Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Director Outis/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Director Outis Full Uptied.png
The child took a sip of black tea, her eyes gently closed.
In this moment of rest, she was reflecting on the past.
It had been years since she joined the Association, and much had happened in that time.
As a Fixer, she would partake in missions and fight battles...
She would hurt others, and she would be wounded by others.
This child wasn't unskilled by any means. If she were, she wouldn't have gotten this far, right?
She herself knew that managing and leading people was a more fitting occupation, so it should be a good thing for her.
Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Director Outis Full.png
Though some might scoff at how insignificant the position of directing Sector 6 was...
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Seven Section 6 Director
It would be as silly as complaining about the ending of an ongoing story when the child's goal was set further beyond.
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Seven Section 6 Director
These numbers... are off.
The child's eyes sparked. The glint was evidently in her eyes rather than the glasses she wore.
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Seven Section 6 Director
It's me. Are you nearby?
In a series of gestures as natural as flowing water, the child picked up the phone and made a call.
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Seven Section 6 Director
Fieldwork, huh... Yeah, I figured. It was the higher-ups, wasn't it?
The other Fixer's voice leaked through the phone.
It was one of surprise, startled by the child's correct guess.
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Seven Section 6 Director
It's far from the first time. Let's see, your job should be done in about... an hour or so, correct?
The child gave the pile of documents on her desk a side glance.
There were peculiar business expenses, and signs of different personnel being called to the same site on multiple occasions.
A picture was beginning to form in the child's mind.
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Seven Section 6 Director
Got it. Make sure to visit the Section 6 training room as soon as you're done.
This child... needed someone with whom to review her theory.
Someone that she'd always been keeping an eye on.
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Seven Section 6 Director
Yes, bring that individual with you.

World of the Seven Association Southern Branch Icon.png World of the Seven Association Southern Branch Identity Stories
Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Ryōshū Profile.png Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Yi Sang Profile.png Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Director Outis Profile.png Seven Assoc. South Section 4 Faust Profile.png Seven Assoc. South Section 4 Heathcliff Profile.png