Wayward Passenger/Enemy

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Refracted Wayward Passenger

LcbSinGluttony.pngRefracted Wayward Passenger
Wayward Passenger Idle Sprite.png
Risk Level HE Label.png Code T-02-21-07 Core HP.png 1938

Abno Part Left Arm.png Status
HP.png 285 SPEED.png 3-5 Defense.png 23
Stagger Thresholds
45% (128HP.png) - 0% (0HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Right Arm.png Status
HP.png 285 SPEED.png 3-5 Defense.png 23
Stagger Thresholds
45% (128HP.png) - 0% (0HP.png)
Slash.png Pierce.png Blunt.png

Abno Part Right Arm.png Right Blade
Dimensional Slice Wayward Passenger Icon.png
6 Slash.png + 7
Dimensional Slice  
SkillAttack.png 38 (35+3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
[Clash Lose] Spend 2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Abno Part Left Arm.png Left Blade
Consecutive Dimensional Slice Wayward Passenger Icon.png
6 Slash.png + 4
Consecutive Dimensional Slice  
SkillAttack.png 38 (35+3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
[Clash Lose] Spend 2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
Abno Part Left Arm.png Left Blade
Discharge Byproducts Wayward Passenger Icon.png
8 Pierce.png + 6
Discharge Byproducts  
SkillAttack.png 41 (35+6) Atk Weight ⯀⯀
[Clash Lose] Spend 2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
[On Hit] Inflict 5 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Abno Part Right Arm.png Right Blade
Rip Space Wayward Passenger Icon.png
15 Slash.png + 3
Rip Space  
SkillAttack.png 38 (35+3) Atk Weight ⯀
At 10+ Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, spend 10 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and gain Clash Power +5 and deal +100% damage
At 10- Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, spend 100 Core HP and deal +80% damage
This skill does not reduce the unit's HP to 0.
[Heads Hit] Gain +2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
[Heads Hit] Gain +2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
Abno Part Left Arm.png Left Blade
Prepared Retribution Wayward Passenger Icon.png
5 Slash.png + 2
Prepared Retribution  
SkillAttack.png 38 (35+3) Atk Weight ⯀
[On Use] Gain +1 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
[On Hit] Inflict +2 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Abno Part Right Arm.png Right Blade
Vomit Byproducts Wayward Passenger Icon.png
6 Pierce.png + 8
Vomit Byproducts  
SkillAttack.png 38 (35+3) Atk Weight ⯀⯀⯀
[On Use] If target has Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
, deal +10% damage
[Clash Lose] Spend 2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
[On Hit] Inflict 5 Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
Abno Part Left Arm.png Left Blade
High-speed Rip Space Wayward Passenger Icon.png
10 Pierce.png + 8
High-speed Rip Space  
SkillAttack.png 38 (35+3) Atk Weight ⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀⯀
Gain Clash Power equal to the number of Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
effect with the highest stack
Deal +10% damage for every Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
effect on self
[On Hit] Inflict 3 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Dimensional Escape  
Starting from turn 2, escape to a Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
every few turns.
When all parts are Staggered, escape to a Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
next turn.
Cannot be Staggered while inside a Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
When Core is at 30% or less HP, does not escape to a Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
Trapped Dimensional Escape  
When all Dimensional Rifts are broken on the same turn they are created, voluntarily emerge from a Dimensional Rift.pngDimensional RiftDimensional Rift.png Dimensional Rift
Turn End: Gain +X Rupture Count
Afterward, lose 5 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and raise Stagger Threshold by 30 on all parts.
Regenerate Dimensional Blade  
When the blade is broken, lose 5 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
and at the end of the next turn, recover blade part by spending 2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
When the blade part is broken, gain 2 Offense Level Down.pngOffense Level DownOffense Level Down.png Offense Level Down
Offense Level -X for this turn.
at the start of every turn.
Refracted Burn and Rupture  
Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
and Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Potency maxes out at 30.
Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
and Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Count maxes out at 5.
Apply Refracted Tremor  
When gaining Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
, gain 1 additional Potency and Count


After being on the field for the first turn, Wayward Passenger will escape into a Dimension Rift and summons 4 Dimension Rifts to fight. The sinners must destroy all 4 rifts within 2 turns, or it will receive massive buffs.

If both Arms are staggered at the start of the turn, it will be unable to escape, granting a free turn. Destroying both arms doesn't stop it from escaping.

Attack Pattern

When Wayward Passenger is not in a Dimensional Portal, it one of the following skill lists. It uses them in sequential order every time it emerges, and only emerges 1 turn before escaping again:
- Dimensional Slice, Dimensional Slice, Dimensional Slice, Consecutive Dimensional Slice, Consecutive Dimensional Slice, Prepared Retribution
- Dimensional Slice, Dimensional Slice, Consecutive Dimensional Slice, Consecutive Dimensional Slice, Consecutive Dimensional Slice, Prepared Retribution
- Dimensional Slice, Dimensional Slice, Discharge Byproducts, Discharge Byproducts, Discharge Byproducts, Prepared Retribution

Once Wayward Passenger hits <30% HP, it will stop escaping into portals and its behavior changes. Instead, it uses the following skill rotation:
- Dimensional Slice, Dimensional Slice, Consecutive Dimensional Slice, Consecutive Dimensional Slice, Prepared Retribution, High-speed Rip Space
- Dimensional Slice, Vomit Byproducts, Consecutive Dimensional Slice, Rip Space, Rip Space


The second time that Wayward Passenger escapes to another dimension, the yellow text indicating an abnormality event appears. The turn after it re-emerges, the abnormality event occurs..

Combat Event
Is it hiding in another dimension again?

If this fight’s been anything to go by, it’ll soon emerge from one of the dimensional rifts.

If we can intuit its next point of emergence, maybe we can deal a fatal blow against it before it fully emerges from the dimensional rift.

Who can intuit its next point of emergence?

LcbSinGloom.png Gloom Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 13
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 15

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

Soon, the entity began crawling out of the dimensional rift that [Sinner] selected.


Though it sensed the Sinner’s presence before it emerged,

It didn’t have enough time to act before [Sinner] swung their weapon at it.

The entity hurriedly closed the dimensional rift as it fled back into its safety. That seems to have destabilized the dimensional rift.


[Wayward Passenger] gains 3 Offense Level Down.pngOffense Level DownOffense Level Down.png Offense Level Down
Offense Level -X for this turn.

[Sinner] gains 3 Offense Level Up.pngOffense Level UpOffense Level Up.png Offense Level Up
Offense Level +X for this turn.
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

Soon, the entity began to crawl out of the dimensional rift.

… From the rift opposite to the one that [Sinner] had selected, unfortunately.

[Sinner] quickly turned around, brandishing their weapon… but the entity was faster.

It goes without saying that a powerful attack soon struck the Sinner.

[Sinner] loses 20% of Max HP
