Seven Assoc. South Section 4 Heathcliff/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Seven Assoc. South Section 4 Heathcliff Full.png
Haah... I've got a splitting headache.
No, no. Literally. I think my skull's actually about to split in half and blast off.
I don't get it. I don't understand how anyone, like them writers, makes a living doing this torture every bloody day.
It's just intuition, dammit. My sources? How about my gut feeling, huh? How am I supposed to explain that?
I've examined hundreds of scenes since I started working here. I've been working here for a good while, too...
And before this... I've seen enough of the rough and tumble and had more than my share of violence.
After a life like that... the hows and whys of a murder scene just come naturally to me. It's just intuition, nothing more.
But I'm not like the armchair detectives in those mystery novels. It's not like I can figure out the whole scene and scheme from a glance. Sometimes clues get lost in the whole mess, and... Gah, my head...
Calling me a 'profiler', whatever that means... Forcing me to write these reports every damn day... I'm about to lose it.
I'm not thinking of quitting, though.
I do love catching these smart—arses off guard. Watching their overcomplicated conspiracies blowing up in their faces because some poor, uneducated sod like me caught them with their britches down... Priceless.
Besides, getting to meet them face—to—face like this before caving their skulls in? Downright therapeutic.
They always wear this stupid look on their faces, like it didn't occur to them once that we'd find out. It's all quite entertaining.
Though, I wish...
Seven Assoc. South Section 4 Heathcliff Full Uptied.png
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Seven Section 4
That's him, yeah?
Faust Story Icon.png
Seven Section 4
Yes. He was the last of the first floor personnel.
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Seven Section 4
Off with his head, then. How many more have we got to go through?
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Seven Section 4
The second and third floor adds up to 30 people.
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Seven Section 4
Right, then... Let's crack on, shall we? We've got two blank reports waiting to be filled out back at the office.
Faust Story Icon.png
Seven Section 4
Do not forget about the case that was added before we departed for this assignment, Heathcliff.
Heathcliff Story Icon.png
Seven Section 4
There are only so many heads I can smash before even that satisfaction begins to dull.
... I wish I had time to blow off some steam.

World of the Seven Association Southern Branch Icon.png World of the Seven Association Southern Branch Identity Stories
Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Ryōshū Profile.png Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Yi Sang Profile.png Seven Assoc. South Section 6 Director Outis Profile.png Seven Assoc. South Section 4 Faust Profile.png Seven Assoc. South Section 4 Heathcliff Profile.png