Steam Transport Machine/Enemy

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Steam Transport Machine

LcbSinGloom.pngSteam Transport Machine
Steam Transport Machine Idle Sprite.png
Risk Level HE Label.png Code O-06-21-16 Core HP.png 1325

Abno Part Body.png Status
HP.png 662 SPEED.png 2-4 Defense.png 46
Stagger Thresholds
75% (497HP.png) - 0% (0HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Right Arm.png Status
HP.png 291 SPEED.png 2-4 Defense.png 46
Stagger Thresholds
60% (175HP.png) - 0% (0HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Right Arm.png Steam Blaster
6463 Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
4 Blunt.png + 6
SkillAttack.png 43 (45-2) Atk Weight ⯀
Deal +10% more damage for every 50 Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Bind.pngBindBind.png Bind
Speed -X for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
6753 Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
5 Blunt.png + 7
SkillAttack.png 43 (45-2) Atk Weight ⯀
Deal +10% more damage for every 50 Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
853 Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
5 Blunt.png + 6
SkillAttack.png 43 (45-2) Atk Weight ⯀
At 5+ Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
, Clash Power +1
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
next turn
[On Hit] Raise Stagger Threshold by 50% of damage dealt
[On Hit] Deal +1% damage for every Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.
(Max 50%)
Abno Part Body.png Body
5384 Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
5 Blunt.png + 7
SkillAttack.png 43 (45-2) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] All parts gain 3 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
and +3 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
[On Hit] Raise Stagger Threshold equal to Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
[On Hit] Deal +20% more damage per 3 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
(Max 100%)
[On Hit] Gain 4 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
to all Parts
Abno Part Right Arm.png Steam Blaster
6475384 Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
8 Pierce.png + 8
SkillAttack.png 41 (45-4) Atk Weight ⯀
At 7+ Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
, Coin Power +1
[On Hit] If at 5+ Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
, raise Stagger Threshold by 50% of damage dealt
[On Hit] All Parts gain 8 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
and +4 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Abno Part Body.png Body
974569A Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
10 Blunt.png + 10
SkillAttack.png 41 (45-4) Atk Weight ⯀
At 10+ Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
, Skill Power +2
[On Hit] Deal +1% damage for every Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.
(Max 200%)
Returning Past  
If at 50+ Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.
, and if Core's HP is less than or equal to 80%, Core gains 200 HP by spending 50 Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.
If the Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.
is an odd number, gain 3 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
and Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)

If it is an even number, gain Protection.pngProtectionProtection.png Protection
Take -(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
and Damage Down.pngDamage DownDamage Down.png Damage Down
Deal -(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
Misplaced Past  
When the body is broken, spend all Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.
When the body is broken, all Attack Types and Affinities become ineffective(0.5) against the body starting next turn until the end of this encounter.
Broken Exhaust Port  
When the Steam Blaster is broken, completely spend all parts' Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
After the Steam Blaster is broken, gain Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
equal to the number of Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
every time this unit gains Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
After the Steam Blaster is broken, lose 1 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
every time this unit uses an Attack Skill.
Leaking Steam  
When the Steam Blaster is hit, lose 1 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
and 1 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).


At the start of the battle, Steam Transport Machine will start with 1 Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.
. This will increase by 11 at every turn end until the Body is broken.

Attack Pattern

Steam Transport Machine follows a fixed attack rotation, depending on whether the Steam Blaster is broken.

While the Steam Blaster is still present:
- 6463, 6463, 6753, 6753, 6753, 6475384
- 6463, 6463, 6753, 5384, 5384, 6475384
- 6463, 6463, 6753, 6753, 853, 853
- 6463, 6753, 6753, 853, 853, 853

If the Steam Blaster is Broken:
- 6463, 6463, 6753, 5384, 5384
- 6753, 6753, 853, 853, 974569A


The Abnormality is made up of two parts.

The Steam Blaster is Severable which means after it breaks, it becomes untargetable and changes the behavior of the Abnormality. It also immediately spends all of its built up Poise, and gives the Body Fragile equal to its Poise whenever it gains Poise.

Breaking the Body does not completely destroy the part. It can still use Skills when destroyed, and the destruction does not interrupt its current Skills. Once the Body is broken, all of the Abnormality's Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.
is spent which also means it can no longer gain more. Due to its Misplaced Past passive, all of the Body's resistances will become Ineffective the turn after the Body was broken and will remain that way for the rest of the fight. This also extends to the Sin Resistances, making attacks 0.25x effective. (Weaknesses will still be Fatal on the turn when the part breaks.)


An Abnormality event occurs when the Returning Past passive is triggered. Passing the check reduces Steam Transport Machine's Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.
by 10 and gives it 2 Offense Level Down.pngOffense Level DownOffense Level Down.png Offense Level Down
Offense Level -X for this turn.

Combat Event
The light washes away the sediments of past.

Vacuum tubes in the center of the Steam Transport Machine’s torso are glowing.

Slowly, or rapidly, the numbers displayed in the vacuum tubes decreased…

And its broken, rusted chassis began to reconstruct itself.

Did the Steam Transport Machine return to when it was first produced?

Leaving behind everything it’s gone through.

The older the machine gets, the more of itself it will have to reconstruct.

Maybe the Steam Transport Machine can be stopped… if someone could reach into its vacuum tubes?

Who will reach into the vacuum tubes?

LcbSinGloom.png Gloom Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 13
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 16

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] strode up to the Steam Transport Machine.

It appeared that the Steam Transport Machine was in a deep focus. The machine stood completely still, no matter how close the Sinner got to it.

[Sinner] did not hesitate to reach into the vacuum tubes.


”The numbers…!”

Looks like [Sinner] tapped into their creativity and swapped out one of the electrodes connected to the vacuum tubes.

That seems to have done the trick; the numbers ceased to decrease.

The Steam Transport Machine began to creak into motion once again, as though it just realized what had happened, but the perpetrator was long gone.

[Steam Transport Machine] loses 10 Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
Gain 11 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when the Body Part is broken.

[Steam Transport Machine] gains 2 Offense Level Down.pngOffense Level DownOffense Level Down.png Offense Level Down
Offense Level -X for this turn.
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] strode up to the Steam Transport Machine.

It appeared that the Steam Transport Machine was in a deep focus. The machine stood completely still, no matter how close the Sinner got to it.

[Sinner] did not hesitate to reach into the vacuum tubes.

”Wait, watch out—!”

Perhaps we’ve been tricked by the Steam Transport Machine. Perhaps finished reconstructing itself right on time.

Whichever was the case, the machine snatched [Sinner]’s wrist…

And blasted them with scalding steam.

… It’s going to be a while before [Sinner] recovers.

[Steam Transport Machine] gains 5 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).

[Sinner] Sinner gains 2 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)

Refracted Steam Transport Machine

LcbSinGloom.pngRefracted Steam Transport Machine
Steam Transport Machine Idle Sprite.png
Risk Level HE Label.png Code O-06-21-16 Core HP.png 1905

Abno Part Body.png Status
HP.png 859 SPEED.png 2-4 Defense.png 36
Stagger Thresholds
75% (644HP.png) - 0% (0HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Right Arm.png Status
HP.png 377 SPEED.png 2-4 Defense.png 36
Stagger Thresholds
60% (226HP.png) - 0% (0HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Right Arm.png Steam Blaster
6463 Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
4 Blunt.png + 6
SkillAttack.png 33 (35-2) Atk Weight ⯀
Deal +10% damage for every 50 Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Bind.pngBindBind.png Bind
Speed -X for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
6753 Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
5 Blunt.png + 7
SkillAttack.png 33 (35-2) Atk Weight ⯀
Deal +10% damage for every 50 Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
853 Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
5 Blunt.png + 6
SkillAttack.png 33 (35-2) Atk Weight ⯀
At 5+ Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
, Clash Power +1
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
next turn
[On Hit] Raise Stagger Threshold by 50% of damage dealt
[On Hit] Deal +1% damage for every Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
(Max 50%)
Abno Part Body.png Body
5384 Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
5 Blunt.png + 7
SkillAttack.png 33 (35-2) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] All parts gain 3 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
and +3 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
[On Hit] Raise Stagger Threshold by number equal to Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
[On Hit] Gain +20% damage per 3 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
(Max 100%)
[On Hit] All parts gain 4 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Abno Part Right Arm.png Steam Blaster
6475384 Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
8 Pierce.png + 8
SkillAttack.png 31 (35-4) Atk Weight ⯀
At 7+ Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
, Coin Power +1
[On Hit] If at 5+ Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
, raise Stagger Threshold by number equal to 50% of damage dealt
[On Hit] All parts gain 8 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
and +4 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
Abno Part Body.png Body
974569A Steam Transport Machine Icon.png
10 Blunt.png + 10
SkillAttack.png 31 (35-4) Atk Weight ⯀
At 10+ Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
, Skill Power +2
[On Hit] Deal +1% damage for every Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
(Max 200%)
Returning Past  
If at 50+ Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
, and if Core's HP is less than or equal to 80%, Core gains 200 HP by spending 50 Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
Overlapping Past  
Gain 1 Attack Power Up.pngAttack Power UpAttack Power Up.png Attack Power Up
Attack Skill Final Power +X for this turn.
for every 80 Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
every turn.
At 80+ Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
, gain +1 Slot.
If the first digit of the Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
is an odd number, gain 3 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
and 3 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)

If the first digit of the Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
is an even number or 0, gain Protection.pngProtectionProtection.png Protection
Take -(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
and 3 Damage Down.pngDamage DownDamage Down.png Damage Down
Deal -(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
Misplaced Past  
When the body is broken, spend all Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
When the body is broken, all Attack Types and Affinities become ineffective(0.5) against the body starting next turn until the end of this encounter.
Broken Exhaust Port  
When the Steam Blaster is broken, completely spend all parts' Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
After the Steam Blaster is broken, gain Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
equal to the number of Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
every time this unit gains Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
After the Steam Blaster is broken, lose 1 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
every time this unit uses an Attack Skill.
Refracted Burn and Bleed  
Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
and Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Potency maxes out at 30.
Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
and Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Count maxes out at 5.
Apply Refracted Sinking  
When gaining Sinking.pngSinkingSinking.png Sinking
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed SP damage. (Units with no Sanity take Gloom damage.)
, gain 1 additional Potency and Count
Leaking Steam  
When the Steam Blaster is hit, lose 1 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
and 1 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).


Refracted Steam Transport Machine's Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
worked differently to play off Line 2's cycling mechanic. Rather than starting with 1 Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
, it started with an amount equal to the total turns taken in the Refraction Railway. Additionally, instead of increasing by 11 at turn end, it increased by 1 at turn end.

Attack Pattern

Compared to its regular version, Refracted Steam Transport Machine starts with one less Slot for a total of 5. It does however gain a sixth Slot once it reaches 80+ Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.

It follows a fixed attack rotation, depending on how much Accumulated Past.pngAccumulated PastAccumulated Past.png Accumulated Past
This displays the Total Turns taken in the Refraction Railway.
The number goes up by 1 at the end of the turn.
Spent completely when body is broken.
it has and whether the Steam Blaster is broken.

At <80 Accumulated Past:
- 6463, 6463, 6753, 6753, 6475384
- 6463, 6463, 5384, 5384, 6475384
- 6463, 6463, 6753, 853, 853
- 6463, 6753, 853, 853, 974569A

If the Steam Blaster is Broken & <80 Accumulated Past:
- 853, 6753, 6753, 5384, 5384
- 6753, 6753, 853, 853, 974569A

At 80+ Accumulated Past:
- 6463, 6463, 6753, 6753, 6753, 6475384
- 6463, 6463, 6753, 5384, 5384, 6475384
- 6463, 6463, 6753, 6753, 853, 853
- 6463, 6753, 6753, 853, 853, 974569A

If the Steam Blaster is Broken & 80+ Accumulated Past:
- 6463, 6463, 6753, 6753, 5384, 5384
- 6753, 6753, 6753, 853, 853, 974569A

ZAYIN Blubbering Toad - Fairy Festival
TETH (Doomsday Clay Doll, Burning Clay Doll) - (Become Strong? Genuinely?, Grown Powerful! For Realsies?, You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?) - Clippity-cloppity? Tap Away! - (Pink Shoes Enchantee, Pink Shoes Possessee) - (Slumber-broken Neighbor, Rearisen Neighbor) - (Freezing Miner Slave, Shivering Miner Slave) - Brazen Bull - Fairy Gentleman - So That No One Will Cry - Fairy-Long-Legs - Faelantern - Skin Prophet - Drenched Gossypium - Portrait of a Certain Day
HE Doomsday Calendar - (Golden Apple, False Apple) - Headless Ichthys - Alleyway Watchdog - kqe-1j-23 - Drifting Fox - Shock Centipede - Steam Transport Machine - Wayward Passenger - Ardor Blossom Moth - Dreaming Electric Sheep
WAW Ebony Queen's Apple - My Form Empties - Sign of Roses - Ambling Pearl - Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent - Spiral of Contempt - The King in Binds
UNDEFINED Have You Become Strong - Pink Shoes - Baba Yaga
Stage 1 LcbSinWrath.png Irae - LcbSinLust.png Luxuriae - LcbSinSloth.png Pigritiae -LcbSinGluttony.png Gulae - LcbSinGloom.png Morositatis - LcbSinPride.png Superbiae - LcbSinEnvy.png Invidiae
Stage 2 LcbSinWrath.png Irae? - LcbSinSloth.png Pigritiae? -LcbSinGluttony.png Gulae? - LcbSinGloom.png Morositatis? - LcbSinEnvy.png Invidiae?
Stage 3 LcbSinWrath.png Irae??
Distortion & E.G.O Corrosion
E.G.O Corrosion (Four-Legged Beast, Crawling Inquisitor) - (Proceeding Inquisitor, Everything There of an Inquisitor) - (Wriggling Beast, Slithering Inquisitor)
Distortion The Dreamer of Human Wholeness (Kromer) - Papa Bongy (Eunbong’s Bar & Fryers Owner), Headchicken a.k.a. Bongy - Who Denies All (Dongrang) - Distorting/Distorted Bamboo-hatted Kim - The Reaved Lamenter (Hindley) - The Heartbroken (Heathcliff) - The Time Ripper (Ex-Yurodivy Memeber)