N Corp. Mittelhammer Rodion/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
N Corp. Mittelhammer Rodion Full.png
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Simply splendiferous!
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
How fortunate is the world to have such a wonderful person?
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
No, how unfortunate is the world to be plagued with so many defects pretending to be human?
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Meeting the One Who Grips opened my eyes. I had been living a blasé life, ignoring those foul stenches prevalent in the streets!
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
The voice of the One Who Grips upturns my foolish thoughts and cultivates the right mindset.
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Ever since my first calling as a hammer, it was the voice of the One that soothed me with each swing!
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Ahh, why was I ever scared to destroy the impure?
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Why didn’t I notice sooner that those impure beings are tainting the soil they trample on!
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
That’s when I realized…
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
My beautiful hometown wasn’t safe from those defiled… heretics, who roam freely without a hint of shame!
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
On my first week of becoming a Mittelhammer, I pleaded to the One Who Grips that I wish to right the degenerate future of my dear home!
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
The One Who Grips had blessed me with a merciful smile as always.
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The One Who Grips
You may do so.
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Aah, I knew it, I must be the chosen one!
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
That night, many towers were made out of Backstreets dwellers.
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Ohh, sorry. Those who were ‘heretics’, to be exact!
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
To see them pierced and hung far from the earth… It brought me such joy.
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Why, I could just kiss the cleansed soil of my dear hometown.

World of N Corp. Icon.png World of N Corp. Identity Stories
N Corp. Großhammer Meursault Profile.png N Corp. Mittelhammer Rodion Profile.png N Corp. Mittelhammer Don Quixote Profile.png N Corp. Kleinhammer Heathcliff Profile.png The One Who Grips Faust Profile.png The One Who Shall Grip Sinclair Profile.png