Old G Corp. Soldiers

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Old G Corp. Soldiers are enemies found in the Backstreets of District 4. They were involved in the Smoke War against several other corporations, including the previous L Corp. They possess bug genetic alternations that give them hardened carapaces and insect limbs, which they use in combat.


This is a faction of old G Corp. Veterans that had found refuge in the ruins of Branch D-02, an old branch of L Corp. They had been discarded after the Smoke War and their Wing had fallen, and found refuge in the backstreets of District 4. They were initially indifferent to the sinners, but grew antagonistic when they saw that Gregor was among their ranks, viewing him as a traitor and a deserter to their cause. They were led by the Old G Corp. Head Manager.

Fighting Style

Veterans primarily use skills of the Lust sin, and are universally weak to Slash. There are 3 different tiers of veteran (rat, uniform, and enhanced), and each tier has 3 variants (bald, bob, and scruffy), with each tier being stronger than the previous. The third tier is also the first set of enemies to have additional effects on their skills that the player encounters, as well as the first set to have passives, with the second and third tiers of veterans having weak health regen below <50% HP.


Recollected G Corp. Soldiers

This is a faction of enemies encountered on the final floor of Branch D-02, created by the Golden Bough resonating with Gregor to recreate the conditions of the Smoke War. They are made up of twisted versions of the actual G Corp. Soldiers that fought alongside him in the war, with festered flesh and monstrous enhancements greater than those of the strongest veterans fought on the floors above. They are led by the Recollected Festered G Corp. Head Manager.

Fighting Style

Recollected Soldiers possess buffed versions of the skills used by the tier of Veterans, but with the Gluttony sin instead of Lust. Their resistances are also different, as they become neutral to Slash, but endure Pierce and gain a fatal weakness to Blunt.

Recollected G Corp. Soldiers



  • While the variants of G Corp. Soldiers are typically consistent in their kits, the Embittered Veteran and Downcast Veteran appear to have swapped kits, with the Embittered using the same skills as the Scruffy/Razor-sharp/Overtaken veterans while the Downcast uses the same skills as the Puzzled/Vulgar/Wallowing ones.
  • In story cutscenes, the Puzzled Veteran is named 'Fiery Veteran' while the Scruffy Veteran is named 'Puzzled Veteran'.