T Corp. Collectors

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The T Corp. Collectors are the employees of T Corp's technology recollection agency.

T Corp. Collectors

Fighting Style

The T Corp. Collectors primarily revolve around inflicting Tremor and using self-Tremor to boost their effectiveness. While they have no consistency in their weapon affinity, their skills are consistent in sin affinity. Additionally, they have surface level similarities, but all 3 enemies have drastically different effects for their skills, so only the baseline similarities are listed below.

Their first skill is a Wrath skill that grants Tremor Count while inflicting a debuff. Their second skill is a Lust skill that grants further Tremor Count, then inflicts Fragile or Paralyze. For two of them, this skill also provides furhter buffs for Tremor Count accumulated so far. Their third skill is a Sloth skill that grants Clash Power for Tremor Count and then consumes it for a variety of effects. The Class 3 Collectors then share the same Skill 4, which is a 4 coin Wrath skill that Consumes Tremor to inflict Fragile, Tremor, Tremor Burst and Time Delay.pngTime DelayTime Delay.png Time Delay
As long as this effect is active, damage dealt against this unit is stored and not taken.
Turn End: reduce value by 1
Turn End: If there is only 1 value left of this effect, the effect expires after dealing (2 x stored damage) Sloth damage to this unit
When this effect is active, its value cannot be gained or be refreshed.
. If it consumes enough to Tremor Burst it can even reuse its own coin. On Clash Win, it further grants Borrowed Time.pngBorrowed TimeBorrowed Time.png Borrowed Time
Turn End at 2+ Count:
- Gain (Borrowed Time Count - 1) Haste, Clash Power Up, and Fragile next turn
- If this unit is set to gain more Bind than Haste next turn, the Borrowed Time effect expires at the next Turn Start, and this unit gets Staggered

Turn End: At 1 Count, gain 2(Borrowed Time Stack - 1) Bind next turn
Turn End: Gain 1 Stack, lose 1 Count
to self. Finally, all 3 have a Guard that allows them to spend Tremor Count to regain Borrowed Time.

Passively, T Corp rely on their Golden Time mechanic. If their health at the end of the turn is between a certain range, they receive a major heal at the cost of gaining Fragility for the rest of the battle. They also have an additional passive interecting with Borrowed Time, either granting the Tremor Count to gain it via their Guard, or just granting it outright in the case of the Class 3s.

In addition to all of the above, these enemies also have 2 additional unique keywords. Interlocking Time.pngInterlocking TimeInterlocking Time.png Interlocking Time
Reduce final damage by 30% and store it. At 3 Count, take fixed damage by 1.5 times the accumulated damage, and gain 3 Bind next turn.
which is used by the Class 2, and Tremor - Chain.pngTremor - ChainTremor - Chain.png Tremor - Chain
- Lose 1 Clash Power for every 10 Tremor Potency on self (max 3)
- When Hit by Skills that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by the effect's Potency
- Turn End:reduce the Count by 1
(Interacts the same way as normal Tremor does to effects that raises or reduces Tremor Potency/Count)
which is used by the Class 2 and the Class 3 - Neutralize.

Types of Collectors

T Corp. Collectors
Class 2
Class 3

Imagined T Corp. Collectors

The first variants of T Corp. Collectors encountered were not true Collectors, but rather simple versions of them imagined into reality due to Yi Sang's resonance with the Golden Bough in the Reminisced League of Nine.

Fighting Style

There is only one type of Imagined T Corp Collector, which relies on no specific sin or weapon styles, instead using a variety of them. It utilizes a charge mechanic to inflict paralyze or optimize the power of its skill 3. Overall, it relies on multiple delay based mechanics that provide benefits now for disadvantages later.

Interlocking Time.pngInterlocking TimeInterlocking Time.png Interlocking Time
Reduce final damage by 30% and store it. At 3 Count, take fixed damage by 1.5 times the accumulated damage, and gain 3 Bind next turn.
reduces the damage dealt by an attack, but stores it for later. Upon 3 stacks of Interlocking Time, they burst to deal more damage than what was stored, and inflict Bind.

Borrowed Time.pngBorrowed TimeBorrowed Time.png Borrowed Time
Turn End at 2+ Count:
- Gain (Borrowed Time Count - 1) Haste, Clash Power Up, and Fragile next turn
- If this unit is set to gain more Bind than Haste next turn, the Borrowed Time effect expires at the next Turn Start, and this unit gets Staggered

Turn End: At 1 Count, gain 2(Borrowed Time Stack - 1) Bind next turn
Turn End: Gain 1 Stack, lose 1 Count
buffs the collector with Haste and Damage Up, once it runs out of borrowed time it takes an equivalent Bind and Atk Down debuff.

The passive Golden Time provides a 1 time full heal and stagger recovery, but as a cost it gains stacks of fragile.

The skill 3 of the Imagined variant, Accelerating Moment, fits this description. It is a powerful skill with 20 clash power that can spend all its charge for a limitless damage boost. However, the next turn it is Immobilized (not staggered. It can be staggered this turn and be unable to act for 2 turns in a row.)

Types of Collectors

Class 3 Collectors



  • The T Corp. Collectors are the first entire faction fought by the Sinners that was created entirely by the Golden Bough. Other previous Golden Bough created opponents such as the Recollected G Corp. Soldiers or the Revived K Corp. Staff were previously fought earlier in the chapter, whereas the T Corp. Collectors were first encountered in their Imagined form.
  • The T Corp. Class 3 Collector - Suppress is the first enemy to be exclusive to Mirror Dungeons, appearing in the Timekilling Time Theme Pack. Ironically, this enemy does not appear at all in the story or dungeon of that Intervallo.