Branch K-02/Floor 2

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Story Episodes

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Story Dungeon Events

A Rotting Corpse’s Memento

A Rotting Corpse’s Memento
A Rotting Corpse’s Memento.png

“Gehk, what’s this odor…”

The Sinners frowned at the olfactory assault.
Following their eyes, you find an Inquisitor collapsed on the floor.

“Definitely dead…”

The smell must be coming from the rotting corpse.
While everyone was hesitant to approach, you see something sparkle.

There seems to be something amidst the writhing manes…
What will you do?

Examine the dead Inquisitor.
Run a Gluttony check. Pass to gain an E.G.O Gift. Fail to lose HP and SP.
A Sinner easily enticed by trinkets and baubles would probably be willing to dig through this morbid mess to take the item.
On the other hand, someone uninterested in such things will not be happy to do this order.

Who should go in and retrieve the item?

LcbSinGluttony.png Gluttony Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 11
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 14
Special Check Identity-Rodion, Ryōshū Check Value +4
Sinclair, Hong Lu Check Value -2

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] found a bent sigil of N Corp. between the manes.

It might not have been worth reaching into a corpse for, but it has to prove useful somewhere down the line.

You took the sigil and left the room, comforting the Sinners who were retching at the sight.

E.G.O Gift N Corp. Seal earned!
The Sinner who passed the check healed for 10 SP!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] rifled and dug through the manes, but ultimately found nothing.

“Hrk… Geh…”

The more the corpse was ransacked, the more [Sinner] retched.
…This won’t be worth pursuing further.

Telling [Sinner] that they did their best, we left the room.
We lost something and gained nothing.

The Sinner who failed the check took 5 HP and 10 SP damage!

[Alternative result if Sinclair or Hong Lu]
The Sinner who failed the check took 5 HP and 20 SP damage!

Leave without touching it.
Surely it’s nothing.
If we really need it, we can always recover it later.

You’d rather not damage the psyches of your Sinners for something so uncertain.

Nothing happened.


N Corp. Seal Gift.png
N Corp. Seal
Used in certain events. Expires on use.

[Hel. P. Me. He. Lp.]

[Hel. P. Me. He. Lp.]
Hel. P. Me. He. Lp..png

You hear snappy mechanical noises through the closed door.

“Sounds like a cry for help…”

As you focus your attention, you begin to hear footsteps.

“Steel… Those are clangs of steel…”

Sinclair froze.
It looks like an Inquisitor is coming for them.
What will you do?

Free the prosthetic.
Sinclair heals SP. Begin a combat encounter. Win to gain an E.G.O Gift.
Success Chance: 50%

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

“…I knew I could count on you.”

Sinclair jumped in as soon as you told him what to do.
As you expected, a number of prosthetic people were bound by ropes.

“Get out of here, quickly!”

As soon as he untied them, they hurriedly ran out of the room.

“Bastards, not even a simple thank you.”

Some of the Sinners complained,
but Sinclair looked satisfied with the deed.

Calming them down, we left the room.

Sinclair healed for 10 SP!
E.G.O Gift A Sign earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

“…I knew I could count on you.”

Sinclair jumped in as soon as you told him what to do.
As you expected, a number of prosthetic people were bound by ropes.

“Get out of here, quickly!”

As soon as he untied them, they hurriedly ran out of the room.

“Tch… The heretics!”

We were a little late to leave; the Inquisitors shouted as they entered the room.
It seems conflict is unavoidable.

Sinclair healed for 10 SP!
Combat Encounter!

Win the next battle to gain E.G.O Gift A Sign!

Leave the prosthetic.
Sinclair loses SP.
“N—No… How could…”

Sinclair seems to be shocked by your answer.
As unfortunate as this is, losing manpower while trying to save those people would be a fatal detriment for the coming engagements.

[H. He. Help. H. Hel…]

We left in a hurry, leaving behind their plaintive cries.

Sinclair lost 30 SP!


A Sign 3 Gift.png
A Sign
Sinclair’s determination to stand up to Kromer. After three strokes have been drawn…

Rite of Suppuration

Rite of Suppuration
Rite of Suppuration.png

The passage was red-hot.

“Yeesh, that’d melt my shoes.”

The Sinners carefully approached the road, only to retreat from the overwhelming heat.
Something was written on the sign in front of the passage:

Prove your humanity
And through weakness and suppuration
Sear a path with mobilization

It took no time at all to figure out what that meant.
…What will you do?

Present the N Corp. Seal.
Only available if the E.G.O Gift N Corp. Seal is in possession.
“We’ve proved ourselves already, haven’t we?”

A Sinner suggested.
It reminded you that you bore proof.

“Right… The seal!”

Tagging the seal on the sign caused the passage to cool in an instant.
We were able to tread without a problem.

N Corp. Seal Expired!
Tread the heated path.
Run a Wrath check. Pass to gain an E.G.O Gift. Failing begins a 3-wave combat encounter.
“…It won’t work. Too many Inquisitors are guarding the other route.”

We had a Sinner scout the perimeter, and it looks like this is the path of least resistance.
Someone with a burning will might be able to bear this pain."

Who should be sent to tread the path?

LcbSinWrath.png Wrath Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 10
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 15
Special Check Identity-Don Quixote Check Value -100

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] ran across the heated road on bare feet.
The others frowned at the rancid stench of burning flesh.

Groaning with agony, [Sinner] made it to the other side…

An altar with a red seal and a lever rose before them.
When [Sinner] pulled the lever, the road quickly cooled.
The rest of us were able to tread the path safely.

The Sinner who passed the check took 20 HP damage!
The Sinner who passed the check lost 20 SP!
E.G.O Gift Token of Innocence earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] ran across the heated road on bare feet.
The others frowned at the rancid stench of burning flesh.
[Sinner] almost made that painful advance midway…

But they couldn’t bear it any longer and hurried back.
It looks like we’re not taking this route.
We’ll have to follow the other path and deal with the many Inquisitors there.

CoinIcon.png Check Failed - Don Quixote

Don Quixote declares:

'I shan't walk bare of feet!'

Look for another way.
50% chance for a 3-wave combat encounter.
Success Chance: 50%

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

It seems too dangerous to make any Sinner cross this searing passage.

Not to mention that you don’t know if there’s anything to make the trip easier for the rest, even if someone managed to cross it.
You figure you might be able to take another route as long as you’re careful not to get spotted.

Fortunately, you managed to get through without being noticed.

CoinIcon.png Check Failed

It seems too dangerous to make any Sinner cross this searing passage.

Not to mention that you don’t know if there’s anything to make the trip easier for the rest, even if someone managed to cross it.
You figure you might be able to take another route as long as you’re careful not to get spotted.

Unfortunately, a group of patrolling Inquisitors noticed you.


Token of Innocence Gift.png
Token of Innocence
For the Identity that undertook the rite: Boost the Power of Wrath skills by 2.

A Vessel of Zeal

A Vessel of Zeal
A Vessel of Zeal.png

You see a pedestal adorned with the engravings of a nail and hammer.

“Must have something to do with N Corp.”

A Sinner mutters, and you agree.
Should you try to get some info on N Corp? Or…

Examine the book on the pedestal.
Gain an E.G.O Gift
Upon the pedestal was a tome N Corp. Inquisitors were often seen carrying.
You take this chance to peek at a few pages of it…


The indecipherable content only gave you a headache.
You decide to hold onto it for now and read it later.

E.G.O Gift Nagel und Hammer Scriptures earned!
Stay away from the noise and leave.
We know enough already.
It’s not worth snooping around suspicious areas.

Nothing happened.


Nagel und Hammer Scriptures Gift.png
Nagel und Hammer Scriptures
When using a Pride skill, lose 5 SP, but boost its damage by 5%.

Rite of Confrontation

Rite of Confrontation
Rite of Confrontation.png

An inscription above the closed gate reads:

Prove your terror and fears
Fill this vessel with tears

Looking around, you find the supposed vessel next to an unpleasant-looking chair.
What will you do?

Perform the rite.
Run a Gloom check. Selected Identity loses SP. Pass to gain an E.G.O Gift.
It appears that sitting on the chair is how you begin the rite.
What kind of rite it may be is unclear… but it’s the only way to open the gate.

What Sinner will be made to sit?

LcbSinGloom.png Gloom Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 10
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 15

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] sat on the chair.
…Dreadful screams filled the room.
A constant stream of tears ran down [Sinner]’s face.

Soon enough, the bowl was full of tears.
When it was placed on the altar at the door, the altar slid down, opening things up.

“Gasp, huff… Hic.”

[Sinner]’s eyes were shaking.
It’s probably best not to ask what they saw.

“…There’s a sigil beyond the door.”
Taking the blue sigil, we left the room.

The Sinner who passed the check lost 10 SP!
E.G.O Gift Token of Tears earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] sat on the chair.
…Dreadful screams filled the room.
A constant stream of tears ran down [Sinner]’s face.

But it wasn’t enough to fill the bowl.
It seems the Sinner was so shocked that tears struggled to even wring themselves out.
We left the room, helping [Sinner], stricken with sorrow, to their feet.

The Sinner who failed the check lost 20 SP!
The chosen Sinner gains 3 Damage Down for the next 2 battles.

Leave the room.
It’s too dangerous to attempt a rite when you aren’t even sure of how it works.
We left the room.

Nothing happened.


Token of Tears Gift.png
Token of Tears
For the Identity that undertook the rite: Boost the Power of Gloom skills by 2.

Rite of Penance

Rite of Penance
Rite of Penance.png

A passage is written above the large gate:

Only those who repent may find motion
Thorn yourself, atone through flagellation

It looks like it wants us to impale ourselves on spikes.
What will you do?

Perform the rite.
Run a Wrath check. Selected Identity loses HP. Pass to gain an E.G.O Gift.
Someone must step on the spikes and impale their own limbs.

Who should be sent to the spikes?

LcbSinWrath.png Wrath Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 10
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 15
Special Check Identity-Sinclair Check Value +4

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] stood on the spike-laden device.
You quietly nodded when the Sinner looked back with trembling eyes.

…A terrible scream echoed through the hall.

Soon enough, the door rumbled open.
Inside, an orange sigil was waiting to be picked up.
We took the sigil and ushered the impaled [Sinner] out of the hall.

The Sinner who passed the check took 20 HP damage!
E.G.O Gift Token of Atonement earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] stood on the spike-laden device.
You quietly nodded when the Sinner looked back with trembling eyes.

…A terrible scream echoed through the hall.

But there was no response.
Maybe the Sinner hadn’t suffered enough?
We made sure to have [Sinner] try the rite several times, but the door still didn’t open.

The Sinner who failed the check took 20 HP damage!
The Sinner who failed the check lost 10 SP!
The Sinner who failed the check took 20 HP damage!
The Sinner who failed the check lost 10 SP!
The Sinner who failed the check took 20 HP damage!
The Sinner who failed the check lost 10 SP!

Leave the room.
There’s simply too much risk involved.
You don’t see a point in giving the order to fling someone onto the spikes.

We left the room.

Nothing happened.


Token of Atonement Gift.png
Token of Atonement
For the Identity that undertook the rite: Boost the Power of Lust skills by 2.

Exhibit of Human Parts

Exhibit of Human Parts
Exhibit of Human Parts.png

You find a row of glass containers in a corner of the main area.
Inside them are dried organs and pieces of life showing active movement.

“A tragic display…”

The containers can be opened easily. You could take one of the pieces if you want to.
What will you do?

Take the glowing skull.
Gain an E.G.O Gift that provides healing at low health.
You took the glowing skull.
It radiates gently, and you feel a strange warmth from it.

The other containers won’t open. It seems that you can take only one.
You took your leave with the item you chose.

E.G.O Gift Sparkling Skull earned!
Take the bleeding hand.
Gain an E.G.O Gift that provides power-ups at low health.
The bloody fingers caught your attention.
When you open the container to hold it, you notice that blood continues to drip from the section.
You pick it up by a perpetually flinching digit.

The other containers won’t open. It seems that you can take only one.
You took your leave with the item you chose.

E.G.O Gift Hemorrhagic Hand earned!
Take the wriggling tongue.
Gain an E.G.O Gift that provides benefits after winning a Clash.
The slithering tongue attracts your eyes.
When you open the container and grab it, it flaps in your palm.

You feel as though the tongue is mocking you, so you try to pick another one, but…

The other containers won’t open. It seems that you can take only one.
You took your leave with the item you chose.

E.G.O Gift Sniggering Tongue earned!
Don’t take anything.
You decide not to take anything.

You’d rather not bother with touching creepy organs.
Like that, we left the place.

Nothing happened.


Sparkling Skull Gift.png
Sparkling Skull
At the start of the turn, if the character took 10+ damage last turn, heal 5-15 HP.
Hemorrhagic Hand Gift.png
Hemorrhagic Hand
At the start of the turn, apply 2 Attack Power Up.pngAttack Power UpAttack Power Up.png Attack Power Up
Attack Skill Final Power +X for this turn.
to allies at 25% or lower health.
Sniggering Tongue Gift.png
Sniggering Tongue
Deal +10% damage in a won clash.

Rite of Conclusion

Rite of Conclusion
Rite of Conclusion.png

Hideously transformed N Corp. Inquisitors stood guard at the gate.
You moved to attack, but they don’t appear to be hostile in any capacity.

“Only. Exceptional… ones. Are allowed. In, this place.”

“To… pass. You, will. Prove yourself. Worthy.”

You aren’t exactly sure what they mean by “proving yourself”.
What should you do?

Present proof of passing the rites.
Only available if the E.G.O Gift N Corp. Seal or all three Tokens of Innocence, Tears, and Atonement are in possession.
You remembered what you’ve been collecting.
If the things your group went through were tests, then what you received must be the proof of your “worth”.

“…You may, pass.”

The Inquisitors opened the gate, wailing in bizarre voices.

“Take, this. With… you.”

Receiving the item, we walked through the door.

E.G.O Gift A Sign earned!
E.G.O Gift Ritualist’s Right earned!
Use words.
Run a Lust check. Pass to proceed. Fail to begin a difficult combat encounter.
There doesn’t seem to be any other way; conversation is our only option.

Who’s the best speaker among us all?

LcbSinLust.png Lust Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 12
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 16
Special Check Identity-Ryōshū Check Value +4

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] approached the Inquisitor.

“…You, well-spoken one. Your words, they were persuasive.”

After a while of parlance, the Inquisitor opened the gate for us.

The Sinner who passed the check healed for 20 SP!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] approached the Inquisitor.


Yet the Inquisitor remains silent.


We could only hear refusals from time to time.
[Sinner] eventually had to give up on talking and returned to us.
…Looks like we’ll have to speak with our fists.

The Sinner who failed the check lost 10 SP!
Combat Encounter!

Use violence.
Gain ‘A Sign’. Begin a difficult combat encounter.
It seems violence will be our most straightforward solution.


The voice spilling out of that shaking jaw must be one of pure hostility.

“Allow me to help… Manager.”

Sinclair tightened the grip on his weapon, determination burning quietly in his eyes.

Sinclair healed for 10 SP!
E.G.O Gift A Sign earned!
Combat Encounter!


A Sign 3 Gift.png
A Sign
Sinclair’s determination to stand up to Kromer. After three strokes have been drawn…
Ritualist’s Right Gift.png
Ritualist’s Right
All allies take -20% damage from Lust attacks.



LcbSinLust.pngEverything There of an Inquisitor
Everything There of an Inquisitor Idle Sprite.png
Everything There of an Inquisitor Idle Sprite.png

Slithering Inquisitor

LcbSinLust.pngSlithering Inquisitor
Slithering Inquisitor Idle Sprite.png


Obtained after defeating the Slithering Inquisitor

Green Skin Gift.png
Green Skin
If an ally takes a lethal attack, they heal 50% of their Max HP.
(Once per dungeon and expires after activation.)