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Ordeals (시련, Siryeon; lit. "trials") are entities closely resembling Peccatula, though also closely related to Abnormalities, that periodically appeared in the Lobotomy Corp. Headquarters prior to the Wing's implosion. In Limbus Company, Ordeals are fought as parts of Walpurgis Night events, often as parts of lengthy, multiple-wave Encounters.

Types of Ordeals

Ordeals are classified by their Colors, and the "time of day" that they appear in. The Color determines the Ordeal's theme and general types of attack used by associated entities, while the "time of day" determines their strength. The Sinners have encountered Ordeals of two Colors so far:

  • Green: Ancient mechanical theme. Entities focused on dealing direct HP damage along with some Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
    The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
  • Violet: Religious theme with eldritch entities. Entities deal both HP and SP damage, often also featuring a pseudo-timer functionality, using strong AoE attacks a few turns after appearing.

Ordeals of Green

The Dawn of Green - Doubt

The Dawn of Green
One day, a question crossed through my mind. Where do we come from? We were given life and left in this world against our own volition.

See also: The Dawn of Green
The Dawn of Green, also known as Doubt, was featured in The 2nd Walpurgis Night. This Ordeal consists of large squadrons of old humanoid robots―with glowing red eyes, filled with gears, and wearing a worn brown cloth―with bloody lances for arms, using them to viciously execute ("Overkill") their victims to deal SP damage to those witnessing the carnage.

There are four variants of Doubt entities, each increasing in power and complexity from the previous version.

Ordeals of Violet

The Dawn of Violet - Fruit of Understanding

The Dawn of Violet
Fruit of Understanding
To gain an understanding of what is incomprehensible, they dream, staring.

See also: The Noon of Violet
The Dawn of Violet, also known as Fruit of Understanding, was featured in The 4th Walpurgis Night. This Ordeal consists of multiple slow-moving, purple organ-like entities with a violet-colored large central sac. These entities deal additional SP damage On Hit, and dies after a number of Turns, dealing large amounts of SP damage to all participating in the Suppression with an [Unclashable] AoE attack.

Though all appears similar, there are in fact three variants of Fruits of Understanding entities, each with slightly different Skills and HP, primarily differing in the number of Turns they have before self-destruction.

Observation Log

Log Writer: Rodion

Eww, more bugs… again?

Why's it always gotta be bugs, huh? Why?

I remember specifically writing that I hate bugs and critters and stuff!

I'm starting to feel like you're making me write about bugs every chance we get…. Seriously, do I really have to closely examine these gross critters? Gosh, I just don't understand…

Bleh, I guess a job is a job… let's see here…

I guess it's um… a bumpy, squishy looking creature that slowly crawls around…

There's some purple liquid sloshing around in there, and…

There's this big vein-like thing on its… head? The front? Anyways, there's something there, and… eww… I hope it doesn't, like, shoot filth out of there or anything.

Oh, right! Didn't Faust say we gotta kill them as soon as possible? That something really bad might happen if we let them live?

Too bad! That's enough observation, I guess!

Let’s just squish 'em, that's what we gotta do!

→ This log is completely barren of any pertinent information save for your whining about how gross the bug is. This is one of the most useless reports I've had the displeasure of reading. (Outis)

→ It could be said that her decision was quite apt; a separate record has been found informing us that, should we allow these entities to survive for too long, they may affect nearby containment units by ending their own lives. (Faust)

→ H-huh, Gregor's been checking this entry pretty often. (Sinclair)

→ …If, by any chance, you are concerned that a fellow among us may scribble an unsavory jest about bugs, then there is naught for you to worry. (Yi Sang)

→ Thou must inform me posthaste in case of such rascality! I, Don Quixote, shall impart upon them a stern teaching! (Don Quixote)

→ But that's not why I— Man, do I never get a say in this…? (Gregor)

The Noon of Violet - Grant Us Love

The Noon of Violet
Grant Us Love
We could only hear the faintest and weakest of their acts. We sought for love and compassion from them.

See also: The Noon of Violet
The Noon of Violet, also known as Grant Us Love, was also featured in The 4th Walpurgis Night. This Ordeal consists of a single large obsidian stele carved with numerous glowing purple runes. Six black tentacles can be seen emerging from behind the stele. The stele initially descends through a portal at the top of a large room, and generates a shockwave capable of instantly crushing all the Sinners upon impact. After that, it uses its tentacles to perform various sweeping attacks, occasionally retracting them to perform a "glowing rune" AoE attack. Similarly to the Fruits of Understanding, Grant Us Love also deals SP additional SP damage On Hit.

Observation Log

Log Writer: Sinclair

It really appeared out of the blue.

You know how, sometimes, it just starts raining out of nowhere? Or how lightning suddenly strikes when the skies are blue?

Like a gift from nature… or from some god… the stele fell right over our heads.

We would've been turned to mush… again… if it weren't for the Physical Intervention Shield Miss Hod shot us with.

Thankfully, it became dead still once it hit the ground, except for its tentacles.

The only threatening thing about the stele, once it fell, was its immense size and its scary tentacles… it seemed pretty docile as long as we didn't get too close to it.

Hm… Makes me wonder, though. How did this stele get here?

I doubt it walked here, so somebody probably dropped it over our heads…

Oh, I just remembered something… this reminds me of a story my parents once told me in my childhood. It was a story about how a desperate wish came true in the worst, unluckiest way possible.

Maybe this stele… is an outcome of that desperate desire…? Just like in that story, you know?

If only I could read what it says there, then I could at least try to figure out the intent.

Umm… I don't know. These characters… I haven't seen anything like it, even back at my school.

Wait, didn't the training manual we saw on the wall say that something really bad might happen when it starts glowing? S-should we start smashing it to pieces?

→ Its intent will lie past the periphery of our understanding. And in turn, so will this stele fail to understand those beneath it. (Yi Sang)

→ Ohh~ I think I know. Try as they might to say something with the stele, the employees of this company did not try to read it or understand it; instead, they immediately smashed it to pieces. Whoever sent the stele must've been pretty confused! (Hong Lu)

→ Are you saying that this is like… a letter, or something? Tsk, I suppose I ain't too chuffed about my letters getting ignored either… (Heathcliff)

→ Well, it's not like we’ve got any other options than smashing it to pieces. After all, how would we even begin to understand whoever it is that sent something like this down here? (Ishmael)

External Links

  • Ordeals - Lobotomy Corporation wiki


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Mechanics Battles - Battle Announcers - E.G.O - Identities - Items - Luxcavation - Mirror Dungeon - Story Dungeon - Theater
Seasonal Event Seasons - Limbus Pass - Refraction Railway - Dante's Notes - Walpurgis Night
Characters Dante - Vergilius - Charon

Yi Sang Icon.png #1 Yi Sang - Faust Icon.png #2 Faust - Don Quixote Icon.png #3 Don Quixote - Ryoshu Icon.png #4 Ryōshū - Meursault Icon.png #5 Meursault - Hong Lu Icon.png #6 Hong Lu
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Locations The City (Districts (NestsBackstreets)) - Outskirts - The Great Lake - Mephistopheles
Lore Abnormalities - E.G.O - Distortion - The Sign - Smoke War - Singularity - Golden Bough
Factions Limbus Company - Fixers (OfficesAssociations) - Syndicates (Five Fingers) - Wings
Songs "In Hell We Live, Lament" - "Between Two Worlds" - "Fly, My Wings" - "Compass" - "Through Patches of Violet" - "Pass On"
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library Of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company (Game)