Bugs and mistakes

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Overview and disclaimers

Like any game, Limbus Company contains bugs and mistakes. While Project Moon tries to fix as many as they can, some takes time to fix. This page has the purpose of reporting any bug or mistake found in the game.

They are separated in 5 categories:

Bugs: Elements that are visibly not working as intended.

Erroneous descriptions: If the description of a Skill, Gift or Event effect are different from the actual effect.

Typos: Mistakes in the text that doesn't change the meaning of the sentences.

Unusable Skills: Skills (Active or passive) present on the file of a version of an Abnormality but can't be used by said version.

Possible mistakes: Elements that doesn't technically have a mistake but seems quite clearly to not be intended to work like that.


1) Be respectful and polite when reporting bugs on this page. If you can't edit the page, you can report the bugs in the comments

2) Be certain of the error. Some effect work as intended but are not clearly visible (Example: some Gifts give an offense level bonus. While no buff is shown on the character when activated, the offense level is still increased).

3) Do not post bugs to new contents. Some bugs and mistakes naturally appear when new contents are released but a lot of them are fixed in the following patch. Wait until the error is at least one week old before posting it


  • Shock Centipede Random encounter: "Press the droplet-shaped button."; "Ckeck Passed": The buff of +1 Speed has no actual effect. Minimum Speed and Maximum Speed stay unchanged.
  • Shock Centipede/Enemy All versions: Defeating it no longer count as a kill, meaning the Observation Level no longer increase.
  • Headless Ichthys/Enemy: The buff Fluid Sac.pngFluid SacFluid Sac.png Fluid Sac
    Heals X * 20 HP.
    has no effect, no health is healed.
  • Headless Ichthys/Enemy: Luxcavation Lv30 version: There is a bug in the attack cycle, after 19 turns and if the body isn't broken, the battle will stay in Combat Phase without proceeding.
  • Grown Powerful! For Realsies? and Become Strong? Genuinely?: Base version and Luxcavation Lv30 version: Die after a stack of 4 Surgery.pngSurgerySurgery.png Surgery
    Die when Count reaches 5.
    Reduce Max HP by 20% per Count (X).
    Deal 20% more damage per Count (X).
    Turn Start: Gain X Haste.
    instead of 5. Luxcavation Lv20 versions die at 5 stacks.
  • Everything There of an Inquisitor: The sprite will change into the one with the arm destroyed after receiving damage even if the arm is not destroyed.
  • Mirror of the Wuthering: The Compendium for the pack "The Evil Defining" doesn't feature "Harpoon Prosthetic Leg", but "Guiding Gas Lamp" (which is a fusion result). If this is to be trusted, "Harpoon Prosthetic Leg" is unobtainable.

Erroneous descriptions

  • Brazen Bull Random encounter: "Don't give water": Text reads 15 HP are lost, but only 12 HP are lost. In addition, 12 SP are also lost which is not indicated.
  • Nymph Random encounter: "Donate Blood": Text reads that those with Wrath skills heal 15 HP (+12 HP healed by everyone) but a total of 30 HP are healed to those with Wrath skills, meaning that they heal 18 HP + 12 HP.
  • Dreaming Electric Sheep Random encounter: "Plug another cable into the electric sheep": Text reads 20 SP are lost, but only 15 SP are lost.
  • Sunshower Random encounter: "Pet the fox"; "Check Failed": Text reads 15 SP are lost, but only 8 SP are lost.
  • Spiral of Contempt Random encounter: "Avert your eyes"; "Check Failed": Text reads 25 HP and 15 SP are lost, but only 12 HP and 8 SP are lost.
  • Wandering Mind Random encounter: "Refuse it"; "Check Failed": Text reads 13 HP are lost, but only 11 HP are lost.
  • Hole-in-the-Man Random encounter: "Duck and cover": Text reads 20 HP are lost and 20 HP are healed, but only 15 HP are lost and 15 HP are healed.
  • Fairy Gentleman Random encounter: "Nod"; "Share it with everyone": Text reads SP to those with Gluttony skills are healed, but no SP are healed.
  • Blue-ish Star Random encounter: "Forward" and "Backward": Text reads 25 HP are lost, but only 20 HP are lost.
  • R Corp. 4th Pack Rabbit Heathcliff Passive "Raring to Graze": Text reads "At 5+ Charge Count, gain 1 Haste and 1 Attack Power Up.", but it's only applied next turn.
  • R.B. Sous-chef Gregor "Butcher Viand": Text reads "If target has 10+ Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
    The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
    Count, Coin Power +1", when in practice, it's 10+ Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
    The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
  • Rosespanner Workshop Fixer Meursault "Forced Break": Text reads "If target has 7+ Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
    When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
    Count, Final Power +1", when in practice its 7+ Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
    When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).


None reported as of now

Unusable skills

  • Papa Bongy/Enemy Normal version and Spicied-up version: Possess an unusable Active Body skill.
  • Doomsday Calendar/Enemy Luxcavation Lv20 version: Phase 4 has "Live offering" in its Active skills list, but it can't use it due to a lack of arms.
  • Headless Ichthys/Enemy
    • Luxcavation LV20 and LV30 versions: The passive "Blood Sac" can't be used due to a lack of Blood Sac.pngBlood SacBlood Sac.png Blood Sac
      Use a powerful attack at a certain Count.
    • All versions: The passive "Fluid Sac" can't be used due to the bug preventing Fluid Sac.pngFluid SacFluid Sac.png Fluid Sac
      Heals X * 20 HP.
      from healing.
    • Base version and Luxcavation LV30 version: A Active Body skill (presumably "Clotting") can't be used
  • Alleyway Watchdog/Enemy
    • Base version, Luxcavation LV20 and LV30 versions: An Active Head skill can't be used.
    • Base version and Luxcavation LV30 version: An Active Telepole skill (presumably "Red bolts") can't be used.
  • Shock Centipede/Enemy Base version: An Active Body skill (presumably "Electric Discharge") can't be used.
  • Blubbering Toad/Enemy All versions: An Active Left Eye skill and an Active Right Eye skill can't be used.

Possible mistakes

  • Hydra Random encounter: "Accept surgery": The check requires 11 even if the atttribute doesn't have an advantage.
  • Sleepyhead Random encounter: "Fill it with a Sinner's blood": The check requires 12 even if the atttribute doesn't have an advantage.
  • Headless Ichthys/Enemy All versions: The passive "Boiling Blood" activates when the body is broken, even if there is no Blood Sac.pngBlood SacBlood Sac.png Blood Sac
    Use a powerful attack at a certain Count.
  • Fairy Gentleman/Enemy Base version, MD2 Hard version and Luxcavation version: "I'll Have This!" Unclashable version: the skill has an effect increasing its clash value but the skill is also unclashable.
  • Mirror of the Wuthering: The pack "Emotional Seduction" doesn't show up on Simulation Difficulty, while all the others "Emotional Sin" Packs do.