The Dawn of Green

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The Dawn of Green is the title of the micro event held for the 2nd Walpurgis Night.


Mini Episode

For a full transcript, see The 2nd Walpurgis Night.

The 2nd Walpurgis Night is a Mini Episode taking place after the events of Intervallo III: Miracle in District 20, showing the change in the Backdoors of Mephistopheles during the events of the second Walpurgis Night.


The Dawn of Green
One day, a question crossed through my mind. Where do we come from? We were given life and left in this world against our own volition.

Doubt is the name of the enemies encountered in this Event. These enemies were encountered in Lobotomy Corporation as a type of Ordeal: a periodical event where certain enemies would spawn in the facility the Manager is overseeing, and has to be Suppressed in order to restore normal work conditions. This Ordeal in particular is very easy to deal with, being a "Dawn" Ordeal that starts occuring very early into the game.

Entities Encountered

Four variants of Doubt are encountered in the Ordeal Suppression. All four are old humanoid robots with glowing red eyes, wielding bloody lances as their arms. Each of the four variants are labelled with letters of the Greek alphabet, with later variants building on the previous variant's Stats, Skills, and Passives.

All Doubt have a skillset of Pierce.pngPierce Skills. Of these, two are LcbSinLust.pngLust Skills which inflict Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
, and the third is a LcbSinWrath.pngWrath Skill which prioritizes targets with Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
, in addition to benifiting greatly from presence of the said Status on the target. Passive-wise, the most notable is one which deals SP damage to all Identities On Kill, paying homage to the entities' appearance in Lobotomy Corporation.

All Doubt entities have minor weaknesses to Pierce.pngPierce and LcbSinLust.pngLust, major weaknesses to Blunt.pngBlunt and LcbSinWrath.pngWrath, and are Fatal towards LcbSinPride.pngPride-Affinity damage.

Dawn of Green


Despite the skill and passive descriptions of the Doubt enemies fought, these are not Focused Encounters, but Regular Encounters. These two battles could be divided into Normal and Hard. For both of them, Malkuth is forced to be the Announcer.

Only 5 Sinners could be brought to the battle, and whoever was selected first would be the Control Team Captain.pngControl Team CaptainControl Team Captain.png Control Team Captain
- Skill Slot +1
- Modify Skill pool: Gain 1 use of Skill 3, but lose 1 use of Skill 1
- When this unit defeats an enemy with a Skill, 2 allies(including this unit) with the least SP heal 25 SP. Gain +2 E.G.O resource to the Affinity of the Skill that defeated the enemy; gain +1 E.G.O resource to rest of the Affinities
, gaining an extra Skill Slot on encounter start, have 1 Skill 1 replaced by a Skill 3, and heal 2 allies for 25 SP, along with generate extra E.G.O resources, On Kill.

In the two battles, the Executive Manager has a fixed number of Turns to kill as many Doubt as possible, requiring 100% clearance on every wave in order to complete all missions. In the tables below, the Doubt have been sorted with the assumption that the player kills 100% of the Doubt from the previous wave; however, they are in reality deployed in sequence. For an example, if a player was to kill only 2 Doubt per turn during the Normal Ordeal, then the first γ Doubt (indexed as the first slot of Turn 3 in chart below) would only spawn in on Turn 4, alongside the final Level-25 α Doubt.


On Normal Difficulty, all deployed Identities are set to Level 40.

Normal Ordeal
Wave Enemy Lvl Details
1 20
2 25
3 30
4 33
5 35


On Hard Difficulty, all deployed Identities will retain their actual Level.

Hard Ordeal
Wave Enemy Lvl Details
1 20
2 25
3 27
4 30
5 33
6 35
7 37
8 40
9 40
10 40

Ending Quote

The Dawn of Green
To live was a process full of pain.


There were two sets of Missions for The Dawn of Green - Doubt event. One set of missions was related to the Normal difficulty Ordeal, while the second was for the Hard difficulty Ordeal.

Normal Missions
Mission Amount Required Reward Quantity
Dawn of Green entities defeated in a single Encounter 15 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x2
Dawn of Green entities defeated in a single Encounter 30 UserInfo Banner 25.png Decorative Banner #25 x1
Dawn of Green - Doubt - γ entities defeated in a single Encounter 1 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x2
Dawn of Green - Doubt - δ entities defeated in a single Encounter 1 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Thread.png Thread x30
Complete Suppression without any ally deaths 1 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x2
Complete Suppression without any of the allies' SP dropping to -45 SP 1 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Thread.png Thread x30
Defeat 3 Dawn of Green entities with a single Attack Skill 3 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x3
Random Egoshard Crate.png Random Egoshard Crate x5
Dawn of Green entities defeated by the Control Team Captain's Attack Skill in a single Encounter 10 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x3
Random Egoshard Crate.png Random Egoshard Crate x5
Complete Suppression with Control Team Captain surviving and taking less than 10 hits from enemy Attack Skills 1 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Thread.png Thread x30

Clearing all of the Normal difficulty missions is required for the completion of the final Hard difficulty mission.

Hard Missions
Mission Amount Required Reward Quantity
Dawn of Green entities defeated in a single Encounter 15 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x3
Dawn of Green entities defeated in a single Encounter 48 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Thread.png Thread x30
Dawn of Green entities defeated in a single Encounter 77 L Corp. Control Team Business Card Deco.png L Corp. Control Team Business Card Deco x1
Dawn of Green - Doubt - γ entities defeated in a single Encounter 3 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x4
Dawn of Green - Doubt - γ entities defeated in a single Encounter 5 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Thread.png Thread x30
Dawn of Green - Doubt - δ entities defeated in a single Encounter 1 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Thread.png Thread x30
Dawn of Green - Doubt - δ entities defeated in a single Encounter 3 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x3
Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable Egoshard Crate x5
Complete Suppression without any ally deaths 1 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x3
Complete Suppression without any of the allies' SP dropping to -45 SP 1 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Thread.png Thread x30
Defeat 7 Dawn of Green entities with a single Attack Skill 7 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x3
Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable Egoshard Crate x5
Dawn of Green entities defeated by the Control Team Captain's Attack Skill in a single Encounter 25 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x3
Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable Egoshard Crate x5
Complete Suppression with Control Team Captain surviving and taking less than 5 hits from enemy Attack Skills 1 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Thread.png Thread x30
Complete all Missions in both Normal and Hard difficulties 21 Lunacy.png Free Lunacy 500