Branch K-02/Floor 1

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Story: Entry

Speaker Dialogue
Location: District 11 - LC Branch Interior
The branch facility we entered was not as well-preserved as the one we had visited in District 4.
It seems N Corp’s Inquisitors have been using this place as their base for a while; various torture devices and bits of flesh and machinery like those we saw in town came into my sight.
Other StoryLog.png
Calw Townsfolk
Tortured Prothesis
Please stop… It hurts… It hurts so much…!
N Corp Kleinhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Scourging Inquisitor
Hah. This one speaks of suffering.
N Corp Mittelhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Interrogative Inquisitor
It must be a false cry. Pay it no mind.
Other StoryLog.png
Calw Townsfolk
Tortured Prothesis
No… The pain… It’s real, I swear…
N Corp Kleinhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Scourging Inquisitor
Did it not hurt to attach these impurities to your flesh? Did your conscience not scream as you rejected your humanity?
N Corp Mittelhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Interrogative Inquisitor
Enough. This one is too far gone to repent.
N Corp Mittelhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Interrogative Inquisitor
Does the absence of tears not say enough? This one is only pretending to confess.
Other StoryLog.png
Calw Townsfolk
Tortured Prothesis
No, wait! I can… I can shed tears! So I beg you, please…
N Corp Kleinhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Scourging Inquisitor
We can afford to verify, can we not?
N Corp Mittelhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Interrogative Inquisitor
…Hm. Indeed, for a genuine effusion of sorrow suggests humanity.
Other StoryLog.png
Calw Townsfolk
Tortured Prothesis
Thank you… Thank you so much…
N Corp Mittelhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Interrogative Inquisitor
Now, we shall lift your eye.
N Corp Kleinhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Scourging Inquisitor
Their heretical depravity knows no bounds; they’ve gone so far as to make vile devices that mimic tear glands. We must see with our own true eyes that this isn’t the case.
N Corp Kleinhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Scourging Inquisitor
We will let you go if we can confirm that your eye socket is indeed of flesh and blood.
Other StoryLog.png
Calw Townsfolk
Tortured Prothesis
Wha… No—stop!!!
Rodion StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
N Corp Kleinhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Scourging Inquisitor
Gah… Ngh…
N Corp Mittelhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Interrogative Inquisitor
…You heretics truly are like pests.
N Corp Mittelhammer StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Interrogative Inquisitor
Never alone, with a habit of constantly obstructing our great task; you are kindred creatures indeed.
Rodya shrugged when I looked back.
Rodion StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
What? I wanted to take charge for once.

Floor Map

Loading scripts

Story Episodes

Basement Entrance


Speaker Dialogue
Location: District 11 - LC Branch Interior
Other StoryLog.png
Well I’ll be… You’ve all… gotten better at fighting, haven’t you…?
A faint voice calls to us from the corner.
S314 2.png
Gregor StoryLog.png
Sinner #13
Saude was resting against the wall, exhausted.
She was covered in bites and gnawings left by the Peccatula.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Are you alright? Can you get up easily?
Saude could barely talk, let alone stand on her feet; she slowly began to speak, each word filled with pain.
Saude StoryLog.png
Effie… How is he…?
Saude StoryLog.png
Alive, yeah? You… must’ve met outside…
Everyone is hesitant to answer Saude’s desperate question.
How could any of us inform her of the morbid state Effie was in and how we had to put him out of his misery?
Hong Lu StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
…Yes, he’s doing fine now.
Hong Lu answered quietly.
No Sinner came forward to elaborate.
Outis StoryLog.png
Sinner #12
That’s enough chatter.
Outis StoryLog.png
Sinner #12
It seems more of those oddities are crawling our way.
A swarm of Peccatula approached us.
It was as though our guilt about lying to her had gained physical form.

Gate #1


Speaker Dialogue
Location: District 11 - LC Branch Interior
I heard that familiar yet ominous sound of a nail being dragged across the floor from not too far away.
Outis StoryLog.png
Sinner #12
…Manager. If I may be forward, I would suggest soon including steps in your combat protocol to confirm that our foes are dead.
The thought of his return makes what hair I have stand on end.
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Ye Heretics… must be exterminated.
Dante StoryLog.png
<How long have you been…>
Guido approaches at a slower gait than before, but his gaze is firmly fixed on me.
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
And… the rest… shall be purified.
I needed to rewind the clock.
Most of the Sinners were either dead or gravely injured.
There was no way an effectively non-combatant manager and someone barely holding on to her life could take him.
Saude StoryLog.png
Please stop…
S314 4.png
Just then, Saude pulled out a gun.
She pointed the barrel at me.
Saude StoryLog.png
I need you… to keep still…
Saude StoryLog.png
The moment you try to turn that clock, my gun… will blow off your head…
Dante StoryLog.png
Saude StoryLog.png
Don’t look at me… like that… I can’t hear you. But, I can tell you this.
Saude StoryLog.png
They promised… to let Effie go… if I helped to get rid of you…
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
I let too much time pass.
S314 1.png
Guido comes to me and grabs me by the neck.
Dante StoryLog.png
<Kahk, ghhng…>
Then, he grips my head tightly with his other hand as if to crush it.
Dante StoryLog.png
Creaks, cracks, and rattles ring inside my head.
His fingers being inches away from shattering my head terrifies me.
Is this it? Is this how I die?
Could this… have turned out differently if I was a better manager?
I remember Heathcliff menacingly asking if there was a way to open up my head so he could see what’s inside.
Tough luck, Heathcliff.
You’ll be missing out on a good show…
I heard a sound.
It was the sound of something breaking.
Fortunately for me…
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
It didn’t come from my head.
S314 3.png
Sinclair StoryLog.png
Sinner #11
Huff, hoogh… Hahk.
Guido staggers.
A nail was lodged in his back, and Sinclair was gasping for air behind him.
He was nearly unconscious, lying still until moments ago—it’s a miracle that he managed to get up and do this.
I could escape Guido’s grasp thanks to him…
But Guido stood firm despite Sinclair’s desperate attack; he collected his breath and slowly turned around.
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
…I see.
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
You, too, are a filthy heretic…
Sinclair StoryLog.png
Sinner #11
You’re… all insane… out of your minds…
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
The One Who Grips had once said…
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
That you could have become the One as well.
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
What a shame…
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
You grip with the wrong direction.
Dante StoryLog.png
<Sinclair… run away… I can’t… help you…>
Sinclair StoryLog.png
Sinner #11
No… I’m not running anymore.
Saude StoryLog.png
…I like that answer, Sinclair.
S314 5.png
Gunfire filled my ears.
But the bullet struck Guido’s head.
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
You, who bring ruination upon yourselves…
Guido StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
The Hammer shall continue to pursue you…
With those words…
Guido fell to the floor, motionless.
And in that hush…
I heard her handgun drop to the floor.
Dante StoryLog.png
S314 2.png
Saude StoryLog.png
Effie, he’s… he’s dead, isn’t he?
Saude StoryLog.png
You’re all terrible liars. At least try to make it somewhat believable.
Gregor StoryLog.png
Sinner #13
…C’mon Saude, let’s get out of here. You’ll be okay… Just gotta stop the bleeding, and… get you patched up.
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Right. I’ll get a tourniquet…
Saude StoryLog.png
Don’t be stupid. I can hardly lift a finger
Saude StoryLog.png
Besides, those Inquisitors will keep on coming, won’t they? You guys need to keep moving down.
Saude StoryLog.png
I’ll hold them off here. You should go.
Sinclair StoryLog.png
Sinner #11
You can’t—You can’t do that…
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
You said yourself that you can hardly lift a finger. I can’t let you watch our backs when you’re in such a mess… Please?
Saude StoryLog.png
You know… in moments like this… you’re supposed to just nod at me and be on your way.
Saude StoryLog.png
Why do you care so much about the one who volunteered to stay behind?
Sinclair StoryLog.png
Sinner #11
You can’t… You can’t just…
Saude StoryLog.png
Aw… You’re making this pretty awkward, you know that? Here I thought I could have a cool farewell.
Saude StoryLog.png
Faust, please take these absolute dorks out of here.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
I’ll make sure to give Vergilius your regards.
Saude StoryLog.png
No need.
Saude StoryLog.png
…Just tell him to come visit and say hello someday. You know what I mean?
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Of course.
We headed for the next area, leaving Saude to die.
We all stayed silent for a long while.

Blockade Zone


Speaker Dialogue
Location: District 11 - LC Branch Interior
Heathcliff StoryLog.png
Sinner #7
…You hear beasts crawling around somewhere?
There certainly is the sound of something moving along the floor.
Corroded Inquisitor StoryLog.png
Nnh… Ghhhgn…
Gregor StoryLog.png
Sinner #13
Are those Abnormalities?
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
Take a closer look—they aren’t Abnormalities. See that emblem…
Ishmael whispered softly to us.
Upon closer inspection, I could spot the emblems she mentioned. They were the ones worn by the Inquisitors.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
E.G.O Corrosion has wrested them.
Gregor StoryLog.png
Sinner #13
You mean that nauseating state…?
Ishmael StoryLog.png
Sinner #8
I think it happened to me in battle once when I was on the verge of a breakdown… It was like I was being devoured.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Although it’s not quite like consumption in the conventional sense… I do suppose that it is a serviceable analogy, seeing as it eats away at your essence.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
…And in observation, unlike the last floor, this place does not seem to be exclusively for torturing prosthesis users.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
It would be fair to say that its purpose is to induce Corrosion unto oneself.
Corroded Inquisitor StoryLog.png
Nagel und Hammer
Corroded Inquisitor
Urg… Ghh… Arrh…
Staring at those beings stumbling about…
It evoked complex feelings that made me sigh.
Is my artificial head really worth raging over, so much so that they would transform themselves into something far more hideous than having a clock for a head?
Choosing to lose themselves, being possessed…
What about when they claim the Golden Bough after going to these lengths…?
Will it even be used for their benefit?
Then, it occurred to me.
Am I really so different from those unsightly zealots…
…when I’m searching for the Golden Boughs without even knowing what they’ll be used for?

Story Dungeon Events

An Old Room with a Clockwork Mechanism

An Old Room with a Clockwork Mechanism
An Old Room with a Clockwork Mechanism.png

There’s a machine in this dilapidated room.
A long, bulky lever is at the center of the machine adorned with springs.

The urge… to pull it… is growing… stronger… and stronger.

What will you do?

Use the machine.
50% chance for a positive effect; 50% chance for a negative effect
Putting a spontaneous thought into action is as impulsive and uninhibited as a child reaching for off-limits marshmallows.

When you pull down the lever, a clack follows soon after.
The springs begin to turn, some slow, some quick.
Some clockwise, others counter-clockwise.

Watching the machine’s rumble grow wilder, you feel anxious.
Pull the lever.
50% chance to gain an E.G.O Gift. Failure results in HP and SP damage.
Success Chance: 50%

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

The machine stopped at last.

“Huh… Would you look at that!”

A small wooden chest rose from the floor.
You carefully open it to find a bundle of torches.

It’s not much, but they should give you momentary relief in the dark.
You take the torches out of the room.

E.G.O Gift Torch Stack earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

The machine stopped at last.

“W-What’s happening?!”

In the machine’s stead, the room now began to tremble and crack.
A moment later, the ceiling split open, giving way for thousands of nails diving downward.

“Outside, now!”

“Dammit, I told you it was a bad idea to mess with it!”

You and the Sinners quickly evacuated the room, but not without harm.

All allies took 5 HP and 15 SP damage!

Leave the room.
You’re not a child anymore. You can resist simple impulses like this.
It’s never a good idea to fall for temptation without a second thought.

“Yeah, good thinking.”

You and the Sinners left the room.

Nothing happened.


Torch Stack Gift.png
Torch Stack
Start the next 3 battles with 3 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
Expires afterward

The First Gate

The First Gate
The First Gate.png

You see a large gate in the distance.
There’s something eerie about the pointed fences and stone walls.

It looks to be the only way through this area, but it’s guarded by a large number of Inquisitors.
Is there anything we can do about them?

Strike them from behind.
Run a Pride check, then begin a combat encounter. Pass to buff all allies and reduce the number of waves by 1.
The forest is dense, but there are still gaps within it.

If we tread carefully, we might be able to strike the Inquisitors from behind.
It’d give us a considerable advantage in the upcoming battle.
Who’s best suited for sneaking about the forest for an ambush?

LcbSinPride.png Pride Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 10
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 14

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] slowly walked into the woods.
Soon enough, a few Inquisitors fell to the ground.

“Heretics! The heretics are here!”

Though we couldn’t take them all down at once, it was enough to break their formation.
We’ll be able to pass through once we take the rest down.

Enemy waves reduced by 1 for the next battle.
At the start of the next battle, All Ally Units gain 3 Attack Power Up.
Combat Encounter!

Win the next battle to gain E.G.O Gift A Sign!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] slowly walked into the woods.
Soon enough, a commotion broke out at the gate.

“What is it?

“Looks to be a heretic; what are they doing here?”

“Must’ve tripped.”

…Sounds like the ambush was unsuccessful.

Distract them.
Run a Lust check, then begin a combat encounter. Pass to reduce the number of waves by 2.
We might be able to distract them by making some noise.
The problem is how to go about it…

“Hear ye, hear ye—for I have a plan!”

Might as well hear her out.

…You’re not sure if it’s the best idea exactly, but it might not hurt, either.
Then, who will be in charge of putting it into action?

LcbSinLust.png Lust Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 10
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 14

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] made their move.

“Wait, is that…”
“Hey, we should check it out.”

The Inquisitors guarding the gate left their post to investigate the source of the noise.

“So doth the diversion return! ‘Tis exactly as I spake! A plan without flaw, from conception to conclusion!”

The mastermind proudly exclaims.

Honestly didn’t expect it to work this well…
We’ll be able to pass once we’ve dealt with the remaining Inquisitors.

Enemy waves reduced by 2 for the next battle.
Combat Encounter!

Win the next battle to gain E.G.O Gift A Sign!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] made their move.

“…A heretic! Throw the nails!”

“They were coming from that direction, saw a dozen other heretics there.”

…Of course this would happen.
No choice but to fight them head-on now.

Confront them directly.
Begin a combat encounter with all 3 waves.
Sometimes, the simplest solution is best.
Separating a Sinner from our group to attempt some silly trick might end up putting us at a disadvantage.

Let’s face them head-on.


A Sign 3 Gift.png
A Sign
Sinclair’s determination to stand up to Kromer. After three strokes have been drawn…

Before a Sealed Door

Before a Sealed Door
Before a Sealed Door.png

A steel door rests on one side of the room.
It looks too thick to be easily broken or breached with force.

“There’s gotta be something totally valuable through here if it’s guarded this tight~!”

The Sinner might be right, treasure might be waiting behind the door.
What should you do?

Open it with force.
Run a Wrath check. Pass to open a new path on the map.
The steel is thick, but it might not be impossible for a Sinner to move it ajar.
Who would be the right person to do that?
Who could open this door?

LcbSinWrath.png Wrath Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 9
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 12

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] pushed at the door with all their might.


The door shook little by little but refused to give way.

“All right, you’ve done enough…”

I tried to get the Sinner to stop, but [Sinner] kept on pushing, fully focused on the door.

After some time…


The door was opened.
A path was hidden behind it.

The Sinner who passed the check healed for 20 SP!
There’s a new path on the map!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] pushed at the door with all their might.

“…It won’t work.”

The door didn’t so much as budge.

As much as you wanted to know what was behind that door…
There was no choice but to leave the room for now.

The Sinner who failed the check took 10 HP and 10 SP damage!

Look around for a solution.
Run a Sloth check. Pass to open a new path on the map.
There’s got to be some way through other than brute force.
Perhaps a thorough look around could reveal something.
An attentive Sinner would be good at this…

LcbSinSloth.png Sloth Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 9
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 12

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

[Sinner] looked around the door.


After tinkering with something on the wall,
[Sinner] let out a triumphant grunt.


The door was open.

Apparently, there was a protruding brick next to the door.
[Sinner] explained that sliding it back into place got the door to open, then proceeded through.

There was a hidden path behind the door.

The Sinner who passed the check healed for 20 SP!
There’s a new path on the map!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

[Sinner] looked around the door.

But, they were unable to find anything even after having a good crack at it.

“Oh well…”

We had no choice but to leave the room behind.

The Sinner who failed the check lost 20 SP!

Leave the room.
It should be safer to stick to the known path rather than take unnecessary risks.

“Aww~ I swear that something’s gotta be in there!”

Though some Sinners complained, you persuaded them into letting it go.

Nothing happened.


Obtained after clearing Forgotten Passage

Old Warehouse’s Key Gift.png
Old Warehouse’s Key
Used in certain events. Expires on use.

A Room Full of Crates

A Room Full of Crates
A Room Full of Crates.png

Dozens of old, broken crates littered the floor.

“Eyuck, cobwebs…”

Clearing things away, you found three particularly large crates buried underneath.

“These are all locked.”

“Looks like the keyholes have the same shape!”

“…Alas, the key is of a soft constitution. It won’t be feasible to use it again once it has been inserted into a lock.”

Sounds like you get only one try.
Which one should you open?

Open the first crate.
Gain an E.G.O Gift that boosts defense.
“This is…”

The crate contained a worn helm.

“Oho?! ‘Tis the proper equipment of a knight, is it not?!”

One Sinner excitedly rubs the helm clean.
Not a bad haul, all things considered.
We carried the helm (and our Sinner infatuated by it) and left the room.

Old Warehouse's Key Expired!
E.G.O Gift Topfhelm earned!
Open the second crate.
50% chance to gain an E.G.O Gift that boosts Tremor attacks.
Success Chance: 50%

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

“This is…”

The crate contained an old mallet.
The cracks on its handle raised further questions about its usability.

“This thing looks positively useless!”

The Sinners expressed disappointment over this seemingly regrettable choice.
But, you feel as if the mallet is talking to you,
compelling you to take it.

“What, you’re gonna take that with you?”

Though the Sinners saw it as junk,
it seemed good to bring the mallet along.

Old Warehouse's Key Expired!
E.G.O Gift Hammer earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed


There was nothing inside the crate.
All that greeted us were tiny specks of dust and dirt stirred up by exposure to the outside air.

“I told you we shoulda gone with that one~”

“No, in all likelihood it would have been empty too.”

You walked out of the room, trying to ignore the Sinners’ complaints.

Old Warehouse's Key Expired!
Nothing happened.

Open the third crate.
50% chance to gain an E.G.O Gift that boosts Bleed attacks.
Success Chance: 50%

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

“This is…”

The crate contained a browned nail.
Not a bundle of nails; just a slightly large one, covered in rust and dust.

“The heck…”

The Sinners looked devastated by the fact that the key was wasted on this.

“Can’t just throw away loot. If you aren’t gonna use it, then hand it over.”

One Sinner was showing interest in the item, so you gave it to them and went on your way.

Old Warehouse's Key Expired!
E.G.O Gift Nagel earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed


There was nothing inside the crate.
All that greeted us were tiny specks of dust and dirt stirred up by exposure to the outside air.

“I told you we shoulda gone with that one~”

“No, in all likelihood it would have been empty too.”

You walked out of the room, trying to ignore the Sinners’ complaints.

Old Warehouse's Key Expired!
Nothing happened.


Topfhelm Gift.png
Defense Skill Power +1
Hammer Gift.png
When inflicting Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
with skill effects, inflict 1 more at a 50% chance.
Nagel Gift.png
When inflicting Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
with skill effects, inflict 1 more at a 50% chance.

Who Judges the Judge

Who Judges the Judge
Who Judges the Judge.png

The N Corp. Inquisitors were busy torturing someone.


A filtered scream fills the cramped room.
Their victims are people with prosthetic bodies.


Sinclair didn’t utter a word, but his eyes full of wrath and fear were fixed on the torturers.
He breathed heavily at irregular intervals, his body shaking; he looks like he might charge forth at any second.

Do you stop him?

Wait for the torture to end.
Certain Identities lose SP
While the scene is horrible to behold, we are no valiant knights.
A wise manager wouldn’t risk losing all their Sinners over some juvenile impulse.
In that case…


Sinclair gave you a vexing glare as you placed a hand on his shoulder, but he soon hung his head low and assented.

…Hopefully, this was the right call.
You decided to watch and wait until the torture was over.

Sinclair lost 50 SP!
Don Quixote lost 15 SP!
Stop the torture.
Run a Wrath check, then begin a combat encounter. Use Sinclair for the check to gain ‘A Sign’. Pass to weaken all enemies.
We may not be valiant knights.
Yet, even casting morals aside, we will have to fight them to move on.

“…Do you really mean it?”

When you explain your plan to Sinclair, he looks back at you with surprise.

“I thought you would stop me…”

He spoke anxiously, but he seemed nevertheless happy with the decision.

“Got it. I’ll do it.”

Sinclair sprinted to where the Inquisitors were alongside the other Sinners.

Sinclair gained 30 SP!
Don Quixote gained 10 SP!

“Heretics! The heretics have appeared!”

As the Sinners approached, the Inquisitors cast their victims aside to charge at us.

“You bastards!”

Sinclair stood against them at the forefront.
But, that hammer might be too big for Sinclair’s weapon to stop.

Should Sinclair really deal with it?
Or, should you order another Sinner to repel the attack?

LcbSinWrath.png Wrath Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 10
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 13
Special Check Identity-Sinclair Check Value +4

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

You figured it’d be best to ask [Sinner] to do it.
The hammer bounced off, and the Inquisitors were perturbed by the retaliation.

We’ll be able to keep the flow of the battle in our favor by taking the lead now.

Combat Encounter!
All enemies are inflicted with 5 Attack Power Down.pngAttack Power DownAttack Power Down.png Attack Power Down
Attack Skill Final Power -X for this turn.
CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed - Sinclair

After all, this is his fight first and foremost.


Sinclair locked his halberd against the handle of the hammer and parried it to the side.

With their leader’s attack thwarted, the Inquisitors were thrown into disarray.
We’ll be able to keep the flow of the battle in our favor by taking the lead now.

Win the next battle to gain E.G.O Gift A Sign!
Combat Encounter!
All enemies are inflicted with 5 Attack Power Down.pngAttack Power DownAttack Power Down.png Attack Power Down
Attack Skill Final Power -X for this turn.
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

You asked [Sinner] to deflect the attack, but…
The motion of the giant hammer couldn’t be stopped.

The Inquisitors surrounded [Sinner], who was now on the back foot.
We have to fight on with this disadvantage.


A Sign 3 Gift.png
A Sign
Sinclair’s determination to stand up to Kromer. After three strokes have been drawn…


LcbSinLust.pngFour-Legged Beast
Four-Legged Beast Idle Sprite.png


Obtained after defeating the Four-Legged Beasts

Blood-red Mane Gift.png
Blood-red Mane
Allies with Lust skills gain the following effects:
If the unit took no damage from attacks this turn, gain 2 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
and 2 Defense Power Up.pngDefense Power UpDefense Power Up.png Defense Power Up
Defense Skill Final Power +X for this turn.
next turn.
If the unit took damage from attacks this turn, gain 2 Bind.pngBindBind.png Bind
Speed -X for this turn.
and 2 Attack Power Up.pngAttack Power UpAttack Power Up.png Attack Power Up
Attack Skill Final Power +X for this turn.
next turn.