Broken Wings

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Broken Wings is a non-fightable Abnormality commonly found in the Mirror Dungeon.


Broken Wings takes the appearance of a tall winged statue, with a short-haired head and arms formed out of a golden, translucent light unlike the rest of the marble body. Piercing its right hand is a trumpet being blown, and piercing its left, a sword that is tip-first into the ground, supported in a resting state behind the statue's side, with its open resting palm in the sword handle. Both instruments are also formed from the same golden light.

Mirror Dungeon Event

Mirror Dungeon Event
MD Broken Wings.png

There is a massive, winged, marble statue.

Its arms and the head are not made of stone, however.

Instead, a translucent and solid light shimmers there.

The shimmering, mirage-like head is blowing a trumpet. One of its arms wields a blade.

What could this statue be commemorating?

Pray before the statue.
Gluttony & Lust Advantage check. Pass to gain a Slash E.G.O Gift.
Who will step forth?

LcbSinGluttony.png Gluttony / LcbSinLust.png Lust Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 12
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 24

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

You lower your head and pray. You hear the sound of trumpets. Yet you do not look up, and merely take in the sound. Because prayers are supposed to be like that.

All allies heal 20 HP and SP.
E.G.O Gift Deceptive Accord Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

Just because you're lowering your head and closing your eyes doesn't mean you're praying.

Nothing Happened.

Gluttony & Wrath Advantage check. Pass to gain a Keywordless E.G.O Gift.
Who will step forth?

LcbSinGluttony.png Gluttony / LcbSinWrath.png Wrath Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 16
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 32

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

Its translucent arms and head disappear. From the void flows dark red blood. Its slow, leaden flow is not unlike someone's flow of tears.

E.G.O Gift Ancient Effigy Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

A large crack appears on the statue. It begins to tremble ominously. There is no choice but to accept what is to come.

All allies lose 20 HP and SP.


Ancient Effigy Gift.png

Tier: IV
Cost: MD Cost.png 397

Ancient Effigy
Turn Start: select one of the fastest allies and apply 5 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png HasteSpeed +X for this turn. to them next turn.

Next Turn Start: select one of the other fastest allies (allies without the Ancient Effigy effect) and re-apply the Gift effect to them. (effect expires if no other allies can be selected)
Deceptive Accord Gift.png

Tier: I
Cost: MD Cost.png 148
Slash.png Slash

Deceptive Accord
[Effects apply only to #5 Deployed Identity]

If there is a 3+ Speed difference between this unit and the enemy targeted by this unit, deal +15% more damage with Slash Skills.


  • Broken Wings bears a resemblance to the sculpture Winged Victory, a statue depicting the goddess of Victory, Nike.
    • Likewise, the form it takes with the light that fills the missing head and limbs bears the same description of what scholars believe the statue looked like when it was in one piece, wielding a sword at her hip while blowing a trumpet.
  • Currently, no Identity skill rolls high enough to meet the Leave without advantage check of 34. Only Identities with advantage can pass the lower 17 check.