Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
The interior of the containment unit is submerged in utter darkness, with not a hint of its walls or ceilings visible to the naked eye.
Yet the child confidently strode through the tense, thick, swirling darkness that seemed to oppress the very air itself.
Lobotomy E.G.O Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū Full.png
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
The pencil-pushers in fancy suits like to lecture us that Instinct Work will be most efficient against this one, but…
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
… tossing them feed from a safe distance is not my style.
They pulsate like feebly beating hearts.
The white cocoons, each an approximate size of an adult human, hang low to the floor.
The child's gaze rises, following the strand that the cocoons descended from, as red eyes light up the ceiling like a midnight forest fire shredding through the dark.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Hah. Even with this cursed instinct so deeply rooted in your origins… you managed to transcend this drab containment unit into a form of art.
Within the shadowy containment unit lies an even darker place, trapped amidst the tightly woven cocoons.
Entombed in the cell where only the sounds of one's own heartbeat, the skittering noise of tiny spiders, and the cold brushing of threads could be heard.
Such tragic horror the deceased employees suffered, this painting of hell, was enough to sate the child's artistic interest.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Yes… I've never seen art like this so up close in my life.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
… Or maybe the ones I did see were not worth remembering.
The swarm of baby spiders was already starting to climb up the child's leg…
… and after crawling to and fro between the child's arms and neck for a while, as though searching for something, they began digging into her flesh with their sharp teeth.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
The child did not wince or blink even as the painful bites began slowly devouring her, and instead glared straight back at the ominous eyes observing her every move.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
I'll admit. This little installation was worth a view.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
But no more than that.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
As raw as this piece is… your instinct is far from beautiful or pure.
With that, the child slowly raised her leg.
A provocation. That she was about to crush the baby spiders, the entity's children, under her feet.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
One does not choose their birth parent. Yet, they are born with, and saddled with the responsibility to live within their bounds.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Unless you're merely a pathetic, fallen shell of a thing, who can do nothing but grandstand… if you really consider these baby spiders your family…
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
… shouldn't you be attacking me by now?
Spider Bud and the child exchanged an unblinking glare.
After a standoff that felt like an eternity…
And only after the Work was complete did she pull back her threatening feet. There wasn't an ounce of emotion in her eyes when she looked over the baby spiders.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
They seem used to tearing through skin and burrowing into the raw flesh. You've let them feast on my men often, hm?
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Is that how a mother educates her children?
There was no reply from the Abnormality, just as she'd expected.
But the child seemed to have decided that it was an answer enough. Or, perhaps, the child decided that the fault of the parent was not of its children.
She carefully pulled the baby spiders, who were still busily chomping away at her flesh, off her body and placed them gently on the ground.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
I suppose my question was a waste of breath.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
… Hmph. Parents. Fools who can't stand even a moment not spent injecting their children with their own prejudices.
When the child left, silence once again rushed into the dark of the containment chamber like water flowing into a void.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Tsk. You look so miserable that I won't be surprised if you were to drop dead at any moment.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
The corridor was full of employees from Teams other than the Safety Team that the child was a part of.
The child seemed to have noticed something after a quick sweep of the hallway; she grabbed her two E.G.O weapons.
Lobotomy E.G.O Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū Full Uptied.png
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
The rookies are all huddled together… N.O.V.[1], is it?
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
This is no "Night of Violet," by which I presume you are referring to a Midnight, that we must contend with; it is the Noon.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
What I meant by N.O.V.[1] was— Are you hard of hearing?
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Ah, if it indeed was the Noon of Violet you were referring to, then you would be correct. Your men are all gathered abreast one anoth— Captain?
The other child's explanation was cut short by the sudden sensation of something heavy tapping against his head.
Well, of course. The child had raised her cross-shaped blunt weapon with a skull emblem on it…
… and was lightly yet repeatedly smacking the coffin-carrying child's head.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
… I am not… panicked. It is merely that I did not gain the benefits of last night's rest on account of the shortness of my slumber.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Thus… would you mind ceasing this continued drumming of my head with your Penitence?
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Consider yourself lucky that it's not S.H.[2] that's hitting your head, gloomface.
One could mistake this for a mere workplace banter between two coworkers on an average day, but…
… the rookie employees were all shuddering with fearful anticipation. Clearly, something terrible was afoot.
And not even a minute later… an eardrum-shattering alarm blared all across the building.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
We've a D.O.V.[3] on our hands, but *this* is the level of trumpets we're getting?
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
I would like to repeat myself that this is not an Ordeal of Midnight, Captain. I ask that you refer to it as the "Noon" of—
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
At any case, I am suspicious. It's almost like the manager already knows what's coming…
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Got any guesses?
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Mm. I have none in particular. It may be as simple as mere competency, for I have heard that the manager was as foresighted from the day he started. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Tsk, how unhelpful.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Where did all the pencil-pushers go?
The child looked around, realizing that there weren't any clerks around.
Indeed, there were none.
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
All were immediately executed on sight. Certain Abnormalities are motivated to breach containment upon a certain amount of deaths, after all…
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Hah… what an uninteresting way to do art.
Other Story Icon.png
Safety Team Sephirah
Uhh… everybody in the Safety Team… Training Team needs reinforcement, so head over there, please…
Other Story Icon.png
Safety Team Sephirah
Try to stay focused, okay…? Well… everything goes downhill soon anyway, so it's not like it'll matter in the grand scheme of things, but…
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
That green tin can with brain pickled in Enkephalin's prattling again.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
We're missing two men… Hm, are they getting high on Enkephalin like that G.T.C.?[5]
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
How did you know…? Tiffany, a colleague of ours who recently moved here from the Training Team is currently in an unresponsive state due to over-medication.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
… N.F.W.[6]
The child drops the cigarette, her mouth briefly opening from exasperation. She stared at the group of Safety Team Agents…
… before turning away and lighting a new one.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
What about the other Agent? The… bald one?
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
It is most likely that they are handling the stele that has fallen within the Safety Team's premises.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
You'd be better off with them. Ignore what the G.T.C.[5] said, he's hopped up top to bottom on E.[7]
Yi Sang Story Icon.png
Safety Team Agent
Yi Sang
Patently… that is the manager's wish as well.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
I'll be the reinforcement for the Training team.
As soon as she reached the Training Team area, however, she spoke as if she was answering someone.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Enough crying and fussing.
It wasn't like there were other employees following her.
She wasn't talking to the two members of the Training Team, who were already fighting off the entities, either.
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
There's a big plate of meal waiting just for you. Can't you see?
At those words, spoken with a grin, the terrible Red Eyes all opened wide and began tremoring like a roar.
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Training Team Agent
Don Quixote
Hooh! These footsteps are… Lady Outis! Forsooth, 'tis reinforcements from the Safety Team!
Outis Story Icon.png
Training Team Captain
It's 'Captain Outis', not 'Lady'!
Outis Story Icon.png
Training Team Captain
Ahm. You couldn't have come at a better time—I just fired my sixth shot. Is anyone else coming with you, Captain of the Safety Team?
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Outis Story Icon.png
Training Team Captain
Listen, I'm talking to—
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
The will to spill blood for goodness? We don't need to hold ourselves back with such fancy restrictions just to see some blood, S.F.[8]
Outis Story Icon.png
Training Team Captain
… Busy chatting with her E.G.O, huh.
Outis Story Icon.png
Training Team Captain
Like her, some employees seem to… resonate with certain E.G.Os.
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Training Team Agent
Don Quixote
T-then! Perchance we shall be availed the opportunity to see Lady Ryōshū's fabled E.G.O dual-wielding?!
Outis Story Icon.png
Training Team Captain
There's no time to sit here and gawk. Prepare yourself. Moments before we take down the threat, the Qliphoth counters will tick down with a flash of li—
A bright violet light imbued the stele, just as the Training Team Captain said, but…
… before it even had the time to explode, the child leaped into the air, both of her E.G.Os raised high above her head.
Movements of her muscles, not steeped in training, but in instinct.
An E.G.O-wielding technique not bound by form.
While she certainly pales in comparison… her style reminds me of a certain someone.
Yes. The one who shielded me then… she who spoke of the pain of the Backstreets…
Ryoshu Story Icon.png
Safety Team Captain
Now burst.
The child perfectly wields both E.G.O weapons and effortlessly shatters the violet, colossal stele to pieces.
Perhaps she is quite like her, at least in this regard.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Noon of Violet."
  2. "Spider Head."
  3. "Dawn of Violet."
  4. "That's Not What I Meant."
  5. 5.0 5.1 "Green Tin Can."
  6. "No Fucking Way."
  7. "Enkephalin."
  8. "Skull Face."

World of Lobotomy Corporation Headquarters - 1 Icon.png World of Lobotomy Corporation Headquarters - 1 Identity Stories
Lobotomy E.G.O Regret Faust Profile.png Lobotomy E.G.O Magic Bullet Outis Profile.png Lobotomy E.G.O Lantern Don Quixote Profile.png Lobotomy E.G.O Solemn Lament Yi Sang Profile.png Lobotomy E.G.O Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū Profile.png