Edgar Family Chief Butler Ryōshū/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Edgar Family Chief Butler Ryōshū Full.png
Clack, clack.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
You there, third from the right. Yes, the one who just wiped the window sill.
Other Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Timid Junior Butler
Y-yes ma'am?!
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
Look at where the frames meet. Mold residue.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
Remember. No second chances.
Other Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Timid Junior Butler
A-apologies, ma'am!!!
Clack, clack again.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
You there. Yes, the new hire from 23 days ago. Do you not see what's wrong with your broach?
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
I suppose it'll look proper once I S.Y.N.C. Is that what you want?
Other Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Scared Junior Butler
I-I-I-I-I'll wear it right, ma'am…
The child pays no mind to the fearful voices.
She leaves nothing behind but the sound of her low-heeled boots clacking against the wooden flooring.
There is less than a day to go until the wolven hunt begins.
Thus begins the morning of the Chief Butler.
She was never too nice to her subordinates to begin with, but…
… clearly, she was much more on edge than usual, and that was clear in her attitude.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Lady Ryōshū.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
… What.
Another child, one of her subordinates, walked up behind the Chief Butler.
Her expression is grim. She's obviously gearing up to bring up a rather serious subject.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
The other Butlers are… rather anxious. They're saying that you are quite different from your usual self, that the upcoming—
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
"Quite different" from my usual self? Me?
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
… This is not to say that you normally do a sloppy job of overseeing our work. But you're much less lax than usual as of late.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
Hah, B.S.[1] I would never let such imperfections slide.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Certainly. But usually, you often took it upon yourself to take care of such 'imperfections' because ordering someone else to do it for you was too bothersome.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
… Tsk.
The child was quite self-aware of her own behavior.
In fact, this newfound attitude was a deliberate one.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
… I'll keep my guard up. I won't weigh you down once the hunt begins.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
Hm. I don't appreciate you trying to read me.
The child sighs as she leaves the hallway. Something didn't go according to plan.
She was merely trying to keep everyone on edge, so that…
… when the wolf would inevitably come to besiege the manor, they could at least save their own skin.
But her uncharacteristic actions were immediately obvious to those around her.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
Right… I suppose I'll stick to what I'm good at.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
Edgar Family Chief Butler Ryōshū Full Uptied.png
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
… I'm the best there is at housekeeping.
A tenebrous night descends.
The 'Wolf', the target of this hunt…
… was much more powerful than anyone had anticipated. He emerged, imposing his intimidating strength before the child and the rest of her subordinates.
The child instinctively knew.
That no matter how much her subordinates mentally prepared themselves… there was no possible future in which they will survive this encounter.
So she had but one choice. There never was an alternative.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
All of you. Get out of here.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Edgar Family
Lady Ryōshū…?
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
He is beyond all of you. You and your pathetic skills won't even leave a scratch on him.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
There's much work to be done back at the manor. You haven't even started your morning duties, have you? Run along, get to work.
The child glared at the formidable wolf before her as she slowly drew her long knife.
And that was the end of discussion.
She didn't have any more words to impart to her subordinates. She needed every strength she could conserve…
… to even have a chance at defeating this foe.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
Other Story Icon.png
Indeed. I am making a rather unfortunate, destructive entrance.
The child's voice was as low and collected as it always was.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
I hardly imagined that such an encounter would lie in our future back when I raised you.
Other Story Icon.png
But there was an odd shudder at the tip of the dagger she held. A little fear. Or perhaps, regret.
Other Story Icon.png
I see that you now have much you must protect, Ryōshū.
Other Story Icon.png
While I, as always, bring nothing but ruination. I only see what I must maul and destroy.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
… Hmph.
The child fell silent.
She wondered, for a moment, if things could have been different. If she had done something differently then.
But they both knew very well that there was no point to such contemplations.
At this point of no return, when nothing could possibly change... there was only one option left for the child.
Hmph. I'm just taking care of an unfinished housekeeping chore.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Chief Butler
… To hunt the wolf that bares its teeth at the one who raised him.
  1. "Bullshit"
  2. "Rather Unfortunate Destructive Entrance"

World of Wuthering Heights Icon.png World of Wuthering Heights Identity Stories
Wuthering Heights Chief Butler Outis Profile.png Dead Rabbits Boss Meursault Profile.png Edgar Family Heir Gregor Profile.png Wuthering Heights Butler Faust Profile.png Edgar Family Chief Butler Ryōshū Profile.png Edgar Family Butler Ishmael Profile.png Wild Hunt Heathcliff Profile.png