The Final Problem/Floor 1

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For the first part of the story, see Intervallo IV: Timekilling Time/Story Episodes.

6.5-15: The Final Problem - Part 1

Played before entering Story Dungeon 6.5-15.

Speaker Dialogue
Location: Mirror Dungeon of the Fathoms
Story clockboss.png
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<So this is the culprit's Fathoms…>
[Car honking, sound of tires screeching.
The screen turns white.]
The Time Ripper
Twenty-one minutes.
[Sound of rocks breaking, and glass shattering.]
S605 1 A.png
The Time Ripper
The time it took from the impact for you to hit the cobblestones.
RipperBro StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Younger Brother
Isn't it about time you quit that Yurodiviye thing, brother?
RipperBro StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Younger Brother
We barely have enough time to scrape by. Wasting our time building unregistered inventions just to annoy some Time Collectors doesn't do anything! C'mon, brother! Dream like you used to, please? You always wanted to work for the T Corp. Patents Agency, didn't you?
The Time Ripper
We're just biding our time, waiting for the right moment, okay? And when that moment comes…
RipperBro StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Younger Brother
But you don't even know when that 'moment' is. What if that moment comes after we're dead? Why would any of that matter if we're not here to see it?
RipperBro StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Younger Brother
Take the Grade 1 Inventor certificate exam or something. Make a submission to the Inventions Expo. There's a pretty hefty prize money for receiving the Inventor of the Year award, y'know.
The Time Ripper
RipperBro StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Younger Brother
Did you know that… in other Nests, everyone enjoys equal twenty-four hours?
RipperBro StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Younger Brother
Just imagine for a second. What if we saved up a ton of money and moved to a different Nest? Then maybe… maybe we'll get to live twenty-four hours a day, too.
RipperBro StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Younger Brother
I could get a full night's rest and I'd still have half the day to spend. Wouldn't that be so wonderful?
The Time Ripper
I was always full of excuses.
The Time Ripper
For all my hatred of the system, I remained inert with my ignorance as a convenient shield and excuse for inaction.
The Time Ripper
I knew that our lives would get better if I did get certified, but I always gave the same excuse: "I don't have the time to take a test".
The Time Ripper
One early morning, my brother came to speak to me.
RipperBro StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Younger Brother
I'll lend you all but two hours of my time. That'll give you more than enough time to complete the exam.
RipperBro StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Younger Brother
It ends around 2PM, right? I'll meet you in front of the Clock Tower then. You can give me back the time you borrowed there.
Story t street2.png
The Time Ripper
Thus I was given a single day of abundance.
The Time Ripper
The sun still hadn't set when I finished the exam.
The Time Ripper
I had a good feeling about all this, too.
The Time Ripper
Maybe I could start dreaming again, just like in that old comic book I used to read—to dream of becoming a professional inventor of all kinds of things.
The Time Ripper
The car rolls in slowly. It's so, so slow that anyone could simply step out of its way.
The Time Ripper
The driver is like us. Someone who lives ten-hour-days.
The Time Ripper
But my brother can't get out of its way.
The Time Ripper
Because he doesn't have enough time.
The Time Ripper
Hours already precariously stretched over a day… stretched even further.
S605 1 A.png
The Time Ripper
So, you are
slowly, so slowly
thrown into the air.
The Time Ripper
I run as fast as I can within the time that is given to me, but I fail to reach him.
The Time Ripper
I never could.
The Time Ripper
Nothing changed. No matter how much time I was shared.
The Time Ripper
Because my life was spent in a rush. Because its entirety slipped through my fingers in the blink of an eye.
The Time Ripper
… I wandered aimlessly near the street my brother drew his last breath.
Other StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Candy-suckling T Corp. Citizen
Mm… if only I could taste every flavor of this lollipop sooner.
Other StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Listless T Corp. Citizen
Man, I can't wait to read what happens next. Won't somebody knock me out and wake me up when the next volume's out?
The Time Ripper
The City…
Bumble StoryLog.png
T Corp.
T Corp. Watch Factory Owner
I can't wait for them to finally complete my portrait-uh~ I hope they captured the little upward flick at the tip of my moustache-ah… It's supposed to look like a bird's wings, yes-uh…? Ugh, it's so tedious, waiting for it to be finished-ah!
T Class2 StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Class 2 Collection Staff
Yaaaawn… Still 3 in the afternoon? This is one long shift… When'll this tedious busywork end…?
The Time Ripper
… has too many people who so indifferently kill time.
District 20 Yurodiviye Captain StoryLog.png
District 20 Yurodivy
Yurodiviye Captain
Our time will come, just like the Saint said. I know it's tedious, but everyone feels the same way. Stop pestering me about it, yeah? You think I'm happy with this small-time stuff? I'm just as tired as you are of punching those bloody Collectors and running away!
The Time Ripper
I was ignorant. I lacked the time.
The Time Ripper
If only I had the time they killed. If only… my brother had the time they killed.
The Time Ripper
He would still be alive.
The Time Ripper
Yes, my brother was right.
The Time Ripper
Can't wait for the moment that won't come.
The Time Ripper
Now is the time for action.
The Time Ripper
I'll find everyone so content with killing their time.
The Time Ripper
And I'll…
Story clockboss.png
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Though a clock may look as though it turns evenly on the outside… the cogs that make up the clockwork within each turn at disparate rates.
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Some living forty-four hour days. Some living four hour days.
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
I—we—are not like the Yurodiviye. We know that we must take action.
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
Heathcliff StoryLog.png
Sinner #7
So that's… what you've turned yourself into?
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Within me is a place where all may live in equal hours. Our nest.
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
A place for all who have felt the very same pain.
Meursault StoryLog.png
Sinner #5
Your explanations fail to justify your 'timekilling'.
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Yet I am not the Timekiller.
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
It is the people of the City who have been slaughtering time!
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
No one even took a moment to doubt that the Clock Tower may have been broken. Instead, they stopped at merely complaining that it was a 'slow day' and that they should just 'pass the time'!
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
… Killing… time…
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
I saved the dying times from their wasteful clutches. Will you still claim that I am… in the wrong?

6.5-15: The Final Problem - Part 2

Played during the Boss Battle of Story Dungeon 6.5-15.

Speaker Dialogue
[After The Time Ripper reaches 75% Max HP:]
Location: Mirror Dungeon of the Fathoms
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Bloody hell, this is really gettin' on my nerves. Oi!
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Quit hidin' us, yeah? Give us a proper view!
The Time Ripper StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Dammit… I hoped that I wouldn't have to show them my true form…
Though we couldn't be sure if there were multiple personalities in the Ripper's head, or if it was truly the voice of the 'many', we did hear several voices of varying pitches echoing from all corners of the room.
The Time Ripper, cornered, grabs the lapels of his long coat, and…
Ryoshu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #4

[After The Time Ripper reaches 60% Max HP:]
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Tsk, irritating little tricks…
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Oi, remember what you said earlier? Might be the time to put that to use.
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
But… I'm sorry, doesn't that use too much time?
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
It drains too much time from all of us!
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Shush, my friends…
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Letting this drag on for any longer will cost us more in the long term.
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
This attack will surely eliminate them.
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Think of how much time we will save by taking care of them here and now. We shall share this burden of time together.
[The Time Ripper then proceeds to use 'Timekilling Time'.

When that fails...]
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
N-no, this doesn't make sense! That had to work…! More tricks, is it…?!
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Oi, wait up. You took five hours from me earlier. What's up with you taking another three hours from me? You only took two from that sod.
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
We will settle that as soon as we deal with this present threat. Focus on the battle for now.
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Deal with this present threat when?! In three hours? Four? This fight's been goin' on for too bloody long!
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
I understand. That is why we must all sacrifice our collective time to—
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Nope. I ain't givin' you more than an hour of my time. Take more from the rest. I got the short end of the stick last time when the numbers didn't evenly divide by twel—
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Shut up about the 'last time'! You're just an uneducated fool who doesn't even understand basic additions and subtractions…
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Oi, what the hell was that? Who said that?! It's the new one, innit?
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<They're starting to fight each other.>
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
Ah, I get it. You're saying that now is our chance, right?

6.5-15: The Final Problem - Part 3

Played after clearing Story Dungeon 6.5-15.

Speaker Dialogue
Location: Clock Tower
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Hubert Assistant StoryLog.png
T Corp.
"If only I had 10 more minutes…! No, a minute, a few more seconds, even…!"
Hubert Assistant StoryLog.png
T Corp.
"I could've changed so much more if only I had the time…!"
Hubert Assistant StoryLog.png
T Corp.
… Or so I thought, once upon a time.
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
What… did you do…? Did you… even try to change… anything…?
Hubert Assistant StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Believe it or not…
Hubert Assistant StoryLog.png
T Corp.
I am the creator of every change you see around you.
TimeRipper transform StoryLog.png
The Time Ripper
Hubert Assistant StoryLog.png
T Corp.
I know, I know. I know what the burning question is. "What changes?!", right? Because, at the end of the day, this place became no different from the other horrible, horrible Nests. There's so much pain here… just like any other place in the City.
Hubert Assistant StoryLog.png
T Corp.
So… listen up, and listen close. Because there's only one way to truly be free from suffering.
Hubert Assistant StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Stopping time.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<Stop time…?>
Our Assistant's expression turned bitter. He did not elaborate.
Well, it's not like he could understand me. And the Sinners were too busy keeping their eyes on the Time Ripper to relay my question.
Like always, the LCA's special operations unit arrived and discussed a few things with the employee…
Labeled the Time Ripper, a Distortion, with a complicated classification code…
… and that's how the Case of Timekilling Time closed.
Location: T Corp. Watch Factory
Story watchfactory on.png
Bumble StoryLog.png
T Corp.
My, I am so happy that you finally caught the perpetrator-uh~
Bumble StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Aha, behold-ah! My portrait is finally complete-uh~ Isn't it so wonderful-ah?
Bumble StoryLog.png
T Corp.
So slow, everyone-uh! Let's stop being lazy and get to work, yes-ah? Chop chop-uh~
What our Assistant said much earlier… was right. T Corp. did not change, not even a little.
Location: Local Time Collections Office
Story time censorship office.png
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
Why did you… volunteer to be the bait for the Ripper, Hong Lu?
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
I-I'll be honest. I was scared as hell. The moment I began thinking about how my own time could just… get ripped away from me, I…
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
I… just wanted to understand.
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
Because, to me, the world was full of things I couldn't understand.
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
In truth, I still understand so little of it. Why do people hang on so desperately to something like time? Something so… ephemeral?
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
… Yeah?
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
But… I know one thing.
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
You understood the culprit, Rodya. It wasn't just fear that held you back.
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
While there was fear, a different side of you felt like you could understand him. That's what stayed your hand.
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
How… how do you know that?
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
Watching you, Rodya, reminded me why I did not resist when my siblings tried to kill me for the first time.
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
I wasn't just scared.
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
I felt as though I could… understand them.
Ryoshu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #4
When fear grows so extreme that it circles back to its origin…
Ryoshu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #4
That moment is so precious and so… beautiful.
Other StoryLog.png
T Corp.
T Corp. Reporter
All right, lads and lasses. Gather 'roud!
Don Quixote StoryLog.png
Sinner #3
Hooh… Oooohhhh….!
Other StoryLog.png
T Corp.
T Corp. Reporter
We'll be runnin' a special feature on the people who played the biggest role in solvin' the 'Case of Timekilling Time'. And for that, we'd like to get a little group photo. Would that be alright with you ace detectives?
Don Quixote StoryLog.png
Sinner #3
Wh-what an auspicious day this is!
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<What's up with the long face, Rodya? Everything okay?>
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
Ha ha… I don't know if I even deserve to be in the picture.
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
I didn't really get anything done out there, did I?
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
But Rodya, we eventually captured the culprit, didn't we~? It was possible only because we all worked together!
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<I'd say everyone did a great job out there. Rodya, Hong Lu, Ryōshū, all three of you… good work.>
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
You mean Hong Lu and Ryōshū. I just cowered as soon as I came face-to-face with the culprit… I was ridiculous.
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
Well, it is said that all great detectives are flanked by great assistants.
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
Hah, that's funny. Is that what this 'Lady Agatha' said?
HongLu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #6
No, I said it. Just now.
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
Ryoshu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #4
I'm the only one who's allowed to make that L.F.[1]
Ryoshu Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #4
Smile, detective.
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
Ha… Ha ha…
Other StoryLog.png
T Corp.
T Corp. Reporter
Right, can we huddle a little close together?
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
… What right did I have to stop those struggling to change things, no matter how small…
Rodion Detective StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
… when I haven't done anything?
It seemed that I was the only one who heard her whispering.
Other StoryLog.png
T Corp.
T Corp. Reporter
Right, then! One… two…
S605 1 4 1.png
Don Quixote StoryLog.png
Sinner #3
Hold, Hoooold!
S605 1 4 2.png
Location: Alleyways of T Corp.
Mai StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive Director, it's time.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Ah, Mai. Thank you for letting me borrow your clothes. I made sure to not get even a speck of dust on it, so don't you worry about having to run it through a washer.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<Chief Executive Director...? When did he...>
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
It's been so long since I had a day this exciting. Thanks, participation trophy.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
I just like to experience how it's like outside the company building from time to time, you know?
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<Shouldn't he be thanking us for solving the case, not… you know…?>
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Mm~ Let's see. Considering your rather competent command of the battlefield, and that special ability of yours, maybe you could even snag the 'exceptional' awar— Hm… actually, no. Perhaps you'd receive the 'distinctive' award instead since you can't explain the mechanism of your own powers. Your clock does seem quite special, but the time that flows through you don't seem very different from the concept of time I'm used to.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Well, I don't have any prize money to hand out, but… allow me to impart a little tip instead.
Remember. Using the power of time comes with a cost. Always. It's something that's been a thorn in my side as well.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Oh, and another thing I should thank you for.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
My dream began to flow once again.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
On the day I ventured out to the edge and wished upon a star, I thought my dream to have ceased there, never to flow again.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
I would have wished for something completely different had I had the chance to wish again, but… I believed my only chance spent.
A star… I don't understand why, but a mere mention of it suddenly brought back the memories of that star I saw when I made the pact with the Sinners.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
I used to think that the star could never be linked again, that I could never turn back time. Vile men like myself know when their dreams come to an end. When there is no path left for the dream to go.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
But I was wrong. There it was, something rewinding time right before my eyes in a way that I could not fathom. Well, it is my current hypothesis that you're not actually *rewinding* time, but a potential is a potential still.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
And that Distortion that rips time… is another proof that I do not know all there is to know about time, not yet.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
So my dream, once still as a lake, has become wild as a rushing river once again.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Your indifferent, unafraid attitude toward time? It also left me an impression.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
I think day after day about how uncaring the nature of time is; that it will continue to drift on and on and on even after my death. And I think about how that's so, so…
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
… terrifying.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
I'm afraid of death, yes. But I'm not interested in researching immortality. The flow of time is equivalent to constant change; those who dare tread upon the road of elusion from death and annihilation shall soon find themselves before another wall of what they had sought to flee from in the first place.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
What must one do to stem the change when the nature of perpetual change itself is tied to an immutable thing like the flow of time? One must stop time itself, of course.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Yes, indeed. Therein lies the conundrum. Until time itself ceases to move, all change eventually becomes a great flow.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<I'm having trouble following your train of thought…>
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Dante says that they are having trouble following your train of thought.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Hm? Oh, ahh, apologies! I must've been thinking out loud. You must understand how someone might forget who they're talking to when the listener has nothing to say in response but intermittent ticks and tocks. I suppose all that was probably too much for a manager of an upstart business to understand, yes?
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Does this conclude the business of the ten billion Ahn Time Tax?
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Mhm, you're all exempt. Can you imagine what would've happened if a case like this for you to solve didn't exist? Can you believe that you almost had to live the rest of your lives stretching a measly four hours over an entire day? Unbelievable. A little nap and you'd wake up two whole days later. Well, that is, if the four-hour daily minimum time policy even applied to you.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Yes, that is difficult to believe, but I understand. Then…
S605 1 9 2.png
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Oh, almost slipped my mind. Remember that purchase catalogue Limbus Company handed me? That 'Monolith' in there… really caught my eye. I'd like to purchase them. As many as you have in stock.
Vergilius StoryLog.png
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Cheers, that's a sale made. It was really pricey, too. Who knows, maybe this will get you that commendation or whatever it is.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
… Understood. Your intent to purchase will be relayed.
Vergilius StoryLog.png
The Monolith…? What are you planning to do with—
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
It's a secret. Things yet to be realised must remain shrouded in hearts under this starless sky.
Hubert Exec. StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Chief Executive?
Let's go, Mai.
Mai StoryLog.png
T Corp.
Yes, Director Hubert.
S605 1 9 1.png
Vergilius StoryLog.png
This company is growing increasingly bizarre, Miss Faust.
Vergilius StoryLog.png
Not only are we providing Distortion management service, but also dipping our feet into the sales of artifacts like the Monolith?
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Vergilius StoryLog.png
I don't believe that the Monoliths should be so easily bought or sold. I see them as something we must retrieve, not put up for sale.
Vergilius StoryLog.png
You do understand the… ramifications of selling artifacts that could force a Distortion, I trust?
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
The world is aplenty with technology capable of maiming or slaughtering a fellow human.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Not all of those have started with intent to do harm. In fact, most of them have begun as an altruistic project for the betterment of mankind.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
In other words… it depends.
Vergilius StoryLog.png
Do you really believe this to be a matter that you can just brush aside with—
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Vergilius StoryLog.png
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
You know my place. Yours, as well.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
You are aware that we are not provided the luxury of choice.
Vergilius StoryLog.png
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
We will both reach what each of us desire. That is a guarantee.
Vergilius StoryLog.png
… Fine.
With that peculiar exchange between Faust and Vergilius, the bus sets off on another journey.
Location: Aboard Mephistopheles
Rodion StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
… Oooh~ You're framing it already?!
Ever since we returned to the bus, Rodya was busily moving between the Sinners, excitedly talking to them about whatever subject they were interested in.
Don Quixote StoryLog.png
Sinner #3
Quite… quite…! Aha! Thus this achievement has been memorialized for all eternity to come!
Yi Sang StoryLog.png
Sinner #1
Aha, do you intend to put it up for display?
In her hands was the article we were featured in. Don Quixote dedicated considerable time and effort to meticulously ironing out the creases, coating it with a thin film, and displaying it carefully in a frame.
We could barely tell it was her due to the blurring, but… she appeared so happy to be a part of the photograph.
Don Quixote StoryLog.png
Sinner #3
Hm hm~ Much do I desire to hang it here for all to see, but this doth carry great meaning, indeed, as my very first accomplishment! Thus shall I place it in my chamber for safekeeping!
Gregor StoryLog.png
Sinner #13
Boy, you're really stoked about a shaky picture of yourself, huh?
Rodion StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
Aw, don't be a buzzkill, darling~ Chiquita's happy about it and that's what matters, right~?
Don Quixote StoryLog.png
Sinner #3
It matters not, for this is a signifier of our achievements!
Rodion StoryLog.png
Sinner #9
Yeah~ O-our… achievement! Ha ha…
Rodya was laughing and cheering along with her, as though nothing had happened…
Dante2 StoryLog.png
… but it's never been so clear that this cheeriness was all an act. And… I think that pained my heart.
Yet, I was powerless to do anything about it. The most I could do was to clear the air and hopefully divert their attention to something else.
Dante2 StoryLog.png
<… Faust, can you ask Vergilius where we're headed next?>
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Vergilius, Dante asks—
At least when we're talking about our next destination, the past seems to become a blur, even for a moment.
That was the intent behind my question.
Vergilius StoryLog.png
Yes, yes. I've come to realize that it is about time the manager asked me for some information regarding our next destination.
Lucky. I was right—the subject of our next destination was enough to divert the Sinners' attention. They all fell silent in anticipation.
Vergilius StoryLog.png
Our next destination…
Too bad I got more than I bargained for.
Vergilius StoryLog.png
… is to a WARP train, Dante.
I didn't just clear the air… that statement alone caused a whole storm among the Sinners.
  1. Long Face.