Shock Centipede/Enemy

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Shock Centipede

LcbSinEnvy.pngShock Centipede
Shock Centipede Idle Sprite.png
Risk Level HE Label.png Code T-02-11-04 Core HP.png 1414

Abno Part Body.png Status
HP.png 880 SPEED.png 2-5 Defense.png 50
Stagger Thresholds
55% (484HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Head.png Status
HP.png 499 SPEED.png 2-5 Defense.png 50
Stagger Thresholds
0% (0HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Head.png Head
Bite Shock Centipede.png
4 Pierce.png + 7
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
and +2 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Abno Part Body.png Body
Tail Poke Shock Centipede.png
4 Pierce.png + 3
Tail Poke  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
and +2 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Bind.pngBindBind.png Bind
Speed -X for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
Wrapping Coil Shock Centipede.png
4 Blunt.png + 8
Wrapping Coil  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 2 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)

[Heads Hit] Inflict 2 Bind.pngBindBind.png Bind
Speed -X for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Head.png Head
Electric Load Shock Centpiede.png
3 Pierce.png + 4
Electric Load  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

Deal +10% damage to targets with Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
Abno Part Body.png Body
Electric Release Shock Centipede.png
4 Pierce.png + 3
Electric Release  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

Deal +10% damage to targets with Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
Abno Part Body.png Body
High-voltage Electric Discharge Shock Centipede.png
5 Blunt.png + 4
High-voltage Electric Discharge  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀
At 11+ Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
, deal +10% damage for each Count of Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
over 10
Spend all Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 2 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
[On Hit] If target has Capacitor.pngCapacitorCapacitor.png Capacitor
It seems to be storing electricity in its body.
, deal 40% of damage dealt as fixed damage
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
and 1 Capacitor.pngCapacitorCapacitor.png Capacitor
It seems to be storing electricity in its body.
Abno Part Head.png Head
Coil Up Guard Shock Centipede.png
1 Guard.png + 1
Coil Up  
SkillDefense.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
If this skill is on a slot, gain shield by the head's current HP
Abno Part Head.png Head
Wriggling Head Shock Centipede.png
6 Pierce.png + 4
Wriggling Head  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
Targets the enemy with the least HP
[On Use] Spend 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
Abno Part Body.png Body
Wriggling Tail Shock Centipede.png
8 Pierce.png + 3
Wriggling Tail  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
Targets the enemy with the least HP
[On Use] Spend 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 3 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
Living Nerves  
Upon death, all Skills are cancelled for the turn.
Doubles currently owned Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
Undying Persistence  
Every 5 turns, gains a Shield equal to the head's HP.
Terminated Persistence  
After using 'Coil Up', if the Shield is exhausted, spend Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
All parts become staggered next turn.


When the health runs out to 1, instead of dying, it will continue to fight. The fight continues until it runs out of Self-charge.

Attack Pattern

Shock Centipede uses the following skill rotation for most of the battle:
- Coil Up
- Electric Load, Electric Release, Electric Release, High-voltage Electric Discharge
- Bite, Bite, Bite, Bite
- Bite, Bite, Tail Poke, Tail Poke
- Tail Poke, Wrapping Coil, Tail Poke, Wrapping Coil

When it is in its undying state after reaching 1 HP, it will instead using the following rotation until it runs out of Self-charge, and then dies.

- Wriggling Tail, Wriggling Head, Wriggling Tail, Wriggling Head
- Wriggling Tail, Wriggling Tail, Wriggling Head, Wriggling Head


Shock Centipede is made up of two parts.

The body when broken merely changes all the weapon weaknesses to Fatal and remains at 0 HP. However it can still use skills, even on the turn it breaks.

When the Head breaks, all actions that turn are cancelled. However, its stagger threshold is also set to 0, so unless this drastically increases thanks to tremor, this distinction is mostly irrelevant as it will be staggered that turn anyways.


At the start of turn 6, an Abnormality event occurs. Success removes 3 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
and gives all parts of the Shock Centipede Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
. Failure adds 2 stacks of Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
and gives the Sinner 5 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.

Combat Event
The centipede writhes as if to coil up.

The Shock Centipede's body is starting to coil up into one spot.
"It seems electricity is gathering."
As the Sinner pointed out, sparks are flying from the center of its coiled body.
It might be a good idea to stop it.

Who will be able to stop it?

LcbSinEnvy.png Envy Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 12
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 14

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] struck at the Shock Centipede's carapace.
A crack opened up in its hard-looking armor.
Could it really have stopped the centipede?
This ought to be a rare opportunity.

[Shock Centipede] loses 3 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
All of [Shock Centipede]'s parts gain 3 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] struck at the Shock Centipede's carapace.
Could the stored power have sprung forth?
Tremendous showers of sparks popped out of the Centipede's center along with a thunderous boom.
Naturally, [Sinner] was knocked away by the shockwave.
Fortunately enough, it only pushed the Sinner away and did little harm...
But the Centipede looks quite angry.
It'd be a good idea to brace up, right?

[Shock Centipede] gains 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
[Sinner] gains 5 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.

Mirror Dungeon

LcbSinEnvy.pngShock Centipede
Shock Centipede Idle Sprite.png
Risk Level HE Label.png Code T-02-11-04 Core HP.png 1805

Abno Part Body.png Status
HP.png 1256 SPEED.png 2-5 Defense.png 42
Stagger Thresholds
55% (691HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Head.png Status
HP.png 783 SPEED.png 2-5 Defense.png 42
Stagger Thresholds
0% (0HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Head.png Head
Bite Shock Centipede.png
6 Pierce.png + 7
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
and +2 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Abno Part Body.png Body
Tail Poke Shock Centipede.png
4 Pierce.png + 4
Tail Poke  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
and +2 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Bind.pngBindBind.png Bind
Speed -X for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
Wrapping Coil Shock Centipede.png
5 Blunt.png + 8
Wrapping Coil  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 2 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)

[Heads Hit] Inflict 2 Bind.pngBindBind.png Bind
Speed -X for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Head.png Head
Electric Load Shock Centpiede.png
5 Pierce.png + 4
Electric Load  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

Deal +10% damage to targets with Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
Abno Part Body.png Body
Electric Release Shock Centipede.png
4 Pierce.png + 4
Electric Release  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

Deal +10% damage to targets with Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
Abno Part Body.png Body
High-voltage Electric Discharge Shock Centipede.png
13 Blunt.png + 5
High-voltage Electric Discharge  
SkillAttack.png 42 (45-3) Atk Weight ⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀
At 11+ Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
, deal +10% damage for each Count of Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
over 10
Spend all Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 2 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
[On Hit] If target has Capacitor.pngCapacitorCapacitor.png Capacitor
It seems to be storing electricity in its body.
, deal 40% of damage dealt as fixed damage
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
and 1 Capacitor.pngCapacitorCapacitor.png Capacitor
It seems to be storing electricity in its body.
Abno Part Head.png Head
Coil Up Guard Shock Centipede.png
1 Guard.png + 1
Coil Up  
SkillDefense.png 50 (45+5) Atk Weight ⯀
If this skill is on a slot, gain Shield by the head's current HP
Abno Part Head.png Head
Wriggling Head Shock Centipede.png
6 Pierce.png + 5
Wriggling Head  
SkillAttack.png 43 (45-2) Atk Weight ⯀
Targets the enemy with the least HP
[On Use] Spend 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
Abno Part Body.png Body
Wriggling Tail Shock Centipede.png
8 Pierce.png + 4
Wriggling Tail  
SkillAttack.png 43 (45-2) Atk Weight ⯀
Targets the enemy with the least HP
[On Use] Spend 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 3 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
Living Nerves  
Upon death, all Skills are cancelled for the turn.
Doubles currently owned Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
Undying Persistence  
Every 5 turns, gains a Shield equal to the head's HP.
Terminated Persistence  
After using 'Coil Up', if the Shield is exhausted, spend Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
All parts become staggered next turn.


Shock Centipede is mostly the same as the base variant, but with a few changes.

Attack Pattern

Shock Centipede uses the following skill rotation for most of the battle, which is mostly the same as the base variant with 1 change in the middle (bolded):
- Coil Up
- Electric Load, Electric Release, Electric Release, High-voltage Electric Discharge
- Bite, Bite, Tail Poke, Tail Poke
- Bite, Bite, Tail Poke, Tail Poke
- Tail Poke, Wrapping Coil, Tail Poke, Wrapping Coil

The rest of the attack pattern is mostly to the base variant.


When the Head is destroyed in this variant, Shock Centipede will no longer be capable of attacking with the head.

Refracted Shock Centipede

LcbSinEnvy.pngRefracted Shock Centipede
Shock Centipede Idle Sprite.png
Risk Level HE Label.png Code T-02-11-04 Core HP.png 1811

Abno Part Body.png Status
HP.png 1132 SPEED.png 2-5 Defense.png 35
Stagger Thresholds
0% (0HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Head.png Status
HP.png 609 SPEED.png 2-5 Defense.png 35
Stagger Thresholds
0% (0HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Head.png Head
Electric Load Shock Centpiede.png
5 Pierce.png + 4
Electric Load  
SkillAttack.png 33 (35-2) Atk Weight ⯀
[Combat Start] Gain 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

Deal +10% damage to targets with Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
Electric Release Shock Centipede.png
4 Pierce.png + 3
Electric Release  
SkillAttack.png 33 (35-2) Atk Weight ⯀
[Combat Start] Gain 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

Deal +10% damage to targets with Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
Electric Discharge Shock Centipede.png
4 Blunt.png + 5
Electric Discharge  
SkillAttack.png 33 (35-2) Atk Weight ⯀
[Combat Start] Gain 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

Deal +10% damage to targets with Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.

[On Hit] Inflict 2 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
next turn
[Heads Hit] Inflict 2 Bind.pngBindBind.png Bind
Speed -X for this turn.
next turn
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
High-voltage Electric Discharge Shock Centipede.png
11 Blunt.png + 5
High-voltage Electric Discharge  
SkillAttack.png 33 (35-2) Atk Weight ⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀
[On Use] At 5+ Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
, deal +20% damage for each Count of Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
over 5
[On Use] Clash Power +1 for every Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Use] Spend all Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
next turn
[On Hit] Inflict 5 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Head.png Head
Coil Up Guard Shock Centipede.png
1 Guard.png + 0
Coil Up  
SkillDefense.png 36 (35+1) Atk Weight ⯀
If this Skill is on a slot, head gains 50 Shield HP for every Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
If the head is broken, gain 25 Shield HP for every Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
Spend 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
for every amount of Shield HP lost equal to the Shield HP gained for every Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

Abno Part Head.png Head
Wriggling Head Shock Centipede.png
6 Pierce.png + 5
Wriggling Head  
SkillAttack.png 33 (35-2) Atk Weight ⯀
Targets the enemy with the least HP
[On Use] Spend 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
next turn
Abno Part Body.png Body
Wriggling Tail Shock Centipede.png
8 Pierce.png + 4
Wriggling Tail  
SkillAttack.png 33 (35-2) Atk Weight ⯀
Targets the enemy with the least HP
[On Use] Spend 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[Clash Lose] Lose 2 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)

[On Hit] Inflict 3 Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png Paralyze
Fix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn.
next turn
Living Nerves  
Upon death, all Skills are cancelled for the turn.
Doubles currently owned Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
Gain 3 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
at the start of the first turn.
Gain 1 additional Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
for each Cycle Count. (Max 8)
Refracted Bleed and Tremor  
Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
and Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency maxes out at 3-.
Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
and Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
Count maxes out at 5.
Refracted Charge  
If target has Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
, reduce target's Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count by 1 on hit and gain 1 Self-charge.pngSelf-chargeSelf-charge.png Self-charge
Electric currents seem to flow around its body.
After the unit faces death, as long as it has Self-charge, its HP is fixed at 1 until it is fully consumed. (Max 20)
. (3 times per turn)
Deteriorated Persistence  
If Shield HP is fully depleted after using a defensive skill, gain 3 Offense Level Down.pngOffense Level DownOffense Level Down.png Offense Level Down
Offense Level -X for this turn.
and 3 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
next turn.
Solid Exoskeleton  
If head isn't broken,
Body gains 3 Protection.pngProtectionProtection.png Protection
Take -(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
every turn.


Refracted Shock Centipede is similar to its base variant, but with a few sizeable changes.

Attack Pattern

Refracted Shock Centipede uses the following skill rotation for most of the battle:
- Coil Up
- Electric Load, Electric Release, Electric Release, Electric Discharge, High-voltage Electric Discharge
- Electric Load, Electric Load, Electric Load, Electric Release, Electric Release
- Electric Load, Electric Load, Electric Load, Electric Discharge, Electric Discharge
- Electric Load, Electric Load, Electric Load, Electric Release, Electric Discharge

When it is in its undying state after reaching 1 HP, it will instead using the following rotation until it runs out of Self-charge, and then dies.

- Wriggling Head, Wriggling Head, Wriggling Head, Wriggling Tail
- Wriggling Head, Wriggling Head, Wriggling Tail, Wriggling Tail


For this variant, both parts can be destroyed. This visually changes its appearance and sets all of its weaknesses to Fatal, but does not completely destroy the part. It can still use skills when destroyed, and the destruction does not interrupt its current skills.


The event is identical to the base form, except it starts 1 turn earlier at the start of turn 5 instead.

ZAYIN Blubbering Toad - Fairy Festival
TETH (Doomsday Clay Doll, Burning Clay Doll) - (Become Strong? Genuinely?, Grown Powerful! For Realsies?, You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?) - Clippity-cloppity? Tap Away! - (Pink Shoes Enchantee, Pink Shoes Possessee) - (Slumber-broken Neighbor, Rearisen Neighbor) - (Freezing Miner Slave, Shivering Miner Slave) - Brazen Bull - Fairy Gentleman - So That No One Will Cry - Fairy-Long-Legs - Faelantern - Skin Prophet - Drenched Gossypium - Portrait of a Certain Day
HE Doomsday Calendar - (Golden Apple, False Apple) - Headless Ichthys - Alleyway Watchdog - kqe-1j-23 - Drifting Fox - Shock Centipede - Steam Transport Machine - Wayward Passenger - Ardor Blossom Moth - Dreaming Electric Sheep
WAW Ebony Queen's Apple - My Form Empties - Sign of Roses - Ambling Pearl - Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent - Spiral of Contempt - The King in Binds
UNDEFINED Have You Become Strong - Pink Shoes - Baba Yaga
Stage 1 LcbSinWrath.png Irae - LcbSinLust.png Luxuriae - LcbSinSloth.png Pigritiae -LcbSinGluttony.png Gulae - LcbSinGloom.png Morositatis - LcbSinPride.png Superbiae - LcbSinEnvy.png Invidiae
Stage 2 LcbSinWrath.png Irae? - LcbSinSloth.png Pigritiae? -LcbSinGluttony.png Gulae? - LcbSinGloom.png Morositatis? - LcbSinEnvy.png Invidiae?
Stage 3 LcbSinWrath.png Irae??
Distortion & E.G.O Corrosion
E.G.O Corrosion (Four-Legged Beast, Crawling Inquisitor) - (Proceeding Inquisitor, Everything There of an Inquisitor) - (Wriggling Beast, Slithering Inquisitor)
Distortion The Dreamer of Human Wholeness (Kromer) - Papa Bongy (Eunbong’s Bar & Fryers Owner), Headchicken a.k.a. Bongy - Who Denies All (Dongrang) - Distorting/Distorted Bamboo-hatted Kim - The Reaved Lamenter (Hindley) - The Heartbroken (Heathcliff) - The Time Ripper (Ex-Yurodivy Memeber)