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Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
is a status effect that is gained through various skills and is spent to improve skill effects. Charge count decreases by 1 at the end of each turn. Most Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
users only use charge count, while some also gain charge potency and use it for additional skill effects. Charge normally has a maximum count of 20, although this can be increased through passives or EGO Gifts.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
is an easy status effect to use, as it only decreases from spending charge or at turn end. Charge-based Identities also usually deal high damage with high rolls on skills that spend charge count, which makes them versatile. Another notable benefit of charge is that Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Identities do not need a "Charge team" to function at full capacity. A high level charge Identity can be placed on any team.

Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
does not have particular strengths or weaknesses, with the exception that charge Identities need a couple of turns to raise their SP and charge count in an encounter before they can fight at full capacity. Several Charge Identities have significant drawbacks to using their skill 3's without enough charge, while others simply result in lower rolls.

Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
is the most effective against enemies weak to LcbSinEnvy.png Envy, LcbSinGloom.png Gloom, LcbSinPride.png Pride, and LcbSinWrath.png Wrath due to the skill distributions of Charge Identities. Because they usually have extremely powerful skill 3's, a Charge team can deal tremendous damage in a single turn if an opportunity arises (such as a staggered enemy).

Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Identities usually have powerful Uptie IV's that increase the rate at which they gain charge, making them more powerful and reducing the importance of having teammates or E.G.O to support charge gain.

Related Effects

Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
is an effect that gives shield for the turn. At turn end, the effect expires, and any leftover charge barrier is converted to Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
count. Load.pngLoadLoad.png Load
- Max Value: 6
- Attack Skills that consumed Charge Count deal +2.5% more damage for every value on self (max 15%)
- If the affected unit is a W Corp. employee, deal +5% damage for every value instead (max 30%)
- Turn End: this effect expires
lets affected Identities deal bonus damage when using a skill that consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
count. There are currently two varieties of unique charge in the game: Red Eyes.pngRed EyesRed Eyes.png Red Eyes
- Base Skill Coin effects inflict +1 more Bleed
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge (fixed Potency)
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff Stage based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Red Eyes
· Stage 2 (8~15): Red Eyes - Alert
· Stage 3 (16~20): Red Eyes - Devouring
- The amount of additional Bleed inflicted by the first line of this buff is equal to the buff enhancement Stage (max 3)
& Penitence.pngPenitencePenitence.png Penitence
- Heal 2 SP On Hit with Base Skill Coins that gain Penitence
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge (fixed Potency)
- Turn Start: gain (Penitence)% of max HP as Shield
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff Stage based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Penitence
· Stage 2 (8~15): Penitence - Periphery
· Stage 3 (16~20): Penitence - Confessional
- The amount of SP healed by the first line of this buff is based on the buff enhancement Stage (enhancement Stage x 2)
, both used by Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū, a Walpurgisnacht Identity.

The debuffs Photoelectricity.pngPhotoelectricityPhotoelectricity.png Photoelectricity
- Max Value: 3
When this unit is hit, the Attacker gains Charge Count equal to the value (once per Skill)
- If the Attacker has 5- Charge Count, they gain +3 additional Charge Count
Turn End: this effect expires
and Capacitor.pngSpark DischargeCapacitor.png Spark Discharge
When hit, the attacker gains +1 Charge Count; when hit with a Gloom attack, gain +1 Rupture Count, then reduce Count by 1
both allow attacking units to gain charge upon hitting an enemy, with Photoelectricity.pngPhotoelectricityPhotoelectricity.png Photoelectricity
- Max Value: 3
When this unit is hit, the Attacker gains Charge Count equal to the value (once per Skill)
- If the Attacker has 5- Charge Count, they gain +3 additional Charge Count
Turn End: this effect expires
being the more powerful of the two, allowing attackers to gain 1-6 charge count per skill.

Name Description Source (If Exclusive)
Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
- Gain (Charge Barrier # x 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier after losing (Charge Barrier # x 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (Charge Barrier # x 5) instead of at (Charge Barrier # x 3))
- Turn end: Gain a Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
World of W Corp. Identities
Charge E.G.O gifts
Load.pngLoadLoad.png Load
- Max Value: 6
- Attack Skills that consumed Charge Count deal +2.5% more damage for every value on self (max 15%)
- If the affected unit is a W Corp. employee, deal +5% damage for every value instead (max 30%)
- Turn End: this effect expires
- Max Value: 6
- Attack Skills that consumed Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count deal +2.5% more damage for every value on self (max 15%)
- If the affected unit is a W Corp. employee, deal +5% more damage for every value instead (max 30%)
- Turn End: this effect expires
W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain Outis
Dimension Shredder Outis E.G.O
Photoelectricity.pngPhotoelectricityPhotoelectricity.png Photoelectricity
- Max Value: 3
When this unit is hit, the Attacker gains Charge Count equal to the value (once per Skill)
- If the Attacker has 5- Charge Count, they gain +3 additional Charge Count
Turn End: this effect expires
Max Value: 3
When this unit is hit, the Attacker gains Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count equal to the value (once per Skill)
- If the Attacker has 5- Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, they gain +3 additional Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Turn End: this effect expires
MultiCrack Office Fixer Heathcliff
Capacitor.pngSpark DischargeCapacitor.png Spark Discharge
When hit, the attacker gains +1 Charge Count; when hit with a Gloom attack, gain +1 Rupture Count, then reduce Count by 1
When hit, the attacker gains +1 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count; when hit with a LcbSinGloom.pngGloom attack, gain +1 Rupture.pngRuptureRupture.png Rupture
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed damage.
Count, then reduce Count by 1
AEDD Gregor E.G.O
Red Eyes.pngRed EyesRed Eyes.png Red Eyes
- Base Skill Coin effects inflict +1 more Bleed
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge (fixed Potency)
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff Stage based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Red Eyes
· Stage 2 (8~15): Red Eyes - Alert
· Stage 3 (16~20): Red Eyes - Devouring
- The amount of additional Bleed inflicted by the first line of this buff is equal to the buff enhancement Stage (max 3)
- Base Skill Coin effects inflict +1 more Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.

- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
(fixed Potency)
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Red Eyes.pngRed EyesRed Eyes.png Red Eyes
- Base Skill Coin effects inflict +1 more Bleed
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge (fixed Potency)
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff Stage based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Red Eyes
· Stage 2 (8~15): Red Eyes - Alert
· Stage 3 (16~20): Red Eyes - Devouring
- The amount of additional Bleed inflicted by the first line of this buff is equal to the buff enhancement Stage (max 3)

· Stage 2 (8~15): Red Eyes - Alert.pngRed Eyes - AlertRed Eyes - Alert.png Red Eyes - Alert
- Base Skill Coin effects inflict +2 more Bleed
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge (fixed Potency)
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff Stage based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Red Eyes
· Stage 2 (8~15): Red Eyes - Alert
· Stage 3 (16~20): Red Eyes - Devouring
- The amount of additional Bleed inflicted by the first line of this buff is equal to the buff enhancement Stage (max 3)

· Stage 3 (16~20): Red Eyes - Devouring.pngRed Eyes - DevouringRed Eyes - Devouring.png Red Eyes - Devouring
- Base Skill Coin effects inflict +3 more Bleed
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge (fixed Potency)
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff Stage based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Red Eyes
· Stage 2 (8~15): Red Eyes - Alert
· Stage 3 (16~20): Red Eyes - Devouring
- The amount of additional Bleed inflicted by the first line of this buff is equal to the buff enhancement Stage (max 3)

- The amount of additional Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
inflicted by the first line of this buff is equal to the buff enhancement Stage (max 3)
Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
Penitence.pngPenitencePenitence.png Penitence
- Heal 2 SP On Hit with Base Skill Coins that gain Penitence
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge (fixed Potency)
- Turn Start: gain (Penitence)% of max HP as Shield
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff Stage based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Penitence
· Stage 2 (8~15): Penitence - Periphery
· Stage 3 (16~20): Penitence - Confessional
- The amount of SP healed by the first line of this buff is based on the buff enhancement Stage (enhancement Stage x 2)
- Heal 2 SP On Hit with Base Skill Coins that gain Penitence
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
(fixed Potency)
- Turn Start: gain (Penitence)% of max HP as Shield
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Penitence.pngPenitencePenitence.png Penitence
- Heal 2 SP On Hit with Base Skill Coins that gain Penitence
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge (fixed Potency)
- Turn Start: gain (Penitence)% of max HP as Shield
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff Stage based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Penitence
· Stage 2 (8~15): Penitence - Periphery
· Stage 3 (16~20): Penitence - Confessional
- The amount of SP healed by the first line of this buff is based on the buff enhancement Stage (enhancement Stage x 2)

· Stage 2 (8~15): Penitence - Periphery.pngPenitence - PeripheryPenitence - Periphery.png Penitence - Periphery
- Heal 4 SP On Hit with Base Skill Coins that gain Penitence
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge (fixed Potency)
- Turn Start: gain (Penitence)% of max HP as Shield
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff Stage based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Penitence
· Stage 2 (8~15): Penitence - Periphery
· Stage 3 (16~20): Penitence - Confessional
- The amount of SP healed by the first line of this buff is based on the buff enhancement Stage (enhancement Stage x 2)

· Stage 3 (16~20): Penitence - Confession.pngPenitence - ConfessionPenitence - Confession.png Penitence - Confession
- Heal 6 SP On Hit with Base Skill Coins that gain Penitence
- Max Value: 20
- Unique Charge (fixed Potency)
- Turn Start: gain (Penitence)% of max HP as Shield
- Resource used by certain Skills for additional effects
- Enhances the buff Stage based on Value
· Stage 1 (1~7): Penitence
· Stage 2 (8~15): Penitence - Periphery
· Stage 3 (16~20): Penitence - Confessional
- The amount of SP healed by the first line of this buff is based on the buff enhancement Stage (enhancement Stage x 2)

- The amount of SP healed by the first line of this buff is based on the enhancement Stage (enhancement Stage x 2)
Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū

Identities & E.G.O

Charge.png Charge
Identities W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent Yi Sang Profile.png W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent Faust Profile.png MultiCrack Office Rep Faust Profile.png W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent Don Quixote Profile.png W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent Ryōshū Profile.png Lobotomy E.G.O Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū Profile.png Rosespanner Workshop Fixer Meursault Profile.png W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent Meursault Profile.png R Corp. 4th Pack Rhino Meursault Profile.png W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent Hong Lu Profile.png MultiCrack Office Fixer Heathcliff Profile.png R Corp. 4th Pack Rabbit Heathcliff Profile.png R Corp. 4th Pack Reindeer Ishmael Profile.png Rosespanner Workshop Rep. Rodion Profile.png W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain Outis Profile.png Rosespanner Workshop Fixer Gregor Profile.png 
E.G.O Dimension Shredder Yi Sang Skill.png Telepole Faust Skill.png Electric Screaming Don Quixote Skill.png Telepole Don Quixote Skill.png Blind Obsession Ryōshū Skill.png Electric Screaming Meursault Skill.png Dimension Shredder Hong Lu Skill.png Holiday Heathcliff Skill.png AEDD Heathcliff Skill.png Telepole Heathcliff Skill.png Blind Obsession Ishmael Skill.png Dimension Shredder Outis Skill.png AEDD Gregor Skill.png 
Charge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
Identities W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent Yi Sang Profile.png W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent Ryōshū Profile.png W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent Hong Lu Profile.png W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain Outis Profile.png 
Load.png Load
Identities W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain Outis Profile.png 
E.G.O Dimension Shredder Outis Skill.png 

EGO Gifts

Fusion EGO Gifts

Wrist Guards + Material Interference Force Field
T-1 Perpetual Motion Machine Gift.png
T-1 Perpetual Motion Machine
Encounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge'. (Not counting E.G.O Skills, only counts Identities on the field at Encounter Start)

First Turn Start of a wave: all allies gain 7 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn

Turn Start: all allies gain ((Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge')/5 +1) Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
. (max 9, rounded up)

Next Turn Start: Each Identity gains ((sum of total Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge' consumed by Skill use in this Encounter)/4) Offense Level Up.pngOffense Level UpOffense Level Up.png Offense Level Up
Offense Level +X for this turn.
(Maxes out when a sum of 40 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') are consumed)

Murder on the WARP Express Theme Pack Exclusive

Biogenerative Battery + Prosthetic Joint Servos

Automated Joints Gift.png
Automated Joints
Encounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills, only counts Identities on the field at Encounter Start)

Base Attack Skills that consume Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge': gain Coin Power +1 and deal +(sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by that Skill x 4)% more damage (max 40%)

Turn End: allies with Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' gain 1 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
(max 2) and 1 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
(max 3) for every instance they used a base Attack Skill that consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' in this Encounter.

If a MultiCrack Office Identity has 5+ Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
, they gain Coin Power +1 to base Attack Skills.

Biogenerative Battery + Crystallized Blood

Overcharged Battery Gift.png
Overcharged Battery
Encounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills, only counts Identities on the field at Encounter Start)

Base Attack Skills that consume Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge': gain Coin Power +1 and deal +(sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by that Skill x 4)% more damage (max 40%)

When allies with Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' engage in Clashes with base Attack Skills: Clash Power +2; gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count upon Clash Win, and lose 6 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count upon Clash Lose.

When winning a Clash with an Envy Affinity base Attack Skill, inflict 1 Envy Fragility.pngEnvy FragilityEnvy Fragility.png Envy Fragility
Take +(X*10)% damage from Envy skills this turn. (Max 100%)
. (stacks 3 times)

Cardiovascular Reactive Module + Prosthetic Joint Servos

Perpetual Generator Servos Gift.png
Perpetual Generator Servos
Encounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills, only counts Identities on the field at Encounter Start)

Base Attack Skills that consume Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge': gain Coin Power +1 and deal +(sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by that Skill x 4)% more damage (max 40%)

When allies with Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' engage in a Clash with base Attack Skills: Clash Power +1; gain 2 Offense Level Up.pngOffense Level UpOffense Level Up.png Offense Level Up
Offense Level +X for this turn.
at Turn Start for every instance of Clash Win in that Clash during this Encounter. (max 6)

In this Encounter, when an ally takes damage that would kill them, consume all Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' on self; then, immediately heal (10 + sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed)% HP (once per Encounter); then, gain 3 Protection.pngProtectionProtection.png Protection
Take -(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
until the ally is defeated.

Cardiovascular Reactive Module + Crystallized Blood

Hearts-powered Jewel Gift.png
Hearts-powered Jewel
Encounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills, only counts Identities on the field at Encounter Start)

Base Attack Skills that consume Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count: gain Coin Power +1 and deal +(sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by that Skill x 4)% more damage (max 40%)

When allies have 15+ (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge'): when they use a Skill 3 that consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge', and if there are remaining Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' After Attack, consume all remaining Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' to deal (sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed x 7.5)% fixed bonus damage. (max 75%)

Max Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count +5.

Regular EGO Gifts

Gift Tier Base Effect + ++
Curriculum Vitae Gift.png
Curriculum Vitae
I Turn End: allies with 7+ (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') gain 1 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
next turn.

If the ally has Gloom Affinity Skills, gain 2 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
and 1 Power Up.pngPower UpPower Up.png Power Up
Skill Final Power +X for this turn.
next turn instead.
Turn End: allies with 7+ (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') gain 2 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
next turn.

If the ally has Gloom Affinity Skills, gain 3 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
and 1 Power Up.pngPower UpPower Up.png Power Up
Skill Final Power +X for this turn.
next turn instead.
Turn End: allies with 7+ (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') gain 3 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
next turn.

If the ally has Gloom Affinity Skills, gain 4 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
and 1 Power Up.pngPower UpPower Up.png Power Up
Skill Final Power +X for this turn.
next turn instead.
Wrist Guards Gift.png
Wrist Guards
I Turn Start: allies with 5+ (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') gain 1 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)

If the ally has Pride Affinity Attack Skills, gain 2 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
Turn Start: allies with 3+ (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') gain 1 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)

If the ally has Pride Affinity Attack Skills, gain 2 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
Turn Start: allies with (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') gain 2 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)

If the ally has Pride Affinity Attack Skills, gain 3 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
UPS System Gift.png
UPS System
I Turn End: If at less than 3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count next Turn Start.

Turn End: If at 3+ Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, gain 1 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
next Turn Start.
Turn End: If at less than 4 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count next Turn Start.

Turn End: If at 4+ Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, gain 1 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
next Turn Start.
Turn End: If at less than 5 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, gain +4 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count next Turn Start.

Turn End: If at 5+ Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, gain 2 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
next Turn Start.
Uncapped Defibrilator Gift.png
Uncapped Defibrilator
I Turn End: heal HP and SP equal to the sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by Attack Skills this turn.

If this unit has 50%- remaining HP, boost the heal amount by x1.5.
Turn End: heal HP and SP equal to (the sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by Attack Skills this turn + 1).

If this unit has 50%- remaining HP, boost the heal amount by x2.
Turn End: heal HP and SP equal to (the sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by Attack Skills this turn + 2).

If this unit has 75%- remaining HP, boost the heal amount by x2.
Employee Card Gift.png
Employee Card
II When activating Wrath Absolute Resonance or using a Skill that gains or applies Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge', all allies gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count at the next Turn Start. (Once per turn)
When activating Wrath Resonance or using a Skill that gains or applies Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge', all allies gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count at the next Turn Start. (Once per turn)
When activating Wrath Resonance or using a Skill that gains or applies Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge', all allies gain +4 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count at the next Turn Start. (Once per turn)
Portable Battery Socket Gift.png
Portable Battery Socket
II Turn Start: Two random allies gain +2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count. (Prioritizes Identities with Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge')

When activating Sloth Absolute Resonance, one random ally gains +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count at Combat Start.
Turn Start: two random allies gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count. (Prioritizes Identities with Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge')

When activating Sloth Resonance, one random ally gains +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count at Combat Start.
Turn Start: three random allies gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count. (Prioritizes Identities with Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge')

When activating Sloth Resonance, one random ally gains +5 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count at Combat Start.
Nightvision Goggles Gift.png
Nightvision Goggles
II This Gift activates when an ally has 15+ Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count at Turn Start.

Combat Start: the ally with 15+ Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count loses 3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and gains 5 'Offense Level' for the turn.
Patrolling Flashlight Gift.png
Patrolling Flashlight
II [Effects apply only to #1, #2 Deployed Identities]

Turn Start: if the affected Identity has a Skill that gains or consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge', the Identity's Skill 1 gains Clash Power +1 and deals +10% more damage while that unit has Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn

Turn End: if the affected Identity does not have Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
, apply 2 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
next turn.
[Effects apply only to #1, #2, and #3 Deployed Identities]

Turn Start: if the affected Identity has a Skill that gains or consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge', the Identity's Skill 1 gains Clash Power +1 and deals +15% more damage while that unit has Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn

Turn End: if the affected Identity does not have Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
, apply 3 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
next turn.
[Effects apply only to #1, #2, and #3 Deployed Identities]

Turn Start: if the affected Identity has a Skill that gains or consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge', the Identity's Skill 1 gains Clash Power +1 and deals +25% more damage while that unit has Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn

Turn End: if the affected Identity does not have Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
, apply 4 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
next turn.
Lightning Rod Gift.png
Lightning Rod
III Encounter Start: all allies gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

If two or more participating allies have Envy Affinity Attack Skills, all allies gain +5 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count instead.
Encounter Start: all allies gain +4 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

If two or more participating allies have Envy Affinity Attack Skills, all allies gain +6 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count instead.
Encounter Start: all allies gain +5 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

If two or more participating allies have Envy Affinity Attack Skills, all allies gain +7 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count instead.
Imitative Generator Gift.png
Imitative Generator
III [Effects apply only to #1, #2 Deployed Identities]

Activates when the unit has 10+ (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') at Turn Start.

Coin Power +1 to Skill 3 that gains or consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge'.

If the said Skill has less than 5 Base Power, deal +25% more damage; if it has 5+ Base Power, gain an additional Coin Power +1.
Material Interference Force Field Gift.png
Material Interference Force Field
III First Turn Start of a wave: all allies gain 3 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
First Turn Start of a wave: all allies gain 5 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
First Turn Start of a wave: all allies gain 7 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
Charge-type Gloves Gift.png
Charge-type Gloves
IV Max Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count +10.

Encounter Start: All allies gain +5 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Turn Start: All allies gain +2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Max Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count +10.

Encounter Start: All allies gain +6 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Turn Start: All allies gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Max Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count +10.

Encounter Start: All allies gain +8 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Turn Start: All allies gain +4 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Fragment of Friction Gift.png
Fragment of Friction
IV Activates when using E.G.O Awakening Skills that gain or consume Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge'. (NOT Corrosion Skills)

Gain Final Power equal to (Envy E.G.O resource + sum of other E.G.O resources/3) consumed.

Envy E.G.O Awakening Skills: gain additional Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count Before Attack(ZAYIN gains +2 Count, TETH gains +3 Count, HE gains +4 Count, and so on), and deal +((Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count on self + 'Unique Charge') x 5)% more damage. (200% max)
E-Type Dimensional Dagger Gift.png
E-Type Dimensional Dagger
III Skill 1s that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' gain Clash Power +1 and deal +5% more damage.

If that Skill 1 was a Single-coin Skill, gain Clash Power +1 and deal +12.5% more damage instead.

If a W Corp. Identity dealt damage to an enemy with an Envy Skill(including E.G.O Skills), inflict 2 HP Healing Down.pngHP Healing DownHP Healing Down.png HP Healing Down
Heal -(X*10)% HP from Passives, Skills, and Coin effects this turn. (Max 5)
. (does not stack)
Canned Ice Cream Gift.png
Canned Ice Cream
II When an ally loses HP due to their own Attack Skill effect, heal half of the HP lost due to the Skill effect at the next Turn Start. (rounded down)

When an ally heals HP due to an E.G.O Skill effect, heal +12.5% more HP. (rounded down)
Portable Barrier Battery Gift.png
Portable Barrier Battery
III Skill 1s that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' gain Clash Power +2.

When using a Skill 1 that gains Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, gain +2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 1 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
. (once per turn)

If a W Corp. Identity takes HP damage due to any effect other than a direct damage, gain 5 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
. (once per turn)
Cardiovascular Reactive Module Gift.png
Cardiovascular Reactive Module
II When an ally with Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' loses a Clash, gain Shield equal to (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge'). (once per turn)

When at 50%- HP, gain ((Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') x 2) Shield instead. (once per turn)

If a MultiCrack Office Identity received HP damage during this Encounter: next turn, they heal 33% of the HP lost last turn. (rounded down)
Prosthetic Joint Servos Gift.png
Prosthetic Joint Servos
II Next turn: allies gain Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
and Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count equal to the number of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' gaining base Attack Skills they used this turn. (max 2)

When a MultiCrack Office Identity gains or consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count with a base Attack Skill, they gain +1 additional Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count. (max 2)
Misaligned Transistor Gift.png
Misaligned Transistor
II Base Attack Skills that consume Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' consume 1.5x more
Deal +2% more damage for every Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' consumed by Base Attack Skills (max 20%)


List of Status Effects

List of Status Effect Pages