Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Director Outis/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition Hm, it’s Outis. What brings you here?
Morning Greeting Work is under prep at this time of day, so I can do little for you even if you visit me now... Well, I suppose I can hear what you have to say.
Afternoon Greeting Lunch? Ah, you can leave it there. I’m rather busy with this document... Oh, you were asking to eat out? Sorry, I can’t make time for that.
Evening Greeting You can leave the office before I do-- I’ll be fine. It’s only right that superiors take on difficult matters.
Chatter #1 Could you get me some black tea? Here’s the money you need. Get something for yourself too.
Chatter #2 Although I can’t spare much time... I can’t keep someone waiting forever. What is your business?
Chatter #3 While fieldwork isn’t all too bad... It just doesn’t compare to the comfort of sitting at a desk.
Post-Uptie Chat 1 Section 6 may be on the bottom rung, but it does have its share of valuable individuals. I’ve been noticing more of them lately... Their taste in drinks matches mine, too.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 ...with all that said, I’ve been meaning to hear the thoughts of someone I know I can trust. ...Are you dozing off? Hm, work must have worn you out. I’ll give you half a day off, so go get the rest you need. We can talk after you’ve recovered.
Idle This is Outis, Director of the Southern Branch’s Section 6. I’m away right now, so if you have any important matters to share, leave a message after the beep.
Uptie This means more fieldwork for me, doesn’t it... Well, fine. I won’t turn down additional experience.
Deployment Need a field commander?
Stage Entry ...Let’s go.
Viewed in Battle Do you have an opinion you want to voice?
Commencing Attack I’ll take charge.
Enemy Stagger You’re full of gaps.
Staggered Kgh...
Enemy Killed There goes one.
Death As I feared... I’m not fit for the field...
Check Passed Just as predicted.
Check Failed This was... not quite what I predicted.
Victory Cry That was a fine constitutional. Let’s get back to the office.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled Ran riot a little harder than I thought... It would be a waste to confine these capabilities to a desk.
Defeat Wail Tch... I’ve rusted all too soon, haven’t I?