Restaurateur's Fathoms

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Restaurateur's Fathoms is the Story Dungeon of Intervallo I: Hell's Chicken, and the first Dungeon to be tied to an event.


The Restaurateur's Fathoms essentially works like a one-floor Mirror Dungeon with 8 nodes, with the player selecting five Sinners (with one Identity and three E.G.Os from ZAYIN to HE) upon starting a run to go through the entire map.

There are two different versions of the dungeon to play, each with different difficulty and levelling mechanics.

Restaurateur's Mild Fathoms (Normal)
Restaurateur's Spicy Fathoms (Hard)
Entry Cost Enkephalin Module x1 Enkephalin Module.png Enkephalin Module x2 Enkephalin Module.png
Identitiy Levels *
Fixed at specific values
Step 1 : 15
Step 2 : 30
Uses Identities' actual levels
Step 1 : 15
Step 2 : 30
Identity Uptie Tiers Uses Identities' actual tiers Uses Identities' actual tiers
E.G.O Threadspin Tiers Uses E.G.O's actual tiers Uses E.G.O's actual tiers

* For example, if a Level 20 Identity is brought into the Hard difficulty Dungeon, it will be initially be set to Lv. 15 then, upon receiving a Sinner Power-up opportunity, will be leveled up to Lv. 20 (Max level is set to 30, but the Identity's actual level has applied because of playing on Hard difficulty)

Special Features

  • This dungeon does not contain any shop nodes, nor is MD Cost.pngCost gained after completing battles. This is due to the dungeon's release before the Mirror Dungeon Overhaul. Therefore, E.G.O Gifts are only available from Dungeon Events or with a chance after Combat Encounters.
  • Unlike Mirror Dungeons, Identities are upgraded throughout the course of completing this Dungeon: after Combat Encounters, there is a chance for an Identity Upgrade popup to appear, and the player can choose an Identity to upgrade.
    • At the beginning of each Dungeon run, the Identities' levels are fixed at Lv. 15 (or the Identity's actual level, if it is below Lv. 15, in A Restaurateur's Spicy Fathoms). After an upgrade, it is fixed to Lv. 30 (or the Identity's actual level in Spicy Fathoms). Each Identity can only be levelled up once.
  • This dungeon does not contain HP Recovery Nodes.
    This is meant to maximize the usage of the event Identities/E.G.O's (specifically R.B. Sous-chef Gregor, R.B. Chef de Cuisine Ryōshū, Lifetime Stew Sinclair) team healing abilities


Encounters in Restaurateur's Fathoms comprise mainly of enemies encountered throughout the rest of Intervallo I. Specifically,

The final node always consists of a battle with Papa Bongy, with three Headchicken a.k.a Bongies: one -A, one -B, and one -C variant.
Papa Bongy will be replaced with Spiced-up Papa Bongy in A Restaurateur's Spicy Fathoms.

E.G.O Gifts

Regular E.G.O Gifts

Several of the Random Encounters and E.G.O Gifts from the regular Mirror Dungeons are present in the Restaurateur's Fathoms, particularly those with effects that synergize with the event's Identities and E.G.Os such as:

  • Wrath-type E.G.O Gifts (excluding Phlebotomy Pack)
  • Lust-type E.G.O Gifts
  • Burn
  • Bleed
  • Damage Up / Additional damage
  • E.G.O resource gain

Returning from the Mirror Dungeon

Gift Description Tier Cost Event
Hellterfly’s Dream Gift.png
Hellterfly’s Dream
When applying Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency or 'Unique Burn' to an enemy with Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
or 'Unique Burn', randomly inflict a total of 3 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency between all enemies.

When activating Wrath Absolute Resonance, randomly inflict a total of 5 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency between all enemies at Combat Start.
II MD Cost.png198 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Ardor Blossom Moth
Perversion Gift.png
After defeating 1 or more enemy using an Attack Skill, gain +1 E.G.O resource of that Attack Skill's Affinity at the next Turn Start.

If the Attack Skill's Affinity was Wrath, gain +1 E.G.O resource of all affinities the ally has at the next Turn Start instead.
I MD Cost.png157 - Spiral of Contempt
Ashes to Ashes Gift.png
Ashes to Ashes
Combat Start: if all enemies (or all Abnormality parts) have Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
or 'Unique Burn', inflict 2 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency on all enemies (or all Abnormality parts).
I MD Cost.png148 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Rising Ashes
Wound Clerid Gift.png
Wound Clerid
When hitting an enemy with a Skill that inflicts Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Potency or 'Unique Bleed', inflict 4 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
II MD Cost.png202 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Wailing Coffin
Coffee and Cranes Gift.png
Coffee and Cranes
Turn Start: Gain +1 E.G.O resource of a random Affinity that does not correspond to any Attack Skill Affinity used last turn.

If a Lust Affinity Attack Skill was used last turn: Gain 1 of every Affinity E.G.O resource that does not correspond to any Attack Skill Affinity used last turn instead.
II MD Cost.png186 - Paper Chairman
Eclipse of Scarlet Moths Gift.png
Eclipse of Scarlet Moths
Turn Start: When dealing damage with an Attack Skill for the first time, deal half its damage as fixed damage to a random enemy.

If the Attack Skill's Affinity was Lust, deal said damage to two random enemies instead.
II MD Cost.png220 - Sunset Wayfarer
Grimy Iron Stake Gift.png
Grimy Iron Stake
When hitting an enemy using a single-Coin skill, inflict 1 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Potency. Inflict 2 Defense Level Down.pngDefense Level DownDefense Level Down.png Defense Level Down
Defense Level -X for this turn.
until the end of the next turn.
If the target already has Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
or 'Unique Bleed', inflict 3 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Potency instead.
I MD Cost.png147 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Fiery Down Gift.png
Fiery Down
When hitting an enemy with a Lust Affinity Skill or a Skill that inflicts Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency or 'Unique Burn', inflict 3 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).

Turn Start: If the enemy has 20+ Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency, (Current Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency on enemy) x2
II MD Cost.png203 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Bloody Gadget Gift.png
Bloody Gadget
Turn Start: apply 2 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
to a random ally.

Prioritizes allies with Lust Affinity Attack skills; apply 1 additional Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
to the said ally.
I MD Cost.png163 - My Form Empties
Rusty Commemorative Coin Gift.png
Rusty Commemorative Coin
If the first single-Coin Attack Skill that an ally uses during the combat phase doesn’t defeat any enemies, use the Skill one more time.

After defeating an enemy by using a Sloth or single-Coin Skill, the ally gains +1 Skill Power for the next turn.
III MD Cost.png270 - Brazen Bull
White Gossypium Gift.png
White Gossypium
Turn Start: If there are Staggered enemies, un-Stagger enemies. Then, inflict (8 + Stagger LV x 4) Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Potency and (8 + Stagger LV x4)/2 Offense Level Down.pngOffense Level DownOffense Level Down.png Offense Level Down
Offense Level -X for this turn.
on them. (Activates once per enemy per Encounter. Does not activate against certain enemies that do not recover from Stagger)
II MD Cost.png201 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Drenched Gossypium
Blue Zippo Lighter Gift.png
Blue Zippo Lighter
Turn Start: gain +1 Gloom E.G.O resource and +1 E.G.O resource of 2 other random Affinities. I MD Cost.png163 - Wayward Passenger
Thunderbranch Gift.png
When inflicting Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Potency with Skill effects, Inflict 1 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Potency and +1 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Potency Count on target.
III MD Cost.png252 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Monkey Tree
Little and To-be-Naughty Plushie Gift.png
Little and To-be-Naughty Plushie
Deal +10% damage against enemies with Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
at Combat Start

Take -20% damage from enemies with Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
or 'Unique Bleed' at Combat Start

Allies with Pride Affinity Attack Skills deal +20% damage against enemies with Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
or 'Unique Bleed' instead.

Allies with Pride Affinity Attack Skills take -30% damage from enemies with Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
or 'Unique Bleed' instead.
II MD Cost.png191 Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Pinpoint Logic Circuit Gift.png
Pinpoint Logic Circuit
When hitting an enemy with an Envy Affinity Skill or a Skill that inflicts Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency or 'Unique Burn', inflict additional Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency by half the Skill's total Coins. (rounded up)
II MD Cost.png204 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Illusory Hunt Gift.png
Illusory Hunt
Focused Encounter Start: Apply 2 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
to all allies.
III MD Cost.png264 - None
Barbed Snare Gift.png
Barbed Snare
Turn End: Inflict Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Potency on all enemies equal to their current Speed values.

When activating Lust Absolute Resonance, apply 3 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Potency and +3 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Count to a random enemy at Combat Start.
II MD Cost.png187 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Rose Hunter

Unique E.G.O Gifts

There are 2 Random Abnormality Encounters exclusive to the Restaurateur's Fathoms (distinguished with a chicken symbol underneath the Node) with a total of 5 unique E.G.O Gifts that can be obtained.

Gift Description Event
Hot ‘n Juicy Drumstick Gift.png
Hot ‘n Juicy Drumstick
When inflicting Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
with skill effects, inflict +5 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
The Chicken Strife
Dry-to-the-Bone Breast Gift.png
Dry-to-the-Bone Breast
When inflicting Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
with skill effects, inflict +5 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
The Chicken Strife
Tango Marinade Gift.png
Tango Marinade
Allies gain Clash Power by half their Speed against opponents with lower Speed. Tango of Poultry Passion
Contaminated Needle & Thread Gift.png
Contaminated Needle & Thread
Each turn, the first skill to deal damage to an enemy inflicts Bleed by 1/3 of the damage dealt. Tango of Poultry Passion
Sharp Needle & Thread Gift.png
Sharp Needle & Thread
Each turn, the first skill to deal damage to an enemy deals bonus fixed damage by half of the damage dealt. Tango of Poultry Passion

Dungeon Events

Returning from the Mirror Dungeon

Regular Dungeon Events
MD Portrait Ardor Blossom Moth.png
Ardor Blossom Moth
MD Portrait Spiral.png
Spiral of Contempt
MD Portrait Ashes.png
Rising Ashes
MD Portrait Coffin.png
Wailing Coffin
MD Portrait Paper.png
Paper Chairman
MD Portrait Sunset.png
Sunset Wayfarer
MD Portrait My Form Empties.png
My Form Empties
MD Portrait Bronze Bull.png
Brazen Bull
MD Portrait Gossypium.png
Drenched Gossypium
MD Portrait Passenger.png
Wayward Passenger
MD Portrait Tree.png
Monkey Tree
MD Portrait Rose Hunter.png
Rose Hunter

Unique Dungeon Events

The Unique E.G.O Gifts can be obtained from two new Dungeon Events unique to the Restaurateur's Fathoms. In about 50% of Dungeon runs, the unique Dungeon Events are notated by a chicken symbol beneath their corresponding nodes.

The Chicken Strife

The Chicken Strife
The Chicken Strife.png

Some folks are blocking the way.
They’re sitting on a deck, yelling at each other.
“Look at this succulent piece! The rich juice running down the fibers of luscious meat… This is what chicken is about!”
“Wrong. This piece has a clean taste, with not an ounce of grease tainting the tongue. This is the real deal.”
The two turn around at the same time to face you.
“You there! Tell us which is better!”

Chicken’s chicken, duh.
Gain an E.G.O Gift.
“That’s… true.”
“An irrefutable point.”
They lowered their hands and settled down.
“What a strange thing we were fighting over.”
“They’re right… The one truth is that the chicken is always right.”
After a passionate handshake, the two gave you their bucket of chicken.
“A wise gourmet such as yourself deserves both pieces. Please, take this, we insist.”

E.G.O Gift Hot 'n Juicy Drumstick Earned!
E.G.O Gift Dry-to-the-Bone Breast Earned!
Gotta be the drumsticks, all rich and juicy.
Gain an E.G.O Gift.
“You see! The drumsticks are better!”
“You don’t know what good taste is.”
The person holding a chicken breast let out a baffled sigh.
“Ey! Here’s your reward. You deserve a drumstick of your own.”
Satisfied, the one with a drumstick handed you another from the bucket.
“I’m counting on you to keep that leg up!”
Unsure of what you’re being trusted with, you left the table with the drumstick.

E.G.O Gift Hot 'n Juicy Drumstick Earned!
The breast, of course, unsullied and spotless.
Gain an E.G.O Gift.
“There ain’t no way! You’d give up this banquet of juiciness…?”
“It’s fat, not just juice. The breast is healthy, light, comes in hefty servings, and is easy to eat—it’s obviously the reasonable choice.”
The person holding a piece of chicken breast pleasantly remarked.
“Here, a reward for you. Take this breast.”
A sizable piece was brought out of the bucket.
“Best of luck with your gains. I hope you stay healthy.”
Unsure of what you’re supposed to gain, you left the table with the chicken breast.

E.G.O Gift Dry-to-the-Bone Breast Earned!

Tango of Poultry Passion

Tango of Poultry Passion
Tango of Poultry Passion.png

A bright spotlight shines on a portion of the noisy area.
It seems as though the chickens are attending a… ball.
“That’s the tango.”
Looking at their movements which might be a dance or a tussle, you notice sauce leaking from one of them.
It doesn’t seem to be aware of this…

Alert it truthfully.
Gain an E.G.O Gift.
“Heed me!!!!! Sauce is leaking from thy body!!!!!!”
“Don’t shout it that loud, you dummy…”
Notified of its leakage, the chicken quickly ran its wings over its back—or what appeared to be its back, rather.
Sadly, the knot had loosened on its stitching.
“Kieegh, kiiierg…”
Does it mean it can’t do it on its own? Approaching with a trail of sauce dripping behind, it held some thread and a needle in its hands, er, wings.
Does it want you to stitch its back?

The chicken holding some stitching supplies pleads with chicky eyes.
Someone has to do this. Those eyes cannot be ignored.

Who has the hands for this task?

LcbSinLust.png Lust Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 14
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 18

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] hesitantly stepped forward.
Taking the needle and thread, the Sinner sat behind the chicken.
With awkward but careful hands, they began to stitch the seam with a standard method.
Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to feel the pain of the needle.
Once the sewing was done, it hopped into [Sinner]’s lap as if to thank them.
[Sinner] was pleasantly perplexed.

E.G.O Gift Contaminated Needle & Thread Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] confidently stepped forward.
“Let’s see…”
Taking the needle and thread, the Sinner sat behind the chicken.
In spite of the initial confidence, however, their stitches became gradually wry.
Before [Sinner] could finish, the chicken pushed the Sinner away.
“…Why didn’t you do it yourself in the first place?”
It snatched the supplies back to sew itself up, then walked out of sight.
[Sinner] was left perplexed.

Nothing Happened.

You saw nothing.
Gain an E.G.O Gift.
“Should we not inform them?”
“Yeah, but~ They look pretty happy right now, don’t they? Couldn’t hurt to sit and watch just a bit longer, right?”
“What will become of it when it loses all its sauce?”
“Maybe it’ll just become an underseasoned chicken.”
In time, the leakage ceased.
Perhaps it noticed that it’s become lighter? It suddenly performed a highly technical move.
The chickens around it stopped their dances and watched its performance, mesmerized. Soon enough, they approached the performer, letting out screams that sounded like cheers.
They walked out of the light, tossing the special one up and down as a celebration.
All that remained… was the spilled sauce.

E.G.O Gift Tango Marinade Earned!
Give a few subtle hints.
50% chance to gain an E.G.O Gift.
Success Chance: 50%

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

“Mm-mmm~ Boy, I smell something tasty! I sure wonder where this smell’s coooming frooom~?!”
“…I suppose it would be foolish of me to expect more believable acting.”
The Sinner’s voice caused the chickens to stop their passionate dance at once.
Examining each other’s backs, they soon found the source of the leakage.
“Kieh, kierg.”
Without panicking, they brought some thread and a needle to sew up its back—or what appears to be its back.
They were unsullied in their expertise.
Once the stitching was done, they scuttled into the dark.
All that remained was the thread and needle they used.

E.G.O Gift Sharp Needle & Thread Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed


Nothing Happened.

A Restaurateur's Spicy Fathoms

A Restaurateur's Spicy Fathoms is the hard version of the regular Intervallo I Story Dungeon. Several major differences exist between the normal and hard versions:

  1. Identity Levels use the actual Identity levels instead of being fixed at certain values.
  2. Enemies have larger Levels.
  3. The final boss of the Dungeon is upgraded. (Papa Bongy ——> Spiced-up Papa Bongy).
  4. No Story Episodes play at any point in the Dungeon.



Story Chapters
(Main Chapter)
(Detour Tales)
Intervallos Intervallo I - Intervallo II - Intervallo III - 1 - Intervallo III - 2 - Intervallo IV - 1 - Intervallo IV - 2
Mini Episodes Season 1 - Season 2 - Season 3 - Season 4
Story Dungeon Inferno D-02 (Canto I) - J-03 (Canto II) - K-02 (Canto III) - Reminisced League of Nine (Canto IV) - Into the Dark (Canto V)
Deviazione A Restauranteur's Fathoms (Intervallo I) - A Blade Fiend's Fathoms (Intervallo III) - The Final Problem (Intervallo IV)