Sunset Wayfarer

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Sunset Wayfarer is a non-fightable Abnormality that can be encountered in Abnormality events in the Mirror Dungeon.


Sunset Wayfarer appears as a large, orange, blob that glows with four short limbs on it. At the top of its body, it has a small spiral of yellow that appears to mimic a face. Floating around the entity are small moths with a similar color to the central Abnormality, and are the ones present in its E.G.O Gift.

Mirror Dungeon Event

Mirror Dungeon Event
MD Sunset Wayfarer.png

“Look at those butterflies! Aren’t they just beautiful?”

“And gander at that sunset, too!
Really makes you want to go for a stroll.”

“Why don’t you stop for a moment
and take a breather here?”

Something yellow gestures warmly at you.

Take a break.
Select to gain a Keywordless E.G.O Gift
“Wasn’t it tiring coming all the way here?”

“Really, check out those butterflies.
Just watching them will warm your heart.”

You looked at the butterflies as the voice suggested.
They indeed fill the heart with a certain warmth.

“Looks like some of them want to tag along!”

A kaleidoscope of butterflies started following you,
even after you left that scenic spot.

E.G.O Gift Eclipse of Scarlet Moths Earned!
All Allies healed for 8 HP.
Identities with Lust Affinity Attack Skill heal SP.
Ignore it and leave.
“You must be very busy then!”

It made the same gesture as when it first greeted us.
Perhaps it was waving goodbye all along.

“Another time, I suppose!”

At the start of the turn, heal 10 HP and 10 SP. (Up to 3 turns)


Eclipse of Scarlet Moths Gift.png

Tier: II
Cost: MD Cost.png 220

Eclipse of Scarlet Moths
Turn Start: When dealing damage with an Attack Skill for the first time, deal half its damage as fixed damage to a random enemy.

If the Attack Skill's Affinity was Lust, deal said damage to two random enemies instead.


  • For the E.G.O Gift 'Eclipse of Scarlet Moths', "When dealing damage with a skill for the first time" means the whole skill, not just the first coin of damage. This also means the total damage if it's a multi-targets skill.