List of Floor Themes/Murder on the WARP Express

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Dungeon Events

All Abnormality Event nodes within the 'Murder on the WARP Express' Theme Pack have a 75% chance to generate one of the following five Events.

Economy Class Discount Voucher Event

Economy Class Discount Voucher Event
Economy Class Discount Voucher Event.png

A ticket booth inside a WARP train platform.

In front of it is a long line of people trying to get their tickets.

As we were waiting in line, a passenger approached us. They're dressed like an employee of a Wing…

"'Scuse me, can I ask you folks something?"

"Verily! Ask away!"

"If it's gonna take just ten seconds to get there anyway… what's the real difference between first class and economy class seats?"

"I did make bank from this work trip, but… first class ticket's probably a waste of money, right?"

The Sinners all turn to look at me as the passenger waits for our reply.

You should buy a first class ticket.
Gain a Keywordless E.G.O Gift depending on the result of the following choice
Well, now that we've talked to one another… I suppose a little tip couldn't hurt.

While we couldn't explain the details, we recommended that, as long as they could afford it, they should buy a first class ticket.

"Wha? A first class ticket?"

The passenger's eyes open wide, surprised.

A first class ticket…? That's like… my two months' salary. Are you sure it's worth that much money?
You SHOULD buy a first class ticket.
Envy & Sloth Advantage check. Pass to gain a Keywordless E.G.O Gift.
Who will step forth?

LcbSinEnvy.png Envy / LcbSinSloth.png Sloth Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 11
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 22

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

"Mm, fine. I did hear some pretty bad stuff about the first class seats, but… you're pretty convincing."

"Screw it, I made a ton of cash from this trip anyway. I'll splurge on a first class ticket."

The passenger appears convinced to purchase a first class ticket by [Sinner]'s passionate recommendation.

"Thank you for your advice, stranger."

The passenger produces a paper voucher from their pocket and hands it over to [Sinner].

"I got this from one of the magazines I'm subscribed to. It's for you."

E.G.O Gift Economy Class Discount Voucher Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

"You're not a W Corp. employee, are you…?"

"I dunno, it sounds like you're trying too hard to sell me on this idea."

"I'll think about it."

Despite what they said, it's easy to tell that the passenger's convinced to go with an economy ticket.

All allies lost 12 SP

Eh, not really.
"Yeah, it's just ten seconds, right? It's probably a waste of money."

We ended the conversation with a polite goodbye.

A subtle look of guilt appears on the Sinners' faces.

All allies lost 12 SP
Economy class isn't so bad.
We've never met this person before. No reason for us to give them advice on a sensitive subject like a Wing's Singularity.

We ended the conversation with a polite goodbye.

A subtle look of guilt appears on the Sinners' faces.

All allies lose 12 SP

E.G.O Gift

Economy Class Discount Voucher Gift.png

Tier: I
Cost: MD Cost.png 151

Economy Class Discount Voucher
Turn End: among Identities with 5- Speed, the one with the slowest Speed gains 1 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
next turn.

Canned Ice Cream Event

Canned Ice Cream Event
Canned Ice Cream Event.png

As we were waiting around on the platform, we happened across a Fixer equipped with various prosthetic parts.

A cool costume and four mechanical arms.

That was more than enough to draw the interest of a few Sinners. They all look at them intently.

Maybe the Fixer felt their gaze.

They turn around and look back in our direction.

"I noticed that you've been watching me for a while. What's up?"

"Are you from up north?"
Gain a Keywordless E.G.O Gift depending on the result of the following choice
"Yep, from up north. Was it the outfit? I guess northern outfits do stand out with how heavily we're dressed."

"Whew, I really enjoy the sights down south. I can actually take in the horizon, 'yknow? Up north, we've got so many damn tall buildings that we basically don't ever see a proper horizon. It's even worse in downtown areas. It's like I'm walking through a building jungle."

"Hm, your weapons are pretty simple, huh? Gotta color 'em, put some dangly bits on 'em, make 'em stand out, catch my drift? They'll look down on you if you can't immediately show how impressive you are."

"Oh, also, another thing. Lemme tell you folks about the tricolor canned ice cream they sell back in my hometown. Man, it's a real delicacy. If you ever—"


It's not like I've got ears myself, but I'm starting to understand what it means to "talk someone's ear off".

We learned a lot more than we wanted to about the northern regions.

I think we lost them somewhere around a harangue about various canned items of P Corp.

Should we ask some more questions?
"What are the benefits of having four arms?"
Select to gain a Keywordless E.G.O Gift
"First, it's sturdy. I commissioned it from one of the more expensive workshops, you know. Also, think about how often you hurt your arms and hands as you're doing Fixer work."

"I'm tellin' ya, prosthetic maintenance is way cheaper than getting your flesh regenerated."

"Oh, another thing. You don't have to hold your phone awkwardly with your cheek when you're typing and calling at the same time. You can open a can of ice cream with a pair of hands while the other goes over some documents…"

"Man, back when I was working in the western regions, I had so, so much work that I even thought about installing more sets of arms beyond these four!"


It's not like I've got ears myself, but I'm starting to understand what it means to "talk someone's ear off".

Now we know for sure how nice it is to have four arms.

And we'll probably never forget how much one can get done while opening a can.

"Oh boy, looks like my train's here. Gotta go."

"Well, my curious friends, they say that there are no chance meetings in this world. Take this, why don't you?"

E.G.O Gift Canned Ice Cream Earned!
"Nothing. Have a nice trip."
"Hm? S-sure. Have a nice trip to you, too."

We quickly said our farewells and moved to a different line…

Nothing Happened.
"What are the benefits of having four arms?"
Gain a Keywordless E.G.O Gift depending on the result of the following choice
"First, it's sturdy. I commissioned it from one of the more expensive workshops, you know. Also, think about how often you hurt your arms and hands as you're doing Fixer work."

"I'm tellin' ya, prosthetic maintenance is way cheaper than getting your flesh regenerated."

"Oh, another thing. You don't have to hold your phone awkwardly with your cheek when you're typing and calling at the same time. You can open a can of ice cream with a pair of hands while the other goes over some documents…"

"Man, back when I was working in the western regions, I had so, so much work that I even thought about installing more sets of arms beyond these four!"


It's not like I've got ears myself, but I'm starting to understand what it means to "talk someone's ear off".

Now we know for sure how nice it is to have four arms.

And we'll probably never forget how much one can get done while opening a can.

Should we ask some more questions?
"Are you from up north?"
Select to gain a Keywordless E.G.O Gift
"Yep, from up north. Was it the outfit? I guess northern outfits do stand out with how heavily we're dressed."

"Whew, I really enjoy the sights down south. I can actually take in the horizon, 'yknow? Up north, we've got so many damn tall buildings that we basically don't ever see a proper horizon. It's even worse in downtown areas. It's like I'm walking through a building jungle."

"Hm, your weapons are pretty simple, huh? Gotta color 'em, put some dangly bits on 'em, make 'em stand out, catch my drift? They'll look down on you if you can't immediately show how impressive you are."

"Oh, also, another thing. Lemme tell you folks about the tricolor canned ice cream they sell back in my hometown. Man, it's a real delicacy. If you ever—"


It's not like I've got ears myself, but I'm starting to understand what it means to "talk someone's ear off".

We learned a lot more than we wanted to about the northern regions.

I think we lost them somewhere around a harangue about various canned items of P Corp.

"Oh boy, looks like my train's here. Gotta go."

"Well, my curious friends, they say that there are no chance meetings in this world. Take this, why don't you?"

E.G.O Gift Canned Ice Cream Earned!
"Nothing. Have a nice trip."
"Hm? S-sure. Have a nice trip to you, too."

We quickly said our farewells and moved to a different line…

Nothing Happened.
"Nothing. Have a nice trip.
"Hm? S-sure. Have a nice trip to you, too."

We quickly said our farewells and moved to a different line…

Nothing Happened.

E.G.O Gift

Canned Ice Cream Gift.png

Tier: II
Cost: MD Cost.png 195

Canned Ice Cream
When an ally loses HP due to their own Attack Skill effect, heal half of the HP lost due to the Skill effect at the next Turn Start. (rounded down)

When an ally heals HP due to an E.G.O Skill effect, heal +12.5% more HP. (rounded down)

E-Type Dimensional Dagger & Portable Barrier Battery Event

E-Type Dimensional Dagger & Portable Barrier Battery Event
Portable Barrier Battery & E-Type Dimensional Dagger Event.png

Past the dividing door, I see several W Corp. Cleanup Agents who have been turned into Bloodbags.

They're endlessly wandering the train car like they're patrolling the area.

Signs of a brutal fight litter the floor. Various agent gears covered in blood and viscera…

They haven't noticed us yet.

We could probably sneak by them…

… but maybe there's something we can use among the gears littered on the floor.

Sneak by.
We successfully snuck by the Bloodbags.

Picking up those gear would've been nice, but there's no need to take unnecessary risks at this moment.

Nothing Happened.
Look for anything useful on the floor.
Envy & Gluttony Advantage check. Pass to gain a Charge E.G.O Gift.
Who will step up?

LcbSinEnvy.png Envy / LcbSinGluttony.png Gluttony Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 15
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 30
Special Check Identity-World of W Corp. Identities Check Value +7

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

There are a few useful gears lying around the Cleanup Agents' feet.

If they're W Corp. tech… they could come in useful in future battles.

[Sinner] gingerly crawls up to where the items are.

The Bloodbags haven't noticed [Sinner] yet.

(Proceed to next Choice.)
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

There are a few useful gears lying around the Cleanup Agents' feet.

If they're W Corp. tech… they could come in useful in future battles.

[Sinner] gingerly crawls up to where the items are.


[Sinner]'s clothes got caught on something… the noise of the tightening cloth echoes loudly through the silent train car.

It's not long before one of the Bloodbags notice [Sinner] and begin swinging its weapon.

The selected Sinner lost 20 HP
(Proceed to next Choice.)

The Sinner in the vanguard looks to the left, to the right, then at me.

The Cleanup Agents are stepping on two different items on the floor.

Every single Bloodbag in this car will notice us as soon as we take even one of them.

Being greedy and trying to take both of them will slow us down too much.

Let's choose which of the two seems more useful to us.

A powerful-looking weapon.
Select to gain a Charge E.G.O Gift
We sprinted to the next car as soon as we picked up the weapon.

E.G.O Gift E-Type Dimensional Dagger Earned!
A useful-looking gear.
Select to gain a Charge E.G.O Gift
We sprinted to the next car as soon as we picked up the gear.

E.G.O Gift Portable Barrier Battery Earned!
Attempt a preemptive attack.
Begin a combat encounter. Win to gain a Charge E.G.O Gift.
Sneaking by the agents won't be easy.

We can't just take our time looking for a useful gear on the floor, either. The Bloodbags are alert.

Mabye it's a better idea to attempt a preemptive attack before they notice us.

We decided to quietly sneak up to them for an ambush.

E.G.O Gifts

E-Type Dimensional Dagger Gift.png

Tier: III
Cost: MD Cost.png 250
Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

E-Type Dimensional Dagger
Skill 1s that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' gain Clash Power +1 and deal +5% more damage.

If that Skill 1 was a Single-coin Skill, gain Clash Power +1 and deal +12.5% more damage instead.

If a W Corp. Identity dealt damage to an enemy with an Envy Skill(including E.G.O Skills), inflict 2 HP Healing Down.pngHP Healing DownHP Healing Down.png HP Healing Down
Heal -(X*10)% HP from Passives, Skills, and Coin effects this turn. (Max 5)
. (does not stack)
Portable Barrier Battery Gift.png

Tier: III
Cost: MD Cost.png 250
Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Portable Barrier Battery
Skill 1s that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' gain Clash Power +2.

When using a Skill 1 that gains Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count, gain +2 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 1 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
. (once per turn)

If a W Corp. Identity takes HP damage due to any effect other than a direct damage, gain 5 Charge Barrier.pngCharge BarrierCharge Barrier.png Charge Barrier
- Gain (X * 3) Shield.
- Lose 1 Charge Barrier # after losing (X * 3) Shield.
- (If the unit is a W Corp. employee, ALL Charge Barrier effects activate at (X * 5) instead of at (X * 3))
- Turn End: Gain a Charge Count for each Charge Barrier #, and Charge Barrier and Shield Gained from Charge Barrier expire completely next turn
. (once per turn)

Biogenerative Battery & Cardiovascular Reactive Module Event

Biogenerative Battery & Cardiovascular Reactive Module Event
Biogenerative Battery & Cardiovascular Reactive Module Event.png

Hearts beating. Muscle tissues straining. Skin brushing.

Those were the sounds that filled the giant train car we emerged into.

Blue outlines of the WARP train flash intermittently between an imposing machine of blood and flesh.

It is a data center of sorts, made to store something. But the parts that form the machine are made from organic material of humans.

A voice speaks, saying that biometric authentication is needed for us to cross over to the next car.

We'll have to walk to the center of the room where the worming, intertwined mass of flesh is.

Proceed with the authentication.
Gloom & Pride Advantage check. Pass to gain a Charge E.G.O Gift.
Who will step forth?

LcbSinGloom.png Gloom / LcbSinPride.png Pride Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 14
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 28

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

Bio-cables woven from a passenger's body reaches out toward [Sinner].

[Sinner] powers through the unpleasant, disgusting sensation and stands still through the whole ordeal.

A few minutes later, a voice tells us that biometric authentication is complete. The cable returns to its original spot.

There's something at [Sinner]'s feet.

The selected Sinner loses 10 SP
E.G.O Gift Biogenerative Battery Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

Bio-cables woven from a passenger's body reaches out toward [Sinner].

The writhing mass, the disgusting sensation is too much for [Sinner]; they immediately move to cut off the cables.

Countless blood veins, bone shards, and viscera shamble like boiling water.

Another thick cable reaches out toward [Sinner]…

… but we managed to make it to the next car.

There's something placed over [Sinner]'s heart.

The selected Sinner loses 20 HP
The selected Sinner loses 15 SP
E.G.O Gift Cardiovascular Reactive Module Earned!

Refuse the authentication process.
Select to gain a Charge E.G.O Gift
Bio-cables woven from a passenger's body reaches out toward the Sinners.

The writhing mass, the disgusting sensation is too much for the Sinners; they immediately move to cut off the cables.

Countless blood veins, bone shards, and viscera shamble like boiling water.

Another thick cable reaches out toward the Sinners…

… but we managed to make it to the next car.

There's something over the heart of one of the Sinners who made it out.

E.G.O Gift Cardiovascular Reactive Module Earned!

E.G.O Gifts

Biogenerative Battery Gift.png

Tier: II
Cost: MD Cost.png 203
Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Biogenerative Battery
Allies with Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' gain 1 Offense Level with every Clash. (max 6. Resets After Attack)

Turn End: Identities with 10+ (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') gain 1 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
next turn. At 18+ (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge'), gain 3 Offense Level Up.pngOffense Level UpOffense Level Up.png Offense Level Up
Offense Level +X for this turn.
as well.
Cardiovascular Reactive Module Gift.png

Tier: II
Cost: MD Cost.png 197
Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Cardiovascular Reactive Module
When an ally with Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' loses a Clash, gain Shield equal to (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge'). (once per turn)

When at 50%- HP, gain ((Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge') x 2) Shield instead. (once per turn)

If a MultiCrack Office Identity received HP damage during this Encounter: next turn, they heal 33% of the HP lost last turn. (rounded down)

Prosthetic Joint Servos & Crystallized Blood Event

Prosthetic Joint Servos & Crystallized Blood Event
Prosthetic Joint Servos & Crystallized Blood Event.png

A prosthetic body blocks the passageway between two train cars.

We approach them carefully, just in case that it is a Bloodbag.

… It is a Bloodbag, just dormant and immobilized.

A closer inspection through the mechanical joints reveals that any flesh that was once there has been completely desiccated.

The swollen veins broke through the steel armor, turning into red crystal growths all over the prosthetic body.

Though their expression is unobservable, it isn't hard to imagine that palpable pain must have been involved in this process. The Fixer's last moments left them in a twisted form that couldn't have been born from anything else but unimaginable pain.

See if anything can be done to help.
Pride & Envy & Gloom Advantage check. Pass to gain a Charge E.G.O Gift.
Who will observe it?

LcbSinPride.png Pride / LcbSinEnvy.png Envy / LcbSinGloom.png Gloom Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 20
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 40
Special Check Identity-Mechanical Amalgams Check Value +10

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

There isn't much we can do to help.

[Sinner] points out a mechanical part as we were investigating the prosthetic body.

While its master can no longer move, the mechanical parts are still in operation.

For a moment, I wonder if they can revert a broken prosthetic as well once the train reaches its destination.

Considering that the passengers' clothes are reverted too, it's likely that the same will apply to prosthetics.

Then it's probably okay to borrow a part for a while, right?

I asked [Sinner] to dismantle the prosthetic.

E.G.O Gift Prosthetic Joint Servos Earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

There isn't anything we can do to help.

We can only hope that the reconstruction process goes smoothly once the train arrives.

Nothing Happened.

Investigate if this has anything to do with a Bloodfiend.
Select to gain a Keywordless E.G.O Gift
There is no doubt that this Fixer was attacked by a Bloodfiend.

The Sinners grow alarmed at the sight of desiccated viscera visible through the crystallized blood and the prosthetic husk.

After a brief discussion with the Sinners, I decided to take a sample of the crystallized blood.

It might come in useful.

E.G.O Gift Crystallized Blood Earned!

E.G.O Gifts

Prosthetic Joint Servos Gift.png

Tier: II
Cost: MD Cost.png 207
Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Prosthetic Joint Servos
Next turn: allies gain Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
and Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count equal to the number of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' gaining base Attack Skills they used this turn. (max 2)

When a MultiCrack Office Identity gains or consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count with a base Attack Skill, they gain +1 additional Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count. (max 2)
Crystallized Blood Gift.png

Tier: II
Cost: MD Cost.png 195

Crystallized Blood
Turn End: If this unit has Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
, halve the Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Potency on self and heal (Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Potency reduced x Bleed.pngBleedBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
Count on self) HP. (rounded down. Can heal up to 10% of max HP at once)

Fusion Gifts

Fused Gifts Result
Biogenerative Battery Gift.png
Biogenerative Battery
Prosthetic Joint Servos Gift.png
Prosthetic Joint Servos
Automated Joints Gift.png
Automated Joints
Biogenerative Battery Gift.png
Biogenerative Battery
Crystallized Blood Gift.png
Crystallized Blood
Overcharged Battery Gift.png
Overcharged Battery
Cardiovascular Reactive Module Gift.png
Cardiovascular Reactive Module
Prosthetic Joint Servos Gift.png
Prosthetic Joint Servos
Perpetual Generator Servos Gift.png
Perpetual Generator Servos
Cardiovascular Reactive Module Gift.png
Cardiovascular Reactive Module
Crystallized Blood Gift.png
Crystallized Blood
Hearts-powered Jewel Gift.png
Hearts-powered Jewel
Automated Joints Gift.png

Tier: IV
Cost: MD Cost.png 400
Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Automated Joints
Encounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills, only counts Identities on the field at Encounter Start)

Base Attack Skills that consume Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge': gain Coin Power +1 and deal +(sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by that Skill x 4)% more damage (max 40%)

Turn End: allies with Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' gain 1 Haste.pngHasteHaste.png Haste
Speed +X for this turn.
(max 2) and 1 Damage Up.pngDamage UpDamage Up.png Damage Up
Deal +(X*10)% damage with skills this turn. (Max 100%)
(max 3) for every instance they used a base Attack Skill that consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' in this Encounter.

If a MultiCrack Office Identity has 5+ Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
, they gain Coin Power +1 to base Attack Skills.
Overcharged Battery Gift.png

Tier: IV
Cost: MD Cost.png 400
Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Overcharged Battery
Encounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills, only counts Identities on the field at Encounter Start)

Base Attack Skills that consume Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge': gain Coin Power +1 and deal +(sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by that Skill x 4)% more damage (max 40%)

When allies with Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' engage in Clashes with base Attack Skills: Clash Power +2; gain +3 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count upon Clash Win, and lose 6 Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count upon Clash Lose.

When winning a Clash with an Envy Affinity base Attack Skill, inflict 1 Envy Fragility.pngEnvy FragilityEnvy Fragility.png Envy Fragility
Take +(X*10)% damage from Envy skills this turn. (Max 100%)
. (stacks 3 times)
Perpetual Generator Servos Gift.png

Tier: IV
Cost: MD Cost.png 400
Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Perpetual Generator Servos
Encounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills, only counts Identities on the field at Encounter Start)

Base Attack Skills that consume Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge': gain Coin Power +1 and deal +(sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by that Skill x 4)% more damage (max 40%)

When allies with Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' engage in a Clash with base Attack Skills: Clash Power +1; gain 2 Offense Level Up.pngOffense Level UpOffense Level Up.png Offense Level Up
Offense Level +X for this turn.
at Turn Start for every instance of Clash Win in that Clash during this Encounter. (max 6)

In this Encounter, when an ally takes damage that would kill them, consume all Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' on self; then, immediately heal (10 + sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed)% HP (once per Encounter); then, gain 3 Protection.pngProtectionProtection.png Protection
Take -(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
until the ally is defeated.
Hearts-powered Jewel Gift.png

Tier: IV
Cost: MD Cost.png 400
Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.

Hearts-powered Jewel
Encounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills, only counts Identities on the field at Encounter Start)

Base Attack Skills that consume Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count: gain Coin Power +1 and deal +(sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed by that Skill x 4)% more damage (max 40%)

When allies have 15+ (Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count + 'Unique Charge'): when they use a Skill 3 that consumes Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge', and if there are remaining Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count or 'Unique Charge' After Attack, consume all remaining Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' to deal (sum of Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count and 'Unique Charge' consumed x 7.5)% fixed bonus damage. (max 75%)

Max Charge.pngChargeCharge.png Charge
Resource used by certain skills for additional effects. Its Count can go up to 20. Count lowers by 1 at the end of each turn.
Count +5.