Into the Dark/Floor 2

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Story Episodes



Speaker Dialogue
Location: The Pallid Whale's Right Atrium Entrance
Ishmael stares wordlessly at Queequeg.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
I… I thought you… everyone… died.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Me too. Also thought you dead.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Where I was, we bury dead people. No burning.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
In earth. In hearts. Deep. Never to dig up again.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Because, we have to forget.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Did you bury me… too?
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
… want to see sunset again.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
That keeps me going. Breathing. Throwing harpoons.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
… I thought you didn't like the outside world?
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Sunset, always warm. Wherever it sets.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<I'm hearing a terrifying cry… coming from far away…>
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
It's the Mermaids' cry…
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Our future. If we fail to escape.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Cry and cry. Trying to kill all we see.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Then melt. Very slowly. And later…
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Float away. Like we were never here.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Don't want to be Mermaid.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
The Pallid Whale. Have to kill it. Only then, we get out.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
I see another vision of Ishmael.
It's growing more and more frequent… Maybe it's the influence of the Golden Bough.
Sinner #8
Sinner #8
Every night, a terrifying cry echoes from the holds.
Location: The Pequod
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Pip, it's your turn to go down there.
The Pequod
The Mermaids cried every single night. So, we had to lock them deep in the holds.
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Pip doesn't wanna go down there… It's scary.
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
That's just the luck of your draw, Pip. I'm sorry, but… you gotta accept it.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Isn't it weird, Queequeg…?
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Why are we… doing any of this?
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ishmael. Steel yourself.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
We'll see Pallid Whale. Soon.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Which means all this be over. Soon.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Yeah. It'll all be over, soon…
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
So when this voyage is over…
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
What is this mess? Can you not even man your stations properly, you deckhands?
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Captain! Pip doesn't wanna go down there. Pip's scared to death. It's so scary down there.
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Every night Pip hears. Every night he scratches at the locked door.
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Get a hold of yourself, Pip. That's just a Mermaid.
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Pip knows, Pip saw… That was…
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
That was our mate Stubb, Captain. The Pallid Whale ate Stubb and the boat he was on, and…
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Pip. Turn away from the sound of the holds. Look far beyond to the Great Lake.
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
The Pallid Whale's day of reckoning draws near.
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
The louder the Mermaid cries, the closer we are to our goal.
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
That creature will lead us to the Pallid Whale.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
The Pequod
That night, I snuck into Captain Ahab's quarters.
The Pequod
To enter the Captain's quarters, unauthorized, was like breaking a taboo. Every sailor knew that.
The Pequod
If I was caught… I would've had to accept whatever punishment they decided to levy upon me for committing a sin that may as well have been a mutiny.
The Pequod
But I don't know what I was thinking when I walked in there.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
C-Captain Ahab… I…
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
The Pequod
The Captain's eyes were locked on the map of the Great Lake stuck to the ceiling of her quarters.
The Pequod
She did not stir.
The Pequod
I looked at this sight for a moment… before stumbling out of the Captain's quarters.
The Pequod
I had to.
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
So, you went into the Captain's quarters, huh?
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
M-mister Starbuck…
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Captain never gets a proper shut-eye. Even when she sleeps, she sleeps with her eyes wide open.
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
She's always looking for that Pallid Whale somewhere in the Great Lake. Even as she dreams…
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Captain ain't sleeping. She's awake. Always is.
The Pequod
Yeah… on the Pequod, the Captain had a tight leash around us.
The Pequod
We were merely gasping on what little air she permitted us.
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Go and get some rest. Like Captain said, that Whale's gotta be close.
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
I don't always understand the Captain, and sometimes I wish she'd entertain some different ideas…
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… But we won't have to suffer much more of that.
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
We'll all be free soon.
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Once we kill the Pallid Whale and leave this ship… We…

Right Heart Atrium


Speaker Dialogue
Location: The Pallid Whale's Right Atrium
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
That. Not Mermaid. Not Whale. Monster from other Outskirts?
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Their official denomination is 'Abnormalities'. They were once contained within the Lobotomy Corp. Branch, but the Whale has devoured them.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
I saw similar things before. But not Abnormality. Different.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Yes, indeed. In the Outskirts, anything is within the realm of possibility. I find it credible that you may have encountered similar entities in the Outskirts.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Abnormalities. Born how?
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
They were once human. These have been created by humans as a source of new energy.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
They have wishes. Looks like.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
You ask if the Abnormalities have… specific wants or desires, yes?
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Yes. They know what they want? What they desire. What they wish?
Gregor StoryLog.png
Sinner #13
Well, looks like wants and desires are all they have left.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Must be nice.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Knowing what you want. Knowing what you desire.
Queequeg was ceaselessly scratching at her arm as her eyes remained fixed on the Abnormalities.
She was scratching so hard that blood and pale gunk were starting to seep from her torn skin.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Queequeg, stop. You're bleeding…
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
… Still doing that, huh…?
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
… Born again.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Cocoon. Couldn't become one.


Speaker Dialogue
Location: The Pequod
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
What are you doing?!
The Pequod
Queequeg used to spend some nights…
The Pequod
… in crushing loneliness. In unbearable pain.
The Pequod
Queequeg sat in the corner of a dark, dark room. She looked down at her arms.
The Pequod
Then, with a small dagger she uses for cutting harpoon ropes…
The Pequod
She mercilessly tore into her arms. Like she was carving something into her flesh.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
This is price.
The Pequod
I peered closer. Her body was covered with countless, strange tattoos. Over them were scars of old and gnashed wounds, cut as though to hide the tattoos drawn on her skin.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Did you… do that to yourself?
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
I did.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
But… why?
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Because of shame. Because the tattoos… I engraved them. Myself.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Queequeg… don't do this.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
We'll go look for a place that could erase your tattoos. There's got to be one out there, at one of the nests. So… stop hurting yourself like this.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
My tattoos, tattooed in a special way. So no normal way to erase.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
And… even if there is…
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
I won't erase like that.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… Why?
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
No way to be free from… past.
The Pequod
On a Whaling ship, any discussion of the crew's pasts was an unspoken taboo.
The Pequod
Whalers were often running from their pasts,
The Pequod
Wanted to wash their pasts away in the Waves,
The Pequod
Or threw themselves against the Waves in their desperate need for money.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ishmael. You already knew.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
I come from the Middle.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… I had a hunch when I saw your tattoos.
The Pequod
The Middle… never forgets.
The Pequod
Everyone in the Backstreets knows the story. Though it may just be one of those tall tales, it's not a tale one can so casually laugh off.
The Pequod
Once, a child bumped into a stranger and spilled ice cream on his clothes.
The Pequod
The stranger, whose clothes were spoiled, comforted the crying child and sent him on his way home.
The Pequod
That stranger was an officer of the Middle. And the spoiled clothes happened to be his favorite set.
The Pequod
That day was the last day anyone, including the child, ever saw the child's family.
The Pequod
Maybe it's just dark humor. Maybe it's just one of those countless, baseless urban legends. But no one dares to treat this tale like it is.
The Pequod
Because the Middle really was like that.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
But the Middle that I've heard of…
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
I know that the Middle accepts anyone into their fold… But… I also heard that once you're a part of the Middle… they'll never let you go…
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Yes. The Middle remembers. The Middle never forgets. Never.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
So, can't leave. So they captured me.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
They said to me… to really leave, erase everything of the Middle from me. If not, they catch me again.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
My tattoo is the Middle's brand. So I cut up the brand. Have to.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
My speech, also touched by the Middle. So I went to doctor… to cut up my tongue. To cut up my brain. To break myself.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
And I ran. Again.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Even after you lost your speech… even after you cut your whole body up to erase your tattoos… they're still coming after you…? That's too high a price…
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Not true.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Back then… I was…
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… a maggot.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Hey, you're being too hard on yourself, even if it's just a metaphor…
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Crawling in filth. Thinking filth was everything.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Thought filth was the world. Thought I knew the world.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
They wanted to make me 'Big Sister'.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
So I killed. And killed. And killed. Not because of orders. Killed with my own hands. Because I wanted to. Because I wanted respect as Big Sister.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… No.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
We're all… still in our cocoons. Soon, we'll break out of our shells and be born again… okay?
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Born again…
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Yeah. Once this voyage is over…
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… let's go find it together.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
A way to break out of our cocoons…
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
I dunno. That's why I want to go find it with you, together.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
This is first time.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
First time I heard Ishmael… saying she don't know.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
The Pequod
That's how we started looking beyond this voyage.
Location: The Pequod
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Kraken Port. That's gonna be the home of my very own seafood grill joint. I've eyed up a nice place during our last voyage, y'know.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Aren'tcha just copying that one popular place from Marlin Port?
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
I ain't!
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Pip wants to be rich.
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Pip wants to be a landlord. Landlords make a ton of money, y'know.
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Heh. I've got my eyes on you, kid. You're gonna be my dishwasher. I've seen how you scrape the oil off the ship!
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
No, Starbuck. You'll rent Pip's building. And you better pay rent on time.
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… My first mate badge don't mean crap to you guys, don't it?
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
The Pequod
People who wanted to bury their pasts. People living from one day to the next without dreams, without futures.
People like me.
The Pequod
Between every close call, between every moment of triumph, amidst the brutal trials we endured in solidarity, we began to sketch the rough pictures of our futures.
S530 1.png
The Pequod
I sketched something for myself, too.
The Pequod
In that sketch… I'm walking alongside Queequeg in some small port shrouded in mist and the smell of fish.
The Pequod
Maybe we're holding large textbooks in our hands.
The Pequod
Or… maybe we're carrying suspiciously well-maintained weapons.
The Pequod
Or maybe we're just heading somewhere with our hands full of tasty treats for the day.
The Pequod
And… we kept sketching.
The Pequod
How we will continue to live out the rest of our days. How we will persevere.
Location: The Pallid Whale's Right Atrium
S530 2.png
Here, Ishmael stared wordlessly into her shimmering reflection. Into the rippling and opaque river of acid surrounding the boat.
Just as she stared into the Lake back aboard Mephistopheles.
Her expression was so solemn and withdrawn… that I couldn't bring myself to even approach her.
In the opaque waters, Ishmael saw…
S519 1.png
Her future that now rested forever out of reach, at the cold abyss of the Lake.
Her friends who could never return.
How would it feel to know that your dreams will never come true?
I was too absorbed in this hazy, ruminating thought to realize that I'd approached Ishmael and struck up a conversation.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<Ishmael, once this whole ordeal is over and we go back to Mephistopheles…>
She turns around.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<How about we all go get ice cream together?>
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<You know, the one Don Quixote wanted.>
It won't matter whatever future I bring up with Ishmael now. None of it would reach her.
So… the most I could offer her now was a hopeful, immediate tomorrow.
Something a little closer than the future that Ishmael is trying so hard to take back.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Go… back?
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
What will you do, manager…
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
… if I told you that I don't want to go back?
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<… What do you mean?>
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Once we destroy the heart, and once I squeeze the life out of Ahab with my own two hands…
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
… What… would I… go back to? Why would I… go on?
Outis StoryLog.png
Sinner #12
Is that an official resignation request?
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
… No. Forget it.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
If Ishmael finally gets what she wants…
What's 'next'? Would there even be anything left?
Should I… is it right for me to even ask her to continue onto the 'next'?

Right Heart Ventricle


Speaker Dialogue
Location: The Pallid Whale's Right Atrium
Heathcliff StoryLog.png
Sinner #7
Oi, your headband…!
Heathcliff StoryLog.png
Sinner #7
It's all mucked up with blood. Now that's a right terrifyin' look, innit…?
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Nothing a quick wash in the water can't fix.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Your headband. Familiar.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Familiar knot. Desperate's Knot.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Queequeg… I survived by hanging onto the ropes you tied to your coffin.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
The ropes that you could have held… Instead, I held onto it with my dear life…
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
That rope…
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
… also for you.
Location: The Pequod
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
You want me to… bucket out oil from in there?
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Yep. It's not as hard as it looks, though.
The Pequod
The cadaver of a Whale hung from a hook and swayed from side to side. Its stench was awful.
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
The smaller and more nimble you are, the easier it will be.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
I'm not that small, though…
Stubb StoryLog.png
The Pequod
It's a job for greenhorns anyway! Less talk, more oil-bucketing. Get on with it, will ya?
The Pequod
A Whaler's toil does not end with killing the Whale.
The Pequod
Whalers also had to bucket and carry the inordinate amount of oil from the dead Whale.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
I mean… How the hell do I know what's in there…?
Stubb StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Well, whaddaya think? Whale oil! It feeds us, it keeps us warm…
The Pequod
Aboard the Pequod was a man named Stubb, the second mate. He was a man of irritable disposition.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
The Pequod
I can't. Into that abyss, on nothing but a rope that looks like it'll snap from a slight breeze? I can't…
The Pequod
… Those words nearly escaped my mouth, when…
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
What… are you doing?
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Your rope. Tie it to my waist.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
B-but why?
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Tethered like so. Now if you fall, I fall.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
You. Me. Together.
The Pequod
Her sentences were stuttering and incomplete. But there was something there that oddly soothed me.
The Pequod
The Pequod
Someone to catch me if I fell.
The Pequod
Someone to watch over me if I fell.
The Pequod
So I tied one end of the rope to Queequeg's waist, and the other on mine.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ah… Huh…?
The Pequod
Funny I should mention that.
The Pequod
The rope was too short, too flimsy. It immediately snapped…
The Pequod
And I was sent hurtling down into the lard-filled belly of the Whale.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Kah! Gaah…
S531 1.png
The Pequod
What was harder to bear than the entrails, the viscera, the oil, and various other things I didn't want to think about… was the pitch-black darkness.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Mmph! Mmrph!
The Pequod
Whale oil makes a sound as it quivers and reverberates.
The Pequod
The reverberating oil tries to become one with everything it touches.
The Pequod
Some City folk talk about this phenomenon using big words like ultravibro-fusion, oscillation frequency… How such elements are used to produce the resonance tuning forks, their wavelengths and fuel…
The Pequod
But the point is, a Whale's oil covers and devours anyone it comes in contact with.
The Pequod
And when you're devoured by a living Whale's oil, you become a mermaid.
The Pequod
And when you're devoured by a dead Whale's oil, your sense of self slowly scatters, until there is nothing of you left.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… Ha, ha… Haah…
The Pequod
That's when I…
S532 6.png
The Pequod
… realized how tiny and fragile I was. How insignificant of a thing I was.
The Pequod
Maybe the Whales were just lonely.
The Pequod
And that's why they carried within them the oil that had the power to turn others just like them.
The Pequod
Maybe, people are the same…
The Pequod
Out of loneliness, we want to make something, someone ours. To paint them just like us, to fill them with things that make us.
The Pequod
I don't even know what makes me. How could I possibly paint others like me… if even I don't know what I am?
The Pequod
Maybe I'm shallower than a Whale.
The Pequod
I, who boarded the Pequod just because I wanted to live a life unlike those of others. Just because living a humdrum life was too boring for me…
S532 5.png
The Pequod
The Pequod
What do I even want?
The Pequod
In the dark, where the distinction of all things begin to blur…
S532 2.png
The Pequod
I saw light.
The Pequod
A ray of light scattered through an opening. I saw a rope drop from there. A rope lowered from the heavens into this dark, lonely abyss.
The Pequod
This rope. I wanted to hold onto this rope and live.
S532 3.png
The Pequod
Because it was there, right before me.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Rope, hold tight!
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Man… Dying in that oil… Now that would've left nothin' for nobody to remember.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Yeah. Guess I almost died one of the most meaningless deaths in the City…
The Pequod
I was born again that day, maybe.
The Pequod
The rope I held onto that day… was a rope that could never be severed.
Location: The Pallid Whale's Right Atrium
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
That rope. It snapped.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
No, no. It can… We can make it whole again. We'll tie another knot. As long as we can make it to the heart…
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
… you'll be free.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Once we, trapped here…
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
We had to think one thing. One thing only. To not become Mermaids.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Doubting. Hesitating. And pale begin to grow on skin.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
You know. Like Whale oil.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
I thought one thing. To meet you again, to go on a new adventure with you, I have to escape. Have to kill the Whale.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
But to do that, I had to cut… the rope.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
To not become a Mermaid, I think that one thought. I think that one thought again and again. And suddenly…
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
I, buried you.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
The Whale-heart. To kill it…
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
I put my heart to sleep.

Right Heart Ventricle 2


Speaker Dialogue
Location: The Pallid Whale's Right Ventricle
Outis StoryLog.png
Sinner #12
So this is the second atrium the Captain mentioned…
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<It's the center of the heart once we get past here, huh…>
Queequeg approached me.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Your name, I know. They call you Dante.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<Yeah. That's my name. They call me Dante…>
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Your words. I can't hear. Like Whale voices, like Mermaid voices.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
You bring back dead crew.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<… Well, I guess that's all I do…>
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
But not just body-death.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Heart-death, too.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<… Heart?>
I couldn't help but be confused by what Queequeg said.
Unless she's talking about an actual heart… I never had any powers like that. No one ever told me that I did, either.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
You don't make them lose way.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Their way. Where they really want to go.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
You tell them. With your clock sound.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Dante. Something I wish.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
I want… Ishmael to…
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
… find her way.

Sinew Bridge


Speaker Dialogue
Location: The Pallid Whale's Right Ventricle
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<Whew, we just need to get past that Abnormality. Then we can get to cutting the Whale's arteries.>
Gregor StoryLog.png
Sinner #13
Looks like we can cross that sinew-like bridge over there.
Queequeg suddenly steps in between us and the bridge.
Ryoshu StoryLog.png
Sinner #4
H.W. What are you doing?
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
The bridge. Made of flimsy veins.
Ryoshu StoryLog.png
Sinner #4
This way. Original plan.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
This looks like the way, but no. Not the way. Once one person cross, bridge snap under next.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
Outis was the first to put the pieces together.
Outis StoryLog.png
Sinner #12
I get it. You already knew that this path was going to snap. Despite that, you have led us here. That means…
Outis StoryLog.png
Sinner #12
You were going to cross this bridge, and drop all of us behind you.
Heathcliff StoryLog.png
Sinner #7
… Blimey. What'd I say? There was something iffy about this plan! Oi, is this that loony Captain's orders?
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
… She said… sacrifice, necessary.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Can't go forward unless someone falls.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
I wanted to escape. I wanted to escape with Pequod crew.
Heathcliff StoryLog.png
Sinner #7
And we were just acceptable losses on the way, huh? Just like that?
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Then why… did you change your mind?
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Want to know, now.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Know… what?
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
My way. My path.


Speaker Dialogue
Location: The Pequod
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
He got bit, trying to save Pip. The Whale bit him when he tried to save Pip, he…
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Shit, why'd that oil barrel have to fall on our oarsman…?
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
None of it made sense from the start, making that kid row as a replacement…!
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Captain, please tell Pip. Is Stubb going to die?
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
What did I say?
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
As long as you are my crew! None of you! Shall die without my explicit permission.
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
And I don't remember giving any of you permission to die just yet.
Stubb StoryLog.png
The Pequod
B-but… I… What will happen to…
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
The Pequod is on the brink of reaching the Pallid Whale of hatred! All we need is a good compass that'll lead us to it.
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
This Mermaid before us will serve that role better than anything.
Stubb StoryLog.png
The Pequod
B-but, Captain, I… am not… a Mermaid…
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Whatever that Whale devoured will eventually turn into a Pallid Mermaid. You must know that.
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Incarcerate this Mermaid in the large cistern down by the holds. Its instinct will drive it toward the Whale of hatred.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Stubb StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Captain… Captain… Please, no…!
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Starbuck, send down a skiff.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… What? Now?
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… Aye.
The Pequod
A few moments later, I heard a splash of water. All hands of the ship emerged from their stations and gathered around Ahab.
The Pequod
And Ahab… thundered.
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Ooh! I hear him! Listen well, for it is Stubb who speaks! Heed his voice!
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
What the hell is she…
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
All of you! Listen well! The voice of the great sailor Stubb echoes from across that Lake! The great sailor Stubb who so willingly threw his life in danger for the hunt of the Whale!
Other StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… I… the great…
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
In our urgency, we had no time to bring him back aboard!
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Yet he lives! He did not die! Though he is overboard, floating on the Lake after this fateful battle, he will soon find safety aboard the skiff I have lowered for him!
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
He shouts! Oh yes, he bellows for our victory! And he bellows that we must go on, sail forth to victory!
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
What kind of insanity is…
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… We. Sail forth.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… Queequeg?
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
This voyage will soon meet its victorious end. Then I shall sail to the nearest port!
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
And there he shall await us, the great Stubb! With a profound smile he shall greet us.
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
He will be rightly rewarded. And of course, we will all share tales of this long voyage over many sleepless nights!
Other StoryLog.png
The Pequod
With… a profound… smile… I…
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
And there you shall all be as well! We will buy rounds upon rounds of drinks for everyone in the tavern in Stubb's name!
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Once! This voyage is over! EVERYTHING! WILL! COME TO BE!
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… Once this voyage is over.
Queequeg Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Once this voyage… Over.
Other StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Once… this voyage… is over…
Other StoryLog.png
The Pequod
The Whale of Hatred… is finally… in our sights…
Other StoryLog.png
The Pequod
You'll kill it, right…? Captain…
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Let us answer his calling! We will kill the Whale of Hatred… WE WILL KILL THE PALLID WHALE!
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
All aboard, men! All aboard for the hunt for the evil…!
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
All aboard on this voyage to hunt the fount of all evils of the world, of the City, the hateful evil that pushes you all to the brink of death!
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
All of your struggles, all of your injustices, all of your pains and losses… that very evil sprang forth from that very Whale…
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
So we'll kill it! We'll kill it and watch as the new dawn breaks upon a world that has been mended!
Queequeg StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… Aye!
Ahab Past StoryLog.png
Captain of the Pequod
Starbuck Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Aye, Captain…!
Pip Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Ehehehe, goodbye! Stubb!! Let's meet again! Again, and again!
Other StoryLog.png
The Pequod
… Aye!!!
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
Yeah. It'll all be over when we kill the Pallid Whale.
Ishmael Past StoryLog.png
The Pequod
When we kill the Whale of all evils…
Location: The Pallid Whale's Right Ventricle
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<So all along, we've not only…>
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<… been trapped inside the Whale, but also in her palms, all along…>

Thumping of the Heart 4

Speaker Dialogue
Location: The Pallid Whale's Right Ventricle
Ahab's commands led us straight to her singular goal, the heart.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<We've all been played by the Captain… From the moment we met her…>
As the Pequod's Crew…
Sailing for nothing, no one, but Ahab herself.
Heathcliff StoryLog.png
Sinner #7
Clockhead. You see it too, don't you?
Captain Ahab has the uncanny ability to effortlessly delve deep into one's heart, to fish out their deepest wishes.
Those hidden, yet desperate wishes.
Everyone bites onto that bait. Getting dragged deeper and deeper into the abyss.
Heathcliff StoryLog.png
Sinner #7
Bite the bait and sink with the Captain, snared by those sweet words and the tantalizing hope that she dangles right in front of you. Not even knowing that you're slowly suffocating.
Heathcliff StoryLog.png
Sinner #7
It's your job, clockhead. Fish her back up. The lass is sinking.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Broke it. Captain's orders.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
Broke Captain's orders. Can't see sunset again.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
No, you can. You'll see the sunset again. As long as you sail your own path…
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Because we'll get to the heart. No matter what.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Can you hear that? The distant beating of the heart.
Queequeg StoryLog.png
Pequod Town
The heart, beating…
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<It'll take us some time… But let's pay close attention to the heartbeat and feel our way there.>

Story Dungeon Events

Checking the Boat

Checking the Boat
Checking the Boat.png

So soon after setting sail…


… We started hearing something shaking underneath the ship.

"What's that…?"

"Forsooth, there may be a foe underneath our ship, scratching!

"… Yeah, that's ominous. We should check it out."

What do we do?

Check underneath the ship.
Ishmael gains 10 SP. Proceed to the next choice prompt.
Checking the Boat 2.png
"Yeah, of course we should."

As soon as we decided to check underneath the boat, a powerful shock rocked the stern of the boat.

"Mermaids! Hostiles are climbing from the bottom of the ship…"

"We can minimize our losses by having one of us go push them off the ship before they latch on."

As soon as that was decided, two Sinners jumped from their seats and approached me.

"I will go, Executive Manager!"

"No. I am better suited for this task."

The two Sinners begin bickering.

Ishmael healed for 10 SP.

… We don't know what'll happen down there. Let's choose someone fearless.

LcbSinWrath.png Wrath Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 11
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 14
Special Check Identity-Ishmael, Outis Check Value +5

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] struck at a Mermaid crawling up from the waters.

"We can't let these Mermaids waste any more of our time."

The impact of the strike caused something to fall from the Mermaid.


That's an LCCB employee badge… just like the one Pilot was wearing.

This is awful. …But we have to keep moving.

The selected Identity takes 15 HP Damage!
E.G.O Gift Melted LCCB Employee Badge Earned!
CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed - Ishmael

As soon as I chose [Ishmael] for the task, the Sinner ran and smashed the Mermaid's head in.

"We can't let these Mermaids waste any more of our time."

The impact of the strike caused something to fall from the Mermaid.


That's an LCCB employee badge… just like the one Pilot was wearing.

This is awful. …But we have to keep moving.

The selected Identity takes 15 HP Damage!
E.G.O Gift Melted LCCB Employee Badge Earned!
E.G.O Gift Desperate's Knot Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] froze upon seeing the Mermaid crawling up the side of our ship.


Something on that Mermaid must've caused them to hesitate.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"They're climbing onto our ship!"

…We have to fight off the mermaids first.

We'll ask them what happened later.

The selected Identity took 10 SP Damage!
Combat Encounter!

Win the next battle to gain E.G.O Gift Melted LCCB Employee Badge!
We don't know what'll happen if we do. Let's stay put.
Ishmael loses 10 SP. 50% chance for a Combat Encounter. Gain an E.G.O Gift upon victory
Success Chance: 50%

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

"You're going to ignore that? What the hell is…"

The annoyed Sinner was about to say something… but stopped herself. Maybe she thought it was a waste of effort.

"… The scratching noises are intensifying."

To be fair, this is no normal ship… so maybe this ship just makes scratching noises from time to time.

"… It has ceased."

"Sometimes, inaction can be a solution indeed."

Few minutes later, the scratching noises stopped.

… I guess it wasn't the boat that made the noise. We got lucky.

Ishmael loses 10 SP.
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

"You're going to ignore that? What the hell is…"

The annoyed Sinner was about to say something… before stopping herself. Maybe she thought it was a waste of effort.

"… The scratching noises are intensifying."

To be fair, this is no normal ship… so maybe this ship just makes scratching noises from time to time.

If it doesn't…

"Wait, that reminds me. The pirate ships…"

"I guess this is what those spikes were for."

The scratching noises continue to intensify, until it moves to the side of the ship. Soon, the source of scratching noises reveals itself.

… Mermaids.

"Damnit, we should've checked."

I had nothing to say to that.

We had to fight.


Melted LCCB Employee Badge Gift.png
Melted LCCB Employee Badge
Pride damage taken -10%
Desperate's Knot Gift.png
Desperate's Knot
Deal +10% damage with Envy, Wrath, and Gloom affinity Skills
Deal additional +10% corresponding affinity damage when activating 6+ Reson. with one of these affinities

Left or Right

The check series continues regardless of the checks' results.

Left or Right
Left or Right.png

We entered a narrow waterway of sorts.

"… Executive Manager."

I see Mermaids swimming under the ship.

Mermaids latched onto the walls are glaring at us as well.

"This place, hard to steer. Steer and keep track of directions, hard to do at once."

Someone'll have to keep track of the directions.

Who should keep track of the directions?

LcbSinPride.png Pride Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 8
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 11
Special Check Identity-Ishmael, Outis Check Value +5

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed


"… The road splits to three? Wait, look! Opening at 2 O' clock!"

Thanks to [Sinner]'s quick and clear directions, we were making quick work of the waterways.

"… There's no end to them, huh?"

But the horde of Mermaids attacking our ship doesn't seem any smaller than it did when we first entered.

The selected Identity heals for 5 SP.
CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed - Ishmael


"… The road splits to three? Wait, look! Opening at 2 O' clock!"

Thanks to [Ishmael]'s quick and clear directions, we were making quick work of the waterways.

"… Been a while, since we've done something like this together."

"Yes. Remember? Starbuck, on helm. You, me, shouting at Starbuck…"


"… Man, there's no end to them."

But the horde of Mermaids attacking our ship doesn't seem any smaller than it did when we first entered.

The selected Identity heals for 5 SP.
E.G.O Gift Crossed Knot Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

"Go ri— I mean, left! I-I think left is open…?"

"There are three paths… Uh… What do I do here…?"

[{0}] had some trouble telling directions…

"Tsk, prepare for battle…!"

… and the consequences were swift.

"Exit. Still far."

Someone'll have to continue to keep track of our directions. Should we continue using the same method?

LcbSinPride.png Pride Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 10
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 13
Special Check Identity-Ishmael, Outis Check Value +5

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

"Go straight!

"… Now! Right hard rudder!"

Thanks to [Sinner]'s quick and clear directions, we were making quick work of the waterways.

"… There's no end to them, huh?"

But the horde of Mermaids attacking our ship doesn't seem any smaller than it did when we first entered.

The selected Identity heals for 10 SP.
CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed - Ishmael

"Steady as she goes!"

"… Now! Right hard rudder!"

Thanks to [Ishmael]'s quick and clear directions, we were making quick work of the waterways.

"… Been a while, since we've done something like this together."

"Yes. Remember? Starbuck, on helm. You, me, shouting at Starbuck…"


"… Man, there's no end to them."

But the horde of Mermaids attacking our ship doesn't seem any smaller than it did when we first entered the waterways.

The selected Identity heals for 10 SP.
E.G.O Gift Crossed Knot Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

"… Is moving forward our only option?"

"W-wait! There was another path! … Looks like we missed it, though…"

[Sinner] must be having some trouble telling directions…

"Tsk, prepare for battle…!"

… and the consequences were swift.

"Almost there. We escape soon. To next area."

We're almost there.

We're almost out, but let's not get complacent just yet.

LcbSinPride.png Pride Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 13
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 16
Special Check Identity-Ishmael, Outis Check Value +5

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

"It's opening up—wait! It's a waterfall! Steady as you go!"

"Phew… Oh! Rocks ahoy! Keep left, keep left… And right full rudder!"

Thanks to [Sinner]'s quick and straightforward directions, we managed to lose the Mermaids and escape the waterway.

The selected Identity heals for 15 SP.
E.G.O Gift Mermaid Oil Earned!
CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed - Ishmael

"It's opening up—wait! There's a drop! Steady as you go!"

"Phew… Oh! More rocks ahoy! Left 10 degrees rudder, steady… And right full rudder!"

Thanks to [Ishmael]'s quick and straightforward directions, we managed to lose the Mermaids and escape the waterway.

"… Been a while, since we've done something like this together."

"Yes. Remember? Starbuck, on helm. You, me, shouting at Starbuck…"


The ship was covered with blood and oil of Mermaids we killed in the waterway.

"These, useful. Put them in barrel."

The boat smooth-sailed to the next area as we spent our time collecting Mermaid oil from the ship. There was so much of it that the deck was almost flooded with it.

The selected Identity heals for 15 SP.
E.G.O Gift Crossed Knot Earned!
E.G.O Gift Mermaid Oil Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

"…? W-wait! There's a drop?! U-uh, what do we do…?"

"Haah, haah… I-I can't see too well in here…"

[Sinner] was trying their best, but exhaustion seems to have gotten the better of them; their directions were very muddled.

"Agh… And we were so close to the exit…!"

We'll have to fight our way to the end, then…


Mermaid Oil Gift.png
Mermaid Oil
Inflict 1 additional Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
with a Skill that inflicts Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
Crossed Knot Gift.png
Crossed Knot
Turn End: if more than 15% of the Max HP was lost this turn, gain 2 Attack Power Up.pngAttack Power UpAttack Power Up.png Attack Power Up
Attack Skill Final Power +X for this turn.
next turn

To the Arteries

To the Arteies
To the Artery.png

After defeating the Abnormality, we sailed for a while without much incident. That was when…

"A wall…"

… a thick, solid wall appeared before us.

"Artery. Beyond this wall."

"Wall opens. Closes. Opening is very short. Don't get grabbed by Mermaid there. Chopped in half, if grabbed by mermaid."

And with a heavy rumble, the wall immediately started to open.

"Keep Mermaids off ship. They slow us down, we get cut in half."

The Mermaids must've sensed the rumbling. They begin rushing at our ship.

Who will take vanguard in keeping the Mermaids off our ship?

LcbSinWrath.png Wrath Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 11
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 14
Special Check Identity-Ishmael, Outis Check Value +5

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] takes vanguard, knocking Mermaids off the boat.

"Good enough."

"Nice, we made it through…"

"Phew. Huh, the wall is twitching. Like it's about to—"

Not a second after the stern of our boat made it past the wall, the door slammed shut.

… Let's keep moving to the artery.

The selected Identity healed for 20 SP.
All allies healed for 5 SP.
CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed - Ishmael

[Ishmael] takes vanguard, knocking Mermaids off the boat.

"Good enough."

"Nice, we made it through…"

"Don't get complacent. We have to remain alert."

"Phew. Huh, the wall is twitching. Like it's about to—"

Not a second after the stern of our boat made it past the wall, the door slammed shut.

… Let's keep moving to the artery.

The selected Identity healed for 20 SP.
All allies healed for 5 SP.
E.G.O Gift Compulsive's Knot Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] takes vanguard, knocking Mermaids off the boat.


"I-I think there's more of them than we expected…"

"Oi! Help 'em out!"

"Aagh, w-wait…!"

We eventually managed to shake the Mermaids off and made it past the opening, but…


This kerfuffle exhausted everyone and left some of us wounded.

… We have no choice but to continue on our way to the artery.

The selected Identity loses 20 SP.
All allies lose 10 HP and SP.


Compulsive's Knot Gift.png
Compulsive's Knot
When at less than 0 SP, Final Power +1 to Envy, Wrath, and Gloom affinities

The Artery

The Artery
The Artery.png

This has to be the artery Ahab was talking about. Once we cut this thing open… our path to the center of the heart will open.

Cut open the artery.
Proceed to the next choice prompt.
"This is much tougher than I expected…"

The artery appeared much sturdier than we had initially assumed.

Cutting it open with a single strike won't be an easy task… but if we delay too much here, we won't be able to arrive at the rendezvous area in time.

Who can possibly cut it open with a single strike?

LcbSinPride.png Pride Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 10
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 13
Special Check Identity-Faust, Ryōshū, Hong Lu, Outis, and Gregor Check Value +5

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] slowed their breathing and steadied their poise…


… before striking the artery, slicing it clean open.

"Sanguine fluid gushes at a terrifying rate."

As bloodflow from the opening begins to slow, the path begins to open.

… Let's make our way to the heart.

All allies heal for 10 SP
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] struck the artery with all their might, but…

"Just a little gash, huh…"

… failed to slice it open.

"We don't have time for this…!"

Flustered, [Sinner] began repeatedly slamming their weapon into the artery, trying to hack it open.

… Luckily, we were able to cut open the artery in time. But this clearly left [Sinner] exhausted from the effort.

"Sanguine fluid gushes at a terrifying rate."

As bloodflow from the opening begins to slow, the path begins to open.

… Let's make our way to the heart.

The selected Identity loses 20 HP.

Supply Crates

Supply Crates
Supply Crates.png

"Is that… a wooden crate?"

The Sinners found a haphazardly thrown pile of crates.

"It can be extrapolated from their appearances that they were to be used as supply crates."

Some boxes has the Twinhook Pirates' logo drawn on them. Some of them has the Before Team's logo.

The Whale must've swallowed these crates, too.

"'Tis wise to procure some of them as our provisions!"

Right. We don't know what'll happen once we get to the heart.

Should we take some of them, just in case?

Rummage through the supply crates.
Proceed to the next choice prompt.
We stopped before a crate with the Twinhook Pirates' logo on it.

"This crate appears to be locked."

"It's all rusted… I don't think we can even try to pick the lock."

"Then let's smash it open!"

… But the box itself looks pretty flimsy. We risk smashing its contents as well.

Who can strike the crate with just the right amount of force?

LcbSinSloth.png Sloth Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 12
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 15
Special Check Identity-Faust, Outis, and Gregor Check Value +5

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] observed the crate closely, then took a step back. Then, with a controlled strike, smashed only the lid of the crate.

What we found inside the box was a rusted hook covered in blood and white membrane. It was probably used to kill Mermaids.

I don't know what use this could possibly have… but it might come in useful.

Should we check the other boxes, too?

E.G.O Gift Rusted Hook Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed


That was not a controlled strike at all. I wasn't sure if they even tried.

The crate was smashed to bits, so much so that we couldn't tell its contents apart from its crushed remains.

Well, no choice but to check what other crates we have…

Nothing Happened.

This crate has the LCCB logo on it.

This one looks sturdy enough… we probably can't smash it open.

"This appears to have been sealed by an intricate locking mechanism."

"Doubt I'll be able to just smash this open…"

"Wait, I think I remember something…"

Maybe a Sinner who's used an LCCB Identity in the past may know something about this.

Who will attempt to crack open the lock?

LcbSinPride.png Pride Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 12
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 15
Special Check Identity-Faust, Ryōshū, Ishmael, and Rodion Check Value +2

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] fiddles with the lock and opens the crate.

"I see. In this crate was a magazine for a firearm."

Indeed, what we found inside the crate was a magazine full of bullets.

We can definitely find a good use for this.

There aren't any more useful boxes around… We decided to move on to the next area.

E.G.O Gift Standard Issue Mag Earned!
CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed - Faust, Ryōshū, Ishmael, or Rodion

"I think this was how they did it…"

[Sinner] fiddles with the lock and opens the crate.

"I see. In this crate was a magazine for a firearm."

Indeed, what we found inside the crate was a magazine full of bullets.

We can definitely find a good use for this.

There aren't any more useful boxes around… We decided to move on to the next area.

E.G.O Gift Standard Issue Mag Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] fiddled with the lock, but failed to make any progress.


After a few more adjustments, the crate seemed to reinforce itself with an additional locking mechanism.

"Well, what can we do."

There probably was something useful in there… but we don't have any means to break it open. We have no choice but to leave it behind.

There aren't any more useful boxes around… We decided to move on to the next area.

Nothing Happened.

Nothing happened.
Nothing good ever comes from messing with suspicious items like these.

We left the room as it is.

Nothing Happened.


Rusted Hook Gift.png
Rusted Hook
Gain 1 Poise.pngPoisePoise.png Poise
Boost critical hit chance by X*5% for the next Y hit(s).
when a Skill's first coin Heads Hits against an enemy with Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Standard Issue Mag Gift.png
Standard Issue Mag
Identities with Ammo.pngAmmoAmmo.png Ammo
Spent by certain skills. Some attacks cancel if lacking Ammo.
start encounters with +3 max Ammo


Ambling Pearl

LcbSinGluttony.pngAmbling Pearl
Ambling Pearl Idle Sprite.png
Green Slime Idle Sprite.png Green Slime Idle Sprite.png Green Slime Idle Sprite.png


Obtained after defeating Ambling Pearl

Sticky Muck Gift.png
Sticky Muck
When hitting an enemy with a Pierce Skill or a Gluttony Affinity Skill, inflict 2 Defense Level Down.pngDefense Level DownDefense Level Down.png Defense Level Down
Defense Level -X for this turn.

Skin Prophet

LcbSinLust.pngSkin Prophet
Skin Prophet Idle Sprite.png
Candle Idle Sprite.png Candle Idle Sprite.png Candle Idle Sprite.png Candle Idle Sprite.png


Obtained after defeating Skin Prophet

Fiery Down Gift.png
Fiery Down
When hitting an enemy with a Lust Affinity Skill or a Skill that inflicts Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency or 'Unique Burn', inflict 3 Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).

Turn Start: If the enemy has 20+ Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency, (Current Burn.pngBurnBurn.png Burn
Turn End: Take X fixed damage. Lasts Y turn(s).
Potency on enemy) x2