Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Lobotomy E.G.O Solemn Lament Yi Sang Full.png
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Nay, I have rested well enough. Oft I am summoned for work, yet I despise it not; thus there is no need for you to worry.
An invisible bell resounds two pleasant, high-pitched rings.
The only sounds within the containment unit are the child's voice and the bell.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
You worry that I may be overstraining myself…? Perhaps I would say that, were the current workload much worse than usual. Yet it is as burdensome as it always has been, thus familiar; which in turn makes it rather… passable.
But the child replies as though he is engaged in a mutual conversation with something.
It is likely that the Abnormality with the head of a butterfly is directly transmitting its voice to this Agent.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
In fact, I find this work—this dialogue—rather pleasant. A conversation with you seems to broaden my perspective on things.
The Abnormality chatting with the child is a rather difficult entity to manage.
T-01-68, also known as Funeral of the Dead Butterflies.
This Abnormality is rather choosy about which employee gets to manage it.
Those with an unjust heart find nothing but a waste of time conversing with it…
… and those that are rash of heart will quickly find themselves exhausted.
That is what makes this child a most fitting employee to manage this Abnormality.
He has an appropriate amount of both a sense of justice and patience; and despite the fact that he is suppressing the Abnormality's impulses, he does it through a gentle method of engaging in a mutual dialogue, not by force.
The Abnormality is probably intelligent enough to recognize that it is an attempt to manage it, but it does not allow it to bother him.
Whichever was the case, it was rare to find an Agent whose mind does not immediately crumble upon conversing with it.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
A dull sound of a bell echoes once.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Ah, I was merely watching the butterfly resting upon the back of your hand.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
They are… those with no place to return, thus are bound to rest upon you. Is that correct?
Instead of a bell, the large butterfly atop the Abnormality's head slowly flutters its wings.
A behavior equivalent to a nod, perhaps.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Should you perish… will the butterflies flutter away again?
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
As one sits, only to rise again.
There is no easy way to comprehend what this child is saying.
It is rather difficult to understand what he means— He should know that 'death' is not a concept applicable to the Abnormalities.
… the clear, almost refreshing sound of the bell conveyed that this Work session yielded a positive result.
The Abnormality quite enjoyed that response. Probably.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Mm. Then I shall take my leave. Until next time, fare well.
With that, the child exited the containment unit.
He stands there for a moment, gladly enjoying that brief moment of respite…
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Still trapped in a daydream?
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
… Captain Ryōshū.
… only to be awoken from his ruminations by the child with a cigarette in her mouth: Captain of the Safety Team.
Lobotomy E.G.O Solemn Lament Yi Sang Full Uptied.png
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Treating Abnormalities like they're people will only complicate things.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Don't make me S.I.T.[1]
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
… I am only giving it the impression of it. As you are well aware, this Abnormality is—
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
At least try to hide your grin when— Tsk. We don't have time for this.
Other Story Icon.png
Lobotomy Corporation
[Warning. Dawn of Violet Warning. First Warning Trumpet Activated. All Suppression units in each department—]
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
An Ordeal descends.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Yes, it does. You're coming with me.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
… I don't suppose there is any need for that.
The child wields the guns imbued with butterflies and stands back-to-back with the Captain.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Tsk. Things aren't going according to plan.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
What, pray tell, does in this company?
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
… Stay here and hold the line.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
If you survive but every single containment unit of this department falls, I'll kill you myself. Got that?
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Ah, that is a manner of death I would very much prefer to avoid…
The child mutters with an exasperated frown while the butterfly bullets continue to blast from his guns.
He'd grown into a very skilled employee over his time here, enough so that he could exchange a few banters with his colleague as he engaged in combat.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Will you not assist, Captain?
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
I'm heading to visit the Information Team to pick up the 'bullets' they moved from the middle layer.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
The bullets… I see. The bullets must be the Shield-type bullets the manager and the Sephirot fire to protect us, then.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Hmph. I prefer the bullet that bursts everything it touches. Isn't there true beauty in blast an annoying coworker's head apart?
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
But I suppose the useful ones get to live.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
The Control Team Captain ordered her men to move the bullet stock from the middle to the upper layer. For some 'information training purposes', she says.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Ah. Is it Captain Faust of whom you speak?
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Then the training cannot have been her 'purpose'… only an 'excuse' to ensure we have access to the bullets.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
As that level of preparation appears rather unnecessary for Ordeals of Dawn… patently, a calamity of greater magnitude is nigh to unfold.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
It'll be a waste to use the bursting bullet on someone useful like you.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
I heard tale that the Sephirah in charge of Captain Faust's department maintains quite the… dangerously high standard for her subordinates.
Other Story Icon.png
Control Team Sephirah
[Testing, testing! Can you hear me, upper layer employees? I will be in charge of the operations for this Ordeal, so please follow my directions!]
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
She can try to come up with something airtight, but she's not smart enough for that. The Captain must have prepared those countermeasures for such emergencies.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Ah, yet the more complicated the structure of a thing is, the greater the room it is for holes to go unnoticed.
Other Story Icon.png
Control Team Sephirah
[And I mean all of you, Training Team, Information Team, and Safety Team! I know that our employees can handle this!]
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Hmph. I suppose she's not lying. Considering that an employee who 'can't handle it' is no employee at all in her eyes.
With that, the Captain spun around and disappeared into the other side of the hallway.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Left alone, the child turns the muzzles of his handguns toward the violet creatures.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Fruits of Understanding… have you not lost your ways?
He carries out his duty, firing butterflies as lost as his foes.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
I mourn you… bloom, and be the path for one another to follow.
In solemn silence.


  1. "Say It Twice."

World of Lobotomy Corporation Headquarters - 1 Icon.png World of Lobotomy Corporation Headquarters - 1 Identity Stories
Lobotomy E.G.O Regret Faust Profile.png Lobotomy E.G.O Magic Bullet Outis Profile.png Lobotomy E.G.O Lantern Don Quixote Profile.png Lobotomy E.G.O Solemn Lament Yi Sang Profile.png Lobotomy E.G.O Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū Profile.png