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Hermann was the director of Old G Corp. before its collapse after the events of the Smoke War. She was a skilled scientist who led the research of G Corp's genetic augmentation of its soldiers. Of those she experimented on, her most successful surgery was performed on her own son, Gregor. After his surgery, Hermann continued to perform tests on Gregor to develop his abilities and check on his progress. Once Gregor was able to control his new arm to an acceptable degree, Hermann used him as example to draw in more soldiers for the Wing. During the midst of the Smoke War, Gregor deserted G Corp. and it appears that Hermann lost contact with him until their eventual reunion in Branch D-02.

After the collapse of the Wing, Hermann managed to be one of the few members of G Corp. to escape without consequences, and went on to become the director of N Corp. At N Corp. she currently leads her own expedition for the Golden Boughs and aims to destroy the Mirror Worlds with their power.


Hermann is briefly mentioned by Vergilius after mistaking Gubo for her when the later claimed to be the director of N Corp.

Limbus Company

Canto I: The Outcast

Hermann, Jia Huan, and Gubo cornering the Sinners.
You should at least finish unwrapping what I gave you. That little arm isn’t all there is to it.
—Hermann, Canto I: The Outcast

Hermann makes her first physical debut, along with Gubo and Jia Huan, when confronting the Sinners in Branch D-02. After dispatching the Golden Apple and retrieving the Golden Bough from Yuri’s head. She introduces herself and announces her group's goals of collecting every Golden Bough, but not without threatening the lives of the Sinners if they dare stand in her way.

Hermann then greets her son, Gregor, teasing him. She tells him that there's more to his abilities than just his verminous arm. Then the N Corp. team confiscates the Golden Bough from the Sinners as Jia Huan uses his abilities to knock all of them unconscious with a clap of his hands.

Canto II: The Unloving

After leaving Branch J-03, Sonya meets with Hermann in the Backstreets of District 10 to discuss how the Golden Bough retrieval went.

It had been Hermann who proposed the idea of showing Rodion an idealized world with the hope it would convince her to rejoin the Yurodiviye, and as a result, let the Golden Bough fall into their hands. He confesses that he is glad that the plan didn't work, because it meant that Rodya hasn't changed since he had last seen her, and then asks if she is going to scold him for failing the mission.

Though Hermann praises Sonya for his proactivity to set out to achieve his goals, she expresses disappointment on how he still allowed the Sinners to retrieve the Bough themselves. Still, she decides not to dwell on the failure, commenting that she will remember Sonya's considerations on Rodion's behavior in mind when planning their next course of action, and concludes their meeting.

Canto IV: The Unchanging

Hermann makes a brief reappearance in the past reminisced in the fathoms of the League of Nine’s egos, as part of the memories pulled from Yi Sang's past in the dungeon generated by the Golden Bough.

The Sinners witness a flashback to the second iteration of the League of Nine Littérateurs, founded under Hermann in the Nest of N Corp. After the first iteration’s dissolution, with many of its members either having been captured or fleeing from T Corp’s forces, Gubo, Aseah, and Yi Sang were eventually granted sanctuary and recruited into N Corp’s fold.

Assigning Gubo to become Yi Sang’s ward, after the events at the League threw him in a state of despair, Hermann desired Yi Sang to continually research and refine his mirror, making the aim of the research clear: to find a way to destroy every Mirror World in existence. Upon Yi Sang's initial refusal, Hermann was annoyed at his stubbornness, but claimed to have other ways to reach her goals, and to have only treated him with courtesy out of respect for Gubo.

Canto V: The Evil Defining

After the Sinners killed the Pallid Whale and left her to die, Ahab miraculously survived the whale’s destruction, drifting on the remains of the foe she was robbed of slaying. While muttering her hopeless delusions and aimlessly floating on the Great Lake, Ahab was eventually rescued by Hermann and her fleet of battleships.

Hermann capturing Ahab's attention.

After Ahab questioned if Hermann was here just to mock her, the N Corp. director gave her a proposition: if Ahab joined her, she would allow the captain to kill any and every Pallid Whale across the countless Mirror Worlds. Reasoning that it was simply just a "single" Pallid Whale out of potentially countless others, Hermann would give Ahab her purpose again.

All Hermann asks of Ahab was her “staunch determination and conviction”.

Canto VI: The Heartbreaking

At some point in time, Hermann would decide to make use of the Wuthering Heights manor for her studies on the Mirror Worlds. She would teach Nelly about Mirror Worlds, leaving the woman a mirror, and cultivate the subsequent despair Nelly was thrown into. The mirror would allow for Catherine to commune with Every Catherine, beginning a spiral into the manor's demise.

Hermann herself would visit the manor within time, encouraging the creation of the laboratory in the manor's basement, that would be managed by N Corp. staff, including Aseah and former members of the Ring's Pointillist branch, and making a deal with Catherine to allow Every Catherine to visit her Mirror World, requiring the use of two Golden Boughs. In exchange, Hermann wished to utilize the laboratory to create a pure and uncontaminated dough, which Catherine accepts. Eventually Hermann put Catherine into her coffin, promising the summoning of Every Catherine, as well as the arrival of a Heathcliff that exists solely for Catherine.