YuRia (Distortion Detective) - Owner of an N Corp. Workshop
    • Vespa Crabro (Distortion Detective) - N Corp. Taboo hunter.
    • Meryl (Distortion Detective) - A high school humanities student who underwent the Mock Exam distortion
  • N Corp. is currently the only known faction to have been able to intentionally create Peccatulum as they do so in both Leviathan and Canto VI: The Heartbreaking.
  • N Corp.'s motif of nails and hammers is reminiscent of the Silent Girl Abnormality, also seen at the end of Library of Ruina.



Wings Extant Wings A Corp. - B Corp. - C Corp.
D Corp. - E Corp. - F Corp. - G Corp. - H Corp. - I Corp. Logo.png I Corp. - J Corp - Kcorp.png K Corp. - M Corp. Logo.png M Corp. - Ncorp.png N Corp. - O Corp. -
P Corp. - Q Corp. - Rcorp.png R Corp. - S Corp. Logo.png S Corp. - TCorp.png T Corp. - U corp logo.png U Corp. - V Corp. - Wcorp.png W Corp. - X Corp. - Y Corp. - Z Corp.
Collapsed Wings Old G Corp. - Lcorp.png Lobotomy Corporation
Fixer Organizations Associations HanaLogo.pngHana - ZweiAssociationIcon.pngZwei - Tres - ShiAssociationIcon.pngShi - Cinq Logo.webpCinq - LiuAssociationIcon.png Liu - Seven Logo.webpSeven - Eight - Devyat' Logo.pngDevyat' - Dieci Logo.webpDieci - Oufi Logo.webpÖufi
Fixer Offices Rosespanner Workshop Logo.png Rosespanner Workshop - Molar Office Logo.png Molar Boatworks - MultiCrack Office - Fanghunt Office
Syndicates Five Fingers The Thumb Logo.png The Thumb - The Index Logo.png The Index - TheMiddleLogo.png The Middle - The Ring Icon.webp The Ring - The Pinky
Other Syndicates Yurodiviye - Tingtang Gang - Los Mariachis - Tieqiu Crew - Twinhook Pirates - Blade Lineage Logo.png Blade Lineage - KurokumoClanIcon.png Kurokumo Clan - Dead Rabbits
Other Factions Hooligans - Casino Security(Casino Slaves) - N Corp. Inquisition - Technology Liberation Alliance - Pequod Town -
T Corp. Gangsters - Wuthering Heights Logo.png Wuthering Heights - Edgar Family - The Wild Hunt - La Manchaland Logo.png La Manchaland
Monsters Trash Crabs - Mermaids - Gnomes - Bloodfiends

Story N Corp. Cubic Room BG.png