Wuthering Heights Chief Butler Outis/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Wuthering Heights Chief Butler Outis Full.png
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
I have prepared the tea as you have requested. There is a chill in the manor; please imbibe the tea before it cools.
The child placed the cup on the table with such graceful dexterity that it barely made any noise. There wasn't even the infinitesimally small clatter of the teacup against the saucer.
Her politely folded hands and slightly bent back did not even flinch from its fixed position.
None of this may mean much to someone who's so used to receiving such top-notch service, but anyone who's not would realize something after a quick glance at the child's service.
That this child was a highly trained Butler.
Other Story Icon.png
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Now I must leave your side and plan for the reception of guests scheduled to arrive today. Please, pardon my absence.
The child bowed courteously at the quiet man, who was fully absorbed in reading the paper in his hands. She walked backward toward the door and exited to the corridor.
Her movement was smooth and continuous, not allowing even the smallest squeak as she closed the door on her way out.
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Chief Butler Lady Outis.
There was another child waiting for her in the corridor.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Mm, Faust.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
I trust that the preparation for the guests' reception is going smoothly?
She nodded as though she was already expecting to see the other child waiting for her on the other side of the door, and began walking down the corridor.
It seemed that the two had been working together for a while. The other child caught up to the child in a most natural, gliding gait.
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Everything that Chief Butler Lady Outis has ordered has been carried out.
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Every item entrusted to the Devyat' has also been delivered without delay. They are all ready to be used for tonight's banquet.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
As competent as always.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
But I will not spare you any compliments, Faust. You must understand why, yes?
From a certain perspective, the child's words and expression appeared rather harsh. But the other child's nondescript expression did not change.
Perhaps all this was merely routine to her.
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Yes. Such perfection is… expected from the Butlers of Wuthering Heights, bound to this land.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Yes. Besides…
The child continued, adjusting her monocle.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
… as one of the Butlers in service of our Mistress, it would be shameful to serve anything but the utmost excellence.
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
… That is fully understood.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Very good. I will make sure that the Mistress hears of your devotion.
… This 'Mistress' that the child was talking about had been dead for a long, long time. But she acted as though her voice still echoed in her ears.
Her attitude was too… bizarre to be mere devotion to the dead, too earnest to be an attempt to retain the memory of the departed. It was as though she was holding regular conversations with the long-dead Mistress.
Every Butler under her command knew that there was something strange about this whole affair, but no one dared to question her.
Because that was the kind of respect that a Chief Butler commanded.
The other child mused the same as she followed from behind.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
I hear that their Chief Butler has contacted us.
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
You must be referring to Chief Butler Lady Ryōshū, who left to serve the Edgar Family.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Hmph, it has been a while since she left this manor. No need to stick with the honorifics.
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
… Chief Butler Ryōshū tells us that the hunt for the wolf is nigh.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
So, the stray hound returns as a wolf… returning to sully Wuthering Heights and her honorable Mistress' name once again. Good, this saves me the trouble of venturing out of this place in search of this beast.
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
The child's eyes narrowed.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
… Do you have a problem with that?
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
… It is known to us that the wolf was once… a very close acquaintance of the mastermind of this hunt, Ryōshū of the Edgar Family.
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Faust is concerned that such emotions may cloud her strategies. Not even Faust has experienced this particular circumstance before.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Hmph, it's simple.
The other child was speaking rather anxiously, but the child dismissed her concerns with a light scoff.
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Wuthering Heights
I have no love for someone who abandoned this land in favor of her Master, but a Chief Butler is a Chief Butler still.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
She is not the kind of person to be hung up on old kinships in matters as important as this, no. She will remain fully loyal to the hunt because it is something that she must see to its end. Perhaps it shall inspire an even greater dedication in her.
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
… Understood.
Wuthering Heights Chief Butler Outis Full Uptied.png
As their conversation drew to a natural close, the stairs ended and opened up to the manor's grand entrance.
It was filled with rows upon rows of Butlers waiting for her orders.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Interesting. What is all this for?
Faust Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
… Uninvited guests have arrived prior to the banquet. The Butlers stand ready to meet the interlopers.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Very well… then let us use this opportunity as a warm-up before the hunt.
The child stood tall before the rows of Butlers.
There was a group of outsiders standing outside the manor, their garbs indicating rather clearly that they did not belong here. Not that it was any of the child's concern.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Ah, I apologize for the delayed reception, dear strangers.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Though it may be rather discourteous of me to advise you this, I must inform you that this manor is currently not receiving any uninvited guests.
The Butlers began preparing for combat the moment the child finished her sentence.
The child wrapped the serviette she had been carrying over her fist… and muttered.
Outis Story Icon.png
Wuthering Heights
Now, dear uninvited guests… vacate the premises, if you will.

World of Wuthering Heights Icon.png World of Wuthering Heights Identity Stories
Wuthering Heights Chief Butler Outis Profile.png Dead Rabbits Boss Meursault Profile.png Edgar Family Heir Gregor Profile.png Wuthering Heights Butler Faust Profile.png Edgar Family Chief Butler Ryōshū Profile.png Edgar Family Butler Ishmael Profile.png Wild Hunt Heathcliff Profile.png