The One Who Grips Faust/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
The One Who Grips Faust Full.png
The child had remained seated in the same spot for three days now.
It is as if the screen has absorbed her attention completely, burying even the desire to eat or sleep beneath sensory stimulation.
The child seems as if she can’t feel a thing.
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The One Who Grips
Yes… This is it… It keeps going…
The room’s air is still, only stirred on occasion by creepy cackles, murmured monologues, and the clicks and taps of the keyboard and mouse.
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The One Who Grips
Mmmh! Just look at how many infidels are printing out prosthetics… How appalling! How disgusting!
A storage device was plugged into the child’s computer.
Its tiny, glowing letters read “Emil”. Following the name, that must be the “key” she got from Sinclair.
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The One Who Grips
Sinclair… Oh, Sinclair…! My, how grateful I am for you… Truly!
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The One Who Grips
Kehe, the whole village is a den of heresy…! It must have been quite unpleasant to live in such a place, Sinclair!
The child’s mind is busied with thoughts.
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The One Who Grips
Now how will I purify those impure things?
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The One Who Grips
No, let’s think for a second.
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The One Who Grips
Those heretics still keep the purest piece in their bodies, don’t they?
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The One Who Grips
The brain.
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The One Who Grips
Even those who have replaced their entire bodies with prosthetics still have a brain.
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The One Who Grips
The likes of the heart and lungs can all be augmented and swapped out, but the brain is the one pure irreplaceable thing in the City.
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The One Who Grips
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The One Who Grips
That won’t do. Think of the poor thing, all surrounded by impurity. The irony churns my guts just thinking about it!
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The One Who Grips
I’ll have to rip their heads apart—that way, the impure will stay impure.
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The One Who Grips
Yes… Yes!
With her mind finally made up, the child rose from her seat and gripped a huge nail.
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The One Who Grips
Huhu… You are my hero, Sinclair.
With her other hand, she unfolded a map stained with blood and grease.
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The One Who Grips
It’s exactly as I saw through the glass window in that company’s lab!
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The One Who Grips
That glimpse of the righteous fury you showed for such filth… A little prod got you to hand this treasure over to me.
She appeared as though she were possessed by something as she bit off the lid of a red pen.
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The One Who Grips
I shall purge the heresy encircling you… I shall wipe clean the disgust.
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The One Who Grips
You will see it in no time! The future where we judge heretics together… has been set in stone!
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The One Who Grips
We will meet soon, Sinclair.
There was a burst of frivolous laughter and compulsive gestures.
The child cackled like a maniac…
All as she kept on drawing circles over where the ‘Town of Calw’ was indicated on the map.
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The One Who Grips
We will purify the filth together, shoulder to shoulder…
The town on the map was now covered in red.
As if she hinted at what would become of the town.

World of N Corp. Icon.png World of N Corp. Identity Stories
N Corp. Großhammer Meursault Profile.png N Corp. Mittelhammer Rodion Profile.png N Corp. Mittelhammer Don Quixote Profile.png N Corp. Kleinhammer Heathcliff Profile.png The One Who Grips Faust Profile.png The One Who Shall Grip Sinclair Profile.png