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Egoshards are a resource in Limbus Company used to purchase Identities and E.G.Os from the Dispenser as well as Uptie Identities and Threadspin E.G.O. Each Sinner has their own respective type of Egoshard, that can be used exclusively on items related to them. Egoshard Crates are related items that can be used to obtain more Egoshards and come in two varieties: Random Egoshard Crate.png Random and Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable.

An unique variant of Egoshard, known as Uptie & Threadspinning only Shards (Universal), exists; these Egoshards can only be used to Uptie Identities and Threadspin E.G.O, though they can Uptie or Threadspin any Identity/E.G.O regardless of what Sinner it belongs to. They otherwise behaves identically to regular Egoshards.


Egoshards are the most reliable way of acquiring specific Identities and E.G.Os thanks to the Dispenser, which can be used to exchange a certain number of a Sinner's Egoshards for one of their Identities or E.G.O.

  • 2★ Identities can be purchased for 150 Egoshards
  • 3★ Identities can be purchased for 400 Egoshards
  • E.G.Os, regardless of risk level, can be purchased for 400 Egoshards

In addition to being used for the Dispenser, they can be converted into Thread by using the Shard::Thread Exchange.

They are also used to Uptie Identities and and Threadspin E.G.O starting at Tier IV and above.


1★ (IDNumber1.png) 2★ (IDNumber2.png) 3★ (IDNumber3.png)
Tier 4 50 Thread + 20 Sinner Egoshards 100 Thread + 30 Sinner Egoshards 150 Thread + 50 Sinner Egoshards


ZAYIN (ZAYIN.png) TETH (TETH.png) HE (HE.png) WAW (WAW.png) ALEPH (ALEPH.png)
Tier 4 110 Thread + 80 Sinner Egoshards 130 Thread + 90 Sinner Egoshards 150 Thread + 100 Sinner Egoshards 170 Thread + 150 Sinner Egoshards ? Thread + ? Sinner Egoshards

Egoshard Crates can be opened to obtain between 1-3 Egoshards. Random Egoshard Crate.png Random Egoshard Crates give Egoshards for a random Sinner, while Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable Egoshard Crates allow the player to pick a Sinner of their choice to receive Egoshards for.

When a new Season begins, half of the previous Season's Egoshards will be carried over, converted, and rounded up for the new Season while the other half are turned into Thread. Egoshard Crates will undergo a similar process, and at the start of a new Season half of a player's Egoshard Crates will be turned into Thread Crates. This should be kept in mind at the end of each Season to prevent missing a chance at obtaining a desired Identity or E.G.O.

Obtaining Egoshards

Egoshards can only be obtained through either extracting duplicate Identities or by opening Egoshard Crates.

When an Identity or E.G.O a player already owns is extracted, they will get Egoshards of the character with the quantity depending on the item's rarity.

IDNumber1.png x 3 Egoshard.png
IDNumber2.png x 15 Egoshard.png
IDNumber3.png x 50 Egoshard.png
E.G.O* x 50 Egoshard.png

* - Despite E.G.O Extraction being non-repetitive, meaning that it would be impossible for a player to receive a duplicate E.G.O under normal circumstance, it is still listed as providing 50 Egoshards, likely as a failsafe.

Currently, Uptie & Threadspin only Shards are only available through the Returning User Event.

Obtaining Egoshards Crates

Egoshard Crates can be obtained in a variety of ways. In addition to the in game methods listed below, Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable Egoshard Crates can be purchased from various packs in the shop.

  • The Battle Pass gives out Egoshard Crate rewards at certain levels on both the Free and Limbus Pass versions.
  • In addition to the Crates obtainable through the Battle Pass level rewards, Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable Crates are given for each level past the highest reward tier (1 Crate per level with the Free Battle Pass and an additional 2 Crates per level with the Limbus Pass)
  • Event Rewards Shops have both Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable and Random Egoshard Crate.png Random Egoshard Crates that can be obtained through either collecting or exchanging event currency.
  • Certain Attendance Check Events also give out Egoshard Crates.

Item Description

Used for purchasing [Sinner]'s Identities, E.G.O, and Thread from the Dispenser.

Fleeting moments from any point in the Sinner's time, condensed into physical form. The shards float in the air.
Possibilities are transient things; they drift in the realm of uncertainty unless seized.

Open to receive 1-3 random Egoshards.

Egoshards were randomly harvested and stored in these boxes. Its contents are a mystery.
When you hold one in a quiet place, you can hear small fusses.

Open to receive 1-3 Egoshards of a Sinner of choice.

A crate that yields Egoshards of a Sinner you choose.
According to Faust, its contents are determined once a manager makes their decision.

Can be used to Uptie Identities and Threadspin E.G.O for all Sinners.

A universal shard that can be used to Uptie or Threadspin Identities & E.G.O for all Sinners.
However, these shards cannot be used to extract Identities or E.G.O, no matter how many of these shards one collects.
'These shards are products of our research into the omnitransformative nature of Golden Boughs; it can be used to fill any fathoms or worlds of mirrors. Huh? Extractions? Of course not. Its one-size-fits-all-worlds, nature would mean that it obviously cannot have been made *for* any world, right? - LCA Mirror World Observatorium Department Chief Researcher'