Seven Assoc. South Section 4 Heathcliff/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition All evidence points to the conclusion that this case was... Agh, bloody hell, I almost had it! Wait a moment.
Morning Greeting Don't disturb me this morning. I'm trying to wrap my head around this case, and I don't want any disruptions.
Afternoon Greeting Tea...? Well, it's midday, so I wouldn't mind a cuppa, but... Haah, it's a bit awkward to go there at the moment. I'm long overdue for the conclusion of this case, and I don't want the cafeteria lass givin' me the glares over the counter.
Evening Greeting I'm not here because I want to be here. It's just... I can't get a wink of sleep before this case is wrapped up. Otherwise, it'll nag at the back of my mind all night.
Chatter #1 Don't call me a profiler or some other grand title. I'm doing nothing fancy... I just make conjectures based on junk I find here and there.
Chatter #2 Haah... Can't say I'm absolutely certain, but look at his records. I reckon this wanker's already got a target on his back.
Uh, did I just—no, no. I didn't just refer to our client as 'this wanker'. Shut up, I didn't.
Chatter #3 Tsk. You know what's harder than drawing conclusions about a case? Writing the follow—up report.
If only some bloke could organize my thoughts into a neat report as I narrate them.
Post-Uptie Chat 1 I think we're pretty good at this shi—I mean, post—contract management. I can also confirm if my predictions were right...
Besides, I get to smash some heads. I got pretty invested in the case over the course of this investigation, you know.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 Of course, taking care of these idiots is a much easier job. I don't even need to use my brain. Well... not that I dislike case analyses. That's got its own charms.
Idle So... that's how it— Haah, would you look at that.
Uptying Ah. Uh—huh. Hold that thought. I'm starting to connect the dots. ...Ahh, so that's how that happened... Right. We'll chat later. Uh—huh, cheers.
Deployment A post—contract management, is it?
Stage Entry Let's go solve this case, yeah?
Viewed in Battle Huh? What. It's not him? No way.
Commencing Attack Is it you?!
Enemy Stagger Reeling, are you?
Staggered Kah...
Enemy Killed Right, so that one's taken care of.
Death Ah... That's... odd. That deviates... from the patterns.
Check Passed Hmph, I knew it.
Check Failed It's not? No way. But my hunch...
Victory Cry I was right on the money in the end, weren't I? I'm no nitwit, I'll have you know!
Extra Conditions Fulfilled And that's as far as my intuition will carry me. I'm not wrong again... am I?
Defeat Wail Bloody hell, I didn't expect things to go cock-up in the post—contract management... This isn't at all how I thought it'd go.