Mini Episodes/Season 1

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Dante's Notes

These Mini Episodes were added and played upon game startup every Thursday during the period between May 11th to May 25th, 2023, when the first portion of Dante's Notes were released.

Speaker Dialogue
Faust Story Icon.png
Mephistopheles doesn’t roar and grumble ahead all day long. Mephisto is an engine that needs rest from time to time, much like how Charon is still a human who needs regular breaks.
Dante Story Icon.png
Are you still awake, Ms. Faust?
Faust Story Icon.png
There are a few things left to check. As the engine is tretaed harshly during operation, it needs to be well-maintained while at rest.
To substantiate her words, Faust carried light tools and a small mechanical device in place of her usual zweihander.
Dante Story Icon.png
You’re working hard.
Faust Story Icon.png
This barely counts as work. To witness Faust’s magnum opus cordis being overworked with no time for care takes a greater toll, rather.
She said this after making a light smile.
Faust Story Icon.png
Do you like this update in particular?
Faust looked down at me using a handheld device.
Dante Story Icon.png
Oh… This thing?
Faust Story Icon.png
Yes, I believe previously you werent’ fiddling with it as often.
Dante Story Icon.png
It’s nothing much, I as just… making the most of this new feature I’ve needed.
Whenever Faust requests a break for routine maintenace, my ‘LCB-PDA’ also receives updates.
Whilst engaging in the rhythmed exchange, the child with dark bags under his eyes stopped to recall something, then added:
The update occasionally come [sic] with additional functions, and this time…
Faust Story Icon.png
…A note? The device didn’t have this functionality until now?
Dante Story Icon.png
It didn’t, surprisingly enough.
Dante Story Icon.png
You didn’t know that, I thought you were omniscient, Faust.
Faust Story Icon.png
Faust only knows everything that Faust knows.
Faust Story Icon.png
Pardon me for a moment.
She took a peek at the screen of my tablet.
Faust Story Icon.png
Are you attempting to write an encyclopaedia, Dante?
Dante Story Icon.png
I mean… You keep using words I don’t know-stuff like “Fixers” or whatever “Wings” are…
Dante Story Icon.png
It might be common vocabulary for you all, but not me…
Faust Story Icon.png
I understand. I do suppose you’ve lost all memory of the City.
Dante Story Icon.png
Yep. So I wanna write down must stuff here.
Dante Story Icon.png
And copy down the things I’ve been scribbling on paper while I’m at it…
This clock on my shoulders could be replaced with yet another head at any moment. There’s no guarantee the memories I have right now will stay with me.
That’s why I must prepare a backup plan like this.
So I don’t forget twice.

Speaker Dialogue
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
?! W-What the hell?!
Without warning, the bus ground to a sudden halt in the Backstreets.
Charon Story Icon.png
We'll stop here today.
Faust Story Icon.png
Charon, I fear we haven't quite reached the destination.
Meursault Story Icon.png
We're approximately 15% short of the target location. Considering our schedule, proceeding at least 3% farther would be ideal.
Charon Story Icon.png
Charon's sleepy. Excellent bus driver don't drive while sleepy.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Got it, just stop stomping the brakes every damn time!! D'you know how much you've done this?!
Don Story Icon.png
Don Quixote
Forsooth, Ser Heathcliff hath crashed his nose unto the back of the front seat for the fourth time, which must signify that this is the fourth screeching halt to occur!
Charon Story Icon.png
"Leave the wheel as soon as you start sleepy", said the radio.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
That's a good point, but... you need to be a bit more flexible about that sorta thing.
Hong Lu Story Icon.png
Hong Lu
Fuhu, a statement as plain as that can be quite amusing depending on who says it~
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Hah, the minted boy agrees with me, eh. It's funny when the least flexible one says that kind of gabble.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
...What was that? If that's what you're playing at, what about that old fogey over that who still thinks she's a wartime general-
Ishmael pointed to Outis, whose veins were beginning to stick out on her veteran and placid face.
Vergilius Story Icon.png
This is a prime example of the terror that learned fear.
It's happened enough to be familiar... but it's still rather intimidating to hear Vergilius send the bus into chilling silence with a single gesture or utterance.
Vergilius Story Icon.png
... What is it? You were all happy chatting moments ago. No reason not to continue.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Weren't you sighing to go on a proper rampage after?
Vergilius Story Icon.png
I was stretching. Felt a bit stiff...
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Load of...
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Vergilius Story Icon.png
It's laughable how you behave. You're like dogs that drool at the sound of a bell.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Vergilius Story Icon.png
If you've got complaints, remember that my office in the back always has open hours. I'll make time for consultations... Miss Faust, I leave the rest to you.
Faust Story Icon.png
Of course.
Vergilius nonchalantly walked past the Sinners (and their piercing stares) with Charon at his side, and both stood at the back of the bus.
Charon Story Icon.png
Open perilla.
Vergilius Story Icon.png
It's "sesame", Charon.
Charon Story Icon.png
Charon knows. It's not like magic phrases are what open doors, anyway.
Vergilius Story Icon.png
...I suppose so.
While they exchanged corny jokes, the door large enough to fill the backside slowly opened...
Rodion Story Icon.png
Been a few months, but still weirds me out everytime I see it...
Hong Lu Story Icon.png
Hong Lu
It's bigger on the inside, right?
As the back door opened, a splendid narrow deep spacious hallway revealed itself.
Story Bus's Backdoor 2 BG.png
An endless corridor... that looked to go on forever.
Far into the hallway, classy poles demarcate the end of the area we're allowed to traverse, standing in front of unending lines of red light.
Though the place seems comfy... something about it makes eerie feelings creep up.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Now that I think about it... Is that one of those Singularities belonging to a Wing? Frau Faust, do you know anything?
Faust Story Icon.png
Of course it is known. But I am certain that you do know that I cannot speak of them in much details, Herr Gregor.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Could stand to be a bit nicer about it...
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
This is a corridor.
Faust Story Icon.png
That's correct. It's a corridor
Gregor Story Icon.png
Haah... Sure is- a long hallway with doors to rooms on the sides, of course its a corridor.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
I. F.
Gregor Story Icon.png
What're you trying to... Pfah, whatever. I'm too tired... Dante, please hurry on with it.
Gregor's word snapped me out of idly staring down to the edge of the passage.
Dante Story Icon.png
Oh yeah... Right.
Faust Story Icon.png
Dante, while I understand that you may feel it to be an unnecessary repetitive act... simply put, the executive manager's approval is a vital part of the procedure. Please understand.
Dante Story Icon.png
No need to put it like that, Ms. Faust...
With that, I got up from my seat and stood at the front of the bus, looking at the crew.
Dante Story Icon.png
I hereby confirm today's close of the business for the Sinners.
Faust Story Icon.png
Thank you kindly. Starting now, you all will be given a maximum of 12 hours to partake in sleep and rest; the duration is subject to change. Have a good night.
As soon as Faust finished speaking, the Sinners walked along with groans and sighs.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Ah geez~ Man, I'm whipped...
Don Story Icon.png
Don Quixote
A fine night, Young Sinclair! What says you another game of chess?
Sinclair Story Icon.png
N-No thanks, Don Quixote... You always run to Mr. Yi Sang for hints whenever you are losing!
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Yi Sang
That is untrue, Sinclair. That... was because I could not bear to watch the grievous misplacement...
Sinclair Story Icon.png
T-That's even worse!
Meursault Story Icon.png
Bonsoir, Manager, and thank you for today's work. As for tonight's watch...
Dante Story Icon.png
Oh, Meursault. Thanks for suggesting. Yeah, I wasn't feeling sleepy today...
Then, Outis suddenly intervened.
Outis Story Icon.png
Executive Manager! Allow me to remind you that I am always willing to stand in for night watch duty if you ever feel fatigued-
Rodion Story Icon.png
Yeah, yeah, babushka-de-camp~ How's about we get inside now~
Outis Story Icon.png
Executive Manager! Your hard daytime work must-
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Sure~ Let's get you to bed.
Ishamel gave me a small nod, and then proceeded to draggingly chaperone Outis through the back door with Rodya
Then, at least, Faust and I remained.
Faust Story Icon.png
That was fortunate, Dante. Had they not forced Outis to retire, she would have nagged you for the duty of night watch for quite a while again.
Dante Story Icon.png
Haha, does happens a lot...
I commented back as I watched the Sinners head into the corridor, one after another.
After Rodya has entered and closed the door, Ishmael opens the same to get inside.
Dante Story Icon.png
You said the door leads to a different space each time it opens, right?
Faust Story Icon.png
Yes. As long as a Sinner is in the right mental condition... the door will lead to lodging appropriate for rest and personal use.
Lodging, is it... They looked more like jail cells last time I peeked through the window.
Still... she must mean it can be used as a personal living space... for sleep, showers, self-care and all that...
Faust Story Icon.png
...You seem you have other questions beside that.
My clock has no eyes, nose, or mouth, and yet...
Somehow, it feels as though Faust reads something out of me.
...Not that she'll tell me how she manages it...
Dante Story Icon.png
...Y'know, just curious about what's over there.
I pointed down to the far end of the corridor with my finger.
Story Bus's Backdoor 1 BG.png
Right to the horizontal depths of this seemingly endless corridor.
Faust Story Icon.png
As I have told you repeatedly, it is best not to be curious about it, Dante.
As expected, Faust choose to walk into the corridor with a faint sigh instead of a real answer.
And yet, just maybe... Faust knew all along. She "knows it all" as she likes to say.
...Maybe she knew that I would learn about what lies beyond in the corridor soon enough.

Speaker Dialogue
It happened exactly a week after that fruitless exchange.
Dante Story Icon.png
I hereby confirm today's close of the business for the Sinners.
Faust Story Icon.png
Thank you kindly. Starting now, you all will be given a maximum of 12 hours to partake in sleep and rest; the duration is subject to change. Have a good night.
Faust gives the same instruction as always. In response, Sinners groan and stretch like usual.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Except this time, one Sinner stuck out that normalcy like a sore thumb.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
What now?
Rodion Story Icon.png
Leave him be, Ishy~ It's not the first time he's all grumpy like that, is it?
Rodion Story Icon.png
And Heath~ Make sure to simmer down before you get in your room, 'kay? All that grumbling thunder in there keeps me awake, y'know~
...The Sinner's room- their lodging, personal space, and cell-reflect their state of mind or so I've heard.
Each room's floors, walls, and overall ambience are shaped after the Sinner's personality, and the view through the windows changes depending on their emotions and mental state.
Though, all I've seen were distant glimpse through the window, so I don't have all the details.
The room Heathcliff enters would sometimes-actually rather frequently-emit wuthering and stormy sounds.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Usually, he'd snap back with a "Why should I?" or something like that, but he only clicked his tongue.
I suppose he doesn't feel like arguing.
Thanks to that, he stood in a corridor until all the other Sinners (save for Faust) went into their rooms, staring down the passage with a frown. Maybe he was relieving stress this way.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
And that right there is when the incident began.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
...Huh? Oi, what's with all those doors down the aisle?
Heathcliff pointed in the same exact direction I did a week ago.
Story Bus's Backdoor 2 BG.png
Those doors were beyond the "no trespassing" line blocking the way.
Faust Story Icon.png
Heathcliff, I recommend against walking farther into the corridor than necessary.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Huh. That sure makes it sound awfully suspicious.
Faust Story Icon.png
There is nothing which to be suspicious. You are better off listening to Faust.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
What, you keep treasures or something in there?
Faust's secretive attitude was enough to rouse his curiosity.
Faust Story Icon.png
Heathcliff, do not do it. You will regret your action.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Got well emotional and gobby, en, Ms. Cleverness?
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
It's like... you're actually hiding something there!
He sprinted into the dark before we could stop him.
Faust Story Icon.png
Dante Story Icon.png
What's in there-
Just as I was about to ask Faust an obvious thing to be concerned over...
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Heathcliff's sharp scream echoed from the unlit area far into the corridors.
Faust Story Icon.png
Dante, now is the time to take my left hand and run with me.
Dante Story Icon.png
Wha, huh?
Faust Story Icon.png
I won't be able to get him out in time on my own. I may be engulfed myself if I don't act quickly.
Before I could process what she meant, Faust ran off in the direction Heathcliff disappeared.
Dante Story Icon.png
Ah... Shuckaroonies! W-Wait for me!
Story Bus's Backdoor 3 BG.png
As we crossed the line and proceeded deeper into the corridors, we came across a three-way crossroads.
Dante Story Icon.png
I think I heard screams coming from the middle...
However, without a moment's hesitation, Faust darted for the left aisle.
Dante Story Icon.png
F-Faust! I know you are in a hurry, but... are you sure this is the right way? I could've sworn I heard his voice coming from the center path...
Faust Story Icon.png
I know.
Without celebrating further, Faust continued running.
At another fork we encountered, Faust chose the right path.
Right afterwards, she entered the fifth door on the left side of that hallway.
Dante Story Icon.png
What... is this?
Story Bus's Backdoor 1 BG.png
Right as I entered, another hall came into view.
It's end... was like a cliff.
To be more precise, I felt some kind of gravitational pull trying to get me to fall to the end of the hallway.
Dante Story Icon.png
Then I saw him; he crawled towards us with all his might from the middle of the hall.
As if he might fall the moment he lets go...
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
What... the hell is all this... and this place...!
Even though I couldn't see much in the dark behind him, I definitely felt some presence in it.
Dante Story Icon.png
Faust, what's over-
Faust Story Icon.png
Dante, I want you to hold the knob of this open door tightly. Firmly grip my hands as well.
Holding my hands securely, she gradually approach Heathcliff.
Dante Story Icon.png
This hallway... isn't tilted or anything, is it? Why does it feel like we're hanging off a cliff?
Faust Story Icon.png
That.. is because we're in a 'corridor', obviously. Dante, do not let go.
Reminding me to hold fast, Faust extended her other arm while holding her zweihander.
Faust Story Icon.png
Heathcliff, grab this if you would.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Are you mental?! My hand'll get gashed if I try grabbing that giant blade!
Faust Story Icon.png
...You'll much prefer deep wounds on your palms to what you can suffer down there.
Baffled, Heathcliff looked at the sword and then the darkness behind him...
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Bugger... Kgh, gaaahg...!
Faust Story Icon.png
Dante, pull him up, Might and main.
Dante Story Icon.png
...G-Got it!
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Grrgh, knngh...
Dante Story Icon.png
Huff, hoogh...
Right as we pulled Heathcliff up...
No, I'm not even sure if it's even right to say we pulled him "up", but nevertheless... Faust hoisted his unconscious body by the legs and started rushing, saying that we need to return the way we came.
Following her lead, I supported his arms and trailed behind, keeping his head from dragging along the floor.
After burning some time...
Faust Story Icon.png
...Phew. Let's us say this is fortunate he wasn't lost in a deeper area.
Faust Story Icon.png
Dante, you will have to turn the clock.
Dante Story Icon.png
Heathcliff's... gonna be okay, right?
Faust Story Icon.png
The psychological damage is likely to be severe. Our work will be encumbered if he loses his mind.
Dante Story Icon.png
I didn't have a choice.
Dante Story Icon.png
Good work back there, Dante. While it is unfortunate that we have lost a portion of our limited break to this...
Dante Story Icon.png
Faust, just what's in there? Where does it lead?
Dante Story Icon.png
Can't you tell me at this point? I've... seen that stuff now.
It was only natural that I want to know. What resides there, and what was chasing Heathcliff?
Why did it never show itself to us, and why did it vanish instead of chasing him any further?
These questions were driving me crazy, but alas...
Faust Story Icon.png
Faust Story Icon.png
As stated earlier, there are limits to what Faust can elaborate.
...Yep, I honestly didn't expect much.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
The corridor, you I. F.
Ryōshū muttered with a cigarette in her mouth, walking past us both. She must've left her room while we were out on our rescue mission.
Faust Story Icon.png
Faust proceeded as if not a soul had just walked by, as if nothing was just said.
Dante Story Icon.png
Faust Story Icon.png
You did prevent a sudden vacancy in the bus department.
Faust Story Icon.png
Though I wouldn't exactly call it a reward, I do suppose it isn't a bad time to inform you of one thing.
Dante Story Icon.png
Ooh... L-Lemme hear it!
The unexpected boon had me rubbing my hands together. Right, what will she tell me now...
Faust Story Icon.png
Dante, when you traverse a road you have never walked before, what do you do?
Dante Story Icon.png
Hmm? I mean... You use a map, obviously?
Faust Story Icon.png
That's right. Then, even if you don't have a map, your brain will form images to serve as one.
Faust Story Icon.png
From there, on that map... there will be a starting point and a destination clearly marked. When you return from your trip, you will trace back through that way.
It's so obvious, I don't need to verbally answer. I just nodded along.
Faust Story Icon.png
...Hopefully that makes it clear enough.
Dante Story Icon.png
Faust Story Icon.png
This is why you should remember where you've started in the corridor, especially when you open a door.
Flabbergasted by the abrupt end, I blurted.
Faust Story Icon.png
Now then, Faust has grown tired. Do take care...
She walked through the door before I could say anything, leaving me with a riddle.
Dante Story Icon.png
Of course it would go like this...
I sighed out of frustration, but not a breath of air is expelled from my pitiful clock.
Still, left powerless...
All I can do is boot up this electronic notebook and piece together what little information I have collected.

A Midspring Night's Dream

Main Article: A Midspring Night's Dream
This "Mini Episode" was played upon startup on April 1st, 2023, and constitutes part of the April Fool's Day event of the year. It has become unavailable with the closure of the event.

Site-logo.png|Season 2
Story Chapters
(Main Chapter)
(Detour Tales)
Intervallos Intervallo I - Intervallo II - Intervallo III - 1 - Intervallo III - 2 - Intervallo IV - 1 - Intervallo IV - 2 - Intervallo V - 1 - Intervallo V - 2 (Upcoming)
Mini Episodes Season 1 - Season 2 - Season 3 - Season 4 - Season 5
Story Dungeon Inferno D-02 (Canto I) - J-03 (Canto II) - K-02 (Canto III) - Reminisced League of Nine (Canto IV) - Into the Dark (Canto V) - The Tale of a Great Fixer Who Once Reached for The Dream (Canto VII)
Deviazione A Restauranteur's Fathoms (Intervallo I) - A Blade Fiend's Fathoms (Intervallo III) - The Final Problem (Intervallo IV)