N Corp. Mittelhammer Don Quixote/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
N Corp. Mittelhammer Don Quixote Full.png
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
N Corp. Mittelhammer
Don Quixote
"Yet I shall forge a vow with thee..."
The child has held a dream from before she wore her bloodstained armor.
If there were such a thing as a judge in the City, this child wished to be the one to swing a hammer of judgement at evil—to deliver justice like a judge's gavel.
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Don Quixote
"Shewing to nail those who have so defiled themselves with vile appendages..."
The child also had a good knack for setting her mind to reading.
Which then grew into a habit of constantly mumbling when she's not peering into something...
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
N Corp. Mittelhammer
Don Quixote
Aha. So the reason we pierce the evil with nails beeth to utilize them as tools so the One Who Grips might enact justice... Fuhee.
The child's eyes gleamed as she exclaimed this. Though the light was rather murky, there was still a spark to be seen.
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Don Quixote
The break is over. All Mittelhämmer and Kleinhämmer, form the ranks.
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Don Quixote
'Twas another fruitful respite... To be able to ingest the sayings of the One Who Grips in repose—I could ask not for better treatment.
The child stood up with a refreshed expression, leaning against a hammer larger than herself.
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N Corp. Großhammer
Stern Inquisitor
Third Hammer, march forward two blocks. Clean the streets.
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Don Quixote
I shall meet your expectations! Justice will prevail!
Even the more experienced Hammers were growing weary of the non-stop campaigns of "purification", but this child didn't appear tired at all.
On the contrary, she overflowed with vim, sprinting ahead at a stunning speed as soon as the order was made.
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N Corp. Großhammer
Stern Inquisitor
...Is that the one? The rumored Hammer who has never once eaten the canned provisions?
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N Corp. Großhammer
Solemn Inquisitor
And you know what's more? She hasn't been subject to a single "discipline" session ever since she was a Kleinhammer.
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N Corp. Großhammer
Stern Inquisitor
...That does surprise me.
Watching the child gallop into the distance with a cloud of dust, the two Hammers conversed.
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N Corp. Großhammer
Stern Inquisitor
As much as faithfulness is a virtue... she certainly is an odd one.
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N Corp. Großhammer
Solemn Inquisitor
You don't say. Do you happen to know why she keeps her boots on during breaks?
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N Corp. Großhammer
Stern Inquisitor
You mean to suggest that the rumors are true? ...That she wears a pair of running shoes underneath, so it's a hassle to remove them...
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N Corp. Großhammer
Solemn Inquisitor
She states they're her comrades to bring about justice together. Well, I let her be as the One Who Grips did not order me to punish such behavior.
They didn't have much more to say after that.
They had never seen another recruit that became so absorbed in the doctrine without receiving any discipline or canned experiences. It must have put them off.
Perhaps it is fortunate that that's what it took for them to be averse.
N Corp. Mittelhammer Don Quixote Full Uptied.png
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
N Corp. Mittelhammer
Don Quixote
Muahahahah! Hahaha!!
The poor fellows facing the child had no chance to articulate an impression.
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Captive Prosthesis
H—Help me.
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Don Quixote
Lo, a heartless vessel of tin speaks! Ahaha!
Torn flesh sounded out, and a massive blunt instrument buffeted the air.
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Terrified Prosthesis
I—I can. Detach this. I—I'm.
Now gashes, lacerations, ruptures, and bruises.
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Don Quixote
Nay, an evildoer's words cannot be trusted!
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Terrified Prosthesis
Me...? Why, evil—
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N Corp. Mittelhammer
Don Quixote
It was as if every kind of wound and noise could be found in that space.
"Pandemonium" must be an apt description for this sight.
Some say the scariest people are those who believe that they're always in the right...
Mhm, there must be some truth to that.
Perhaps the child just wanted to believe what she wanted to believe.

World of N Corp. Icon.png World of N Corp. Identity Stories
N Corp. Großhammer Meursault Profile.png N Corp. Mittelhammer Rodion Profile.png N Corp. Mittelhammer Don Quixote Profile.png N Corp. Kleinhammer Heathcliff Profile.png The One Who Grips Faust Profile.png The One Who Shall Grip Sinclair Profile.png